• Published 4th Nov 2016
  • 3,628 Views, 634 Comments

The NLAC Has To Deal With What?! - Odeinoichus

With summer fast approaching, there's bound to be plenty of clothes-free adventures for the NLAC. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara continues to scheme against them with the help of her newest pawn, Scarlet Scribe. Will the club be able to survive?

  • ...

Discord Is Seriously What?!

Chapter 19

Bright and early Monday morning, Zecora was dressed in her school uniform and riding on the bus out of Canterlot proper. The uniform, unlike those at Crystal Prep, consisted of a dark earthy brown skirt a few shades lighter than her skin-tone with a matching forest green blouse and the school logo in the form of a shield on her left breast.

Everfree Academy was a private school; a boarding school to be more precise, located outside of Canterlot and on the way to the Everfree Forest. It was run and operated by a pair of visiting immigrants from the country of Gryphonia and had very strict guidelines for accepting their students.

Zecora smiled as she saw the building coming into view and reached for her bag. “Today is the start of another new week. Learning and knowledge is what I seek.” Hopping down once the bus came to a complete stop, she made her way towards the main building.

Everfree Academy consisted of three buildings: a gymnasium, a boarding house, and the area for classes. Many of the students came from far away corners of the world and rarely ventured into Canterlot proper. Their needs were all met here.

The daughter of the Headmasters was standing near the front entrance with a bored expression on her face; her arms were crossed and an extra jacket was tossed over her shoulder due to the excessive heat they’d been having.

“S’up, Z,” she greeted.

Zecora smiled. “A pleasure to see you as well on this fine day. Shall we go inside and learn what the teachers have to say?”

The other girl shrugged. “Not like I have much of a choice after your dad busted me.” She eyed Zecora briefly with a hint of frustration.

Zecora shook her head. “I warned you of the consequences of your actions, Gilda. It is unwise to peddle drugs to the Party Ninja.”

Gilda snorted and laughed at the comment. Turning she led her ‘friend’ into the school, draping an arm around her shoulder in the process. “Those losers in Canterlot still think you’re some kind of ninja? They do realize you don’t actually know any martial arts right?”

Zecora offered a noncommittal shrug in return. “If adding intrigue and mystique is the allure, I have no idea what you are talking about I am sure.” She smirked playfully at her companion and followed her to the first class of the day.

Gilda sighed and rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand. “This isn’t easy for me, but thanks again for helping set me straight. I was way messed up with that junk I got into. My folks didn’t like it much once they found out either. But I’ve been getting better for the past eight months and I don’t have night terrors anymore.”

Zecora nodded slightly. “To lose a friend to such a beast, it was my duty to help you in the least.”

“Hey, G! Zecora,” a different student called out from the back of the classroom.

Gilda rolled her eyes. “Lightning.”

Lightning Dust was sitting in the back with three empty desks nearby. Zecora and Gilda joined her and pulled out their notebooks and other essentials before class began. “Think Mister Rutherford will be late again?”

“If he had another relapse, maybe.” Gilda shrugged. “Seen Shimmy yet?”

Zecora smiled as she listened to her friends. Being a student at Everfree Academy was quite pleasant, one would never have guessed that it also doubled as a correctional facility for young girls. Or that, in her younger days, Zecora was a bit of a wild child. Her father had left her enrolled here after she was rehabilitated as it allowed her to help others, and keep an eye out for anyone slipping off the wagon. Just another facet of their deal.

“Z, Everfree to Z!” Gilda waved her hand in front of Zecora’s face to break her from her inner musings.

“Was there a question posed to me? How may I help you… three?” Zecora spotted the familiar orange and red hair of their third companion. The orange-skinned girl had crept up on her without her knowing and she was smirking in that familiar way of hers.

“Just wanted to know what the action scene over at Canterlot was all about?” Sunset grinned.

“Yeah, were there any hot boys at the party?” Lightning wondered.

“Did you happen to bump into Rainbow Dash while you were there?” Gilda wanted to know, her tone and expression one of nervousness and uncertainty.

Zecora laughed and opened her mouth to speak, but at that moment Mister Rutherford stormed in, his expression sour and his scruffy hair and eyebrows looking more unkempt than usual.

