• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 2,996 Views, 49 Comments

Sweet Affection - Masterob

Apple Bloom's attempts to set Rumble up with Scootaloo result in potential love between Rumble and Sweetie Belle

  • ...

Keeping Friendship Strong

Later, Apple Bloom had returned home with Rumble and Twilight escorting her. It was already getting late, by this time her whole family would be done with the farming.

Apple Bloom looked down in shame, she knew she had messed up really badly today, she may have ruined her friendships Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Tender Taps, maybe even Diamond Tiara to an extent.

She hadn't meant to go this far, but she was so desperate to make things right with Scootaloo, now she has nopony to be with most likely, it would be all her fault though, she should have been more careful.

Rumble pitied Apple Bloom a bit, he didn't like how she acted but he still hates to see another pony sad, especially if he's part of the reason, indirectly or not.

Still feeling bad for her, he moved in closer and used his wing to bring her closer for a side hug, which she returned by nuzzling against his face, using one of her forelegs to bring herself closer to him. Rumble returned the gesture, using his own foreleg so she can be closer. He just wants her to feel safe and secure.

"Thanks Rumble," Apple Bloom whispered somewhat.

"Think nothing of it," Rumble said.

Twilight looked at Apple Bloom with some pity, but she also felt that now Apple Bloom needs to accept responsibility for what she's caused. She has gone overboard with things, even more so than usual.

But she was proud to see Rumble showing such kindness to Apple Bloom despite everything. Rumble is such a caring colt, he's starting to remind her of her own brother. Shining Armor has always been the caring brother that she could feel safe around, he's sensitive to the needs of his sister and wife, but can step up when he has to.

"Your sister's gonna be here soon Apple Bloom, you're gonna have a lot of explaining to do," Twilight said.

"Ah figured," Apple Bloom said.

Twilight sighed, "I just hope you learned something from all this, you're a better pony than this Apple Bloom, we don't want to see you make this mistake again."

"Ok, sorry Twilight," Apple Bloom said.

Twilight nodded, "The apology is appreciated, but you're gonna have some other ponies to apologize to soon."

"But don't worry, if you mean it, they'll forgive you, just like I have," Rumble said.

Somehow that made Apple Bloom a bit more teary, it means a lot that Rumble had forgiven her so fast, despite how angry she had made him. She knows he likely feels guilty for telling her the things he did, but she doesn't blame him, because she had hurt him that badly before.

"Rumble, I'll make this up to you, ah swear," Apple Bloom said.

"No more of your plans Apple Bloom, just let things happen the way they should for now," Rumble said.

Apple Bloom nodded, "Alright Rumble."

Moments later Applejack had arrived, "Oh good, yer here." Her friendly demeanor quickly turned into an angry one. "You've got some explaining to do missy."

Apple Bloom cringed, "Oh great."

Rumble turned to Applejack, "Please go easy on her, she's really sorry, she just tried too hard to make her friends happy."

Twilight found it adorable how Rumble cared so much about Apple Bloom, even now.

"I'm sure she is sorry, but ah still need to explain to her why what she did wasn't proper," Applejack said.

Rumble nodded, "Ok Miss Applejack, you know best."

Applejack ruffled his mane, "Ah appreciate you being mature about this though, yer a good kid."

Rumble kicked the ground shy, "Thanks Miss Applejack."

"And don't call me 'Miss', it sounds weird," Applejack said.

Rumble nodded, "Ok Applejack."

Twilight gestured her head, "Lets go, I'm sure your brother and foalsitters are waiting."

Rumble nodded and waved bye as he left with Twilight. Apple Bloom also waved and went inside her home with Applejack.

Applejack let out a big sigh as she looked down to her sister, a sister who seemed to be shifting her hooves very shyly, as if she knows what's to happen.

"Apple Bloom, ah don't even know where to start. Ah mean what you did, it's so unlike you. Why would you try to get ponies to date who you think they should date? That ain't fair to anypony," Applejack said.

