• Member Since 21st May, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I have no heart and my avatar makes everything sound sexual. Also, It's pronounced "sam-ee".

Comments ( 115 )

I have no clue what's going on but I love it instant fave!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

...and Germany?

I think the funnest part to this story was the cover art when I zoomed in I was almost on the ground laughing my backside off.:pinkiehappy:

7638426 I know, I saw the enlarged picture on his blog and I was just laughing my ass off.:rainbowlaugh:

... The Hell I just read? Still, I'll follow this.

7637850 7638945
The next chapters are gonna have more plot (as opposed to plot).

Remember, summoning demons only works when the grimoire is in German. And when it's referred to as 'grimoire'.


I'm not going to lie. This might be the stupidest thing I've read but it’s also one of the most entertaining. Have a like. I'm tracking this. I have to know...

Twist adjusted her glasses and raised one of her eyebrows. “They don’t,” she replied. “I don’t do drugs. I make them. There’s a difference in meaning, although you’ve never paid attention during classes with Ms. Aryanne.”

Ms. Aryanne.

I did a double-facepalm upon reading that, Samey. God damn it, man! :rainbowlaugh:
Where the fuck is this story going?

Not surprising, given that it was conceived on Skype at 3 AM and then adorned with every idea that was too dumb to develop in a separate story. I ended up writing it because why not, hardly caring about the reception it gets.

I asked Bootsy who should teach English at CHS and his reply was more or less, "some grammar nazi". So I kinda went with that.

7646393 A reason as good as anyone if you ask me.

Damn, it's like reading a Scary movie... That's why I can't stop!

Part of me wishes you kept the Applejack trying to kill Applebloom subplot in. it would be almost like a Wile E. Coyote & Road Runner situation where Applejack tries these crazy convoluted ways to kill Aoplebloom and she always lives that would be hilarious.

Guess it'd have to be a theme of another story.

There were quite a few subplots that got cut, as time went on. The problem was that there were so many weird occurrences and crazy subplots that it was too hard to weave a single, consistent story out of them. It would have needed to be an anthology or something, it was so disjointed and whack. But the lost themes and ideas may end up in other works, someday.

7647022 Well if those crazy ideas do come to light I'll read them.

Well, this continues to be a thing. A thing that I read... for some reason that I'm sure will come to me eventually.

More criminality and perversion!

How far down the rabbit hole can we go?

This story just keeps getting more fucked up but i haven't turned away yet and I like it

Will the Dazzlings be involved with any of the clop in this story?

Im pretty sure I heard about people masurating with guns before.

As Darwin Awards candidates? :moustache:

They're gonna show up, but not exactly sexually (though Aria does end up ripping clothes off of someone).

What in the fuck?

Beside the flurry of sex scenes, at the encounter with the native Sunset I'd took a spittake! On the double!

Well this was a sex-fueled chapter and it made me feel things inside my pants that I had to explore.

Watch out for your keyboard :pinkiehappy:

Interestingly, both Scootaloo's feet and human Sunset will make a comeback, though not necessarily together.

the flurry of sex scenes

Hmm, that could be a title of an aged-up Flurry Heart fic. For this one, she's like:

Damn, now with the Dazzlings and the Shadowbolts the mess is complete!

The town won't stand it...

So the fish people aren't just some hallucination from those pills? And Hippie Kids so high and armed are going to add to the catastrophe that I can feel incoming more and more fast as the story proceeds...

...What the fuck...?

Well, the book didn't start to glow for nothing.

Damn, Aria still alive and the return of Scootalo' feet maneuvres.

I can't...stop...reading this. It's the most beautiful train wreck I've ever seen. Destructive yet Beautiful.

Good thing Sonata didn't burn her or something (or maybe sirens in Equestria eat their dead?)


Eh, some stories are connecting together again. Mayhem ensured.

Now wait just a darn minute... Army of lovers? Really?

...I take it you've heard "give my life" as well then. Of cource you have, this story makes much more sense now.

"Purple Haze"? Don't you mean Purple Rain? Who made the cover art?

No, it's Purple Haze. Jimi Hendrix rather than Prince (and almost twenty years apart). Also, I did the coverart myself (spoiler: Sunset Shimmer eventually does end up looking like this).

Another ballistic chapter to read. Packed full with action and crazyness...

Heh. Twi and Silent Scratch.

This makes Iluminatus! look coherent. Good job!

Vinyl: You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

Medieval history and filthy Shakespearean puns. If I weren't already married...

In the house of R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.

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