“Students sit!” he barked. “I not happy, not happy at all!” He rubbed his temples as was customary and he took a large swig of coffee out of his portable canteen. “Bachelor party for Yakyakistani brothers last two whole days. Sit quietly and no talking, today is reading day!”

Gilda rolled her eyes and dropped her textbook on the desk loudly.

Mister Rutherford shot a glare at her.

She offered an innocent little smile in return.

Lightning and Sunset snickered behind their hands.

Zecora sighed and removed her textbook quietly. “Of Canterlot’s party scene I shall explain later,” she whispered. “For now please do not make a nuisance, the lunchroom I do not wish to cater.” Punishment for irritating Mister Rutherford when he came to class hungover like this usually involved working in the cafeteria all lunch, with only three minutes to get a quick bite to eat.

Lightning Dust nodded reluctantly.

Sunset Shimmer shook her head, but didn’t start tormenting Mister Rutherford with the usual tricks.

Gilda smirked slightly, but leaned forward to read. Exams at Everfree Academy were nothing to sneeze at. When your grade point averages were at stake it was important to know when it was a good time to act out and when it was time to focus.

Sugarcoat approached Dean Cadance early that morning with a mission. It had come to her while she lounged with Scribe in the backyard on Saturday. Twilight Sparkle had kept a private lab on campus, with permission of course, and that lab had not been in use since her departure. No doubt Abacus Cinch had plans to give it over to a worthy student.

In the meantime, however, it was free to use; provided you had a good enough reason to do so. Sugarcoat knew just what to say to convince Dean Cadance to let her use it with her friends. She wanted to perform a perfectly harmless social experiment. Plus, it would look good on her student resume.

Dean Cadance glanced up in surprise when Sugarcoat coughed to attract her attention. “Oh, hello Sugarcoat. Can I help you?”

Sugarcoat offered a brief nod. “Dean Cadance, I require the use of Twilight’s old lab.”

Cadance frowned briefly. “What for? It isn’t something you could get in trouble for is it?”

Sugarcoat shook her head. “I’ve been debating with myself since the Friendship Games and I have decided that I wish to study the science behind this Magic of Friendship. I need a place where I can perform a unique social experiment. And the room needs to be a private one, so that I can keep sensitive data away from prying eyes.”

Cadance smiled warmly at the young girl recognizing the code for ‘I don’t want Cinch to know’ and offered a nod. “I think that can be arranged. I’m sure Twilight would love to hear that her lab is being used for the pursuit of knowledge!”

Sugarcoat nodded. “Of course. I will require five towels and enough seats for my fellow Shadowbolts.”

Cadance blinked. “Why... towels?”

Sugarcoat glanced around. Fleur-de-lis was chatting with Trenderhoof nearby, but most of the hallway was devoid of other students. “Part of my experiment involves variables that have recently been brought to light concerning Twilight and her friends.”

Cadance frowned. “I'm afraid that I don’t understand.”

Sugarcoat sighed and plucked her phone out of her pocket. Holding it up she showed the pre-written message that was there.

Cadance’s eyes widened in surprise, and then she smiled pleasantly. “Oh, I get it now...”

Sugarcoat nodded. “I believed you would, considering how close you are with their Vice-Principal. I understand that Luna is also involved in the community?”

Cadance’s cheeks flushed slightly, but she turned and started to lead them off towards the lab. “Miss Sugarcoat, there's no need to mention that in your notes!”

“Whatever relationship the two of you had in the past is none of my business,” Sugarcoat agreed.

Cadance frowned briefly. “You are aware that if Cinch discovers your experiment, she will most certainly expel you.”

Sugarcoat’s eyes shone with determination. “Let her try! It will only serve to provide important data for my research.” She smirked mischievously and re-adjusted her glasses as they walked.

Cadance smiled briefly and pushed the door open to Twilight’s former lab. The room was practically devoid of anything that would have hinted at the former owner. Cadance glanced around at the desk and the large table where experiments used to take place. The cork-board was empty, full of pinholes where Twilight had kept her magic project until just after the Friendship Games.

Shaking her head briefly, she turned to Sugarcoat. “I’ll get you those towels from the gym, and some chairs from storage.” Reaching into her pocket she removed a small key. “This is Twilight’s key to the room.” Passing it to Sugarcoat she couldn’t help herself from sighing a little with regret.

