• Published 7th Jan 2017
  • 902 Views, 2 Comments

Trixie Lulamoon The Slightly Deranged - TopHatFlavour

Trixie has broken out of prison with Lily and her group. But Trixie has only one goal on her mind. To save her lover from his wife. However he doesn't exactly want to be saved.

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Are we there yet?" The blue unicorn asked her good friend Gilda who definitely wasn't irritated that she'd been asked this question almost over 1000 times in the past hour.

Gilda let out deep sigh coming to the conclusion that maybe they should have just left Trixie back in Canterlot dungeons. " Maybe if I ignore her this time, she'll shut up. The tired griffon thought to herself.


"Sweet merciful mother of the princesses how did I survive a month in a cell with her, come on Gilda you can do it, just keep ignoring her."

Trixie moved closer to Gilda, now mere centimetres away from her ear. "PSSSSSSST, GILDA, ARE WE THERE YET."

That was the straw that broke the griffons back. The others in the party had pre-emptively guessed what was coming, Lily had shoved her hooves over her ears and so had Mayor Mare, Moondancer however didn't seem to be that bothered by the thought of the griffon tearing the magician in half.

Gilda leaned close to the magicians face, her face seething with pure rage. "FOR THE SEVEN HUNDREDTH FUCKING TIME, NO TRIXIE, WE ARE NOT THERE, NOW PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP."

"Of course we're not there, we're lost because you're a pathetic excuse for a navigator." Moondancer chimed in.

"Well I don't see you helping do I? So shut your dick hole and keep moving!"

"YOU SHUT YOURS YOU PUFFY CUNT!" Moondancer screamed, unsure of what she'd just said being an actual insult.

"What did you just call me?"

Rather than cower, Moondancer stood her ground. "You heard me, you whore."

"IF YOU WANNA GO BITCH, LETS FUCKING GO." The griffon roared back.


"THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE SHALL JOIN THIS FIGHT BEST BOTH OF YOU IN A DUEL!" The magician wailed, despite having nothing to do with their conflict.

And with that, they lunged at each other.

Meanwhile, Lily and Mayor Mare ignored the others and began searching for another way back home. Pushing through a small patch of rough foliage, the flower mare spotted the familiar site of Ponyville.


Mayor Mare winced "No need to shout I'm standing right here you know."

After a few moments without a response, the two walked back to where the others were last, only to discover quite a ghastly site. Somehow, Gilda had managed to physically throw Trixie through a tree and now the griffon stood still, locking eyes with her enemy.

"Swing at me, I dare you." The sweater-wearing mage spat to her rival.

Gilda only growled as a response.

"Hey, we found town there's no need to fi-" Suddenly, the Ex-Mayor cut her off.

"If they're going to behave like unwanted foals Lily, we'll leave them in the forest like unwanted foals. Besides, they'll catch up.." She said, ushering the pink mare away.

However during the commotion, the party of five had failed to notice the nearby prescence lurking in the bushes as it slinked off through the forest.

----------At the office of "Mayor Redheart The Honourable"--------

Redheart had began to enjoy her new job, as it would turn out abusing power in your hometown was much more fun than she thought it would've been. First, she'd started with minor changes such as fines for littering and keep off the grass signs posted even on the smallest chunk of turf. Then after realising her full potential as self proclaimed "Greatest Pony Alive" she went mad and now Ponyville lay under her rule. As she was thinking up various ways to kill the stallion who had started her campaign a sharp knock brought her out of her daydream.

"State your business!"

"Mayor, it's me! A've got news on them ones you wanted followed!" A voice with a particularly high-pitched English accent said.

"Ah good, come in Pip! So what did you find out in the forest? Are you sure it was them?"

"Swear on me nans life Mayor! The blue one, the bird-one, the grumpy one, the old one and even the flower one!"

"Excellent job, wait, didn't I send the other one with you?"

Pip looked around sheepishly."Oh yeah, erm, Button said 'e 'ad important business to attend to."

"What type of important business does a colt like him have?"


Red sighed "I swear If he does't shut up i'm gonna strangle that boy. Anyways here's your pay, run along now and go back and find out more about Lily and her gang of vagrants will you dearie?"

She threw Pip a small pouch of bits. "No worries Mayor! I'll be the best bleedin' stalker you've ever seen!"

The colt hurriedly ran out of the office kicking the door shut behind him and called out into the distance. "Oi Button! We've got stuff to do!"

