• Published 14th Jan 2017
  • 2,329 Views, 224 Comments

Shut Up And Dance - TheVClaw

After accidentally injuring Elusive's dancing partner before a large competition, Rainbow Blitz swore that he would help him find a new partner and win. Unfortunately, Elusive seems to want Blitz to be his replacement.

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Chapter One: Those First Tricky Steps

Ugh… where the buck did that gust of wind come from?!

It’s only been a couple hours since that incident, but that question was still ringing through Rainbow Blitz’s head like some crappy pop song. And since he was stuck in the waiting room of Ponyville Hospital completely by himself, it wasn’t like there was much else for the cyan pegasus to focus on. He could’ve looked through some of the magazines at the end table by his chair, but his throbbing headache made him less than eager to try and read extremely old articles on crap he didn’t care about. So instead, he just leaned his head back and tried to clear his head; but even with the thick bandage that was wrapped around his forehead, the wall that was behind him still felt as hard as concrete.

Blitz wanted to feel grateful that a small head injury was the only thing he received from that fall, but he still couldn’t shake how it even happened in the first place. The Wonderbolts Super Show was going off without a single hitch, and his duo flight stunt with Soaring went perfect for the first half. But just as the two did the fly-around to prep for their Triple Somersault Barrel-Roll (a move that Prince Dusk Shine himself helped patent for his friend), he knew he felt like something was off when he began to gain elevation. He wasn’t sure if it was just poor wing-adjustment on his own behalf, or some freak-gust of wind that threw him off position, but the last thing he remembered before plummeting to the ground was feeling Soaring’s hind leg whack against the side of his head like a wooden bat.

And now, the cyan stunt-pony was waiting in the hospital by himself while the Wonderbolts Show wrapped up. He was beyond pissed that he couldn’t stay to help with the Grand Finale, but Rainbow knew better than to try and keep going after hitting the audience stand like that. Even if he was the only one injured, there’s protocol in place that specifically prohibits performers from continuing after a head injury (something about health risks regarding high elevations or whatever). But the fact of the matter was that he wasn’t the only one who got hurt after that crash. After all, that was the biggest reason he was still in this hospital after getting his head looked at.

Blitz had his eyes closed as he sighed slowly, hoping that mare who softened his fall wasn’t too badly hurt. The Wonderbolts carried a top-notch insurance policy that would pay off her medical bills with no problem, so the stallion was more worried about how this incident would look in the papers the next day. He was the newest recruit of the stunt team, so he could only imagine how his reputation would look on the Ponyville Tribune headlines. Heck, Rainbow wouldn’t have been surprised if this blew up on a national scale or something.

Alas, before his lingering thoughts or guilt could build up to grand proportions, he heard several voices yell out out at the same time and make the pegasus come back to reality. “BLITZ!”

Rainbow Blitz reopened his eyes and heard multiple hoofsteps coming his way. He peered towards the doorway just in time to see his friends gallop into the waiting room with panicked looks on their faces. Fortunately, the fact that Blitz was sitting on his own in the waiting room instead of being encased in a body cast in a hospital bed was enough of a relief for the group. The five stallions (as well as the baby dragoness) stopped in their tracks, and Dusk Shine was the first to sigh in relief when he saw how minimal Blitz’s damages really were.

“Oh, man!” exhaled the lavender Alicorn as a smile grew on his muzzle. “You wouldn't believe how worried we all were after seeing that crash!”

“Yeah!” added the pink stallion Bubble Berry, who somehow stretched himself over from the back of the group to the front like some living slinkie. He plopped right in front of Blitz quickly enough to make him jolt from his seat before exclaiming, “I mean, we tried to get right to you after seeing you fall into the crowd, but there were so many ponies that gathered around you that even I wasn’t able to get there in time! And then you were put on that stretcher and security came flying out from everywhere and we were all like ‘We need to see him, he’s our friend!’ and this mean guy who smelled like turnips just said ‘The Wonderbolts are friends to a lot of ponies!’ And by then you were already being flown off along with that other lady and we had to--MMMPH!!!

Berry’s words were cut off prematurely by an orange hoof that was promptly shoved into his open mouth. The pony attached to that hoof, a fairly muscular stallion known as Applejack, tried to summarize his buddy’s ranting with a simple statement. “All we’re tryin’ to say is that it was pretty dang hard gettin’ to ya in time. We’re just glad ya ain’t that hurt, Blitz.”

