• Published 26th Oct 2016
  • 2,926 Views, 27 Comments

Sunset Shimmer Gets the Cops Called on Her - X3n0heart

What happens when you're singing on top of a building? You get the cops called on you.

  • ...

Crazy Girl on Canterlot High

"That was a great movie! Thanks for taking me out tonight."

"Anytime. I'm glad you really liked it. I thought it might've been a bit on the dull side but I'm sure glad I was wrong." The couple continued to talk about the movie as they walked along the side walk, arm in arm, it was clear that they both will probably go see it once more. Rounding a corner they continued following the cement path as it led them down the dimly lit road for the street lights are just beginning to turn on for the sun now has dipped below the horizon leaving what little light to shine behind.

"Oh! And that part where the guy in the space suit ju-" she just suddenly stopped mid sentence as her eyes caught something moving from across the street.

"What is it honey?" He asked as they have now stopped walking and he turned his attention to what she was looking at.

"I thought I saw someone up there," she explained as she pointed towards Canterlot High.

"On top of the school? At this hour?" He asked while he checked his watch.

"Yeah, maybe it was just my imagination," she said and was about to turn back before she saw it again. "There!" She pointed as a figure could be seen standing near the edge of the roof. "What is she doing? Is she going to jump?"

"I hope not," he commented then added, "should we call someone?" It was then the figure disappeared and then reappeared back near the edge a moment later.

"Oh my gosh! I think she's thinking about it. Quick call 911!" She turned to him as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed the numbers.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hello, we're across the street from Canterlot High and there is a girl on top of the building and we think she might jump off."

"On top of the school?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Can you tell who it is?"

"Not from where we are standing but it could be a student from there."

"Okay. I have a unit close by and will send them to your location. Stay on the phone till they arrive." As the couple continued to watch the event unfold a few others passed by and asked what was going on. The woman explained everything to them and then they saw the girl for themselves with her arms stretched out and it looked like she was singing or talking to herself. Not long after the police car arrived and two officers got out and approached the small crowd of people.

"Good evening, who made the call?"

"I did sir." The man stepped over to the first officer.

"You reported someone being on top of the school?"

"Yes, sir. Me and my girlfriend were walking back home from the movies and she spotted her up there." He turned and pointed and when the officer looked up he saw her run around the clock tower a few times before disappearing once more.

"We have a possible 10-56A here at Canterlot High." He said over his radio as he walked over to his partner. A slight glow could now be seen and one of the people watching called out while pointing at it.

"What's that? Is that a fire?" The color was a faint yellow as if someone had a campfire going in the distance.

"We need a rescue team as well as a fire truck for possible arson." They heard him call over the radio as the group of people wondered what was going to happen next. She appeared once more near the edge and it definitely looked like she was singing something up there. They also noticed she wasn't wearing her jacket anymore either.

It didn't take long for the other vehicles to arrive and soon after there was even a bigger crowd now gathered on the other side of the street across form the school. The police had to put some barriers up so that the onlookers wouldn't interfere with the rescue crew. Two fire trucks were present, one on standby hooked up to a nearby fire hydrant, while the other one was getting into position to raise it's ladder to access the roof.

A detective showed up in plain clothes and walked over to some officers. "You guys the first ones here?"

"Yes, sir. We were close by when we got the call and took the initial report."

"Do we have anyone on the inside to see if we can talk to her?" She asked them.

"Not that I know of, sir."

"Get me who's ever in charge of this building here right away." She ordered and they headed off using their radios to find out who that is. It didn't take long for them to report back and they told her that the principal would be arriving shortly with the keys. "Very well. In the mean time you can get me up to speed."

"So far all we know is that there is a girl up there who is either talking or singing to herself that has approached the edge a number of times now. It also seems she might have started a fire up there as well. It is also a possibility that she's a student here at the school."

"I see. Perhaps all the pressure of high school has been to much for her. Until the principal gets here nobody goes up there, understood? We don't want to startle her into doing anything rash." The officer nods as he turns and delivers the message to the rest of the crew there. The detective watched the roof as she started going through different scenarios in her head when the girl slowly appeared once more at the edge of the roof.