Red slumped back into the velvet chair she sat upon and smiled. But before she could get back into her daydream of violently hunting down Thunderlane, her attention was drawn to the source of a slight cough from the desk to her right.

"Is there a problem Rosey?"

Roseluck sighed. "How much longer are you going to continue with this Mayor stuff, I thought the plan was to get away with arson not perform a hostile takeover! And another thing! When am I getting paid for sifting through all your death threats?"

Red gasped in surprise. "Death threats? Moi? Not very likely, I'm the most qualified leader this town has ever seen! Read them to me!"

"Why do I-"


Death Threat Manager in Chief Roseluck gave a sigh as she picked up a letter from the table in front of her. "You asked for it. I hope someone sets you on fire. then I will slaughter everyone you know and love and of course my personal favourite I bet your whore mother regrets not swallowing you.

"Hah! I'm not going to let one silly threat undermine me!"

"You know there's like another seventy right?"

The New Mayor seemed visibly stunned. "Who cares? Throw them in the incinerator!"

"We don't have one."

"Throw them to the dogs!"

"We don't have any."

"What do we have?"

"A recycling bin."

"GOOD ENOUGH. I have pressing matters to deal with, now, how would you like to run some errands for me? "

"If it involves gasoline, matches or anything even remotely relating to the Wonderbolts then I swear to Celestia that I will murder you Red." Said Roseluck with a grimace.

"Aww you're no fun."

---------Ponyville Main Street--------------

The party had now re-grouped in the centre of town looking quite disheveled. Gilda had singed feathers and quite a nasty bruise on her cheek, Moondancer had managed to cut her lip open and was sporting a particularly sore looking black eye. Trixie however looked worse off out of the three, her cape had become dirty and torn and her hat looked as if it'd been used as a mop, not to mention the sheer amount of splinters she had. Still, the group continued on.

Ponyville looked dull and grey compared to its former self a week ago, the market which was usually buzzing with activity at this time of day was now deserted. Stalls lay empty as if they'd been abandoned in a hurry and newspapers lay scattered across the ground.

"It's quiet. Too quiet." Moondancer announced.

"Wow what a great observation."

"You know what Gilda I swear that before this day is done im gonna-"

A sudden rush of air grabbed the attention of the group as two figures shrouded in shadow took centerstage. The figures threw their cloaks aside to reveal two small and underwhelming guards.

"The fuck is th-."

"STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM! You are accused of committing crimes against Ponyville and its citizens, you must surrender to Baroness Redheart The Fair or.....or....crap what's my line again?'

"It's be killed, Button, honestly mate we went ova' this like three times."

Lily decided that the best course of action was to be a nice as possible. "Excuse me, would you two mind moving aside please?" she asked with a voice full of false cheer.

"No." They replied in unison.

"Easy Lil' I got this, i'm great at threatening people. Alright, get the fuck outta my way you stupid kids or I will literally disembowel your parents."

Gilda's approach seemed to be more effective, the two colts huddled together and began talking in hushed whispers.

"I fink she moight actually be serious Button, what do we do?"

"No worries fam, I'll handle it." Button took two steps closer to the party of five and put on the best menacing gaze he could. "Alright, your lollygaggin' has gone on far too long and now you shall face doom at the hands of Equestria's greatest adventurer!"

"Excuse me little colt, how in tartarus are you the greatest adventurer in Equestria?" The ex-mayor piped up, clearly unimpressed by Button's tales

Button adopted a smug grin. "Pah! Such an uncultured old mare, surely you must know some of my great feats? Being recognised as a Dragonborn! Restoring a great city by slaughtering an evil witch! Running a private military and fighting giant mechs to save the world! Saving the presidents daughter from a crazed zombie cult hell bent on world domination!"

Mayor Mare began laughing heartily. "Pretty sure none of that happened and video games don't count."

This statement shocked Button to his very core. "OF COURSE THEY DO. PIP BACK ME UP HERE."

"Sorry Button but she's got a point, you 'avent really done any of that, you're just kinda making it up."

"Next time try talking about something real kid."

"Well then old mare, what amazing things have you done in your life?"

"Let's see, swindled a Prench billionaire out of all his bits. Committed mass tax fraud to fund my crippling addiction to coffee. Got away with countless murders. Had an affair with a Prince. Oh did I mention the one about stabbing a young colt like yourself in an alleyway when he got in my way and called me old?"

