• Published 14th Jan 2017
  • 2,329 Views, 224 Comments

Shut Up And Dance - TheVClaw

After accidentally injuring Elusive's dancing partner before a large competition, Rainbow Blitz swore that he would help him find a new partner and win. Unfortunately, Elusive seems to want Blitz to be his replacement.

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Chapter Thirty: Elusive's Admission

Author's Note:

Okay, lemme just say that I'm really sorry for not updating this story sooner. With all the projects I've been handling on my Patreon, AND trying to maintain my financial struggles outside of writing, it was near-impossible to get much time devoted to this. But alas, I'm really happy I got this little blurb written out before 2019 began. I'm going off the rails from what I originally had planned, but I'm really happy with where I'm taking this story from here on~

Despite all of the drama and confusion that ensued following such a successful weekend, the group as a whole didn’t have many issues when it came to leaving their lodgings to reach the Manehattan train station on time . Unfortunately, not much was really said between any of them while lugging everything through the city. Due to the conversation Blitz had with Twinkle Toes’ Dads, Butterscotch’s knowledge of the previous night from Elusive’s perspective, as well as what Applejack and Scootaroll overheard in the lobby, it seemed that a large majority of the parties were at least partially aware that something was amiss between the two dancers. Even if the facts weren’t all known by everypony (or even accurately for the most part), it was obvious that the overall mood was unnecessarily awkward.

Fortunately, even with how uncomfortable things may have felt from everyone who heard of the duo’s issues, there was at least some semblance of respect when it came to Rainbow Blitz and Elusive themselves. Even though it would’ve been easy as Tartarus for the two stallions to just ignore each other until returning to Ponyville, the looming deadline of their Canterlot finals was significant enough for both of them to influence their decisions. For Elusive, his feelings for the pegasus (as well as Butterscotch’s support before they left his apartment) helped prompt his desire to at least try to talk to Rainbow before their train departed. And as for Blitz himself, the anxiety of facing Elusive again wasn’t nearly as severe as the feeling of guilt he had for leaving him earlier that morning.

Because of that, the two stallions managed to come into contact with each other inside the Manehattan train station.

Rainbow Blitz froze the instant he finally stepped into the main station with his thick duffle bag hoisted across his shoulder. Elusive, who had shown up a few minutes prior to the Wonderbolt, was already waiting by one of the benches alongside his mountain of luggage cases and carry-on bags. Barb, who obviously helped accompany the unicorn to the station, didn’t seem to notice Blitz at first while she sat on top of the pile and read the latest Power Ponies comic. But for Elusive himself, his ears perked up instantaneously the moment he looked back towards the lone pegasus standing near the open doorway.

Nopony else seemed to be nearby to interrupt the two, which was likely for the best considering the situation. Elusive pursed his lips as he looked up at the distracted dragon, and made sure she wasn’t going to make a big fuss about Blitz’s presence; given how depressed he acted after Rainbow bolted from the apartment, he didn’t want to even think about how Barb would react towards him now. So while the drake sat distracted atop the massive pile like it was her own personal hoard, the unicorn quietly slipped out of his seat to make his way towards Rainbow Blitz. The cyan stallion didn’t say anything in response, but he tried to muster up a faint and apologetic smile that bordered on cringey.

Regardless of the Wonderbolt’s questionable expression, Elusive didn’t hesitate as he gave a direct motioning of his head towards the side. Rainbow recognized what his friend was asking of him, and took a quick breath before following him away from Barb’s line of sight. The two ponies walked towards a nearby restroom, which seemed to be vacant due to a ‘Wet Floor’ sign that was placed before the two doors. Fortunately, Elusive’s magic and Blitz’s wings ensured that neither of them slipped before sneaking into the men’s room together.

Elusive walked in first, and scanned the surprisingly large space that was lined with a garishly dated-looking “natural color” design across its brown and tan linoleum tiles. Rainbow Blitz didn’t seem to care too much about the restroom’s design, and placed his duffle on top of an empty sink to help ease the tension on his back. The unicorn made a quick check of the bathroom, and made sure that every stall was empty so they wouldn’t be eavesdropped on. Meanwhile, Blitz made sure to stand by the door as an added precaution, and didn’t question his friend’s choice to envelop the inside of the bathroom in a faint blue aura of his sound-proofing magic.