“Thank you.” Sugarcoat took the key and circled the room. “I shall be sure to keep this room in good order.”

Nodding Cadance turned and left.

Sugarcoat smirked as soon as Cadance walked out the door and removed her phone. After sending a few quick texts to Sunny and Sour, she studied the small space thoughtfully. This was going to take a bit of work.

Discord frowned as he glanced up from his writing; currently he was working on boring busy work while he waited for the time when he’d need to join the main plot of the story. That being said something had pinged on his senses and he wasn’t sure he liked it very much.

Climbing to his feet, he swiftly made his way to the Attic, which being that the house was ever changing was currently on the first floor, so calling it an attic wasn’t entirely accurate. Marching past years and years’ worth of accumulated brick-a-brack and a few awards from the school district, plus that odd-looking lamp Screwball had given him for Christmas that one year he blinked when he came to the source of the odd emanations.

A massive pile of puppets were dangling out of nothing and hopping around seemingly aimlessly. Many of them resembled students at Canterlot High, Crystal Prep, and Everfree Academy. There were even a few for Tirek, Scorpan and the rest of the folks on the Board of Regents.

Growling slightly, Discord swiped his hand at the puppet representing himself, which was currently hovering off to his left. “Very funny, me, but this is hardly an appropriate time for playing around.”

“Now is the perfect time for a bit of fun,” Discord’s counterpart stated as he leaned down his Equine-like head into frame and shot his human counterpart a wink.

“We’re supposed to be cutting back on this sort of thing,” Discord complained.

Snapping his talons, the draconequus sent the massive pile of puppets flying into the corner where several of them wound up entangling with others. Scarlet Scribe and Lemon Zest bumped together, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer seemed to embrace, Sonata Dusk and Pinkie Pie fell into a very lewd looking position and the CMC wound up smacking heads with their current boyfriends.

Giggling with mirth the Draconequus floated fully into view. “Interesting, wouldn’t you say?”

“I thought Celestia forbade you from crossing dimensional barriers?”

“Celestia can hardly forbid me to do anything, now that I’m reformed she has no power over me. I don’t even fear the elements blasting me to stone anymore, because I know that true friends have to put up with your flaws.” Studying his paws briefly he started sharpening the claws with his tail, a back-and-forth motion that sounded like an ordinary file.

“That’s hardly very comforting.” Discord frowned briefly. “So, what do I owe the pleasure of my illustrious company?”

“I didn’t appreciate you cutting me off like that on Sunday. I was enjoying everything with a few companions of mine, and now Starlight has been pestering me non-stop with questions about this world and it’s numerous differences from Equestria.” Discord shook his head. “She’s afraid it’s a result of her time travel shenanigans a season back.”

Discord smirked. “Not as all-knowing as you’d like to be. Well, tough toenails, it’s important to keep some secrets between friends. And if I just let you eavesdrop on every meeting it might alert Scorpan to your presence. His gift from Starswirl did include a sort of higher sense, after all.”

“How droll. And me having provided that wonderful rejuvenating potion from my Zebra friend.” Discord stopped what he was doing and glared off to the side. “You know this is utterly confusing to the reader, why not call him Dissy or something?”

“Don’t bother him,” Discord snapped. “And I refuse to start being referred to with such an unflattering nickname.”

The Draconequus… “Much better.” Slithered across the air and appeared next to his human alternate, draping one limb over his shoulder he smirked playfully and leaned in closer. “Now then where was I? Ah yes, pointing out how I’ve been providing bits of my magic and Zecora’s special little brew from my world to prolong the effects of Starswirl’s little talisman. Why? Because I like me so much.” Chuckling he snapped his talons and produced a glass of chocolate milk. “Really? Must I be so predictable?” Discord drank the glass and banished the explosive contents to a nameless dimension. “Hmmm. Hope the old flame-head doesn’t mind the gift.”

Human Discord tapped his foot impatiently and shot his counterpart a glare. “If we’re all through, unlike some omniscient beings of the cosmos some of us actually have to work for a living.”