A gasp could be heard from the crowd as they began to point and talk among themselves while the detective narrowed her eyes trying to think up a quick solution. It was then she noticed that the girl stopped and it looked like she started to glow a bit while she raised her arms slowly while then started to float upwards. Issuing out quick commands she got people into position and told the fire crew to be at the ready just in case something happens. Just then something did happen. As the girl rose higher into the air a flash of bright light filled everyone's vision blinding them for a moment before they all saw a pair of fiery wings explode out her back as she sang out the last line to her song.

"NOW!" She called out to the fire crew who instantly opened up their fire hose and blasted the girl with high pressured water, hitting her in the chest which knocked her back onto the roof and out of sight. "Go get her!" The detective called out as a couple of the fire fighters rushed up the ladder as quickly as they could getting onto the roof in only a few moments before disappearing themselves only to shortly return, one of them carrying her in his arms.

As they carefully got her down to the safety of the ground the paramedic crew rushed over and started to look her over to the sound of clapping and cheering of the crowd from across the street. The girl was dazed, soaking wet, and had a slight concussion. They wrapped a blanket around her and brought her over to the ambulance so she could have a seat while they did some final tests.

"You wanna explain that little stunt of yours?" The detective asked as she stepped over to the girl.

"Stunt? What stunt?" Sunset seemed a bit confused at her question.

"Oh I don't know, how about the one where you almost jumped off the top of Canterlot High."

"I wasn't going to jump!" Sunset called back. It finally dawned on her as she looked around seeing all the fire and rescue people and vehicles. "Oh my..." She added as she covered her mouth. "I was just singing a song. I didn't mean for all this to happen..."

"Well lucky for you someone spotted you and decided to call 911. I've got more questions for you but they can wait till you get to the hospital." She nodded to the paramedics who helped Sunset into the ambulance and before she shut the doors the detective added, "I'll see you in a bit." With that she closed the doors and hit them a few times signaling the driver all was set to head back.

As the crowd started to disperse and the fire and rescue crew headed back the detective was the last one to leave the scene as she stood there looking up to the spot where Sunset last stood and just shook her head. "Kids these days." Letting out a soft sigh she got into her car and headed towards the hospital to finish asking Sunset Shimmer why she was on top of Canterlot High.

Comments ( 27 )

That was pretty funny.

7672510 Thanks. It was just a random story I thought up. :pinkiehappy:

Sunset you have some 'splainin to do!

I would be up for a second chapter just to see how she gets out of this. XD

Principle = underlying rule or law.

Principal = school administration.

7672572 thanks I'll go change it. I'm blaming how early it is lol.

Ooh, this is funny. Good job!

7672568 Me too! Just wait until the cops hear about magic!

7672648 Thanks a lot. I'm happy you liked it! <3

Sunset should have remembered what happened to the Beatles when they tried a rooftop concert.

"911, what's your emergency?"
"Yes, there's a girl singing on top of Canterlot High School, and-wait...hold on, she just sprouted wings of fire...aaand she turned Super Saiyan."

I saw the title and I automatically burst out laughing. This story is pure genius.
When I read the part about "IT LOOKS LIKE SHE STARTED A FIRE UP THERE"
I also lost it.

This was too, too funny.
Great work, I loved it!! :rainbowlaugh:

7674803 thank you very much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it and I'm happy it made you laugh. :twilightsmile:

Haha. That was a good idea. Pls I must know what happens next. Maybe they do think she's crazy

Poor Celestia will have to deal with this.

I loved this story SO MUCH! :rainbowlaugh: I literally couldn't stop laughing.

7688894 Thank you very much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

I loved this so much. The title even got me to put off sleep and I am glad I did so. When arson started being speculated I died, and her getting hosed at the end was just perfect. This is definetly getting favorited.

7768955 thanks a lot! I'm really glad you liked it. It's just how I envisioned everything would have went down from an outsider's point of view, ya know? :twilightsmile:

I love when authors take little scenes from the show and follow them to their logical conclusion. Well done!

8311172 Thanks! I mean wouldn't you do the same thing if you saw that? :twilightsheepish:


Thanks! I mean wouldn't you do the same thing if you saw that? 

Yeah, probably. I suppose it would depend on if I'd seen any of the demon fights at CHS, but assuming that I was just a random passer-by who didn't know who Sunny was, I think I would call the cops.

This is priceless. Too good XD
I'd definitely love a lil' sequel scene for this

8914409 Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.

Hilarious concept and great execution. Very well done (:

I bet if the music video continued Sunset might have experienced something like this maybe.

So now the cops show up after everything else

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