Bubble Berry, even the hoof still in his mouth, made sure to nod in agreement before Applejack popped his foreleg out. Blitz rubbed the back of his head with a hoof and smiled back at them. “Yeah, thanks,” he said in a tired-sounding voice. “Believe me, I’m just glad it wasn’t a broken wing again.”

It was after that statement that Elusive, a white unicorn with a luscious purple mane, came up from behind Berry and asked with a raised brow, “Wait, does that mean you’re alright to fly? You did hit your head pretty hard back there. I’d hate to think anything too damaging occurred.”

“Oh, come on!” griped Blitz with a dismissive roll of his magenta eyes. “I’m not brain-damaged or anything! Do you see me drooling on the floor and going ‘Gooble Gobble’ or something?”

Elusive sighed with a flat stare pointed at the pegasus. Meanwhile Barb, the pudgy purple drake standing beside Dusk, tried not to snicker before adding her input. “I dunno, Blitz. I think we’ve all seen you drooling when you take your naps.”

Blitz groaned and looked away from the cheeky drake, although it was hard to ignore the sounds of a couple of his friends trying not to laugh at her remark. Dusk Shine furrowed his brow down at her in disapproval and said, “Barb, that’s not funny!” He then tried to rectify the situation by turning his attention back to Blitz. “Although it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to try resting on the ground, at least for tonight. If you want, I can easily get Barb to set up a room for you at the castle.”

“Hey, come on!” griped Barb back at the Prince.

Butterscotch, who was lingering at the other side of the group in silence, decided to speak up towards Blitz. “I can go get your tortoise and some things from your house, Blitz,” added the yellow pegasus in a meek, yet caring tone of voice. “It really wouldn’t be a problem.”

“Guys, don’t,” insisted Blitz with a raised hoof to stop any more offers from his friends. “It really isn’t a big deal, okay?! I just knocked my head a little. I’ve been through a LOT worse.”

Before he could add anything more to his claim, Blitz was interrupted by a female voice that came from the doorway. “Rainbow Blitz?”

Everyone turned to see the tan-coated and brown-maned unicorn mare that came walking into the waiting room. Her white lab coat seemed to be fairly clean, besides the multiple pen parks that were visible between her front pocket and the nametag that read Dr. Stable. Even when her horn lit up, the pale blue aura that illuminated around her glasses to lift them away didn’t do much to hide the annoyed look on her face. Blitz stood up from his seat, his tone quickly sounding concerned as he asked, “So… how is she, Doc?”

The doctor exhaled quickly under her breath, not wanting her own emotions to come through while floating her glasses into the front pocket of her labcoat. “Well,” she began with a light shrug of her head, “ the good news is that Toffee’s condition is stable, and she didn’t sustain any permanent damage from your impact.”

Blitz wasn’t even able to sigh in relief before hearing Elusive exclaim in shock, “Wait, it was TOFFEE?!”

Everyone looked to see that the unicorn looked absolutely mortified with a hoof covering his open muzzle. Even Doctor Stable seemed a bit surprised as she tilted her head at him. “Wait, you know my siste--”

Elusive pushed past everyone before the doctor could finish her question, and he rushed out of the waiting room like it was on fire. The white stallion galloped down the hall madly while shouting out in a panic, “Toffee?! TOFFEE!!”

The waiting room laid silent for a brief moment, with nopony knowing what to say. However, Blitz seemed to be the only one whose focus stayed on the doctor with a look of growing worry. “You… you said she’s your sister?” he asked while trying not to wince at her. Even though he could clearly see the resemblance now (especially since Stable’s fur and mane are the exact same colors as the mare’s), he never would’ve thought so beforehoof since Toffee was an Earth pony.

Stable sighed and nodded after returning her attention back to him. “Yes, she is,” she admitted, “but like I said, none of her injuries are too severe. Although she did suffer a broken leg and a concussion. But considering how hard you fell on her, I’m just grateful she’s alive and able to recover.”

Rainbow Blitz’s ears slumped down as an upset look swept across his face. The others looked away from the two to hide any awkward glances they may have had on them. Blitz pursed his mouth shut for a brief moment before saying in an honest and solemn tone, “I… I’m so sorry, Stable.”

“No, it’s really alright,” assured the mare with a sincere look on her face back at him. “I know it was just an accident. She told me herself that she isn’t mad at you, so I’m not going to be either.”