“Yes, work.” Discord’s eyes narrowed as he took back control of himself and spun around to face his counterpart. “I’ve had far more time to get used to powers of manipulation, to the point that it’s quite second nature to me. I only stopped by because I was tired of sitting around looking at a blank screen. My view to this dimension has been closed since Sunday, and my guests are beginning to get on my last nerve, which shouldn’t be too hard for a certain Great and Powerful showmare. Was there a particular reason you felt like cutting me off?”

Discord grinned and snapped his fingers. An old scroll appeared in his hand and he very carefully unfurled it so that the age-lined paper wouldn’t disintegrate. “It’s concerning the climax of our little drama, more specifically the little clause here about the property currently being used to house Canterlot High School. I knew if I kept that vision of yours blank long enough it’d get you here.”

“You could have just asked with your little diary,” Discord reminded.

“Not as entertaining for the audience if I just asked, now is it?” Discord’s grin expanded and his lone canine popped from beneath his upper lip again.

Discord chuckled rolling around in the air. “Touché, my dear me. Now, what about the property currently being used to house Canterlot High?”

Very carefully Discord passed himself the scroll. “I need young Miss Sparkle to add her signature to this, Miss Glimmer too if certain fan theories are accurate.”

“You mean about her being related to Starswirl because of how she modified his little time spell?” Discord blinked as he read the contents of the scroll and then broke into a devious grin. “Oh this will be priceless!”

“Never mind that, can you get them to sign this before Friday?”

“Consider it done my good human,” Discord snapped his talons and the scroll glowed briefly before popping off somewhere. “Was there anything else?”

“Kindly keep your Pinkie out of my mirrors, and I could use a new supply of that wonderful replenishment potion from Miss Zecora.” Discord smiled briefly.

“She’ll need another supply of that ingredient,” Discord reminded himself.

Discord sighed, snipped off a lock of his beard, and passed it to his draconequus counterpart. “Damnation you’re right, this is utterly confusing, which of us is which?”

Discord shrugged. “I’ll have the scroll and potion back to you within a few days. TTFN, or Ta-ta for now my masterfully malicious mannequin mastermind.” Snapping his talons, the draconequus stepped through a large gash in the air and vanished.

Discord sighed as he stared at the messed up pile of puppets. “Now I’m going to have to sort those.” Glancing briefly to the side he smirked. “And just how many more nods to other fan works are we going to be making?”

“Daddy! Are you talking to the author again?” Screwball demanded from somewhere else in the house.

“No dear!” Discord shuddered briefly. “I love her dearly, but she can get scary when I really get carried away.” So saying he snapped his fingers and straightened the collection of puppets back in proper order. Pausing he frowned slightly. “When did I get that other Sunset Shimmer puppet made?” Making his way back to his desk his eyes slowly widened with realization. “Oh dear, more sequel bait. It’s so hard to keep track of it when half of the scenes get scrapped for less confusing ones.”


“Coming my dear!”

Sour Sweet stared bug-eyed at her friend inside Twilight’s old lab; she could not have heard what Sugarcoat said right, there was no way she said what she said, because that would mean she’d lost her mind completely. Sunny Flare pouted thoughtfully looking rather adorable as she mulled over what Sugarcoat had said.

“Have you lost your fucking mind?!” Sour screeched.

Sugarcoat frowned. “Sour Sweet, this is perfectly viable for studying the Magic of Friendship.”

“Let me get this straight: you essentially want to transform this lab into your own private nude lounge? There's not a snowball's chance in hell that I'm even REMOTELY comfortable with the idea of hanging out naked!”

Sour stomped across the small space and glared at a lone cat picture Twilight had left hanging on the wall. “I will not hang in there you stupid cat!” she shouted at the poster for no real reason. “And I will not listen to your reasonably founded arguments as to why naturism is a socially acceptable lifestyle!” she added whirling around to glare angrily at Sugarcoat some more.

“Sour, sit!” Sunny commanded.

Sour Sweet clenched her teeth and made little grunting noises as she opened and closed her fists. Finally though she obeyed her leader and sat down behind the desk.

Sunny turned to face Sugarcoat. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she brought her arms up intending fully to cross them over her chest; at the last minute she opted otherwise and instead ran her fingers through her hair, letting out a huff of breath in the process. “Our school year will end in two weeks and then we will have the entire summer to observe the magic of friendship. It would seem impractical to use this room for that specific purpose. Especially as you also intend to actively allow Lemon and yourself to practice naturism on school property.”