Sensing that the situation was about to go from bad to worse, Pip spoke up. "Button mate, I 'fink it'd be in our best interests to leave."

"Ugh fine, YOU WIN THIS ROUND OLD MARE." Button shouted to Mayor Mare as he scampered off.

"I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW IM IN MY 20'S YOU LITTLE BRAT!" She called after him.

Lily looking quite shocked asked the furious mare a question. "......Your stories we're made up, right Mayor?"

"Believe what you wish, I couldn't care less."

"Right so now that that's done shall we move on?" said a rather bored looking Moondancer.

"Lead on then Madame Sweater. Worked well last time." Gilda said rather sarcastically

"Never call me that again. Wait a minute, where's the blue one run off to?"

------------Meanwhile: On The Other Side Of Town------------

The plan was going perfectly well, follow those imbeciles out of jail and all the way to that disgustingly rustic village and then off to claim her one true love. Now all Trixie needed to do was find the elusive stallion and that charlatan he called a wife. How such an innocent and good colt marry such a wicked and evil mare? She could still recall the first words he'd said to her.

"Excuse me miss, but are you following me?"

Such a sweet soft tone he had, even when he was absolutely terrified. Trixie stood still for a moment taking in her unfamiliar surroundings when she heard voices carried on the wind.

"Are you sure this was a good idea honey?"

Trixie smiled in delight at hearing Night Light's voice, to the untrained eye she looked just like a crazed murderer on a street corner. She was broken out of her trance by another voice, one she was all too familiar with.

"Aww c'mon Night! it's been ages since we last paid Twily a visit!"

Trixie growled, that voice, HER voice, that she-devil who'd stolen her one true love! This must've been part of her grand scheme, her greatest foe had clearly manipulated Night Light into coming here for her own sadistic purposes, probably to make him forget about the one he loved most in life. She had to put a stop to her and quickly.

Trixie rubbed her hooves together nefariously and grinned. She was going to win his heart before the end of the day and no-one could stop her.


"Not to be rude but, I swear we've walked past that building ten times already."

"Well you try and navigate a town you've been to like twice and tell me how you get on Lily! I'd like to see you get around this place!"

"I do live here so I don't know why you didn't let me lead the way." Lily mumbled, slightly scared of the extremely irritated Moondancer.

"Maybe because the self entitled little bit-"

"Gilda, if you finish that sentence i'm going to tear your damn wings off!"

"WILL YOU TWO GIVE IT A REST!" All eyes turned to face the slightly deflated looking ex-mayor. "I've seen foals act more mature than this! We charge into my office acting like idiots, be reasonable here. We're a mare down and we've got a job to do, so straighten up or shut up! Now, any plans on getting into the town hall?"

"How about we just run at it head-on, worked on a dungeon break-out so why shouldn't it work on a mayors office?

Moondancer adopted a silly grin. "Good point Gilda, they'll never expect something that stupid!"

"Can we at least go to a bar or something before this? Might help with the whole issue of we all want to beat each other to death." Lily suggested.

Mayor mare nodded in agreement. "Might as well, it's just over there. Maybe we'll find out something useful about what's been going on."

The four trotted over to the familiar swinging sign of "The Drunken Mare". The sign itself seemed to have broken free from one of it's hinges and now swung at an odd angle. Lily noticed this and thought it was quite out of character for Berry to leave something of hers broken. With a look of confusion on her face she swung the faded green door open. The bars interior looked not much unlike the market, tables overturned and drinks left half-finished or spilled all over the place.

"Hellooooo, anybody here?" Gilda called out.

Silence still. The group began checking around the car for any signs of life. Lily checked upstairs to find that it was just as trashed as downstairs and the door to Berry's room was locked shut. Moondancer searched the store room where incomprehensible amounts of dust had settled in such a short-time yet all the items remained untouched. Gilda and Mayor Mare however weren't interested in finding anyone and had begun to drown their sorrows in the left over drink. After one sip, Gilda began to retch.

"AUGH, what the fuck? It tastes like rotten apples! Check if the damn taps still work will you?"

Mayor Mare walked over to the taps and twisted their handles, just as luck would have it, they didn't work.

"Try again, maybe somethings blocked it or something."

"All right, all right, hold your horses i'm trying to get it working." After twisting it for the tenth time, a trap door in the floor opened up just to her left with a loud swoosh.