Of course, before Blitz could thank her for being so understanding, she then added in a more stern voice, “However, I’d rather not think about my sister’s condition right now, so I’d like to speak with you about your injury.”

Blitz blinked a couple times in confusion. “Wait, really? All I did was bump my head.”

“Maybe so,” retorted Stable as she floated her glasses back on and scanned a clipboard that was by her side. “But we still need to make sure you didn’t suffer any major brain injuries from that collision. I already scheduled you for an MRI scan tomorrow morning at ten, so you’ll need to refrain from flying until then. No exceptions.”

“WHAT?!” said Blitz in annoyed shock. “Oh, come on, Doc! I’m perfectly fi--”

“No. Exceptions.” she said in a sharp enough tone while staring back at Blitz to instantly shut him up. She then huffed briefly and added, “I know your flight regimen is important, but your overall health needs to come first. I’m afraid you’re going to to need some place on the ground to sleep for tonight.”

While Blitz groaned with his teeth clenched and his eyes away from the doctor, Dusk Shine couldn’t resist saying faintly, “Told you.”

Blitz instantly shot a nasty glare towards the Alicorn, which just made the stallion shrug with a smirk in response. Butterscotch went up to the other pegasus to give him a hug and said, “I’ll go get Armour for you, okay? Maybe that’ll cheer you up.”

Even though he was beyond peeved that he couldn’t even sleep in his own cloud bed tonight, the thought of his pet tortoise made him apprehensive enough to sigh and hug his friend back. “Alright fine,” he muttered before pulling away from Butterscotch. “Thanks.”

Butterscotch made sure to smile back at him before making his leave. With his muzzle skewed, Blitz looked back at Dusk and said begrudgingly, “Well, I guess I’m gonna have to take you up on--”


“What in tarnation?!” shouted Applejack as he and everyone else heard the thunderous crash from outside the waiting room. Stable was the first to run out in breakneck speed, followed by Dusk Shine and the others to investigate what happened. It didn’t take long to find the culprit, as Elusive was leaned back against the wall opposite Toffee’s room. Even though the unicorn was still breathing heavily in an attempt to keep from sobbing, he still stared at the door he just broke in stunned, wide-eyed silence.

Somehow, the tailor’s magic when throwing the door open was powerful enough to not only break the hydraulic lever at the top, but also leave the entire door imbedded in the wall. Stable just stared at the damage with a dropped jaw, not even wanting to think how much this was going to cost to repair. Blitz and the others looked over at Elusive in shock, not expecting him to react that dramatically. Bubble Berry was the first to try asking, “Jeeze, did you need to get into the room that badly?”

“Actually,” came Toffee’s voice from inside the room before Elusive could explain himself, “he did that leaving the room. He just saw my leg and went nuts.”

While Stable rushed into the room to check on her sister, Elusive brought his hooves up to his face shakily while his back leaned against the wall. Dusk Shine went up to him carefully to make sure he was okay. “Elusive?” He slowly brought a hoof up towards the unicorn to place on his shoulder. “Why did you--”

To everyone’s shock, Elusive slapped the hoof away and began to run out of the hospital. “I really need to be alone right now,” he whimpered in a weak and shaky voice. Even Barb looked worried as she stepped out of the way first to let him pass through. However, Blitz wasn’t wanting him to leave that quickly.

“Hey, wait a minute!” shouted the pegasus while rushing over towards him. “Can you at least explai--”

As soon as he heard Blitz’s voice, Elusive turned around with his hoof pulled back and pointed right at him. Blitz stopped in an instant with a frozen look of shock on his face. However, instead of following through with his stance to punch his friend, Elusive just stayed in that position for a few seconds with a strong and teary glare aimed at the pegasus. The stallion eventually dropped his hoof weakly with a deep and shuddering exhale, and didn’t say anything before continuing his leave; except this time, Blitz didn’t try to stop him.

Bubble Berry and Applejack went to check on the stunned pegasus, while Dusk and Barb just stared in confoundment at how Elusive almost punched their friend. Before he could disappear through the front doors of the hospital, Elusive stopped and sighed so he could light up his horn. A blue aura of magic appeared in the form of a small orb right behind him, which then poofed to become a moderately large sack of bits. The item fell to the linoleum floor while Elusive left and said, “Let me know if that’s enough for the damages.”

After the doors closed behind the unicorn, Dusk looked down at the bag for a brief moment as a worried expression grew on his face. Meanwhile, Barb tried to rectify the situation by saying, “Well… at least he finally got that spell right.”