The moment Elusive sighed in relief and began to walk back towards his partner, Rainbow closed his eyes while taking a breath of his own. “... Okay,” he began as he kept a hoof raised, and spoke in a soft and genuine tone of voice. “Elusive, before you say anything, let me just say that I’m really, really sorry abo--”


Rainbow fell to the bathroom floor like a sack of potatoes, clearly not expecting Elusive of all ponies to have the audacity to slap him in the face. He clutched the side of his face tightly, and let out a painful groan from the burning sting that left a noticeable red mark across his right cheek. “OWWW!!! Wh… What the BUCK, dude?!”

“THAT WAS FOR RUNNING OFF ON ME!” bellowed out the unicorn with a venomous snarl that would’ve made Prince Solaris flinch. Fortunately, the pegasus on the floor was too busy writhing from that surprisingly hard slap to see how pissed-off Elusive looked. The white stallion gritted his teeth as he breathed heavily through his nostrils like a bull, and glared down at Blitz with a look utter disdain on his face. But despite how furious he may have tried to look, Elusive couldn’t hold back the tears that were welling at the corners of his eyes.

“Do… Do you have ANY IDEA how much that hurt me, Rainbow?!?” he belted vehemently, even though Blitz could catch how hoarse his friend’s voice sounded near the end of that question. Unfortunately, Elusive’s rant only came out more shaken as he tried to berate Rainbow and ignore the tears streaming down his face. “I… I know that a lot happened last night, okay!? A-And… And I know there was a lot to process regarding what we did! But you… you have NO RIGHT to leave me without even saying a bucking word! I NEVER did anything that disrespectful towards you!”

“Dude, I know!” blurted Rainbow as he tried to get himself back up onto his hooves, even though one of them was still latched against the side of his face. He tried to speak up while his eyes were still clenched shut. “And I’m sorry, Elusive! I really am sorry! But I really don’t think you should blame me for freaking out when the two of us are sup…”

The instant Blitz reopened his eyes to glare back at his friend, his brows raised immensely when he saw the pained look on Elusive’s upset expression. If the heavy tears and reddened eyes weren’t enough for Rainbow to realize how much he screwed up, the strong pout of disdain beneath those furrowed brows would’ve given a strong hint nonetheless. He wasn’t sure if the unicorn was going to start bawling in agony, or to go into a violent frenzy against the frozen pegasus. But whichever outcome was looming to occur behind Elusive’s glare, it was doubtful Blitz would’ve been able to do much while he stood in uneasy silence.

“... When the two of us are what?” asked Elusive in a faint, choked-up voice that sounded mere seconds from devolving into a breakdown. Regardless, he still glared at Rainbow through his teary eyes as he spoke condescendingly. “When we’re supposed to be friends, Rainbow? Is that what you were going to say to excuse yourself?”

Rainbow Blitz may have known he screwed up big-time when he bolted from Elusive that morning, but he never would’ve fathomed that his exit would’ve hurt his friend so badly. His ears sunk downward in guilt, and his muzzle scrunched in like it was trying to retreat into his head. He wanted to speak up in an attempt to defend himself, but his lips couldn’t bear to part after hearing how hurt the unicorn’s words back to him sounded. So instead, the Wonderbolt stayed silent while his partner continued to speak through that heavy veil of betrayal.

“... Because if so, then you’d have to be completely daft if you didn’t think I was dwelling over those exact same issues myself… I know that we’re close friends, Rainbow Blitz. I know how poorly things can go between two friends when something like romance is involved. And I certainly know how confusing and… a-and utterly terrifying it is to feel such a way towards a friend of the same gender! Despite what you may think, I NEVER considered myself a homosexual before everything that happened last night! But unlike YOU, I’m not going to run away from what happened and risk breaking YOUR heart! So if you think you’re going to give me some ‘insightful perspective’ as to how you felt, you need to understand that I dealt with those EXACT SAME FEELINGS TOO!! AND THEY HAVEN’T GONE AWAY!!!”