"Sorry sis, ah promised Scootaloo that I'd get Rumble as her coltfriend, and ah wanted to keep that promise," Apple Bloom said.

"It's great that you care and that you wanted to keep a promise, but sometimes you just can't do these things. This isn't a game that you play with yer friends, this colt had a crush on Sweetie Belle, and if you knew that he liked her, what made you think he would just go fer Scootaloo?" Applejack asked.

"Well, ah thought they could have more fun together, they both like flying, even if Scootaloo can't fly it's still there," Apple Bloom said.

"That ain't enough though, and even so he liked Sweetie Belle. If he did decide to just go fer Scootaloo, imagine how she would feel, dating a colt who's mind could easily be changed," Applejack said.

"Well it's not like he would've dumped her, she would have broken up with him," Apple Bloom said.

"Still, if he had a crush on her and she just dumped him fer no real reason, then that would be just as bad. Imagine if this did work and he went with Scootaloo, suppose one day he found out that you did all this, it might upset him to know that you all played with his emotions," Applejack said.

Apple Bloom wiped her eyes, trying not to cry more. "Ah just wanted everypony to be happy, ah got desperate to do so."

"Ah know you want them to be happy, it's a good thing that you do. But sometimes you gotta know when not to do something. It's sad fer Scootaloo, but she'll get over it, she's a tough filly," Applejack said.

"Still, should Sweetie Belle have done what she did, date a pony she knew her friend liked?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I'll admit, maybe she should have handled that better or at least talked to y'all first, though I'm not entirely sure myself what happened. But the fact is that he already liked her, he didn't like Scootaloo that way. He wasn't trying to hurt Scootaloo, he didn't even know she liked him, and if she fell in love with him because he treated her right, well it's hard to blame her," Applejack said.

"Ah still feel so bad fer Scootaloo, she even cried over this," Apple Bloom said.

"Yes, it is sad that happened, but like ah said, she'll be fine," Applejack insisted.

Apple Bloom looked down in shame, "Well ah already blew it though, now both mah friends are mad at me, plus it looks like ah lost out on Tender Taps. Doesn't help that Scootaloo kissed him, so she's already moved on."

"Listen, try talking to them tomorrow, if yer really sorry, I'm sure they'll forgive you," Applejack said.

Apple Bloom looked up at her sister, "You really think so?"

"Well, the way ah see it, if we could forgive Discord fer turning Equestria chaotic, forgive Trixie for trying to take over Ponyville and forgive Starlight for taking over a small village and then trying to mess up time, ah think yer friends could forgive you fer something so silly. Ah mean y'all even forgave Diamond Tiara despite her being much worse." Applejack said.

Apple Bloom nodded, "Alright, thanks fer that Applejack."

Applejack ruffled her mane, "Good, now get ready fer dinner, after that it's straight to bed."

Apple Bloom nodded, "Yes sis..."

Applejack gave Apple Bloom a quick hug, "Yer still a great sister."

Apple Bloom hugged back, "So are you Applejack."

Later as Rumble was walking to his home with Twilight. "Um, thanks for taking me home, that's really nice of you."

"That's sweet of you , it's really no trouble, you're a nice boy to be around," Twilight said.

Rumble kept walking, though something was on his mind. "Um Twilight, why are you so friendly with me and the other foals? You're nice to others but you seem to be really kind with foals."

Twilight thought a moment, "Well, I like the idea of being a mentor. I grew up as a little sister and I remember how fond I was of my brother, he was such a great pony for me to look up to. I had a taste of being an older sibling with Spike, and now I have another sibling like pony in Starlight Glimmer, both look up to me and I like knowing I can help so many ponies. That's why I like helping foals like you and The Crusaders, I see a lot of potential in all of you. In a way, I see all of you as my younger siblings."

Rumble blushed a little at her words, "You're a great sister, I know one day you'll make an even greater mother."

"Aw, thanks Rumble," Twilight said with a small blush.