Sugarcoat nodded. “Naturally. We are Crystal Prep students, ergo we do not need to ‘party’ while nude. So we do not need a larger space to practice being naturists.”


“Sour.” Sunny turned to shoot Sour Sweet a withering glare.

Sour Sweet raked her nails across the desk injuring herself slightly in the process.

Sugarcoat sighed and removed the first-aid kit from where Twilight kept it.

“We do not agree with your choices,” Sunny informed. “I, for one, do not see why we need to take our clothes off. This is Cinch’s territory. She would be outraged at our charter to study the magic of friendship and waltz in without warning. It would expose us to her, in more ways than one. Not to mention, she would have the perfect excuse to expel us. It would forever ruin our school records, and bar us from attending the most prestigious of Universities.”

Sugarcoat briefly nodded. “I’ve taken that into consideration. As soon as Dean Cadance approved my request, I commissioned one of the janitors to change the lock on the door. It was simple enough to bribe him.”

Sour Sweet glanced back and forth between her friends her expression growing more and more clouded with rage.

Sunny Flare was bandaging her fingers after her little stunt. Once she finished, she gently ran a hand through Sour’s hair, causing the other girl to recoil at the touch. “Cinch would just have the door broken open and then have another reason to be against us.”

Sugarcoat blinked. “Cinch is not a monster. She can be made to see reason. And if that fails, we would simply have to go to her superiors. Unlike Canterlot High, we are well within our legal rights to practice whatever we desire on campus, so long as it doesn't interfere with the rest of the student body. I have read all of the rules governing Crystal Prep and our legal standing. Locking the door and only allowing ourselves into this room to practice our lifestyle choice cannot be denied to us. We would have grounds for discrimination.”

“Impossible!” Sunny spun around and approached Sugarcoat with a look of disbelief. “This isn’t some religion, Sugarcoat! It’s just... being naked. How can that possibly be legal on school property?”

Sugarcoat chuckled. “There is a little known clause within the charter of Canterlot that prevents anyone from discriminating against lifestyle choices. It’s obscure and a bit out of date, but still perfectly legal. We can strut about in the nude all we want, just so long as it is within the confines of this room. Because it is designated for that purpose, and there is nothing Cinch can do about it.”

“That sounds way too convenient,” Sour blurted.

“It’s no different than the isolation rooms used for students with high-functioning autism who require separation during exams.” Sugarcoat folded her arms over her chest after adjusting her glasses and took a seat in one of the chairs Cadance had had brought in for them.

Sunny Flare took a moment to absorb all of this and offered a curt nod in the end. “Alright-"

“What?” Sour interrupted in disbelief.

Sunny shot her a scathing look. “We will allow you to do what you want in this room! We'll even help you study the 'magic of friendship' nonsense you've been going on about. However, Sour Sweet and I aren't... comfortable with this whole naturism thing, so we won't be removing our clothing. But... if you and Lemon Zest want to hang out in the buff, then we won't stop you.” Sunny continued to stare at Sour Sweet expectantly.

Sour exhaled after a beat and allowed all of the negativity she was feeling out. “Ok. I can agree to that. It's not like we haven’t already seen you guys naked before.”

“A fair compromise.” Sugarcoat smiled and turned to retrieve her backpack. “Now, we’d better get to the next class.”

Flim and Flam became far more helpful once Adagio started singing to them. The Siren frowned slightly as she stood in front of a non-descript looking home in the recesses of Canterlot. The place didn’t look like it belonged to someone who could fashion an amulet out of metal that supposedly held mystical properties. But it did appear to have a trace of ancient magic at its core, considering how Diamond had been affected by it in the past months.

Adagio tapped her foot as she studied the building. Thrusting her hip to one side and resting her other hand on it, she didn’t think this would lead her to any answers. Still, she probably should at least see if there was any more of the substance around. It could prove useful. Adagio approached the front door and pressed the doorbell. Movement from inside alerted her that someone was approaching: holding her breath, she waited to see who it could be.

