• Published 26th Oct 2016
  • 432 Views, 24 Comments

The Adventures of Us. - Wind of the Skies

The world ponies live in is a bit different than we were told. Join a minor deity as they explore the world and toss nets.

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Chapter 1

I wake up and smack the alarm through the window. Conveniently left open in case of this event. "Alright Wind, today's the day! Just like yesterday was and the day before. Get up and grab the day by the horns!" A little speech in the morning never hurt anypony. I think. I raise out of my bed like a zombie and march off to the bathroom to tidy up. Preening is necessary when you fly as much as me. Mane care? Not as much but still a good idea if you have to go before the Board. Which is not fun but is important if you want to continue as a state approved bounty hunter. Bits are bits and I got to eat just as much as the other ponies. I grab my net and unlock my door getting a hopping takeoff to take flight before turning and pulling the shed's door shut. A 20 bit shed parked next to an outhouse. My house, a cheap sort of mobile residence.Note to self: Hire a unicorn to Enchant my shed so I can take it places. Being stuck next to this field in the middle of nowhere kinda sucks. I fly onward to Canterlot to speak with the Board. They have a big complicated name but I honestly don't really care too much. They are all kinda pompous and self important. I would have nothing to do with them but for one small fact. I need the bits.

"Heya Windy!" Some random guard who apparently knows me. I wave back and continue flying. "H-hey! Wait up!" He calls out to me. I stop, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah?" I ask waiting quite patiently. hovering in place. " What do you want?"

"Well I kinda wanted to ask some questions. Maybe over coffee?" He grins sheepishly, hopefully. Oh please let this be a regular coffee talk.

"You know I'm not my sister right? I'm Wind, the bounty hunter? The one who is not for romancing?" I reply calmly and clearly. Not cruelly because believe it or not I try not to hurt anyponies feelings.

"Yeah. of course I know you're not your sister. And I promise, No romance. Just coffee and talking. Ya know, like we keep discussing?" He rolls his eyes good naturedly. "And if you forgot AGAIN my name is Aegis Moon. Is 16:00 a good time?"

"Of course! And if we have had this conversation before I am dreadfully sorry." At this junction I kind of do remember talking to him before. Nice enough pony. Seemed interested in discussing... Something. Kinda wish I could remember but somethings are just gone. While I'm up at the castle I might go by the medbay. It simply does not seem right. We each fly our separate ways. When I finally arrive at the Board's office I take a moment to commandeer the bathroom to fix my mane.

"Ponies of the Board I have arrived as you have asked. What do you want?" I figure the best way to get this done quickly is ask immediately. They shift in their seats uncomfortably.

"Wind, you called this meeting. Don't you remember?" An older pony. Dignified with a mustache. Judging by the look of dismay he is saddened by something.

"Board pony, Sir. I simply have no clue what you are talking about. My deepest apologies if I sound disrespectful." I speak quickly and loudly so as to get my point across. They share a look. Why are they sharing a look? uh oh.

"Who are you to call me sir? Wind, I'm your friend! One of your closest! Why don't you call me by my name?" He sounds sad for some odd reason. Almost horrified.

"Sir I'm afraid I have no clue what you are talking about. What is your name anyhow? And what did you ponies want me to do?" I ask wanting to get away from these clearly deranged ponies.

"Y-you really don't know do you? Ok, My name is Turbulence. And I suppose you are released until further notice."

I nod my head and leave eager to get out of this somber room. Maybe coffee with that pony will cheer me up. I start walking over to the barracks, feeling inexplicably sad. I keep trotting and pass by a Guard who starts and stares after me for a second before galloping off. Huh. wonder where he's gone off to. Must be important.

"Hey, Guard ponies! Do you know where Ah-Umm." Darn. Now I forgot the Guard's name again. Think. Something to do with armor and mooning ponies. No. Not mooning ponies. Something to do with the Moon. " Where Aegis Moon is? Him and I have a coffee talk to attend. I think." One of the pegasi guards approaches me and motions for me to follow him. Which I do with a flap of my wings and a shrug. He leads me to a small door and waves a hoof at me to enter.

"What? He cranky if he's interrupted?" I ask the guard a bit perturbed by his speechless manner. He shrugs. I stare for a moment before going through the door. When I open the door I look through first. Hmm. Appears to be a normal office. I walk past the guards glowing horn and into the Throne room. Wait, What? I glance back to see the guard give a victorious smirk and the door vanishes.

I start to back towards the wall tail between legs with my head down low defensively looking for danger. A low whine starts in my throat as I make tracks towards the grand double doors. Which start glowing with a golden hue.

"Now now, that's no way to treat an old friend." A beautiful yet wry voice resonates through this hallowed hall. Celestia herself has deigned to speak with me. Now if only I could figure out why that terrified me.

"Princess! I didn't see you there! How might I aid thee?" I ask quickly hoping to get out of here quickly. " Might I add that it is an honour to meet you?" She looks downward for half a second with those beautiful amethyst eyes before replying.

"We have met many times before. In fact I was honoured to call you a friend. I am saddened by this turn of events. I wish we could have met today under more joyous circumstances, but this required my immediate attention. Hold still Wind." Her horn flares for a brief instant and everything flashes pink. My vision twists for a second before I am violently ill. Emphasis on the violently I see red chunks and taste copper.

"I-I ugh, don't feel so well. What's happening? I want my mother. Who is my mother?!?" I start softly and end with a scream. I collapse on the floor and look up to see Celestia's face, an odd mixture of horror and sadness scrawled across. "What is happening to me? What has happened to me?" the question now asked reverberates across the Hall.

She replies quietly. " I do not know Wind. that's why I am going to find out." Her horn softly glows and everything fades to a gentle whitewashed numbness.