• Published 17th Oct 2016
  • 382 Views, 5 Comments

A writer's story - Viper Freak

If you have nothing to read, you can try and write a own story. If you don't get distracted in the process that is.

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A writer's story

A writer's story

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping in the trees, and the foals were playing happily as the parents were talking to one and other.

It was a nice day, but it wasn't a good day for Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight sat at a table in the library of Friendship Castle, one of her front legs perched on the table and her head resting on her hoof as she looked at the pages of the book she was reading with a bored expression on her face.

'Urgh,' She gagged, sliding the book away with a hoof, not even caring that she did it with enough force that it flew of the table and hit the ground with a thud, 'I've read that book three times already.' she then looked around the library, 'In fact, I've read all of these three or four times!' she called out exasperated, throwing her front hoofs in the air.

Twilight placed her front legs on the table and laid her head on her hoofs with a sad expression on her face, 'And to make matters worse, does the book salesmen in town have no more new books for me to read.'

She thought for a moment and perked up, 'But that was yesterday.' Twilight said happily, walking toward the front door, 'Maybe he will have some new books today.' she then turned and said, 'See you later Hi! spkrbl'

And a good spkrbl to you too.

What's going on? What is this?

I'm Pinkie Pie silly, or did you forget who I am? If so, than that would make me really sad.

Pinkie Pie?!

Oooh, I'm so glad you didn't forget! But yep, that's me.

What are you doing here? In fact, how are you doing all of this?

Well, I noticed that you were writing. Or should I say typing? uhm, writing? Typing? Writing? Typing? Wr Pinkie! Ohw, right. So anyway, I saw you working on the story and thought I pop in to see if you needed help.

But doesn't tell me how you got- o, right, I'm talking to Pinkie Pie and I'm questioning it.

*giggle* I knew hanging with you would be fun. Can I watch you work? Can I, can I?

Sure, if you really think its fun to watch that, then it's good to me. But please, keep the chatter down so I can concentrate on the story?

Okey dokey lokey, I'll try and keep still.

Thank you. Now, where was I? Ah yes.

She then turned and said, 'See you later Spike!' forgetting that her number one assistant was in the Crystal Empire at the moment. *snort*

*sigh* Pinkie.

Sorry, but I found it a bit funny that Twilight forgot that Spike was gone, hihi.

Yes well, it's suppose to be funny so that the reader can have a slight laugh and make the story a bit more fun to follow.

Wait a minute. Spike being in the Crystal Empire has nothing to do with that other story you did, does it?

Oh, uhmm, n-no, of course not. This is completely different. Really, hehe.

Okey dokey, I was just wondering. Continue with the story.

Oké, lets see.

Twilight closed the doors to the castle behind her and trotted happily toward the bookstore, humming a light full tune she learned from Pinkie Pie.

Aww, thanks.

You're welcome.

The bell above the door of the bookstore jingled, letting the salespony know that somepony entered the store.

He looked up and when he saw who entered, he couldn't help but shake his head and let out a soft chuckle, 'Sorry Princess,' he said with an apologetic smile on his face as Twilight made her way to the counter, 'but I still have no new books for you to read. It is still the same as yesterday when you came, and the day before that.'

Twilights head drooped and a sad expression appeared on her face,

Oh no, I don't like seeing my friends sad. Even if it is in a story.

Don't worry Pinkie, she won't be sad for long, just be patient and wait.

'I thought so,' Twilight said as she looked at the book vendor with sad eyes, 'but I wanted to check anyway.'

The salespony let out another soft chuckle,

Why aren't you calling Bookworm by his name?

The book salesponys name is Bookworm?

Yup, he is a really nice stallion, he always let us know when a book is out that we are interested in.

Huh, that's nice to know. Thanks Pinkie.

No problem.

Bookworm let out another soft chuckle, 'I know you love books Princess,' he said with a smile, 'but books need to be written first before they can be sold.'

'I know,' Twilight said a bit annoyed, 'you said the same thing yesterday. And the day before that.' she grumbled the last bit under her breath.

Bookworm nodded, 'And it's true,' he said, still smiling, 'so you'll just have to be patient. I'll let you know when I've got new books for you to indulge yourself with.'

You use the word ''said'' a lot when somepony is saying something huh?

It's one of the main words used for a conversation yes, but there are others too, and also other ways.

Like what?

