• Published 14th Dec 2016
  • 1,636 Views, 39 Comments

Resetting Her Destiny - StormLuna

Starlight did it, she prevented Twilight from hatching Spike and now, as a filly, plans on setting a new destiny for herself.

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One Last Wait

Getting Ready for Her Exam

The following morning arrived all too soon for the three. Surprisingly though, it was Starlight who seemed more calm and her parents who were more nervous. Starlight noticed them biting their hooves and asked, "Mommy, daddy, what is wrong? Why are you biting your hooves?"

Primrose was shocked to see her daughter so calm given how wound up she had been over the past couple of weeks. She replied, "I'm just nervous about how you'll do."

Stone Cutter added, "Starlight, I thought you would be either really nervous or really excited. How you do in your entrance exam will greatly affect the direction your life will take."

Starlight knew that and was certain that she would easily pass this exam, she knew that she would likely be able to do what it took to become Celestia's protege and knew she had to be calm but confident. She replied, "I know. I just don't want to be too distracted and not do good today. After all, like you said, what happens today will have a direct impact on my future and I want a future with as many opportunities as possible."

Stone Cutter heard Starlight's stomach growl and said, "Well Starlight, I think we should get some food in you. After all, you'll do a lot better with a full stomach."

Starlight nodded and the three headed down to the hotel's buffet. Starlight was amazed at the amount of food in front of them. She gasped, "Wow mommy, wow daddy, I've never seen this much food before!" She began to head towards the buffet and continued, "And we get to eat as much as we want?"

Primrose replied, "Yes sweetie, is is part of what we get for staying here."

Stone Cutter added, "So eat to your heart's content."

Starlight immediately began to get some food. Back home eggs were a rare treat so she grabbed as many of them as she thought she could eat. She also made sure to get some toast, hash browns and naturally, a tall glass of cider. Primrose saw this and asked, "Starlight sweetie, are you sure you'll be able to eat all of that. After all, we don't want to waste any food."

Starlight replied, "I'm extra hungry this morning so of course I'll be able to eat it."

While Primrose continued to have a bit of concern in her face, Stone Cutter had a smile on his face. He was happy to see his daughter being able to have such a huge breakfast yet at the same time he felt bad that they couldn't provide large meals like this for her back home.

Things were rather quiet as they ate breakfast, not because of any sort of stress but because Starlight was devouring her meal. Stone Cutter saw this and said, "Starlight, you know you don't have to down your meal this quickly. I want you to at least be able to taste it."

Primrose knew why she was eating her meal so quickly. She added, "Starlight, we have until late this afternoon to get to the palace so you don't need to eat so quick that you'll make yourself sick."

Once Starlight had an empty mouth she replied, "I know mommy, I'm just looking forward to going and taking my exam."

Her parents just smiled at one another as they realized that Starlight wasn't wound up and used the term "looking forward to" rather than "being excited." Primrose leaned over to her husband and whispered, "With the way she is acting this morning, I know she'll pass."

Stone Cutter whispered back, "And with the composure she has, the princess may very well ask her to be her protege."

Primrose nodded and they noticed Starlight had finished her food and drank all her cider. She began to get up and asked, "Well Starlight, shall we get to the palace?"

Starlight hopped out of her chair and replied, "Yes mommy, let's go!"

As the three headed towards the palace, Starlight could feel it. She knew that this would be the day that she would begin her journey down the path that could lead her to greatness. While her parents were certain that she would get in, there was one thing they dreaded. They knew that if she passed that she would not be returning home with them and like it is with all parents, they knew they would miss her.

A Tense Wait

As the three arrived at the palace they were greeted by two guards. One asked, "Halt, who goes there?"

Stone Cutter replied, "My name is Stone Cutter." He pointed to his wife and continued, "This is my wife Primrose and this is our daughter, Starlight Glimmer. She is here for her entrance exam for Princess Celestia's school."

The guard said, "Princess Celestia told me to expect her and her parents." He opened the castle gate and continued, "Follow me to the waiting room. Once she is ready, she will send a guard to come and get you three."

Starlight was amazed by the grandeur of the palace. She looked around in awe at the fancy windows, the tall ceilings and the fancy decor. Before they knew it they arrived at the waiting room. The guard pointed his wing to the waiting room and said, "Go in and take a seat, Princess Celestia will be ready for Starlight shortly."

As they headed in they were greeted by a dark blue unicorn wearing a cape and hat and her daughter, a light blue unicorn filly dressed just like her mother. Starlight saw her and realized this could only be one pony, Trixie Lulamoon. At first there was just an odd silence between the five until Starlight broke the silence. While she knew it was Trixie, she knew she couldn't just go calling her by name right then and there, "Hello, I'm Starlight Glimmer, what's your name?"

Trixie looked up and said, "I am The Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Starlight tried to look confused and asked, "Great and Powerful? Why do you use a title with your name?"

Trixie boasted, "Because Trixie is great with magic! Trixie is likely the most powerful unicorn that has ever lived!"

This brought out a look of disgust from Starlight. It was at that moment that she realized why Twilight was upset when she brought her into her castle. Starlight thought to herself, "She is so stuck on herself! What did I ever see in her?"

Her parents could see the negative reaction from their daughter and wanted to try to lighten the mood. Primrose looked at the mare sitting across from her and said, "Hi, my name is Primrose Glimmer and this is my husband, Stone Cutter. What is your name?"

In an arrogant voice similar to that of her daughter she replied, "My name is Moonrise Lulamoon, the mother of The Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Despite her initial response being rather pompous, Starlight's parents knew not to start any kind of argument or scene. Primrose asked, "So, what can your daughter do that caused you to bring her here?"

Moonrise replied, "Well my daughter can make fireworks and other objects just appear out of nowhere and she can manipulate objects. I'm guessing that only The Great and Powerful Trixie can do that!" She then cast her gaze towards Starlight and asked, "So, what can your daughter do that causes you to think she is so great?"

The way she worded the question did not impress them but they did not want to stoop to her level. Stone Cutter replied, "Well she can fly just using her magic, she can teleport and she has quite the hunger for knowledge."

Trixie interrupted, "That's it? That's all she can do?" She pointed her hoof at Starlight and boasted, "Well, you may be able to do that but the princess will be much more impressed by The Great and Powerful Trixie's amazing magic."

While Starlight did not like ponies pointing at her and Trixie's boasting was getting on her nerves, she just closed her eyes and thought, "Just stay calm Starlight. Just stay calm and everything will be ok."

Luckily for Starlight and her parents, a guard entered the room and said, "The princess is ready. He looked at Trixie and said, "Trixie, you are first since you got here sooner."

As they were leaving Trixie said, "Ha! You see, Trixie gets to go first so obviously Trixie will get into the school easily."

As they left Starlight glared towards the door and said, "If we both get accepted I hope I don't have to put up with her much because she is not a very nice pony."

Primrose sighed, "Well judging from her mother's behavior, I know where she got her attitude from."