Even though Ponyville’s skies looked absolutely pristine and clear the next day, Rainbow Blitz decided to walk after leaving the hospital with a clear bill of health. Fortunately, the weather was fairly mild compared to some of the more sweltering temperatures earlier that summer, so the pegasus didn’t feel overly parched or overheated during his trot. Instead, Blitz just walked at a slower pace than usual until he reached the Ponyville town limits. By the time he saw the top of Elusive’s shop, the Carousel Boutique, the stallion tried not to cringe with his bottom lip bit shut.

Before he left the hospital, Blitz made sure to visit Toffee to give her a proper apology after his MRI scan. The mare was luckily forgiving of what occurred, but what made the pegasus feel so uneasy was her explanation for Elusive’s overemotional spiel the previous night. Even though he had a few theories as to why his friend acted that way, Blitz had no idea it was because of something that unbenounced to him. He was sure that the unicorn mentioned it a time or two, but it never came up as something significant enough to catch his interest.

Alas, it wasn’t long before the stunt-pony arrived at the front door of Elusive’s shop. There was a large sign that said ‘Closed’ behind the shop’s main window, but Blitz still decided to knock just in case. Given the state Elusive was in the previous night, it wouldn’t have been surprising if the stallion was still a sobbing wreck; heck, he was most likely huddled in his king-sized bed while wearing a stained kimono and scarfing down a gallon-sized tub of red velvet ice cream.

Unfortunately, after Blitz knocked on the door a third time, it didn’t seem like anypony was home. He couldn’t think of anywhere else the unicorn could be, so he sighed with a small slump at the realization that he probably wasn’t going to hear from him today. While that may have been for the best, he wanted to at least try to talk with him and clear up what happened back at the--

“Rainbow?!” shouted a posh voice from behind Blitz, prompting him to quickly turn around and see the very stallion he was looking for.

Elusive may have been fully primed and proper like usual, but even the stunt-pony was able to see the bags hanging underneath his blue eyes. Of course, even if he was able to to hide that feature, the veil of guilt that hung over his surprised glance couldn’t be disguised as anything else to Blitz. After looking around the outside of his shop with a quick dart of his head, Elusive readjusted the saddlebag hung over his back and went towards the door. “Toffee told me that you left the hospital,” he said in a relieved tone of voice, “so I’m glad I was able to find you, Blitz. I really do want us to talk about what happened.”

“Y-Yeah,” said Blitz meekly while rubbing the back of his head with a cyan hoof. “I was hoping you were alright to chat.”

After unlocking the door, Elusive opened it for Blitz to go inside. The pegasus accepted the gesture by entering the main space first. Even though the pink walls and feminine decor always made Blitz feel more than uncomfortable, he wasn’t going to let that get in the way of him talking with his friend. Although he could’ve sworn one of those creepy-ass mannequins at the corner by the fitting curtains moved a little. Nevertheless, Rainbow stood in place in the middle of the room while Elusive came in and closed the door behind them.

The white pony’s shameful expression only grew as soon as he was alone with his friend, and his lips were pursed shut for a brief moment before blurting out, “Blitz, I… I can’t even begin to describe how horrible I feel about what happened last night. I may have been in an overly emotional state, but I should’ve never even fathomed doing something like… that...”

Elusive didn’t even want to utter that last part in clarification, and he just lowered his head in guilt while looking away from Blitz. From the way the unicorn’s face was scrunching in, Blitz was starting to worry that his friend was gonna start crying at any second. “Hey, come on, Lucy,” he began in a more relaxed tone to try and ease the mood (even though he knew his friend really disliked that nickname). “I talked with Toffee before I left the hospital, so I get why you were acting like that. I had no idea that Toffee was the pony you were working with, and… I’m really sorry dude.”

“No, no,” sighed Elusive with a wave of his hoof towards Blitz. He finished his exhale before looking back up at him to say, “You have no reason to apologize for what occurred. It was merely an accident combined with a very unfortunate coincidence. It would be absurd for me to blame you for something that clearly wasn’t your fault.”

“Yeah, but still…” Blitz knew that Elusive was being truthful, but he still felt it was necessary to address what needed to be said. “After what she told me, it wouldn’t have surprised me if you did take a swing at me. I mean, you would’ve been a dick for doing that,” he admitted with a tiny shrug, “but it’d be one of those free-pass things, you know?”