A moment later, Rumble heard some fillies call out to him.

"Rumble! Wait up please!"

Rumble recognized that as Sweetie Belle's voice. He wasn't sure if he wanted to talk to her right now, though he heard a second voice.

"Hold up Rumble!"

Now he recognized that as Dinky's voice. He turned and saw both of them running towards him. "Dinky? Sweetie Belle?"

Twilight also saw the two fillies, "Girls, it's getting late, you should be home."

"We really need to talk to Rumble though," Dinky said.

Sweetie Belle had trotted over to Rumble, a look of sadness and guilt in her eyes, "Rumble, I just want you to know that I'm really sorry if this hurt you, but I really do care about you. It's not me pretending to like you now, I really do like you. I'm in love with you Rumble."

Rumble looked away, still unsure what to think. Hearing that his longtime crush would only pretend to date him just to find out info about him just seemed too sneaky for his liking. He feels like his dates have meant nothing to her.

Suddenly Sweetie Belle started to nuzzle against him, some tears leaving her eyes, "Please Rumble, I know this was sneaky and it hurt your feelings, but I really do love you now, I swear I'm not making it up."

"You gotta believe her Rumble, she really loves you, I can tell that she does," Dinky insisted.

Rumble sighed, he did pity Sweetie Belle a little, and he still has some feelings for her. "Look, I'm willing to hear you out, but can we do it tomorrow? Like Twilight said, it's getting late and I'm just exhausted from everything that's happened."

Sweetie Belle nodded, "Yes, absolutely. Come to the Clubhouse tomorrow around noon, I'll try to get the others, we'll settle everything."

Rumble nodded, "I'll be there."

With that Sweetie Belle left, Dinky also starting to leave. "I gotta get home though, my sister's probably waiting, see you tomorrow."

"Bye Dinky," Rumble said, watching his best friend trot away. With a sigh he rubbed his head, "I never knew romance could be this complicated.

"You'll be fine, but promise that you'll listen to Sweetie Belle's reasoning, hopefully it's valid, you should give her another chance," Twilight said.

Rumble again gave a nod, "I will Twilight."

Twilight knocked on Rumble's door, it being answered by Thunderlane.

"Oh, Princess Twilight, what brings you here?" Thunderlane asked.

"I'm just dropping off Rumble," Twilight said, gesturing to the colt beside her.

"Oh hey little buddy, how was your date today?" Thunderlane asked.

Rumble cringed a little, but tried not to let it show. "It was...interesting."

"Huh? How so?" Thunderlane asked.

"No reason, anyway I already made plans to see her again tomorrow at her clubhouse," Rumble said.

"The Clubhouse, alone? Wow lucky you, getting a filly all to yourself in such a private location," Thunderlane said slyly.

Rumble blushed angrily, "Thunder..."

Twilight also glared disapprovingly, "Might you not say such things to your younger brother? He seems too well mannered to do actions like that."

Thunderlane nervously chuckled, "Right, sorry. Anyway thanks for helping him get home, hope it wasn't too much trouble."

"It was no trouble at all," Twilight said with a friendly smile. "Like I said before, you're brother is the sweetest little colt, I don't mind keeping an eye on him when I'm able to."

Rumble chuckled shyly at Twilight's kind words, "I can see why ponies love you. You're a very caring Princess."

"I'm just being a friend, now I need to get going myself, I'll see you both tomorrow," Twilight said, trotting home herself.

Rumble nodded and went inside with his brother, thinking over everything that had happened.

Later Sweetie Belle had arrived at the Carousel Boutique, feeling some less sadness over this whole situation, but can't shake off that feeling that she may have hurt Rumble. She's grateful that he's willing to hear her out but she feels like this should have gone better. Maybe she should have been a bit more honest.

As she walked inside, she had been greeted by Rarity. "Oh, you're home, I was about to go get you."

"That's nice," Sweetie Belle said, not really paying attention.