I'll show you.

'But what will I do in the mean time,' Twilight whined, 'I've already reorganized my books yesterday, twice, and if I'll do it again, I'll go crazy.'

'Why don't you try writing a book yourself Princess?' Bookworm suggested, 'I think a lot of ponies will be interested.'

Oh I see, instead of using ''said'', you used "whined" and "suggested".

Yep, and in a two way conversation, you can sometimes skip it all together.


Just watch.

'Write a book myself,' Twilight pondered over the idea and then looked at Bookworm, 'I've read plenty of books, even written a journal with my friends, but writing a book on my own?'

'I know you'll be fine Princess,' Bookworm assured, 'First, you need to know what you're going to write about.'

'Like what?'

'What ever you want Princess. It can be a fiction, or a real story, or for learning purposes. The list is as endless as your imagination.'

Oké, I think I get it. You could also use colour coating the lines like we are doing, right?

That could work too. But what do you mean "like we are doing"?

Oh, I guess you can't see it.

See what?

Never mind.

What ever. In any case, I know you think this is fun and all, but I really need to concentrate if I want to finish this. So please, can you stay quiet until then?



Twilight thought about it for a moment, and then perked up, 'I think I got an idea for a book!'

'That's good to hear Princess,' Bookworm said, happy that he could help Twilight out after all, 'are you willing to tell me what it's going to be about?'

'Nope,' Twilight said giddily, 'you'll just have to wait until it's finished.'

Bookworm pouted at the mare's answer,

Twilight, stop being so mean to Bookworm!

*angry glare*


Darn it Pinkie, what did I ask of you?

I'm soo super, duper sorry. It just... slipped out.

Pinkie, I know you can be bad at being quiet. But please, if you can't stay still until I'm done, then wait outside, oké?


Thank you.

Bookworm *sniff* at the mare's *sniff*, but soon turned into a *sniff*,

Pinkie? Are... Are you crying?

*sniff* N-no.

You are crying aren't you?

Well,*sniff* I thought you looked like a fun guy,*sniff* and I kinda like you,*sniff* and I hoped that you liked me too.*sniff* But I see that I'm nothing more than a bother to you.*sniff* So, I think it's better if I left. So, goodbye.*choked sob* And good luck with your story.

Pinkie? Pinkie wait!!

She's gone. I can't believe I chased her away. She's my favorite pony and she just said she liked me!

Urgh, well, I think it's better this way. She is so full of life and enthusiasm, not to mention a great baker and the fact that she can freakin' use Cartoon physics!

Me? I'm only a lousy and noobish writer, only good enough to scrape the bottom of the fiction site's barrel. And to top it off, probably the dumbest pony fan that wanted a pony to leave because she liked hanging with him.*sigh*

You're wrong, you know.


You're not lousy, not to me.

Y-you came back.

Yes, I came back.


My Pinkie sense told me I needed to go back and when I did, I heard all that you said about you.. and me.

L-look Pinkie, I'm sorry I got off on you. It wasn't my attention to chase you away, I'm so sorry!

No, it's me that's sorry. You said you needed quiet to work, but I kept blabbing anyway and distracted you. So you wanted me to wait out side your work room if I made another piep. But I took it as you wanting me to leave, so I did.

But you came back and I'm thankful for that. Now let's all what happened before be water under the bridge and have some fun together.

But, what about your story?

Nice thing about computers Pinkie, you can save your progress and continue later. But right now, I'm going to take a certain pink pony out for dinner.

*giggle* You certainly know how to charm a pony.

Let me just finish up here, and I'll be right there.

Oké, I'll be waiting.

Author's Note:

Alright readers, I'm off to have a fun time with Pinkie,

C'mon already, I'm getting really, REALLY hhhungryyyy. *pony mouthwatering noise*

So until next time,
ride free everypony.

Comments ( 5 )

have fun! be back by nine-o'clock!

That was cute as hell. It make me drop my phone in my face it hurts.

7647925 Yes mommy. :pinkiehappy:

7648145 *the writer gives you an icepack for your face* here, I hope it helps.

This was really cute, but you might need to go over it and fix any typos or grammatical errors. For example...

Twilight placed her front legs on the table and laid her head on her hoofs with a sad expression on her face, 'And to make matters worse, does the book salesmen in town have no more new books for me to read.'

7996206 Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into it.

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