The group gathered round the darkened square in the oak wood flooring, peering down in an attempt to see anything but to no avail. An idea struck Moondancer and she picked up a bottle of gin from behind the bar using her magic and dropped it into the hole. Almost instantly it smashed against a hard surface and smashed, a voice called out from below.


Recognising the voice, Lily called down. "Berry, why are you in the basement?"

"Get down here and i'll explain, just let me move the broken gl-"

Berry was cut off by the sounds of four ponies landing in a pile in front of her.

"AGH, damn you could've at least moved the glass first Berry before telling us to jump!" Lily moaned.

Berry glared at her. "I was gonna tell you to take the stairs like everyone else did, you jumped yourselves."

"Everyone else?" Looking around, Lily noticed that half the town was actually hiding in the bar's basement. "Why's everyone else here?"

A grey mare spoke up from a drunken stupor. "Why? Probably because Baroness Bitchheart or whatever the fuck she keeps calling herself has banned just about everything you can do in this bloody town! First it was silly stuff like no loitering after 7 PM and no walking over park grass. Then all of a sudden there was a drinking ban and a ban on public trading and soon everything was banned! I can't practice my bloody cello either, and if I don't get into the Canterlot Symphony Orchestra i'm going to strangle that demented hag with my bowtie!" And with that, Octavia gently as her drunken-self could muster, slammed back down into the table.

"Wait, how long did this take to happen?" Lily questioned, still confused at the current situation.

This time Applejack spoke up. "Prolly 'bout two hours between each one, pretty darn ridiculous in mah opinion."

"Wasn't there something you could do to stop her! You're an element of harmony!"

"Some extremely specific loophole 'bout how they can't be used unless plot relevant, whatever that means."

"So what you're telling me is that you let the town get wrecked because it wasn't relevant to the plot?"

"Ah may also have been extremely drunk." Applejack replied sheepishly.

Lily sighed. "It's settled then, come on girls looks like we have to save the town. I mean after a few drinks of course."

------------------------3 Hours Later--------------------------------

The four stumbled out of the bar. Moondancer and Lily had drank only one mug of cider each and were fine to continue on but Gilda and The Mayor however had drunk a substantial amount more than them. After watching Gilda remember how to walk and the Mayor fall asleep where she stood, Lily shouted orders to the group.

"RIGHT! We go through the front and we overthrow the bloody tyrant! Simple as that! Any questions?"

"Can we get more drinks afterwards?" Gilda asked.


"Awwww no fair, i'm not that drunk!

"Walk in a straight line.


"Go on."

"Alright fine." Gilda took a deep breath and moved forward with the grace of a dying moose and landed flat on her face.

Lily muttered under her breath. "How could this get any worse."

All of a sudden a blue stallion rounded the corner screaming at the top of his lungs with another pony hot on his hooves. "SOMEBODY HELP, IM BEING HUNTED DOWN BY A MADMARE."

Moondancer piped up. "I think you just jinxed it, at least we found Trixie."

"Is that a good thing?"

----------------------1 Hour Prior----------------------------

Night Light was having second thoughts about his surprise visit to his daughter. "Damnit" he said aloud to no-one in particular. "First the train breaks down and now the whole town goes and disappears. I just hope Velvet can find Twilight."

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a shadowy figure, trying it's best to stay out of sight. He quickly turned around to face it but it was gone. He continued forward but soon enough it was back, and inching ever closer.

"Hey! Why are you following me!' He shouted into the air.

The figure stopped dead before promptly beginning a full on sprint directly towards him. Night Light began sweating bullets "Oh sweet mother of the princesses I'm going to die." He thought to himself. Quickly as he could began sprinting in the opposite direction. "Surely they'll give up soon." He pondered. Little did he know how wrong he was.


Lily watched in awe as she saw Trixie full on rugby tackle the seemingly innocent stallion straight into the dirt. With a loud crunch, he lay on the floor defeated.


At the mention of her name, something clicked in Night Light's head. "Wait a second. Aren't you the mare that broke into my house two months ago?

Trixie was visibly filled with glee that he remembered her. "Broke into is such a harsh statement my sweet, let's say it was more of an infiltration. Just like how I infiltrated your bed at the very same time! Let us relive the moment!" Trixie leaned forward for a kiss but was cut off by a loud screech.

"GET YOUR FILTHY HOOVES OFF OF MY HUSBAND YOU PSYCHO!" Screamed Twilight Velvet as she ran towards her pinned husband.