Rarity looked concerned, "Sweetie Belle, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Sweetie Belle said, making her way to her room.

Rarity took a breath, "Something happened between Rumble and your friends, correct?"

Sweetie Belle stopped in her tracks, looking over to her sister, "How did you..."

"Diamond Tiara came to the castle, she explained everything," Rarity said. "Sounds like you were in quite a mix-up, care to tell me what happened in your point on view."

Sweetie Belle partially didn't want to have to talk about this, but she figured it's better to get it out of the way. "Remember when I first started dating Rumble?"

Rarity nodded, "Yes, you were less than thrilled at the time."

"It's because I was only dating him because I needed to get some information about him. Scootaloo had a crush on him but was too nervous to ask him out. When I tried to say what she should have told him, he overheard thought I liked him. Since he was willing to date me, we figured it was the perfect chance to figure out what he likes in a filly," Sweetie Belle said.

"Is that why you didn't seem to care for him at first?" Rarity asked.

"Sorta, it's true that I really didn't want to date him because I didn't think he was 'boyish', but also because I really didn't wanna go through all that just because Scootaloo wouldn't admit her feelings," Sweetie Belle said.

"I see, but what about recently?" Rarity asked.

"That's the thing, over time I really did start to like him, he was what I really wanted in a colt, somepony to be there for me and want to protect me. I used to think he was shy and not too confident, but when we dated, he seemed different. He talked more, he was a bit braver, he even stood up for me. He really was boyish, just a different type of boyish. He's tough with others, but soft with me. He was perfect," Sweetie Belle explained.

"What about Apple Bloom and Scootaloo? What were their thoughts?" Rarity asked.

"When Apple Bloom found out I loved him, she called me a terrible friend, Scootaloo started crying when she found out."

"What about Rumble, did he find out about this plan?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, he got upset and left, I think his feelings were hurt. But right now I'm confused, is it wrong that I fell in love with Rumble even though Scootaloo liked him?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Rumble did seem to like you, from what Thunderlane told me, he already had a crush on you, so it's not like you charmed him away from Scootaloo. So I don't think you falling in love with him was that bad, but how you all went about this was bad," Rarity said.

"It just happened so fast, I didn't know how to react," Sweetie Belle said.

"Still, you shouldn't have gone along like this. At least you found out that you really did like him, but now his feelings are hurt, you should have tried being more honest with him," Rarity said.

"I know, I really blew this," Sweetie Belle said. "Luckily I caught up to him a moment ago, he said he would hear me out tomorrow, but I'm a little nervous, what if he begins to hate me?"

"Just be honest with him, he seems like the understanding type. But whatever happens, you must accept, even if it's not the result you want," Rarity said.

"I know, after today he has every reason to hate me. Still, I hope I can get him back," Sweetie Belle said.

"I hope you and your friends could make-up, it would be a shame to see your friendship end over this," Rarity said.

"Yeah, same here," Sweetie Belle said, then went to her room, thinking everything over.

The next Day, Sweetie Belle decided to make her way to the Clubhouse. Dinky offered to go gather the other foals, figuring it's better for her to do it right now since she'd be able to reason with them for the most part, plus she didn't think Scootaloo or Rumble would want to see her, at least right away.

She arrived at the farm around noon and saw that Apple Bloom was also near the Clubhouse, likely thinking over everything.

"Apple Bloom?" Sweetie Belle said, getting the farmer filly's attention.

"Oh, howdy Sweetie Belle, I'm just thinking some stuff over a bit," Apple Bloom said.

"I see, um I hope you don't mind, but I invited everypony over to the Clubhouse, so we can talk a bit. I also wanted to invite you, I hope you're willing to hear all of us out, if you want you," Sweetie Belle said.

Apple Bloom nodded with a smile, "Sure, I'd like that. Truth be told, ah feel kinda terrible fer what happened recently. This would be a good opportunity to apologize to mah friends."

