• Published 4th Nov 2016
  • 3,628 Views, 634 Comments

The NLAC Has To Deal With What?! - Odeinoichus

With summer fast approaching, there's bound to be plenty of clothes-free adventures for the NLAC. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara continues to scheme against them with the help of her newest pawn, Scarlet Scribe. Will the club be able to survive?

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Scribe And Lily Attend What?!

Chapter 30

Sweetie Belle felt proud that her sister was here. After so long Rarity was finally willing to attend one of their parties; probably because Princess Twilight was here, but at least she was being supportive. Currently she was draped in her favorite robe, which she’d gone back home to fetch, and was helping hang up decorations in the Student Union Center.

Applejack wasn’t wearing anything as she helped steady the ladder. Apple Bloom was thrilled her older sister was here tonight too.

Scootaloo was helping Rainbow Dash with setting up the table for the snacks and drinks. She was chatting away with a big smile on her face explaining how cool Scarlet Scribe and Lily Breeze had been when they helped thwart Diamond Tiara.

Sweetie smiled once again and approached her sister. “Rarity, you’re going to look strange with a robe on while everyone else is… not wearing one.”

Rarity smiled down at her sister with a shake of her head. “It’s perfectly fine to wear a robe for your first night supporting your little sister. I am not comfortable disrobing in such a large gathering.”

“Oh sure, I get that, but it’s going to make playing Pinkie’s game a little difficult,” Sweetie reminded with a hesitant chuckle. She could just see it now, everyone running around avoiding the other teams’ players and Rarity tripping and falling because of her robe.

Rarity smirked. “I thought ahead, dear, I have a change of clothing for the game to better participate. And I shan’t be losing I assure you,” she stated a hard competitive gleam in her eyes as she got the last banner up just right.

Applejack shook her head. “Ah don’t think ya realize just how willin’ ta cheat Rainbow Dash can get,” she pointed out.

Rainbow Dash spun and aimed a sharp glare at Applejack. “I don’t cheat!”

Pinkie Pie bounced into the room and placed a tray laden with snacks on the table, chips and dip, veggies, and an entire assortment of little book-shaped cookies along with a few cupcakes with periodic element symbols on the icing. “The game is for fun, and it’s pretty hard to cheat with it… even if Dashie was that mean spirited and a poor sport.”

Rainbow folded her arms over her chest and glared at Pinkie with a pout. “Come on, Pinks, you know I don’t cheat.”

Applejack shrugged. “Ah call it as ah see it. You can get a bit intense when you’re playing any kind of game, and Ah seem to recall ya disconnecting Pinkie’s game system several times when ya come close ta loosin’.” She shot Rainbow Dash a smug smirk and waggled her eyebrows.

Scarlet Scribe came in next hauling a massive crystal bowl of punch. “Where do you want this?” he grunted with the effort of hauling the heavy liquid and crystal implement.

Pinkie giggled and patted the table. “Right here will be fine, Scribey.”

With a whoosh of displaced air Scribe lowered the bowl into place without sloshing and wiped at his brow. “Why is this kind of stuff always so heavy?”

“Mass and weight,” Sci-Twi noted casually as she brought some of the cups in and started placing them around the punch bowl. “Though the mass is more prominently the cause of how heavy a given object, in this case a crystal bowl full of liquid refreshments, weighs when being held in your arms. Weight is a result of the direct pull of gravity on a given object. The weight of the crystal bowl doesn’t change, but when you add a metric ton or more of liquid it will appear heavier than when empty because the pull of gravity has increased due to the mass being greater than the sum of its parts.”

Scribe blinked a few times and shook his head. “It was a rhetorical question, Twilight.”

Sci-Twi blushed. “Oh.”

Sunset laughed as she came in and gave Twilight a brief hug after releasing her burden of cups. “We all love you just the same, even if you do enjoy a good lecture.”

“And what’s wrong with a lecture?” Pri-Twi asked as she followed after the others.

Scribe rolled his eyes. “Nothing, provided the person in question didn’t already know the reason why things are the way they are. I already knew the reason why the object was so heavy in my arms, I merely expressed myself otherwise out of habit and because, being the only guy around at the moment, I figured I had to do my part and complain about things being too heavy.” Scribe ran his hand down the back of his neck in a nervous habit. “Most guys do that, right?”

The girls shared a look and started laughing.

“Only if they’re not being macho,” Rainbow Dash noted.

Lily rolled in with some plates in her lap and started placing them on the table. Frowning at the laughter and the blush on Scribe’s face she wondered what she missed.

Fluttershy came in behind her and frowned slightly at all the laughing going on. “Are we making fun of someone?”

Scribe shook his head. “More like male gender stereotypes.”

Lily sighed and shook her head. “Putting yourself down again, you really shouldn’t do that Scribey.”

Scribe took a step back and raised his arm slightly in surprise. “Oh, I wasn’t doing that! I was just… trying to lighten the mood after possibly hurting Twilight’s feelings because of a conversation we were having.”

Sci-Twi smiled gently and removed her glasses to wipe at something. “We’d better hurry up before everyone starts arriving for the party. We’re already behind schedule because of the Dazzlings and Diamond Tiara as it is.”