Elusive huffed through his nostrils at that unneeded opinion of the pegasus’. “Well, nevertheless,” he replied before his tone turned more sincere, “I still wanted to apologize for almost doing something that brash. I’m grateful that you understand, and… I just hope you’re not upset at me.”

Elusive rubbed one of his forelegs after that last part, which just made the pegasus sigh with a roll of his eyes. “Dude, come on…” Not wanting the stallion to think this was anything too damaging to their friendship, Blitz went towards Elusive and pulled him in for a strong hug. “I already forgave you, alright? I’m not holding it against you, I swear.”

It took a couple seconds for the pegasus’ words to sink in, but Elusive was touched enough by that assurance to raise his forelegs and hug his friend back. “Th-Thank you,” he said in a faint and shaky voice before pulling away. “I… really needed to hear that…”

While the unicorn looked away to wipe his face with a hoof, Blitz just ignored how dramatic his friend was acting with a tiny smirk. Of course, Elusive quickly remembered what was in his saddlebag after his head turned towards one of the pouches. “Oh! I almost forgot!” His horn lit up, allowing his blue aura to open the flap of the pouch and float out a large paper bag. “I stopped by that food-cart you enjoyed so much, since I figured you’d be hungry after that checkup.”

“Oh shit, really?!” Blitz’s face lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree as soon as he saw the familiar white bag. He quickly snatched the item from Elusive’s magic with his teeth, and went towards the kitchen while the heavy burrito hung from his grinning muzzle. “Thanth dude!”

Elusive sighed with a more natural sigh. “No problem, Blitz,” he said before following him. His magic pulled out a large smoothie from his saddlebag’s other pouch, which he enjoyed himself as he joined his friend at the kitchen table. Of course, Blitz already unwrapped and ate a third of his burrito before Elusive even got to sit down in the chair across from him.

The unicorn waited until Blitz wiped some excess cheese and hot sauce from his muzzle before asking, “So… I take it your checkup went well?”

Mmmhmm.” After swallowing, Blitz nodded and answered, “I mean, have to talk with Flamethrower about being able to fly at the Canterlot show, but the doctor said I’m perfectly fine to fly normally.”

“Well, that’s good to know,” said Elusive with a grateful smile. However, it lessened with a brief exhale while he held his drink. “It’s just a shame that you weren’t the only pony who was injured.”

While he knew Elusive wasn’t trying to dampen the mood, Blitz’s ears still hung down in guilt before chewing and swallowing again. “Yeah, that really does suck,” he responded in meager agreement. “I had no idea you were even trying to do that competition this year. I know you mentioned it every now and then, but I thought you were just a fan of it.”

“Indeed I am,” said Elusive with a shrug of his head, “but this really was something I wanted to do for a while. It’s just with my busy work schedule combined with, well… saving Equestria every now and then, I wasn’t able to get much of a chance until now.”

A small, shameful pout began to grow on Blitz’s muzzle. “So… Toffee was going to be your dance partner for that?”

“Yes,” the unicorn admitted sadly. “She may have not been classically trained like I was, but she was still superbly talented on her hooves. And she seemed just as keen about participating in the competition as I was.”

Even though he was worried that asking more about the competition would just further sadden Elusive, Blitz was fairly curious as he opened his muzzle. “Alright, so... what’s the big prize in that Dance-Off thing? Like, a trophy or something?”

Elusive grunted at the simplicity and misinformation of Blitz’s assumption. “Okay, one: It is not a ‘Dance-Off’, as you so brashly call it. It’s the Equestrian National Dance Competition, and it’s not something to be compared to something so plebian! That’s like comparing it to a... square dance!”

Just saying that word was enough to make the posh unicorn shudder in distaste at the idea. Regardless, he still breathed out slowly before adding his second point. “And two: The grand prize isn’t just a trophy! The winning couple of the ENDC also receives a cash prize of one-hundred thousand bits. That money would not only give me a big enough deposit to open a shop in Las Pegasus, but it also would’ve helped pay off Toffee’s student loans in full.”

Blitz’s eyes were wide-open as soon as Elusive mentioned the money amount, and it took a couple seconds before he opened his mouth to clarify. “One… hundred thousand?”