Sweetie Belle smiled in relief, "That's good to know, I just want us all to be friends again."

"Same here," Apple Bloom said.

Within minutes, Dinky had arrived with Rumble, Tender Taps, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and an annoyed looking Button Mash.

"Why am I here? I only did like one thing with all of you," Button said.

"It'd be better if all of us were here because we were all involved in some way," Sweetie Belle said.

"She's right, I myself want to see this get resolved," Diamond said.

Rumble nodded, "Should we go inside the Clubhouse then?"

"Sure, follow me," Sweetie Belle said, leading them all into the clubhouse.

The foals got settled inside the clubhouse, Rumble staying notably closer to Dinky, Scootaloo staying pretty close to Tender Taps, Button sitting close to where Sweetie Belle is, grinning like a goofball, the others just got settled around.

"Ok, where should we start?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I'd like to know a bit more about why you agreed to date me," Rumble said. "I also want to know more on Scootaloo wanting to date me."

"Oh that, see Scootaloo had a crush on you but she would never admit it. When I was mentioning what she should say, that's when you overheard me and thought I was practicing how to ask you out," Sweetie Belle said.

"That's when we got the idea to let Sweetie Belle date you to find out what you would like in a filly, it was mostly mah plan though," Apple Bloom said.

"After that is when the date started, I was reluctant at first but overtime started liking the idea," Sweetie Belle said, trying her best to assure Rumble that she truly liked him.

"So you never really wanted to date me at first, you were just humoring me?" Rumble asked.

Sweetie Belle nodded sadly, "Yeah, I guess I was...truth be told I didn't think I could like you, I thought you were a little...non-boyish."

Rumble looked a little upset to hear that, "Is this about my face? That I look like a filly?"

"I don't see how he even looks like a filly, I knew he was a colt the first time I saw him, maybe it was the mane though, it looks like something a boy would have," Dinky said.

"Anyway it's not your looks, I just didn't think you were...assertive, I thought you were too shy. But I was wrong obviously, besides I at one point stopped caring about that," Sweetie Belle explained.

"Still, I really don't like that you tried tricking me like that, I really thought you liked me Sweetie Belle," Rumble said, his ears dropping in sadness.

"But I do now, it took a while but I really do like you, I even told Apple Bloom and Scootaloo that I did, and to forget the idea," Sweetie Belle said.

"Wait, you really did start to like him? You did tell the girls to cancel their plans?" Tender Taps asked.

Sweetie Belle nodded, "Yeah, but that's when Apple Bloom asked Diamond Tiara and Button Mash to cause some trouble."

"I really am sorry about that," Diamond said.

"I know, I forgive you, stop worrying about it," Sweetie Belle insisted.

Diamond nodded and turned to Rumble, "I'm sorry for upsetting you as well."

"That's fine, I'm sure you won't do that again. Kinda glad that's the reason though, you're really nice, I was hoping you weren't becoming the rich bratty filly you once were," Rumble said.

Diamond blushed a little, "Aw, thanks."

Rumble turned back to Sweetie Belle, "Still though, I didn't like having been tricked like that, I wish you could have been a little more honest with me."

Sweetie Belle's ears dropped as she bowed her head low, "I'm sorry Rumble."

Rumble trotted to her and lifted her head up by her chin, "But on the bright side, at least I got you to fall in love with me, just like I always wanted."

Sweetie Belle's eyes widened, "Wait, you mean that...do you forgive me? Are you gonna keep being my coltfriend!?"

"Maybe, I want to make sure everypony else is satisfied," Rumble said, then turned to Scootaloo. "I'm sorry that you had a crush on me, I had no idea. I was too busy with my own crush on Sweetie Belle."

"It's fine, I guess I just couldn't help being in love," Scootaloo said.

"Still, why couldn't you have told me? Were you that shy?" Rumble asked.

Scootaloo rubbed her head, trying not to feel too awkward, "I...I'm just not good with my emotions."