Pinkie’s hair deflated slightly. “I wish Sonata had decided to stay behind.”

Fluttershy hugged her friend. “It’ll be ok. She just needed time to get used to everything.”

“I still have so many questions. Starswirl seems to have done something on this side of the mirror to spread magic more than just bringing my element here did, Sunset,” Pri-Twi observed.

Pinkie shook her head and held up a finger. “No more magic talk. The day was saved, things were learned, bonding happened and now we know why Principal Celestia is always so sure that nobody will expose the magic of Canterlot High.”

Applejack shook her head. “All this time the ruling body of Canterlot was immortal and loaded with Equestrian magic. Ah still can’t believe it. Why didn’t your detectin’ doohickey sense their magic, Twi?” she wondered curiously.

Sci-Twi frowned and slowly shook her head. “I’m not entirely certain. It may be the source of the parts I used to build it, or it could be that most of the members of the ruling council are rarely seen in Canterlot unless you go to City Hall.”

“It could also be my fault,” Pri-Twi admitted. “By forcing the portal to remain open during the Dazzlings first incident the Thaumatic energies of the portal could have saturated the entire area and prevented you from detecting outside magical disturbances.”

Lily fingered her pendant briefly in concern. They hadn’t mentioned anything about it yet, however she wasn’t keen on letting these girls know about her magical abilities. They might be slightly more upset about the origins of her powers since she’d erased Scribe’s memories.

Even if he’d talked to her a bit and promised that he wasn’t mad about it. Still she was fairly guilty about manipulating someone so intimately, and she still didn’t understand how marking Scribe with her powers protected him from Adagio’s singing.

Scribe approached her silently and squeezed her shoulder. “Does it feel strange?”

Lily frowned. “What?”

“Sitting in that chair without any clothes on?” he asked with a broad grin.

Lily slapped him in the stomach and giggled. “Silly! At least it isn’t cold,” she admitted.

Fluttershy glanced towards the front entrance and smiled shyly towards the first group of students appearing.

“Um, are we early?” Button asked.

“Nope, we’re just a little behind in setting up,” Pinkie replied with a big grin. “Care to give us a hand in getting the cake down here?”

Button Mash licked his lips. “Cake?”

Tender Taps smiled. “Sure.”

“No licking the frosting,” Pinkie warned. “My sister, girlfriend and I had to bake this cake for twenty-nine straight hours and we aren’t ruining the surprise for Pri-Twi.”

“Surprise?” Princess Twilight’s eyes lit up.

“Let’s get going,” Scribe called over his shoulder as he led the way. “Trust me the thing is huge.”

Pinkie nodded. She winked at Twilight and cartwheeled back to the entrance.

“Should we get undressed first?” Rumble asked.

“Nah, just get the cake, we wanna see it,” Apple Bloom said with a big grin.

Nodding Rumble and the boys followed Scribe and Pinkie back out to help bring the cake in.

Princess Twilight frowned. “I didn’t see any cake in the back of Big Mac’s truck,” she said.

Applejack blinked. “Come ta think of it, Ah didn’t see one neither,” she noted.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Pinkie probably got her sister to haul it here to keep it a surprise.”

“Ummm, Maud, Marble or Limestone?” Pri-Twi asked with a nervous smile.

“Let’s hurry up and finish getting everything else set up before anybody else shows up,” Sunset suggested leading the group back to where Pinkie kept the utensils stored.

Adagio Dazzle stood between a precipice and a path of little resistance. She could accept her fate, or she could attempt to use the other pieces of the Changeling Throne to absorb the negative magic Starswirl had infused in her newly restored and altered jewel. It would mean having to accept assistance from…she couldn’t even think the name. He was too terrifying, too treacherous to even contemplate aligning with.

Screwball appeared suddenly beside her and spun her around. Her eyes swirled in her head and she glared at the former lead Siren. “I understand you’re feeling desperate, but no! We will not allow you to join forces with the Arimaspi!”

Adagio stepped away from the woman and shot her a glare. “How can I trust you? You’re Discord’s offspring!”

Screwball removed a bat from somewhere. “I’ll smash your knees in if I have to, to stop you from seeking him out!”

Adagio trembled with rage and opened her mouth. A hissing static noise was loosed from her jewel and Screwball’s bat shattered. Adagio blinked in surprise, she still had some form of defensive powers, which was interesting, but ultimately useless. She couldn’t do anything with it.

Discord appeared in a flash and glanced briefly between the pair of them.

Adagio looked up at the old man, he was stooped with age more-so than he ever seemed to appear in mixed company and his hair was practically all fallen out, stray wisps all that remained leaving him looking scraggly and ancient. His skin was wrinkled and had wrinkles on the wrinkles, and a small cane allowed him to hold himself up.

Screwball looked nervously at her father.

Discord chuckled in an ancient raspy tone almost loud enough to be called a whisper. “This is just what happens when I’m near the location of his cage,” he stated. “I’m perfectly fine, Screwy.”

Screwball nodded mutely and whimpered as she realized just how close they were to the place where the dark one had been imprisoned.

Adagio glanced down the path to where the familiar looking house was still standing. “What are you going to do to stop me?” she demanded.