The door creaked open slightly, revealing the person within. Stooped over with age, they rested on a simple cane; it appeared to be an elderly gentleman who smiled revealing yellowed disgusting looking teeth. He coughed briefly as he waved Adagio in and stepped out of the way to let her pass.

“Good afternoon, young lady.” He hunched over as raspy wet coughs escaped once again. “How may I be of service?”

Adagio retreated from the sickly-looking elderly gentleman and fingered her amulet briefly.

His eyes lit up with sudden recognition when he caught sight of her jewelry. “Ahhhh, I see you’ve already received my services. Perhaps you wish to special order a companion for it? I have a lovely tiara I’ve been working on, or maybe you’d prefer a special bracelet.”

Adagio shook her head. “I’m just interested in finding out where you got this material. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”

Chuckling, the elder shuffled over to a corner of his living room, which was set up with many tools for metal crafting. “It’s a rather rare and valuable material. Not easy to come by, ordinarily. I wouldn’t dream of wasting it on such a cheap trinket, but those shards practically... begged me to do it.” Smiling at her, the old man pulled back a tarp from one of the shelving units set up in the corner.

Adagio’s eyes lit up when she found row-upon-row of the material. It was not metal, not in the slightest, and it was definitely not native to this dimension. “Those are pieces of…” She stopped herself before she revealed too much.

“Hmmm?” Cupping one hand to his ear the old man frowned. “Speak up, young lady. I’m a bit hard of hearing.”

“How did you carve that into something like this? It feels like ordinary metal!” Adagio indicated her amulet with a curious expression on her face.

Unseen, as his back was turned, the old gentleman smirked darkly. “Oh, it isn’t easy, my dear. The material needs to be handled quite carefully. But, I have to wonder, what interest is it of yours?” Turning around slowly he leaned on his cane once more.

Adagio frowned slightly. “Call it professional curiosity. I’ve been known to dabble in jewelry making myself from time to time. I simply had to praise the master craftsman who made this.” She once again held up her amulet. “The likeness is… most uncanny, did the client request it specifically?”

Shaking his head the old man broke into a fit of laughter once again which broke down into raspy wet coughs. “Nothing like that. As soon as I laid my hands upon those shards, I just knew that was the shape it was meant to take.”

Adagio smirked knowingly. “Does the master craftsman have a name?”

“I’m afraid only paying customers get to know that particular fact.” The man smirked. “If you’d care to order another piece with the same material, I suppose I might be willing to once again forego the expenses.”

Adagio shook her head. “I’m afraid I don’t really need anything more.”

“A pity. Well it was nice to meet you, my dear.” The man indicated the door with his cane. “Always wonderful to meet a fan of my work.” He cackled and his eyes shot Adagio with a withering stare.

Adagio nodded slowly and turned around. She was quick to leave, the air of menace in the home was something she couldn’t miss. However, as she moved further on down the street she kept coming back to that shelf lined with the curious bits of stone that were used to craft the amulet now resting around her neck.

“Those were the pieces of the Changeling Queen’s mystical draining throne. I’d recognize that material anywhere. How did it wind up in this dimension in so many pieces?” Shaking her head she decided to ignore that question for the time being. “Knowing the answer to that won’t serve my purposes. But it does explain why the shards started working again, and why they could repair themselves by absorbing energy from Diamond Tiara without our assistance. That particular element has many unusual properties.”

Watching her leave with a shine in his eyes, the elderly gentleman chuckled darkly and straightened up. Brushing his hand over the remaining pieces of the Changeling Queen’s throne, he tapped the tip of his cane against the floor. “Silly little Siren, but she is keeping that fool Discord preoccupied.” He reached out to grasp one of the pieces of the throne only to break into a nasty coughing fit that sapped him of his sudden strength. Stumbling over to a soft easy chair he managed to sit down before he collapsed.

“Accursed Unicorn Mage!” he rasped as he managed to catch his breath. “Sealing me away in this place with these blasted stones…” Grasping his cane tightly, he made a harsh bleating sound in the back of his throat and glared at nothing in particular; the time had not yet come to even attempt an escape from this prison, too many magic draining stones still in his vicinity.