"You could have told me, I probably would have given you a chance, just to at least make you happy. I can't promise that we would have been together though," Rumble said.

"Because I'm aggressive? Too tough?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well, I just didn't feel like I could make you happy, I thought you deserved better than a colt like me. You have Rainbow Dash as your older sister and mentor, I considered you too good for me," Rumble said.

Scootaloo looked surprised, "Seriously? Rumble I don't care about you being cool enough, and I never considered you below my level, I just liked you for you. You're a sweet colt with a great personality, I wanted to be around that."

Rumble blinked in surprise, "Wow, thanks for that."

Scootaloo turned away blushing a bit, "It's fine though, if it might not have worked out then I guess there's not much to do, especially since Sweetie Belle's in love with you. Honestly I don't mind that much anymore, I did find out recently that I can move on if I wanted to."

Tender Taps blushed a little, knowing what she probably means.

"I'm really sorry though, I know this probably hurts, I feel kinda bad since I never had a chance to return your feelings," Rumble said.

"Hey it's fine. Sure it kinda sucks that I lost out but I'll get over it. Just promise you'll make a good coltfriend for Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said.

Rumble nodded, "Sure, and we can still do stuff together, as friends. I always wanted to race you, my wings against your scooter."

"Oh I would leave you so far behind kid," Scootaloo said with a confident grin.

Rumble chuckled, then returned the look of confidence, "We'll see who gets left behind."

Scootaloo held her hoof out to Rumble, the colt understanding the gesture and proceeded with a hoof bump.

"Aw, they're friends now, perfect," Tender Taps said.

Rumble turned to Apple Bloom, "What about you? How do you feel about all this?"

"Ah just want mah friends to be happy," Apple Bloom said.

"Didn't do that good of a job then," Button said in a snarky tone.

Diamond then bonked him hard on the head, "Will you be quiet!?"

Button rubbed his head, "You're really mean...kinda like it."

Diamond again bonked his head, blushing angrily. "You dummy!"

Rumble shook his head at Button's immature attitude and turned back to Apple Bloom, "Well like I said, I forgive what you did, and I'm really sorry for the stuff I said yesterday."

"It's fine, ah know you don't really mean it. Thanks fer being so nice about this," Apple Bloom said. "Ah just wish ah listened to Tender Taps, he always thought this was a bad idea."

"Yeah, he insisted what we stopped what we were doing before anypony got hurt," Scootaloo said.

"Too late for that," Tender lamented.

"You did what you could," Dinky said. "Maybe I could have done a little more."

"You threw me in a garbage can!" Button shouted.

"Quiet or I'll do it again," Dinky warned, her horn glowing.

Button hid behind Diamond, "Wow, you're meaner than Apple Bloom."

Apple Bloom groaned, "Hush up!"

Rumble again shook his head, then turned to Tender Taps. "Thanks for at least trying though, but what about you and Apple Bloom? Are you two still together?"

Tender Taps blushed, "Rumble, I'm not dating Apple Bloom, would have liked to but...I'm not sure if that's gonna happen just yet."

"Oh, so you weren't dating, but you had a crush on her, or she had one on you," Rumble said.

"They liked each other, neither would say anything until it was too late. Apple Bloom and Tender Taps got into a small argument," Scootaloo said.

"Honestly, ah don't even think I'm ready fer a coltfriend, ah have quite a bit to learn about being a friend right now," Apple Bloom said.

"I'm sure you'll get there," Rumble encouraged. "But I kinda hope you two get together, I think you make a cute couple yourselves."

Tender Taps and Apple Bloom turned to each other, blushing slightly at the thought of them dating.

"By the way Tender Taps, I'm sorry for saying those mean things to you, and Scootaloo I'm sorry as well," Apple Bloom said.

"Don't worry, I forgive you Apple Bloom," Tender Taps said.

"Same here, and thanks for trying to help me," Apple Bloom said.

"Ah just wanted to make sure you were happy, because you being mah friend made me happy, you too Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom said.