Discord shook his head. "Starswirl had such high hopes for you.”

Adagio waved her hand sharply in disgust. “He imprisoned us here! His plans were to force us into compliance with his ultimate goals for Harmony and Disharmony. You above all should know the lengths he’d go to ensure his precious Princess Celestia didn’t need to face the harshness of the outside world.” Adagio folded her arms over her chest effectively silencing herself as she glared at Discord with hot tears running down her face.

Discord nodded. “Starswirl kept many secrets from the Diarchy. They aren’t even aware that he placed the Arimaspi here, the one who started enslaving Griffons to test a unique new power he had discovered. The ability to… reanimate corpses, certainly not something linked to either side. Disharmony may embody such things as chaos, anger and despair, but it certainly never went against the natural order of your world.”

Adagio pursed her lips and rolled her eyes as if to say ‘I know that’.

Screwball shuddered. “I’m feeling ill, daddy,” she admitted her eyes returning to normal against her will and her skin paling slightly.

Discord waved her away. “Go home, I shall ensure Miss Dazzle is taken care of.”

Screwball nodded and quickly took off.

Adagio smirked at the comment, if Discord was this weak how could he hope to take care of her?

Discord smiled slyly and waved his hand. “The Changeling Throne was destroyed only recently, but it was not the first. Starswirl thwarted Chrysalis in the distant past and her first throne was shattered. Needing its unique properties he sent them here, it wasn’t easy, the portal used lost all power each and every time. It can’t undo what his spell did to your jewel, it negates all forms of pony magic, but it can’t return what was taken from you. You will be voiceless until and unless you accept the light of Harmony in your heart as your sisters did.”

Adagio curled her lip in disgust.

Discord nodded. “I understand, you are a proud and deeply stubborn young Siren. However, you will eventually come around.”

Adagio stepped back nervously, her eyes darting between Discord and the residence of the so-called Arimaspi.

Discord chuckled and raised his cane high.

Adagio held her hands up to ward off what was coming.

Discord’s magic summoned something and an ancient painting hovered above the pair of them.

Adagio blinked in surprise. The painting was familiar, it depicted her and her sisters almost a thousand years ago when they first began exploring their new prison. Aria was actually smiling and Sonata was laying back playfully while she sat serenely in the center with a sultry looking smirk on her face. Her eyes promised much to the one painting their portrait, and none of them were wearing anything.

Trembling hands reached up to take the floating portrait and she began to feel something deep below the surface. These were her sisters, her family. They had betrayed her, forced her down a path that led to this, and yet… she couldn’t help it, she still loved them.

Discord chuckled. “Family is power, Miss Dazzle. Many of my colleagues do not care for it, Tirek and Scorpan may be brothers by blood, but they choose to barely register this link. Sombra is a lecherous bastard who could care less about such things, Chrysalis is the perfect embodiment of a nymphomaniac and as for the Queen or her entourage…They keep mum on the word because it only reminds them of the painfulness of having to give up so much to steward this world’s borders.”

Adagio silently sighed and glanced up at Discord, pulling back from the painting so she could speak. “I am not going to face them again. I can’t look at them right now.”

Discord nodded. “Understandable. You still need to learn properly about the benefits of Harmony, and as far as your recent crimes… I’m afraid you violated Fluttershy’s family and Zecora as well.”

Adagio rolled her eyes. She frowned slightly. “Not Di-Di?”

Discord chuckled. “You didn’t rob Diamond Tiara of her free will, you just forced yourself against her will upon her body. And since she kind of liked it I’m not about to punish you for that, if only because I don’t want to have to go to Milky and explain to her about how her daughter was sexually assaulted by a much older woman. We can’t exactly try you in a court of law if we want to keep a lid on magic to the general populace of the world,” he reminded with a disappointed gleam in his eye.

Adagio smirked. “If you could, Sombra would still be in the hole that he dug himself into.”

Discord nodded and growled. “Yes. Some things of the past aren’t meant for these more sensible times. Anyway, since you have firmly decided to accept your punishment, allow me to introduce you to your new home for the next few years.” Raising his hand he snapped his fingers and both of them vanished from the street.

Observing the scene this entire time the elder-gentleman within his home pushed the curtain back into place and grinned. “You may have those three Sirens on your side, Discord, but eventually you will not be able to contain me here.” Breaking down into a fit of raspy wet coughs the old looking human collapsed bonelessly into his easy chair and sighed. Starswirl or his descendants would pay dearly for this indignity and what he had done to his people. And those pathetic little ponies would never see it coming, just as soon as he dealt with the remainder of the shards keeping him from accessing his full potential in this miserable dimension.

Raising his hand he summoned one of the shards of the Changeling Throne and smiled darkly when he noted that it had lost all of its magical properties. Whatever Equestrian magic had been placed here was weakening over time, especially when it remained active for so long suppressing him. Every so often one of the shards would lose its power completely and go dark. It was only a matter of time, the former Arimaspi grinned at the thought of triumph. None would see his return coming and soon Equestria would tremble in terror at the name of Grogar.

Pinkie stood in front of the entire membership of the NLAC, as well as a few new faces that had been invited to the big party and smiled as she waved from her place on stage. Vinyl was grinning beside her eager to get the dancing started.

