• Published 26th Oct 2016
  • 432 Views, 24 Comments

The Adventures of Us. - Wind of the Skies

The world ponies live in is a bit different than we were told. Join a minor deity as they explore the world and toss nets.

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Chapter 5

I trot confidently up to the hole in the ground and jump in. It's empty. Colour me lucky then. I trot through the tunnels silently looking for the hound himself. Still nothing. I begin to push the air around them forming a breeze and getting the foul stench out of my nostrils and mapping the tunnels out at the same time. Near the centre of the tunnel system there is three large chambers. Also I should really hope that the dogs don't realize a breeze like this is abnormal. Otherwise I'm going to be facing off against way too many enemies.

"Tartarus Wind, get your head in the game before you lose it..." I shake my head and bonk myself with a hoof quietly before continuing on my way. I check to make sure my net's enchantments haven't gone dry. "Yep... still good. Bits worth losing." With that out of the way I immediately smack my head off a low hanging beam. Which falls down. Which causes the tunnel to start to collapse. Oh dear. With a majestic whinny I start galloping away. Actually I will admit I screamed like a little filly and ran out of there. Anyhoof. Soon as I'm safe I flop over and shake my head vigorously clumps of dirt and stone out of my mane. From the sounds of things nothing woke up. Somehow. "Thank the princess for small favours I suppose." I get back up and sneak into one of the bigger chambers. A horde of slumbering hounds await me in this room. Drat. I was hoping for a simple "Only one creature is in the hideout" type of day. I sigh and get ready to examine all of the sleeping hound faces. Or to the commoner Diamond dog would do. I prefer hound. Just one of those things I suppose. I sneak up to them one by one checking the faces against the picture in my hoof. This day just got a lot more complicated. None of these are Roger. Drat. Oh terrible sailing weather and angry cats. I start crawling out of the sleeping pile carefully before squeaking as a large dog grabs me and holds me tight before nuzzling into my cheek.

He whispers in my ear, "I know you're an intruder, and a pony at that. Just please let me have this. And afterwards I'll even help you. Just please, please let me cuddle you." I feel tears stain my cheek as I shuffle around in his grip to return the hug.

"Deal." I squeeze his furry sides and nudge under his chin quietly. Things like this happen more often than you would believe. And I usually help them too. I'm a pony, it's what we do. He nuzzles me gratefully and squeezes me tight. I close my eyes and enjoy the warmth he provides. Soon after we fall asleep in each other's grasp.

It is a few hours later that I wake up from the Hound's gentle shaking. "Come on, we only have an hour before the rest of them wake up. You held up your end of the deal, I'll hold up mine. What are you doing here?" He picks me up and sets me standing on the ground before I have a chance to get up myself. He moves stealthily towards the exit and I follow from the air. It is a tricky business getting out without disturbing the airflow too much but I manage. Soon we get back to the exit and he ruffles my mane good naturedly. "It is gladdening to see such a gentle being down here. But I must ask again. Why are you here?" He looks at me curiously.

"I am a bounty hunter looking for the hound Roger. He has robbed many a pony in the last month and has threatened to use violence on more than one occasion. " I frown at the scroll. "Do you know where he is?" He looks taken aback by the name.

"Little one, I am Roger. Though I am not the one you seek. My tags were stolen a couple months ago by a young dog. That is his face though." He waves a paw and I follow him lightly. We soon get back to the tunnels that I may have collapsed. Which is no matter as they are apparently "Abandoned tunnels too old and unsafe." After the commentary we keep walking through the halls towards the other chamber I had noticed. This chamber had few hounds within. I start to check the faces against my poster before the Hound gently points me towards a bigger figure lying in the center of the chamber. When I examine the face it is definitely a match.

I smirk. "Gotcha." I ready the net and sleeping potion before a baleful eye opens up and a huge paw smashes into me.

"No Prey... It is I who has gotten you." As I pick myself out of the wall I see him stand up tall and crack his knuckles. I gulp. Fighting was never something I liked to do.

"You are wanted for a string of robberies and nine assault charges. Come quietly or I will be forced to render you unconscious through force." I shout confidently at the surprisingly large hound. And I whimpered a bit. Fighter I am not. I grab a loose rock and toss it into my net to form a swingy club thing. The creature laughs and moves blindingly fast to once again hit me right in the chest.

"You will be such wonderful Prey once I collar you..." He smirks across the room at me in an odd manner and I rub my chest with a forehoof to get rid of the pain. "Just drop the net and I promise to stop hitting so hard little Prey."

This is weird... I am actually semi tempted. Which makes it so much more surprising for the hound when I bash his head with a rock in a net. He teeters for a brief instant and I rush to shove the potion down his throat. He backhands me with ease and I fly backwards thankfully stopping a meter away from the wall. "Oww. that hurt." I give him a lopsided smirk and swing the net again this time hitting him in the chest and sending him right into a beam. He blinks in shock as I swing my wings forward and a wave of air slams into him. "I am no prey."

"You will be my finest capture. What fire you have in your eyes!" He laughs uncertainly and lunges forward holding a rock as big as my head in one paw with ease. I duck under the swing and evade quickly. If he lands a hit with that I'm done. I grit my teeth together and grab the loaded down net with both hooves and charge at the dog with an overhead swing. At the top of it I use a heavy blast of air to give it more momentum. On the downswing I look up to see that rock clutched in the hounds paw about a foot from my face. Oh drat. This is gonna smart. With a hollow thud an impact occurs and I sink to the ground.

When I awake the Hound is trapped in the net with a bloody rag on his head and a stupid look on his face. The hound Roger hoofs me the sleeping potion. "You knocked him out right when you ran into his paw. I suggest giving him this soon." He pulls me up to my hooves and I stagger over to shove the potion in the hound's open mouth. My new friend picks the net up and starts walking out of the chamber and I follow after with a blinding headache. We take tunnels that so far I had only seen from one way and soon we get to the exit. This day went better than it should have. I give Roger a boost with a small gust before hopping out myself and climbing into a tree.

"As long as he is in the net the potion wont wear off. So probably use him as a pillow for a bit. I gotta rest" With that small bit of knowledge I close my eyes and fall asleep for a third time.