"AH HA! THE EVIL MARE HERSELF HAS SHOWN HERSELF. COME NOW, LET US DUEL FOR TH-." Trixie was cut off once again by a hoof connecting to her jaw, hard. The force of it launched her off of the distressed stallion and onto the ground in front of Gilda, causing her eyes to scrunch up.

"HEY!" Gilda roared. "I'm the only one that gets to punch Trixie in the face!"

"I'll take you down aswell if I have to!"


The griffon and the disgruntled housewife lunged at each other, only to find themselves stopped by Moondancer's magic.

"Stop this right now or I will throw you both to the opposite ends of town." Moondancer said with a glare cast at Gilda.

"What are you looking at me for? She started it! Okay fine maybe I did but still."

Mayor Mare yawned. "Morning everyone, did I miss anything?"

"Trixie stalked Twilight's Dad and now Gilda is trying to kill his wife." Lily answered

The mayor sighed. "Bloody wonderful. You all know we really don't have the time for this right now. Why are you even obsessed with the gentlecolt anyways Ms. Lulamoon?"

Trixie cleared her throat. "Allow me to tell a story, one of love, loss and-"


"Because I believe that you could be my one true love!"


Trixie stood silent for a moment, deep in thought. "Reasons that you wouldn't understand!"

"I'm happily married! Just leave me alone!"

Unsure of how she should continue, Trixie cast a glance to Gilda. "Just leave it Trix, guy ain't worth it."

"But he's the only reason that The Great And Powerful Trixie broke out of prison!"

"C'mon Trix. If you truly love something then you have to be willing let it go. You'll get over him, trust me."

With a heavy heart, Trixie admitted defeat and trotted over to her friends. "All right fine, I shall leave you and your wife alone." she said grumpily.

Gilda adopted a surprised expression. "Huh, that was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

"We don't have time to mope now, we've got a town to save! Come on you four!" Lily said, already making her way towards the town hall. The other four followed, leaving the husband and wife alone in the moonlight.

"Thank Celestia that's over, saved my ass back there sweetheart! Now come on, let's get some drinks!" said Night Light as he and his wife trotted into the bar.

"What was that about her infiltrating your bed?" said Twilight Velvet, glaring coldly at her husband.

Night Light smiled nervously. "Nothing sweetheart."

---------------------------Town Hall-------------------------------

"Damn it, where'd those foals put those files I needed. Son of a bitch I hate this job." Roseluck grumbled, she'd been searching high and low for at least 20 minutes. Suddenly, the heavy doors of the Ponyville Town Hall came crashing down like trees in a storm, a large dented park bench lay on top of them . The crash of it had startled Roseluck, causing her to look up from under her desk into the eyes of the pony she wanted to see least right now. Her sister.

Lily put on a fake smile and began casually leaning on the desk. "Heya Rosey, How ya been?"


Lily mumbled under her breath. "Oh you're gonna be sorry you little conniving lying bitch. Now tell us! Where's Redheart's office?

Roseluck raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Through the doors behind me. Like it's always been."

"I have a question of my own i'd like to ask." Mayor Mare said. "How much of my stuff has she gone through?"

"She said she couldn't find the key."

The ex-mayor breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank Celestia."

"So, sis. You gonna join us for the final confrontation?"

"Sure, why not. No wonder she went crazy, this job blows."

The party of five took up positions outside the door to Redheart's office.

"On the count of three. One. Two. THREE!"

The group bashed through the door and stepped onto the newly-lain marble floor allowing them to be face to face with their greatest foe.

Redheart was still oblivious to their presence. "Roseluck dear, has some ruffian been kicking at the front doors? I swear it's like someone has been trying to break them....down. Oh hello you lot."

"I'm going to slaughter you Red." Growled Lily through gritted teeth.

"Right, now if you'll let me explain, it'll all make sense."

"Go on then."

"You see, after starting this job, I realised that it was wrong of me to blame my crimes on you and that I shouldn't have wasted precious time and money bribing a judge. But the most important thing I realised is, I should have used another scapegoat. That despicable stallion Thunderlane! We still can you know, there's plenty of time to set him up as a villain, think of the possibilities! You'll be seen as saviours, stopping the corrupt justice system imprisoning the wrong pony! We can all benefit from this!"

"So let me get this straight Red. You plan to frame someone else for framing the pony that you yourself framed?"

"Exactly! We'd both get what we want! I get revenge and you get your freedom!"