“Everybody there’s a huge announcement for the NLAC, so please try to be patient!” Pinkie turned to Sweetie Belle as she nervously approached.

Sweetie waved to the crowd and managed to stand up straighter as she took in a deep breath to prepare for what needed to be said. “So… there was another magical thing tonight, and it kind of exposed us to Principal Celestia.”

A large number of students gasped in fear. Their eyes darted about the room in search of the imposing, and probably still clothed Principal, but nobody was in sight.

Sweetie waved her arms to get everybody’s attention back on her. “It’s totally ok! Turns out the magic thing and exposing us to Principal Celestia was, good, like real good. Diamond Tiara can’t hurt us anymore good.”

Cheers erupted at that.

“Stick it to Diamond!”

“Down with tyrants!”

“She isn’t a tyrant, Sandalwood.”

“Woah, that’s totally harshing my mellow, Diamond Tiara is so not evil.”

“Does this mean we can invite anybody to attend now? I’ve always wanted to see… OWWW”

“That’s not how naturist clubs work, didn’t you read the pamphlet?”

Pinkie whistled shrilly causing everyone clamoring to shut up and flinch at the harsh screeching in their ear. “This is important, no talking or questions until after the exposition!”

Sweetie Belle stopped rubbing her ear to disperse the ringing caused by Pinkie’s sudden whistle and nodded. “Thank you, Pinkie.” Turning back to the guests she cleared her throat and glared at a few of the boys who’d been borderline lewd in their thinking. “If you can’t adhere to the rules you will be escorted off the premises, the NLAC is officially sanctioned by Princess Celestia and the Equestrian Government as part of the new, well old, but nobody knew about it, law that Canterlot High is Equestria’s Embassy and a naturism club is what extends the Equestrian Culture and knowledge of its habits and practices to the populace of Canterlot!”

Slight murmuring and shocked faces filled the room in surprise at that revelation.

“Our school is an embassy!” somebody blurted from the back.

“Oh wow! I always knew the cosmic vibes on this place meant something important,” Treehugger said with a big smile.

Sandalwood high-fived the meditation guru.

Sweetie blushed. “Yeah, so, ummm, because we’re sanctioned and this place is on Embassy grounds it’s kind of illegal for Diamond to expose us, like Princess Celestia could give her a writ or something illegal. And also… Principal Celestia has allowed us the use of the entire school for this and all future parties.” Sweetie held up her hands to stop the sudden shouting or surprised talking over one another. “Magic wards will be placed around the property to prevent anyone not on the members list from seeing us while we’re doing stuff, I’m thinking through the windows and possibly if we used the sports fields and stuff outside.”

Pinkie bounced up and down in excitement. “Isn’t this exciting? I’m excited, you should be too! So many new ideas I’ve got for fun activities now that we can do things outside of this room!”

Everyone seemed nervous by this.

Flash Sentry, having arrived earlier approached the stage and raised his hand. “Ummm, Sweetie Belle, is this really a good thing? We’ve all seen what happens with magic and stuff, how does a ward protect us from perverts and things if we’re outside?”

Princess Twilight marched out of the crowd and joined Sweetie on the stage.

Flash’s eyes bugged out and he quickly averted his eyes in surprise at seeing his long-time crush just walking around with nothing on.

“I’m glad you asked that, Flash,” Pri-Twi informed with a happy smile. “Magical wards in Equestria operate fairly simply, rather than get into all the technical side of things I’ll say this. A ward surrounding this school would protect you from lookie-loos and other types quite simply by giving them the strong urge to be elsewhere. Or making it appear to normal eyes as if nothing is happening, it can even blanket the sounds you’d be making while having fun and enjoying yourselves. Everyone will be protected, I can assure you, magic in this world is rare so nobody will be able to breach the wards or even detect them, and we’ll have multiple layers of protection to prevent any issues should another magical threat appear,” she reassured everyone.

Polite applause met her words and she blushed slightly at the few cheers from very enthusiastic students.

“We could even grow a decent garden to add layers of protection around the back of the school, there’s a big enough piece of property there, and I’ve, like, told everyone for years we need to do our part to help the environment,” Treehugger stated passionately.

Sweetie took control of the speech again by stepping forward. “Anyway! We didn’t come here to discuss long-term plans and things, we’ll save that for the next planning meeting. Tonight we’re going to celebrate Princess Twilight!” She indicated Pri-Twi with a huge grin. “She started all of this by spreading the magic of friendship, and if not for her the NLAC truly wouldn’t exist as it does now, furthering the goals of friendship and making everyone feel good about themselves and their bodies.”

Pri-Twi blushed considerably. “I really didn’t do much, I mean I never would have thought of something like this,” she admitted humbly. Indicating the room she turned to Sweetie Belle and smiled. “You learned a bit about another culture, you gathered data and evidence, you practiced being a naturist on your own and then you decided that it could benefit a lot of people. I think you have much to be proud of yourself, Sweetie Belle.”

It was Sweetie’s turn to blush at the words of praise, but she still shook her head. “Maybe so, but tonight is Princess Twilight Party night, which means…”

Pinkie leapt up high and tossed confetti around. “It’s time to party! Bring out the cake!”