Dinky suddenly began to remember when she said something similar to Rumble, how she wants to make him as happy as he made her. Now she can somewhat understand why Apple Bloom acted like she did.

"Apple Bloom, I think you're a great friend, you just need to manage that a little better," Dinky said, then received a playful glare from Rumble. "Though I'm not much different."

Rumble looked to Sweetie Belle, "Now, are you happy?"

"Am I still your marefriend?" Sweetie Belle asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.

Rumble trotted to her, then gave her a nice, sweet, loving and affectionate kiss. "Of course, I promised I would be there for you. I won't break that promise to you Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie Belle blushed at Rumble's words, the words of her brave knight. "I love you Rumble."

"I love you too Sweetie Belle," Rumble said.

As the two resumed their kiss, Dinky looked on with pride, seeing her best friend get the filly she felt he deserved was a nice moment. Apple Bloom also had some appreciation for the moment, finally able to see it from a positive perspective. Scootaloo managed a small smile, even if she wishes she were in Sweetie Belle's place, deep down she cares deeply for her friend, and knows this is making her really happy. Tender Taps also looked relieved, he's glad this is settled, plus this was so cute for him to watch.

Diamond looked on with happiness, kinda wishing she had a colt like that. She turned over and saw Button gagging at the sight, to which she would again clonk him on the head.

"You're so rude!" Button complained.

"Quit being immature then," Diamond said.

Button groaned and looked back to the kiss, wondering why Sweetie Belle even likes a colt like Rumble. Oh well, he's positive it won't last, then Sweetie Belle will be his marefriend.

Sweetie Belle broke the kiss, then looked to Scootaloo. "I promise you Scootaloo, I'll make this up to you. I'll get you a colt to love you like this."

"Or a filly," Button added.

Scootaloo shrugged, "I'm cool for now, don't worry. But thanks."

"I know some colts you might like," Rumble said. "I think Derpy has a relative around your age, maybe him?"

"What relative?" Sweetie Belle asked Dinky.

"Talk about it later," Dinky said.

Apple Bloom stood up, "We'll leave you two lovebirds alone fer now."

With that all the foals left with the exception of Rumble and Sweetie Belle.

"So what do we do now?" Rumble asked.

"Do you even have to ask?" Sweetie Belle said, "I'm not quite done with you."

With that she pulled Rumble in for some more kissing, she can't seem to get enough of that. Rumble won't complain, kissing Sweetie Belle is a dream for him.

Outside all the foals had made their way home, Apple Bloom going back to her house. As Tender Taps walked home, Scootaloo caught up to him.

"Hey Taps, kinda wanna apologize for before," Scootaloo said.

Tender Taps turned to her, "For what?"

"You know, kissing you like that," Scootaloo said.

"Oh that," Tender Taps said with a blush. It was still an awkward thing for him, "Yeah it's fine, it wasn't really bad so..."

"I guess I kissed you because you were really nice to me, and I let my emotions guide me. I don't know if I have a crush on you or if I just wanted a colt to be with at that time, love's confusing. But I know you like Apple Bloom and I won't get in the way of that," Scootaloo said.

Tender Taps smiled at her, "Thanks."

Scootaloo looked in the direction of her house, "I'll just go home then, see you tomorrow. We can still do stuff together right? Like best friends?"

"Sure, I don't mind," Tender Taps said.

As Scootaloo walked off, Tender Taps began to wonder. "Scootaloo's actually very nice, much more sensitive than I thought she was, pretty too..." As he walked he started to feel funny when thinking about Scootaloo. Suddenly he stopped and began to wonder. "Am I...starting to like Scootaloo? But I like Apple Bloom..." Tender Taps groaned, "Is this seriously gonna happen again? I need to go find Princess Twilight."

With that Tender Taps walked off, all the foals feeling satisfied with how everything was resolved.

Author's Note:

Friendship stays strong. Things shall settle a bit soon.