Elusive panted heavily after giving that emotionally-fuelled rant, likely because he didn’t expect his feelings to come out in such a heavy torrent. But regardless of the unicorn’s surprisingly blunt and truthful words, they proved to be very effective in shutting Rainbow Blitz right up. A long moment of silence passed as the pegasus stood with a confounded look back at his friend, and his eyes remaining wide enough to almost see the gears turning in the back of his head. By the time he was finally able to make a response, Rainbow avoided giving any excuses or explanations towards Elusive; instead, a soft huff escaped his open muzzle before he shook his head faintly and replied, “I… Dude, I... I had no idea…”

Elusive didn’t say anything, and just turned his muzzle away while his mouth was clenched shut. Another moment of silence passed as Blitz looked down at his hooves, needing to blink repeatedly to process all that his friend just said. Part of him wanted to say something to help quell the unicorn’s state, but he doubted there were many legible responses he could give that wouldn’t hurt him any more than he already had. But like a double-edged sword, Rainbow also knew that staying silent was likely to give Elusive the same amount of heartache overall. So as the seconds passed between them, only one question seemed legible to ask as Blitz opened his muzzle apprehensively.

“Ummm… So, uhhhhh…” Rainbow Blitz tried not to wince as he thought about what he wanted to say, and that wasn’t helped when he saw Elusive give a bitter glimpse back at him. Nevertheless, the Wonderbolt sighed pertly before he asked with as much composure as he could give, “Do… Do you, like… Do you have feelings for me now? Or…”

Elusive winced as he pointed his muzzle away from Rainbow for a couple seconds. Even though he knew he couldn’t lie to one of his best friends, the thought of actually saying it felt unbelievably difficult. He had to close his eyes as his lips pursed tightly shut, and a strained exhale came out through his nostrils. By the time he felt like his throat wasn’t closing up tightly enough to keep him from speaking, Elusive could feel a familiar warmth beading at the corners of his eyes. But despite how pained he may have looked from Blitz’s perspective, the unicorn didn’t try to bring any attention to the stray tears trailing down his matted cheeks as he answered sheepishly. “I… I do…”

Rainbow Blitz didn’t say anything, and just stood with a conflicted expression without moving an inch from his position. Meanwhile, Elusive finally breathed out through his mouth as he let out a sharp sigh, and tried not to cry from the contrasting feelings sweeping across his system. Even though actually admitting he had feelings for Rainbow felt tremendously gratifying, the realization that Blitz now knew for sure caused his heart to thunder in his chest in intensifying worry. But alas, Elusive tried his hardest not to let any of that show when he finally looked back at his partner, even though his eyes were visibly reddened from the tears now reaching the sides of his chin.

He could see the subtle drop in Rainbow Blitz’s expression the instant he got a good look at his friend’s face, as well as how quickly his ears drooped downward in guilt. Even though Elusive couldn’t blame him in the slightest for feeling so bad, especially regarding all the drama that transpired from his hasty exit earlier, he tried to keep his expression firm while staring back at Blitz and taking a deep breath. The unicorn then exhaled hoarsely before he said in a tone of voice desperately trying not to quake, “I… I really wish I could tell you otherwise and be truthful, Rainbow. But I… I really can’t… Af… A-After all we’ve been through together, I… I can’t say that my feelings for you haven’t changed without lying through my teeth…”

Elusive wanted nothing more than to end his confession right then and there, since it was obvious from Rainbow’s wide-eyed look that he knew exactly what his friend was likely to say next. But as the two remained by themselves in that cramped and sterilized space, nothing could’ve been done to keep the unicorn silent. Despite how quickly he may have realized his feelings for Blitz himself, and how undoubtedly shocking it would have been for Rainbow to hear it directly, Elusive felt compelled to follow what his heart was yearning for him to say. Because of that, a few more tears streamed down the unicorn’s face as he closed his eyes, and opened his muzzle to take that unthinkable plunge.

“I… I really didn’t want to feel this way… I truly didn’t... B-But… I… But I think I’ve fallen in love with you, Rainbow Blitz…”

With the way Rainbow’s hind-legs quivered from hearing that confession, it was surprising that the pegasus didn’t buckle over and fall to the floor following that shocking reveal. Elusive’s teary eyes didn’t reopen to glance at his friend’s expression, which was likely for the best due to how stunned and blank it looked in response to him using the “L” word out loud. The Wonderbolt’s mouth hung slightly open, but nothing came out to give an audible response back towards Elusive. Fortunately, no answer was needed by the time the unicorn took a deep breath to keep from sobbing.