“Yeah,” answered the unicorn, “but to be honest, I would’ve competed regardless of the amount given. It was one of those things that I always saw and admired, even when I was just a colt…”

As he spoke, Elusive’s voice turned more solemn as he looked down at the table between him and Blitz. “I mean, I knew that my passion was destined for fashion and design, but there was always a part of me that wanted to do that competition. Even if it was just one time. I don’t know why it pulled me in so much, but I just…”

Elusive sighed remorsefully, not wanting to look up at his friend while his head was slumped low. Blitz looked uneasy as well, but his lips were tightly shut as he thought about his friend’s words. He blinked a couple times before deciding to say something in response. “Hey, I totally get that, dude.”

Elusive raised his head to stare up at Blitz with a mocking smirk. “What, did you want to be a ballroom dancer when you were a colt?”

“What, no!” exclaimed the pegasus in slight offense before shaking his head. “I just mean, I get what it’s like to want to do something like a competition. Just look at me! That’s what I’ve been doing for most of my life!”

“Yes, yes you have,” said Elusive in reluctance with a lazy nod of his head, “I’m sorry if I’m acting too depressed over this. It’s just really disheartening to get that kind of opportunity, only to see it get taken away in an instant.”

Of all the things Elusive said, that statement was enough to make Blitz look legitimately sad. Even though he already felt bad for what happened, just the way that the unicorn worded that made him stop and think for a long while. He wasn’t sure how long he stayed in that stoic state, although it was realistically just a few seconds, but it was long enough to make Elusive look at him with a worried glance. “Ummm… Blitz?”

With one last, sharp exhale, Blitz grew a determined look on his face while staring back at his friend. “You know what?” he said tenaciously. “I’m not gonna let that happen.”

Elusive’s head tilted in confusion. “Ummm… you’re not gonna let what happen?”

“I mean, I’m not gonna let you miss this opportunity!” After getting up from his chair, and scarfing the rest of his burrito in a manner that reminded Elusive of Bubble Berry’s eating habits, the pegasus wiped his mouth with a foreleg before saying undautently, “If this is something you really wanted to do, then I’ll be damned if I’m gonna be the reason you miss it! Especially if you can’t get another chance later!”

“Wait, what are you going to do?” asked Elusive puzzledly as he got out of his seat as well. “It’s not like I can find another partner before the preliminary rounds next week!”

“Not with that attitude!” With a hoof pointed at his friend, Blitz took a breath and declared confidently, “But come next week, I promise you that I’m going to find you a dancing partner! And not only is it gonna be somepony who’ll kick ass, but it’s also gonna be the one to get you that trophy!”

“Oh, Blitz!” Elusive rolled his eyes in dismissal before saying assuredly, “You don’t have to do anything that brash! I’m already over--”

“Don’t even try to finish that!” stated Blitz in an almost threatening tone. “I already messed it up, so it’s only fair that I try to fix it! That’s what friends do, and I know you’d do the same for me if it was the other way around, right?”

Elusive opened his muzzle to answer, but paused when he realized Blitz’s point. After all, both of them were Elements of Harmony; this was the exact sort of thing a loyal friend would do for another. And considering his own element, the unicorn knew that his friend was ultimately right. If it was the other way around, Elusive certainly would’ve done the generous deed and offered a promise like the one Blitz just gave him.

So, after sighing in acceptance, Elusive slowly smiled back at him and said, “Well… I suppose so.”

Elusive then went in to give his friend a caring hug. With his hooves wrapped around the pegasus, his smile widened when he added graciously, “Th… Thank you, Blitz.”

“Hey, it’s no problem,” said Blitz quite easily before pulling back. “I mean, I am the Element of Loyalty. It’s kinda my thing, you know?”

Elusive could barely keep himself from giggling at that cheesy remark. “Yes, of course.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me,” said the pegasus as he began to make his way out of the kitchen, “I’m off to find you a dancer. See ya!”

“Alright, I’ll see you later!” However, after he lifted his hoof and waved Blitz goodbye, his eyes widened as he realized something. Just as Blitz left through the front door and flew off into the skies, he didn’t seem to notice the unicorn rush out to the front of his shop; nor did he hear Elusive shout out in clarification, “Don’t you DARE get an exotic dancer, you hear me?!”

Alas, Blitz was already gone, prompting Elusive to groan bitterly in hopes that Blitz wouldn’t do something that stupid. Unfortunately, his focus quickly went towards his side, when he saw his younger brother standing by the front door with a confused look on his face.

While Elusive stood frozen with a panicked look on his face, Silver Bell tilted his head and asked, “What’s an exotic dancer?”

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