Everyone turned at the sound of beeping. A small forklift emerged from the delivery entrance Pinkie often used, hauling in a towering cake which pretty much defied the laws of physics. It was at least forty or fifty layers high, was covered in frosting and shaped like the trunk of a massive tree. A little decorated sign stood to the side of the platter indicating that this was the Golden Oaks Treebrary Surprise.

Pri-Twi’s eyes widened in shock and she smiled a bit when she saw the cake. A few tears slipped out, mostly tears of joy though.

Maud Pie steered the forklift over to the table and gently lowered the cake into the center of the snack display area.

Pinkie hopped down and bounced over to her sister giving her a big hug. “Thanks again, Maudie,” she said with a happy smile.

Maud’s expression remained unchanged as she concentrated on the cake. Once it was safely on the table she patted Pinkie’s arm in return. “Marble wants a slice.”

Pinkie nodded. “Oh, totally! She helped bake it, she gets a piece too.”

Pri-Twi hopped down from the stage and approached the cake. “This is… beautiful,” she said. Sniffling slightly she rubbed at her eyes. “Thanks a lot, Pinkie.”

Pinkie grinned from ear to ear and pulled Twilight in close for a hug. “Totally welcome, when you get back you owe Pinkie Pie a big hug too.”

“I definitely won’t forget,” Pri-Twi said happily.

Sweetie tapped the microphone to draw attention back to herself. “Ok! So the activities for tonight are pretty much the same as always for some folks, but since we have the run of the school there are a few things to be aware of! First, sign-up sheets for joining the Pin the Tail on the Pony game are over there, we’ll have three rounds and each team has a home base to start out from, Library, Cafeteria, Miss Cheerilee’s Class, The Office, Here and the Music Room!”

Pinkie waved her hand. “Don’t forget the Gym!”

Sweetie nodded. “Right, there’s eight teams, but two of them use this room as a home base, one gets the Arcade the other the Bowling Alley. Teams will be broken up into three separate groups, but each team has one Captain, so pick your team if you want to join. Pinkie will explain the rules in the Library in an hour after everyone who wants to participate has put their names down. Pri-Twi has agreed to establish a Scrying Globe in the AV room, it’ll let us see how the game is going when we watch the monitor being set up by Applejack!” Sweetie pointed to a free corner.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie scoffs at a silly little game!” Trixie declared.

“Trust me, Trix, you’re going to love it,” Pinkie told the stage magician.

“How can a game of pin the tail on the pony be any different from pin the tail on the donkey?” Flash asked. “It’s kind of a kiddie game, Pinkie.”

Pinkie sighed. “You’ll see! Trust me, it’ll be Awesome! The Rainbow Dash seal of approval for any sports.”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash glared at Pinkie. “No using my sport score until after we play!”

Sweetie tapped the microphone again. “I wasn’t finished!” she reminded. “Meditation is still limited to in here, at least until the wards are up, then you can take that outside, Treehugger.”

“Karmic!” Treehugger gave Sweetie a thumbs up.

“Button has promised we’ll have videogame tournaments in the AV club during the summer, the Bowling Alley is off limits for today.” A chorus of groans filled the room. “I know, I know, you all really like it, but we have to make a few repairs in there after what happened earlier tonight, apparently lots of magical energy flying around causes bowling balls to crash and damage things.”

Disappointed moans filled the room.

“I thought it was home base?” Thunderlane spoke up.

Sweetie nodded. “The room wasn’t too damaged, but the lanes are wrecked. Until the contractor gets here during the weekend we can’t play, I’m sorry about that.”

“We got the telescopes set up!” Scootaloo announced as she reappeared in the room.

Sweetie grinned. “We’ve got permission to use the roof for some stargazing, I’m sure some of you will enjoy it. No making out!” she reminded. “Vice-Principal Luna has agreed to chaperone the stargazing area, so if you thought you could head up to the roof and fool around with your significant other, think again.”

“We all know the rules, Sweetie,” Octavia reminded.

“Right.” Sweetie sighed. “Sunset and Twilight agreed to share some of Equestria’s culture in the library after the game. Maybe not a party activity everybody will care for, but since we’re an Embassy sanctioned group now, it might be fun to learn a bit more about the culture we’re emulating… so to speak.” Sweetie’s face flushed slightly and she started to turn to leave.

“Wait!” Pinkie shouted hopping back onto the stage. “You forgot the most important part!”

“What?” Sweetie blinked in confusion.

“The cake will be cut in two hours, nobody touches it until then or else!” Pinkie eyed everyone knowingly, she pantomimed with her hands pointing to her eyes and then the group of students.

“Karaoke!” a voice shouted from the entrance.

Everyone turned in surprise to find two recently reformed Sirens standing in the doors.

Aria rolled her eyes, but smiled at her sister.

“I thought you weren’t coming!” Pinkie called to Sonata.

“Me and ‘Ria had a good cry and got over it!” Sonata waved off concerns with a smile and a dismissive flick of her wrist. “We decided we’d manage a new activity for the group. ‘Ria and me will be setting up a Karaoke kit in the Gym, if anybody wants to have some fun singing songs and stuff it’s totes going to be awesome!”

