• Published 14th Dec 2016
  • 1,636 Views, 39 Comments

Resetting Her Destiny - StormLuna

Starlight did it, she prevented Twilight from hatching Spike and now, as a filly, plans on setting a new destiny for herself.

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Starlight's Realization

Starlight Acquires Her Magic

In a remote corner of Equestria a devastated filly sat in front of her house. Her only friend had acquired his cutie mark just a couple of days ago and had already been taken to Canterlot. Suddenly a bright light appeared in the sky and a portal opened up, releasing a powerful beam of energy, containing all of the filly's adult self's knowledge and power from where the portal originated. With that energy came the time spell that she, as an adult, had altered.

The scroll landed in front of the filly. She picked it up and began to read it. As she finished reading it she realized she understood it. Suddenly something magical happened, a four pointed star with a white star tilted behind it along with two swirling blue columns appeared on her flank. She got her cutie mark!

Using her newfound magic, the filly flew into her house pointing at her flank yelling, "Mommy, daddy, look!"

Her mother, Primrose and her father, Stone Cutter were stunned when they saw her flying using magic. Primrose gasped, "Starlight honey, are you flying?"

Starlight excitedly replied, "Yes and look, look!"

Stone Cutter saw her flank and said, "It looks like somepony got her cutie mark!"

Starlight squealed, "I did, isn't it awesome? Isn't it amazing?"

Primrose replied, "It is." She then saw that her daughter had a scroll with her. She took it and began to read it. She called to Stone Cutter, "Honey, could you come over and look at this scroll Starlight had with her? I don't know what it is."

He began to read it and knew immediately that it was a time spell. He looked at Starlight and asked, "Starlight sweetie, did you write this?"

Because of the knowledge and power she received when the portal opened, in her mind she did write the spell. She replied, "Yes daddy, I wrote that spell, well parts of it were written by Starswirl the Bearded but I altered it to make it work better!"

While they found her claim kind of far fetched, they realized that cutie marks don't just show up for no reason. They realized that their daughter DID alter the spell. Primrose grabbed Starlight and asked, "Starlight honey, with you rewriting a time spell and being able to fly with only magic, what would you think about going to Canterlot and seeing if you can get into Celestia's school for gifted unicorns?"

Starlight giggled, "Really, you really think I could get into the ruler of all of Equestria's special school?"

Her parents both nodded in unison. Starlight began jumping up and down like the filly she was cheering, "Yes! Yes! Yes! I would love to see if I can get in!"

Primrose replied, "Alright, I'll get in touch with the school, tell them about your abilities and see if you can go there for an entrance exam."

Starlight grabbed her mom and said, "Thank you mommy!" She then giggled, "I wonder if I'll ever meet Trixie!"

Primrose asked, "Starlight honey, who is Trixie?"

Starlight knew she slipped up and had to lie her way out of this. "Oh, she is just a pony that appeared to me in a dream once."

Primrose sighed, "Well shall we get a letter written to send off?"

Starlight excitedly shouted, "Yes mommy, let's do it!"

Writing the Letter

Primrose began the letter,

"To whom it may concern,

My daughter, Starlight Glimmer, has extremely powerful magic. While this may sound far fetched, a portal opened earlier today and a scroll floated down out of it and after reading it, Starlight can suddenly fly with just magic. The scroll is an altered version of Starswirl the Bearded's time travel spell. I am wondering if she would be able to come up to Canterlot to see if she can get into Celestia's special school. We hope to hear back from you soon.


Primrose Glimmer"

She handed her daughter the letter and she knew that there were some things in there that simply could not be shared with the princess, or anypony else for that matter. She said, "Mommy, we can't let the princess know about the portal, the scroll or Starswirl's spell!"

Primrose asked, "Why honey?"

This caused Starlight to become more frantic, "Because we can't! This is something that must stay just between us!"

Primrose sighed, "Alright sweetie. How about you write the letter."

Starlight replied, "That sounds good." She took a piece of paper and began,

"To whom it may concern,

My daughter, Starlight Glimmer, possesses an uncanny amount and kind of magic. She can fly with only using magic! Also, she is extremely interested in magic overall and has an infinite hunger for knowledge. With this being the case, I am wondering if she would be able to do what it takes to apply for your school? I hope to hear from you soon.


Primrose Glimmer"

Primrose read over the letter and while she felt that Starlight was not providing nearly enough information about her to persuade the higher ups to even let her apply, she nodded and asked, "Well Starlight, shall we get this to the post office?"

Starlight grabbed the letter and shouted, "Yes mommy! Let's get going, we want it to get out today!"

Primrose laughed, "Starlight, we still need to find out the address for Celestia's school and get postage put on the envelope."

Starlight calmed down and said, "I'm sorry mommy, I'm just so excited to get this letter sent off!"

Primrose could understand her daughter's excitement since it could change her life forever. After dropping the letter off at the post office, Starlight asked, "Mommy, how long do you think it will be until we hear back from them?"

Primrose replied, "Starlight honey, it might be a month because I'm sure they have plenty of ponies that send letters to the princess. Just be patient, if they let you apply, we'll go up to Canterlot. If they don't, we will make sure you get the best education possible here or maybe in a bigger city."

All Starlight could do was sigh in frustration. She knew she had the talent to get in and knew that she would likely be able to get accepted as Celestia's protege. When she ruined Twilight's chances of getting into Celestia's school as an adult, she knew getting in would be easy but never took into account that simply being able to apply may not be so easy.