But he would be free of this realm sooner or later; until then he’d just keep throwing little monkey wrenches into the plans of those miserable jailers, the Board of Regents. A pity the little science nerd who wanted to study magic and bought one of his stones to craft a sort of mystical detecting device failed miserably at unleashing Hell on Equus.

Scarlet Scribe came home after school to find Lemon and Indigo lounging by his pool with nothing on. Well, Lemon wasn’t wearing anything. Indigo still had her skirt and panties on; he decided not to ask why.

“Do you guys mind if join you?”

Lemon smirked. “We’ve been waiting, think we can head inside? It’s pretty hot out right now.”

“Of course.” Scribe grinned and unlocked the back door to let them in.

Indigo followed the pair nervously into the house with clothes in hand. “I’m not taking this off.”

Scribe shrugged. “I didn’t ask you to. But do you mind if I take my clothes off?”

Indigo shrugged. “Whatever, I’m not going to stop you.”

Scribe tossed his shirt into a corner of the bedroom; the trio had gone upstairs to his room while they spoke. Lemon sat down at his desk and returned to listening to music while studying. Reading the textbook for the third time in so many hours was probably leading to something being retained. Indigo sat on the edge of the bed and fiddled with her skirt briefly.

“Would you like to stay for dinner?” Scribe dropped his pants into the hamper and sat down to get his socks off next.

“Are we going to eat with your mom?” Indigo noticed that Scribe was suddenly nervous as he tugged on the waistband of his boxers.

“She’d probably expect it. We’ll have to put towels on the chairs, Lemon,” Scribe said as he finally tossed off his boxers.

Indigo’s eyes widened and she brought a hand up to quickly cover her mouth before she started to giggle at Scribe’s recently waxed privates.

Scribe sighed. “I can see your shoulders shaking, Indigo.”

Lemon glanced up just then and she practically fell out of her seat. “Oh shit! You went and got a full Brazilian!”

Scribe flinched. “Yeah, mom got me an appointment at the spa the other day for a trim. Apparently, it was too far gone for that, so I’m slated to return next month when it’s grown back in enough to be styled.”

Lemon licked her lips slightly and smiled. “Silky smooth~ And it makes you look bigger.” Getting up, she padded across the room, slid her hand along on his stomach, and gave Scribe an encouraging kiss.

Indigo stared open mouthed at the pair of them. “Wait! You two were serious about d-dating?!” she blurted.

Scribe’s cheeks flushed a deep red and he averted his eyes from his friend. “Mhmm.”

“Is that a problem, Indigo?” Lemon demanded while putting her hands on her hips.

“No!” Indigo fidgeted briefly and crossed her legs. “But... could you do me a huge favor and try not to make out while you're, you know, completely n-naked?” Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and she averted her eyes.

“Sorry, Indy. I haven’t seen him since Saturday.” Lemon smiled apologetically before returning to her book.

Scribe playfully swatted Lemon on the ass while she walked over and offered Indigo a sheepish smile. “Yeah. That’s going to take a little getting used to.” Fidgeting slightly, he moved to sit down on the bed and stretched out with a long sigh. Plucking one of his textbooks from his backpack, he shot Indigo a curious look. “Are you sure you wouldn’t be more comfortable without the skirt on?”

“I’m sure.” Indigo slid along the bed and leaned her back against the wall. With a deep sigh, she returned to her textbook without another word.

The three studied in silence. All of them desired nothing more than solitude and preferred not to keep bringing up the fact they were naked. It wasn’t as if it were a big deal. Although, Indigo privately marveled at how quickly her friends became so comfortable around each other in the nude. Could she ever achieve that level of comfort? Oh sure, she was already topless, but she was still uncertain if she had the courage to bare it all in front of her friends.

Lemon glanced up suddenly and turned to face Scribe. “Say, when are we gonna go out on a real date?”

Scribe jerked into a seated position and nervously turned his head to face Lemon. “Oh, I hadn't really thought about that...”

Lemon pouted. “Tomorrow night, somewhere fun, figure it out,” she commanded.

“Why tomorrow night?”

“Because Crystal Prep has more exams scheduled this week than Canterlot High and Tuesday’s the last free day I’ve got for dating.”

Scribe shrugged. “Ok, sure, tomorrow night it is.” He chuckled nervously. “I’m sure I can figure something out. How hard could it possibly be?”