Aria sighed. “Whatever.”

“Um, aren’t you Sirens still evil?” Derpy wondered suspiciously.

“Yeah, we’re evil. Totally evil, just not mind control take over the school evil. More like completely sexier than all of you and will flaunt it all the time because we’re totally super-hot babes evil,” Sonata stated.

Aria groaned. “What she means is, just because we’re here doesn’t mean we’re going to be friendly. The Karaoke thing is Sonata’s idea, not mine. But we figured… I mean she figured it would be a way to show we’re ok with all of you. Not resenting you or trying to get revenge for what happened.” Aria stroked her choker and grinned mischievously.

Sonata sang a few notes that were pitch-perfect once again. “You wanna rock?”

Vinyl pumped her hand in the air.

“Yeah!” Bulk shouted.

“Well then shoo be doo over to the gym later and put your money where your mouth is!”

Aria slapped her sister in the back of her head. “No money!” she reminded. “But if you can wow us with a performance we’ll teach you some Siren songs.”

A lot of students stared at her uncertainly.

Aria groaned again.

Sonata smirked. “Equestrian culture isn’t just about ponies you know. Sirens were totally better than ponies, but only our songs can prove it, no magic behind them at all, cross my heart and hope to fly!” She held her hand up as she recited it.

Octavia glanced at Vinyl in concern recognizing the look in her eyes. “What do Siren songs do?”

“Teach you about our history and junk mostly,” Aria replied with a shrug.

Sonata nodded. “It’ll be totally worth it, so if you want to do more with music and stuff don’t forget about Karaoke!” she waved happily and quickly left the room with her sister.

Apple Bloom moved next to Sweetie. “That was kinda unexpected.”

Sweetie nodded. “But at least it gives them another option, we had so little time to get everything organized after the thing with Diamond we couldn’t get everything set up on time,” she complained frustratedly. “Stupid bowling alley had to be damaged.”

Apple Bloom patted her friend. “Anyway, ah think it’s time ta get this party started!” she told the group.

“Alright, everypony!” Pri-Twi shouted. “It’s time to shake your tail!”

While everyone had been distracted by the Sirens they failed to notice the Rainbooms setting up on stage. Pinkie set the tempo and the band started one of their songs.

Scribe took that as his cue and he pulled a cord near the middle of the room. A massive tarp flung open from above raining Wondercolt ears from the ceiling where they’d stashed them earlier.

Lily blared an air horn from her place in the room and a snapping sound was heard as she demonstrated the wrap-around new and improved Wondercolt tail attachment.

We just got the day to get ready! And there’s only so much time to lose. Because tonight, yeah we’re here to party. So let’s think of something fun to do!”

Everybody started putting ears and tails on and dancing along with the beat.

We don’t know! What’s gonna happen? We just know, it’s gonna feel right. All our friends are here and it’s time to ignite, the lights!”

Vinyl bobbed back and forth behind her turnstile waving her pony tail around with a big smile.

Trixie sighed, but still snapped a tail around her waist when nobody was looking.

Octavia smirked and bumped her friend playfully.

Flash grinned, his cheeks burning as he watched the girls perform. This was actually a pretty decent club after all.

Thunderlane pumped his fist in the air as he led a group of students onto the dance floor to start shaking and grooving.

Treehugger plopped a pair of ears on her head and smiled as the cosmic vibes in the room turned brighter.

Sandalwood put his body paints away and grabbed Silver Spoon without warning, twirling her about the room.

Mirror Gem laughed at Silver’s expression at the sudden and unexpected move.

Cheerilee grinned happily. She took a pair of ears while nobody was looking and slipped them on.

Dinky giggled wildly as Derpy pulled her up off the floor and put her on her shoulders. And everyone started to sing along with the chorus.

Shake your tail ‘cause we’re here to have a party tonight! Shake your tail, shake your tail! Shake your tail ‘cause we’re here to have a party tonight! Shake your tail, shake your tail!”

Maud got the forklift out of the room and came back with Boulder on her shoulder. She let someone put a tail on her while a pair of ears fell perfectly to land on her head. She didn’t smile, but she did seem to be watching Pinkie with brighter eyes.

Brawly Beats slow-danced over to Thunderlane and gave him a quick kiss on the lips as the two started to jam.

Luna stood off to the side with a serene smile on her lips as she observed the proceedings.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle started a synchronous dance number across from their boyfriends beckoning them closer with subtle shakes of their hips and come-hither motions with their fingers.

Button blushed furiously but managed to join Sweetie in dancing.

Rumble kissed Scootaloo hard and twirled her around.

Apple Bloom lifted Tender Taps high over her shoulders and laughed as she spun him before putting him back down on his feet.

So what you didn’t get it right the first time? Laugh it off, no one said it is a crime.” Pinkie sang.

Do your thing, you know you’re an original!” Rarity sang looking quite ravishing in her robe.

Your ideas are so funny that their criminal” Applejack added, proudly standing amongst the girls without clothing on.

Ooooohhhhhhhhh! Ahh! We’ve just got the day, to get ready! And there’s only so much time to lose! Because tonight, yeah we’re here to party! So let’s think of something fun to do!”