“Rainbow, I… I don’t want you to say anything right now,” he spoke in a choked-up, but still insistent tone of voice. “I… I’m sure there’s a lot on your mind, a-and... I’d rather not have you say anything too sudden or impulsive that you might regret later on. Just… Let’s just head back home, a-and… and p-please just try to think about what I said, alright? I promise I won’t try to rush you. I just… I want you to know how important you’ve become to me…”

Elusive reopened his eyes as he looked down at the tiled floor between them, and he took a choppy breath before he began to make his leave without looking up at his friend. However, just as he was about to walk past Rainbow Blitz, the unicorn stopped briefly enough to re-close his eyes and pull his muzzle back up. Since the pegasus was still frozen in stunned silence, there was thankfully no defensive response when Elusive bent in and kissed him on the cheek. The press of the stallion’s lips against his friend’s fur was nothing more than the faintest peck, but it was still taxing enough to make Elusive sniff strongly the instant he pulled back. As more tears trailed down his face, the pony used his magic to pull several paper towels from the nearby dispenser before walking once more.

“I… I’m so sorry for how overwhelming this all may sound to you,” Elusive said in as sincere of a tone as he could through his hoarse voice. “B-But I… I don’t think I can hide how I feel for you after last night. And I… I truly hope you can at least try to understand why I feel the way I do…”

With that, Elusive finally put down his sound-proofing spell, and exited the bathroom to leave Rainbow Blitz completely alone. Meanwhile, the Wonderbolt remained completely still for the longest time while he remained stoic at the spot. He wasn’t sure how long he stayed in that restroom by himself, with nothing but his duffle-bag laying nearby on the sink. However, even when he heard the door opening again, it was obvious that Blitz needed a lot more time to fully process what his best friend just told him.

“Uhhh… Blitz, you alright?” asked Applejack as he walked up towards his friend. Since all he could see was the pegasus’ back, the farmpony had to lean over to the side and wave his hoof to catch his attention. “Blitz? Uhhh… You know we got a train we need’ta catch, right? Ah mean, unless you plan on flyin’ all the way ba…”

Applejack stopped his statement the instant he glanced forward enough to finally catch sight of Rainbow Blitz’s face. Much like his body, the stallion’s blank and frozen expression hadn’t changed much since hearing Elusive’s confession. However, much like the unicorn that left the restroom with tears streaming down his cheeks, his dance partner’s eyes were as far as they could be from dry. While Rainbow’s eyes remained wide-open, they also carried a notable shade of pink around his irises. Meanwhile, the fur beneath them have turned heavily-matted from his unnoticed tears. Applejack may have not known what transpired earlier, but he could see clear as day that the end result left Blitz completely shell-shocked.

“Oh… Oh shit…” AJ didn’t try to say anything cheeky or judgemental about his macho friend’s emotional state, and quickly walked up to his front to face him directly. “H-Hey, Blitz. Blitz!” Since he had no idea what to really do about seeing Rainbow in tears, Applejack looked visibly uneasy as he waved his hoof a little faster in front of Blitz’s muzzle a couple times. “Uhhh… Blitz, are ya alright? Ah… Ah ain’t gonna make fun of ya, Ah promise,” he said honestly. “If… If somethin’s up, you… you know you can tell me ‘bout it. J-Just like what Ah told ya yesterday, remember?”

Even though it was unclear how much of AJ’s response he was able to process, Rainbow Blitz was able to exhale shakily before giving the faintest nod of his head. After another long and arduous moment of silence, the pegasus’ face finally began to contort under the pressure building up in his heart. As his muzzle scrunched inward, and his eyes began to strain between open and shut, Blitz could only find the ability to speak after a couple weak breaths came out rapidly. “I… I… I th…”

That was when Rainbow’s eyes clenched tightly shut, and he lowered his head while a new torrent of tears began to escape. “... I think I screwed up, dude…”

Applejack didn’t ask for any context, and just pulled his friend in to hug him as tightly as he possibly could. While the farmpony clung to him dearly and rested his head against Rainbow’s shoulder, the Wonderbolt did the same before he began to cry audibly within the empty restroom. Despite how unexpected it was for someone as confident as Blitz to end up bawling direly, Applejack didn’t say a word as he let his friend cry it out. Fortunately, despite Elusive’s sound-proofing spell being taken away, neither of the stallions were interrupted while Rainbow Blitz’s sobs echoed against the tiled walls for that heavy passage of time.

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