"That's not the point. I still ended up in jail because of you and your fake witness statement! Why'd you blame me anyway?"

Redheart glanced at Roseluck who began shaking her head vigorously. Red smiled deviously. "Well you see it wasn't my idea it was-"

Before she could get another word out, she was interrupted by a sharp accent. "Alright Red, You've 'ad your fun." All eyes turned to the corner of the room where Pipsqueak stood.

"Pip, dearie, why are you still here."

"Enough of the dearie stuff Red, You're under arrest!'"

Redheart gave a chuckle. "Oh you foals and your silly little games. Who'd arrest me? You and Button?"

"No, they are."

At that exact moment, three squadrons of Royal Guards rushed the room and promptly grabbed The Disgraced Mayor Redheart. "What's the meaning of this? You can't do this to me! I'm the mayor! Get them! They're the criminals!"

A blue-maned stallion with a stern look stepped forward from the crowd of guards. "Nurse Redheart, you are accused of bribery, treachery and abusing your power as mayor. You will be detained in Canterlot dungeons till further notice. Take her away."

The guards began to drag her away while she kicked and screamed. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I'M SUPPOSED TO WIN! YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING! IT'S NOT FAIR!"

Captain Armour turned to face Pipsqueak."That was a well done inside job Pip if I do say so myself. You've done the town a great service. Thank you for your help."

"No worries Mr. Armour, 'ave got your back."

"Now. Would you all mind leaving me to talk to these five?'

All the guardsponies and Pip funnelled out of the Town Hall and back into the square to begin alerting residents of the current situation.

"Now then. I suppose an apology is in order Ms. Flowers, we found out that Redheart had rigged the trial too late and we couldn't to stop it in time." His eyes scanned across the other mares in the group. "I should be placing the rest of you back in custody but since i'm in a good mood i'll let it slip by and say you helped with the arrest. Now, I suppose you'll be wanting your position back as Mayor then Ms. Mare?"

"Damn right!"

"Well then it's settled. Sorry for the trouble caused by all this it, i'll be on my way." With those as his last words to the group, Shining left them alone in the office.

Gilda seemed quite confused. "Wait, what just happend

A long pause overtook the group while they were trying to comprehend what had just happened. Lily suddenly screamed in joy, breaking the silence.


"Technically the kid did it but whatever floats your boat." Moondancer replied, deadpan as ever.

"So, what now?" Gilda said.

"I guess this is the end then. Let us go our separate ways and never speak of this again."

"I love how even after all this you're still as grumpy as ever Moondancer."

"What can I say, I enjoy being grumpy."

"So then, head to the bar for drinks? You must want a drink Trix, you just lost the love of your life." Gilda said.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie has moved on, now tell me, who is this Thunderlane I keep hearing about?"

The group laughed and then made their way out into the street and began heading towards "The Drunken Mare" . But now they weren't just a group of strangers connected by fate. They had become a group of friends.

----------------------------------------2 Months Later---------------------------------------

Mayor Mare sat in her office chair, reclining with a coffee mug in one hoof and the paper in the other. She read the article on the front page of "The Equestrian Times' and couldn't help but grin.

"After a harrowing three days under the control of so-called Mayor Redheart, the town of Ponyville suffered critical losses in business and tourism as well as severe damages to property to pave way for a town hall expansion she had commissioned. Now the mare, who's full name was found to be Nurse Redheart, a 29-year old, is facing a lengthy sentence for her crimes. The Equestrian Times would also like to issue an apology to Ponyville resident Lily Vallery Flowers who had been wrongfully accused of arson by the courts."

Mayor Mare laughed. "What type of stupid name is Nurse for a pony?"

Before she could read further, a sharp knock sounded on the door.

"Come in."

A dark stallion came in and took a seat. He looked around nervously before clearing his throat. "You guys deal with restraining orders right?

"Are you having some trouble with someone Thunderlane?" Mayor Mare asked.

"It's this mare called Trixie."

"Hold on for a moment will you." The mayor took a small brandy flask out of her desk, she sighed and downed the whole thing. "Right, tell me everything."


Author's Note:

Well, this certainly took longer than I thought it would. This is the first thing i've enjoyed writing in a long time so I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!

If you did like this please leave a like and if you have any comments or criticisms be sure to tell me, just don't be too harsh ok?

Comments ( 2 )

That was great, I half-hoped that trixie would popout from under the desk in the last scene, since they were friends now[/supplier]

The stunning conclusion!

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