Scribe felt a little bad that Lemon couldn’t be here tonight, but he smiled as he moved over to where Lily was, and would have started dancing, if not for something tangling his feet, and sending him crashing to the ground to faceplant. “Ow.”

Looking at what had caused him to meet the ground, he saw Shady standing there with her cane tucked under her arm.

"Sheesh, Braids, take it easy. I'm supposed to be the blind one around here, not you," she said with a playful smirk on her lips.

Scribe blanched. “Shady! We agreed never to bring that up again.”

Shady cocked her body to one side and put her hand on her hip. “We agreed never to talk about the incident again, but I never said I wouldn’t keep using your nickname, Braids. Let’s face facts here, you’re branded.”

Scribe just groaned and rubbed his nose. “So did you try and trip me on purpose or something?”

Shady shook her head, before holding her hand out to him. “Nope, just standing here. But you gotta admit, it's a pretty good way to get somebody's attention.”

Scribe grumbled under his breath as he took the offered hand and got back up again. “Was there a reason for approaching me during the big song number?”

Shady nodded. “Well I was going to talk about the whole embassy thing, but that can wait. I overheard what you did to screw Snap's plan. Nice work there. I also hear how you’re in charge of the school paper now. First, congratulations on the promotion. Second, just consider this to be a friendly little reminder; don’t be doing stuff like Snap would, and it’ll be all good in my book.”

Scribe nodded in understanding, absently forgetting she couldn’t actually see him. His eyes then landed on one of the snap-around tails and he smirked. Picking it up, he whipped it in Shady’s direction. The snap of plastic band against flesh rang out, followed by her own startled yip, and the tail was pinned around her waist.

“What the hell?” she shrieked as she turned back in his direction and more or less marched forward, her cane now being gripped in a more hostile manner as she did.

Scribe held his hands up protectively. “Woah! No foul, Shady… Just noticed you were still missing your tail,” he told the other girl with a mischievous smirk.

Shady felt around her waist where the snap-on belt had formed and then brushed her fingers over the faux tail sticking down behind her. Lowering her cane she scowled at Scribe regardless. “I’m liking you, Braids, but we’re not friends. Not yet anyway. Next time ask before you pull a stunt like that, alright?”

Scribe chuckled and moved towards Lily. “Whatever, Shady, that’s for calling me Braids.”

Shady, feeling a growing urge to engage in mischief and one-upmanship, followed him leaving with a glower marring her otherwise pretty features. “If you were still working for Snap I’d probably be justified in smacking you with my cane. But that just isn’t my style," she muttered to herself.

Letting the glower fade, she began to smirk mischievously as she contemplated the fun she could have with him now that everything had finally settled down. With that idea in mind, she made her way towards where she knew Vinyl was set up, allowing the pulsing tones traveling through the floor and against her bare feet to guide her in her destination. “Two can play at this game, Scarlet Scribe.”

We don’t know, what’s going to happen. We just know, it’s gonna feel right. All our friends are here and it’s time to ignite, the lights!”

The Rainbooms started to glow as they sang, their magic building up as the ambience of the room reflected the friendly attitudes of the students in the NLAC. And once again the entire group sang along to the chorus.

Shake your tail ‘cause we’re here to have a party tonight! Shake your tail, shake your tail!” The glow intensified and Rainbow started hovering off the floor as her wings popped out.

Shake your tail ‘cause we’re here to have a party tonight! Shake your tail, shake your tail!” Fluttershy blinked in surprise as she stared at her friend’s transformation. Then she felt the familiar tingle in her body and before she knew it she was ponied up too.

Shake your tail ‘cause we’re here to have a party tonight! Shake your tail, shake your tail!” Applejack gasped in surprise when she and Pinkie both transformed, they should have expected it performing and all, but it was a huge surprise.

Sunset ponied up alongside Pri-Twi as the chorus built to a final crescendo.

Shake your tail ‘cause we’re here to have a party tonight! Shake your tail, shake your tail!”

Rarity felt a wind whipping up and before she knew it her body had transformed into its half-pony form. Her robe also happened to go flying off due to the magic coursing through her body. She gasped and her eyes widened in shock as her body was now visible for everyone to see.

Shake your tail ‘cause we’re here to have a party tonight!”

Several of the students whooped and hollered after Rarity’s transformation. One strapping young gentleman even winked at her, while another retrieved her robe for her and brought it back to the stage.

Rarity’s face was scarlet as she snatched her robe and quickly replaced it. But she did appreciate the tasteful way things had been handled just now. She could have done without exposing herself to a good percentage of the student body though. Retying the knot of her sash she made a mental note, ponying up while wearing a robe with a loose belt was not a good idea.

“This is so awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed hovering over the stage. “Think it’ll last all night?” She turned to face Sunset.

Sunset shrugged. “The magic in this world always acts strange, but with all the good feelings around here I think Harmony magic will be in effect for the rest of the party.”

Pinkie blasted off more confetti from her party cannon and shot her sister a thumbs up. “Best Princess Twilight party ever!”

Fluttershy was blushing as she fidgeted, trying to keep her wings from interfering with her balance. “Umm, technically it’s the only Princess Twilight Party we’ve ever had, so, ummm, I think that automatically means it’s the best.”

