• Member Since 21st May, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I have no heart and my avatar makes everything sound sexual. Also, It's pronounced "sam-ee".


Comments ( 36 )

This is just too perfect. This one was actually less intense, actually. Compared with their usual a horn flu case is downright mundane.

Still want more though. Always more!!! :pinkiehappy:

I aimed at the exploration of the characters with this one (also, after the last one ended with Redheart in the nuthouse, I wanted to get the girl out).

Loved it. Perfectly captured the spirit of New Year's.

It's great gift for New Year! And we just almost translated Awkward II... :rainbowderp:

It's just like a real hospital!

//Worked in a real hospital

Glad to hear that :pinkiehappy:

You know what? They are all insane. Why else would they willingly work at Ponyville's hospital

I dunno how you keep doing this (or why) but I am glad that you do :rainbowlaugh:

I’m still waiting for a literal case of cranial rectosis. :rainbowlaugh: You already covered the bottle return and chocolate hostages after all. Maybe Polybabydaddia or a darker slow code with a hilarious reasoning and story why.

Because the insanity is a massive adrenaline rush and is all kinds of fun. Never know if you’ll be drinking coffee at your desk and then having a bus dropping off a screaming guy with a traumatic amputation or something.

Although we did have a guy that literally screwed a fluorescent bulb (glass side first) up his ass. That had to go into surgery to get out. :rainbowlaugh:

Some days I miss that job, then I remember all the shit that went with it. Even as admin, I had TB+ patients coughing on me, blood everywhere, one lady had her water break all over my shoes, another dude projectile vomited probably ~10 feet and hilariously nailed my coworker’s computer, etc.


Although we did have a guy that literally screwed a fluorescent bulb (glass side first) up his ass. That had to go into surgery to get out.:rainbowlaugh:

Is it wrong that I started to wonder if it lit up?

Also, as an epidemiologist, I have quite a few TB and/or STD-related stories myself (for some reason, STDs often come in pairs).

Have I mentioned that I love this series. It is freaking hysterical. great job

A couple of the nurses were dying to ask him how ‘he thought it was a bright idea.’ As much as I hate puns, I’d love to see the look on his face for that one. :rainbowlaugh:

Almost as good as them asking a guy that (accidentally) ran his hand up a table saw, if it hurt.:rainbowhuh: Missed the metas, shredded carpals and ended between radius and ulna. Still no idea how he wasn’t spraying everywhere with that much trauma.

For the record, ow. Also dude was deep in shock but weird. Perfectly capable of answering all my intake, but completely unconcerned about his hand. Kinda wtf but neat.

Huh, similar infection paths and locally compromised immune response? Just makes me happy my worst traumatic injury only needed irrigation and stitches. I’m a neuro, endo, and hemo wet dream though. I’m their Hasselhoff because it’s so damn weird. :facehoof:

The story is just brilliant so funny

Ten out of ten. Nearly died laughing!

She’s physically unable to speak quietly.


I expected Redheart to do something about the three-part patient :)

Putting him back together would probably take a while...

A sequel?!


Cloud Kicker ending, perfection.

How do you come up with these XD

Do I need to read the other fics in this series?

Not necessarily (though I guess I accidentally ended up with some consistent lore for those stories).

These are all hilarious.

“So, laughing at short ponies is fine but laughing at fat ponies is okay?”

Seem to be missing a "not" in here somewhere.


I know it's an oldie, but... damn :rainbowlaugh:

The whole 'Well, This is Awkward' series is goddamn awesome! Love the characters :raritywink:

Dunno, how about the others, but I’d rather keep at least neutral relations with personnel of other wards. Like, there are no wilder parties than those organised by the cock docs and the stream team… I mean, urology department. Also, one day I may need something from them.

Cock Docs and the Stream Team? Sounds like the name of a gay dance troupe.

“You should’ve looked instead of jamming your handle in every hole you can find,” Nursery replies, trotting to the door number three. “Here. Redheart’s probably inside. Let’s see what’s up.”

Pretty sure someone should've told Al Capone and Charlie Sheen that.

Atom Heart sees us and stops dead in her tracks. “I have cancer,” she says, showing us a large crayfish holding her hoof. “Well, it sounds funnier in ancient Minotaurian…”

Cancer is a crab dumbass

Starlight Glimmer who, if the rumours are true, comes from Bumfuck, Nowhere, and came here to serve as Her Majesty’s Official Bed Warmer.

...I mean she probably does that too.

Meanwhile, in Polish cancer is "rak", which is a crayfish. Guess ages ago someone was rather bad at Greek (or biology).

Ah ok. For the record I was saying Atom was a dumbass not you.

“You should’ve looked instead of jamming your handle in every hole you can find,” Nursery replies, trotting to the door number three. “Here. Redheart’s probably inside. Let’s see what’s up.”

Should've told Magic Johnson that as well.

This whole series is the perfect mix of comedy, sarcasm, bizarre-ness and dirty jokes. Every time I read them they give me a good laugh.

well, word muscle comes from musculus, which means mouse.

Cancer's actually comes from Greek word karkinos, which meant a crab but crayfish was designated as crab that time either. For slavic it's vice versa, we didn't had word for crab. Alot of depictions of relevant Zodiac sign show a crayfish. It's a semantical problem.

See "the only water in Forest is River"

Yeah, to this day in Poland the Zodiac sign is a crayfish...

Holy shit I love this series

This is my third time reading this series and I just now got the Pink Elephant joke.

I have never seen Dumbo.

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