Pinkie shrugged. “Yeah, I know, but we could always throw another Princess Twilight party when she comes back to meet Queen Platinum.” Winking at the girls she cartwheeled off the stage to start mingling.

Twilight’s cheeks were on fire as she approached Sunset. “That was… I mean you just…”

Sunset smiled and pulled her girlfriend tighter so she could give her a hard and passionate kiss. “And that’s why magic isn’t something to be afraid of.”

Twilight frowned slightly. Then she giggled as Sunset attacked her ribs with tickles. “Hey! Stop that!” She swatted at Sunset’s roving fingers and giggled some more.

Sunset grinned. “Want to go gaze at some stars before we play pin the tail on the pony?”

Twilight breathed easier and her cheeks flushed slightly. “I’d like that.”

The pair of lovers walked slowly off stage hand in hand.

Applejack watched them go and shook her head.

Rarity cooed. “Well, I’m still a bit unsure of all this, but I must say the evening has taken off with a brilliant start. Sudden disrobing and showing off the goods notwithstanding.”

Applejack stomped her foot. “Consanrn it, Rarity! Ya ain’t got anythin’ ta be ashamed of!”

Rarity smiled. “I know, but I still am the type of person I am, Applejack,” she reminded.

“Whatever.” Applejack adjusted her hat, she refused to not wear it despite looking strange with a hat and nothing else on. “Let’s go get some punch and have some fun before we get into teams.”

Rarity’s gaze wandered over some of the young men in the club and found herself perhaps not thinking as wholesome thoughts as she could have been. “Yes, um, quite.” She felt a bit flushed, but chalked it up to the performance. Yes it was the performance and not the fact that a great many young men, young unattached men, were attending this little soiree.

Fluttershy fluttered her wings nervously and smiled when she caught sight of Treehugger. “Umm, I’m going to… go over there!” she quickly told Pri-Twi before dashing off-stage her wings standing at full mast.

Princess Twilight smiled at her friends.

Flash Sentry approached her and cleared his throat. “Um, hi, Twilight… You look…” His eyes widened and he suddenly remembered where they were. “Great! You totally look great!”

Princess Twilight sighed, but shot Flash a smile. “Flash, I’m going to be here a few more days, and I think we should talk, but tonight… let’s just have some fun, ok?”

Flash frowned, he knew what it meant when a girl said they needed to ‘talk’, but he was willing to ignore the sudden apprehension he was feeling if it meant he got to spend at least a little time with Twilight tonight after months of not hearing from her. “I’d like that, Twilight.” Smiling he took her hand and led her off the stage towards the punch bowl.

Without warning the picture in Discord’s globe cut out with a wink. Everyone stared at the dead globe in surprise and Thorax sighed as the feelings of bitterness vanished, he hated it when couples stopped feeling attracted to one another.

“What happened?” Starlight asked.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie wanted to watch the rest of the party!” Trixie whined.

Discord frowned and started examining his globe. “That’s odd, we should have been able to see the entire party; I was looking forward to seeing the inevitable conclusion and that beach trip for Mister Scribe as well.”

“Discord.” Celestia emerged in the room without warning and approached the group.

“Celestia!” Discord smiled as he turned the upper half of his body around to stare at the mare. “What an… unexpected, pleasure?”

Celestia tapped a hoof and indicated the globe. “In future, I would appreciate it if you refrained from observing the events of my students,” she informed coolly.

“You’re not our Celestia, you haven’t got any wings,” Discord noted. “How did you stop my viewing globe? Nopony has the magical power to do that.”

Celestia smirked playfully and turned away from the group of voyeuristic ponies and assorted other creatures. “I have my ways… Scorpan owed me a favor, and he’s been aware of your monitoring of our world for quite some time now.”

Discord snapped his talons. “Oh pooh.”

“You know what’s coming, so kindly refrain from messing around with the barriers between our two dimensions. I’d prefer not to have to deal with the fallen King of Tambelon before we are ready,” Celestia chastised before making her way back to the mirror and her own world.

Thorax turned fear-filled eyes on Discord. “Tell me he’s not there of all places!” he pleaded.

Discord sighed. “It’s one of the big reasons I was checking in all the time. When Starswirl prophesizes something he really prophesizes something.”

“What’s Tambelon?” Starlight asked. “And why are you two so scared all of a sudden?”

Discord snapped his fingers. “Not something for you to worry about just this minute, Starlight.” Eyeing his dead viewing globe with a sigh he got to his feet. “Well it’s been fun, I suppose we’ll just have to wait to hear back from Twilight about the beach trip.”

“I thought the Crystal Prep students were the only ones going to that private beach?” Starlight turned to her friend in confusion.

Discord grinned. “Well that’s the thing, I wanted to see the beach trip because… who do you think owns the beach?”

Trixie broke into a fit of giggles. “Starswirl owned that too?”

“No, Queen Platinum owns that particular beach… Oh well, I guess they’ll just have to be content with reading about it without our insight. And I was so looking forward to pointing out all of the fun bits of comedic goldmines.” Discord snapped his talons and vanished, as he did so the Crystal Castle also seemed to fade away until…

Author's Note:

Shout out to Charlie_K for contributing to this chapter.