• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 2,996 Views, 49 Comments

Sweet Affection - Masterob

Apple Bloom's attempts to set Rumble up with Scootaloo result in potential love between Rumble and Sweetie Belle

  • ...

Romantic Revealation

Rumble and Thunderlane arrived at the Carousel Boutique, both with flowers in their hooves, feeling excited for their upcoming dates.

"Ready for this little bro?" Thunderlane asked.

"You bet," Rumble said. "Kinda nervous though."

"Hey you've already had three successful dates with Sweetie Belle," Thunderlane reminded.

"Yeah, but this time I'm inviting her to my house, that seems like a big step," Rumble said.

"Yeah, it is, but you got this," Thunderlane said, then knocked on the Boutique's door.

Moments later, Rarity answered the door, "Ah, Thunderlane, and Rumble, so glad to see you both."

"Of course, same for you my pretty filly," Thunderlane said, presenting Rarity with some flowers.

"For me? How sweet," Rarity said while taking the flowers. She then called for her sister. "Sweetie Belle, our dates are here!"

Within seconds, Sweetie Belle arrived, a big smile on her face at the sight of her date. "Rumble, you're here."

"Hi Sweetie Belle," Rumble said, then shyly presented his flowers. "I got these for you."

"Aw, they look so pretty, and delicious," Sweetie Belle said, taking the flowers. "Thanks Rumble, that's really nice of you."

Rumble kicked the ground shyly, "It was nothing."

To his surprise, Sweetie Belle had kissed his cheek. "Still sweet, thanks."

Rumble blushed madly at that, then started to chuckle awkwardly as Sweetie Belle continued to give him an affectionate gaze. "So um, should we, you know, get going?"

Sweetie Belle nodded, "Yeah." She turned to Rarity, "Should we then?"

"Of course," Rarity said and turned to Thunderlane, "Mind leading the way?"

Thunderlane shook his head as he gave off a confident, yet somewhat nervous smile. "Totally."

The two led their mares to their home, both hoping to ensure that by the end, the mares gain their affection.

Back in the Marketplace, Twilight is seen shopping with Starlight and Spike, though Spike was mildly disappointed at the lack of gems.

"I know gems are hard to come by but can't they have anything remotely close to it?" Spike complained.

"Don't start Spike, you can eat other foods just fine," Twilight said.

"Still, not as tasty as gems," Spike said.

Starlight started to wonder, "I'm amazed you could even eat such things, dragons must have tough stomachs."

As they continued to look through the market, Twilight noticed Tender Taps nearby, looking a bit confused. "Oh, it's Tender Taps...something's off about him though."

Starlight looked over to him as well, "What do you think it could be?"

"I'm not sure, I'll go over and ask him," Twilight said and trotted over to him. "Hey Tender Taps, how are you doing?"

Tender Taps waved, "Hi Princess Twilight, nice to see you again."

"Same here, but is there something, I don't know, down about you? You seem a bit troubled," Twilight said.

"I'm just confused about some stuff," Tender Taps explained.

"Like what? Maybe I can help," Twilight said.

Tender Taps shook his head, "It's no big deal, I don't wanna bug you with my problems, I'm sure you have more important things to worry about."

"Nonsense, as the Princess of Friendship, I have to help any pony that might need it, plus you're one of Apple Bloom's friends, I can make time for you," Twilight said.

Tender Taps cringed a little at Apple Bloom's name, "That's the thing, some weird stuff is going on that involves Apple Bloom."

"Like what?" Twilight asked, taking a seat before the foal. Starlight and Spike just watched from where they were, feeling like they're not really needed.

"It's like this, remember that I told you about me believing that Sweetie Belle and Rumble should just remain as they are?" Tender asked. Upon a nod from Twilight, Tender Taps continued. "Well when I tried talking to her a moment ago, she and Scootaloo both insisted that Sweetie Belle will get bored of Rumble, so Apple Bloom still wants to help Scootaloo get Rumble as a coltfriend. When I kept insisting that it's not a good idea, Apple Bloom suddenly started to act really flirty with me, it felt nice, but weird at the same time."

Twilight looked surprised, "That sounds unusual of Apple Bloom."

"Yeah, I mean deep down I liked that, but somehow I feel like this isn't the best thing to do. I still think Rumble and Sweetie Belle should remain a couple, I think they deserve that chance first. Even if it doesn't work out, Rumble deserves a chance to try and get the filly he has a crush on to return the affection," Tender Taps insisted.

"Yes, he does, and also I can get that it's awkward, it sounds like Apple Bloom is likely trying to take your mind off of this with her flirting. Though I'd like to talk to her about this, it doesn't sound like Apple Bloom to possibly use your emotions as a distraction against you," Twilight said.

"I get that, I want you to talk to her as well, maybe you can understand this better than I could," Tender Taps said.

Twilight stood up, "Alright Tender Taps, you may go home, I'm gonna go look for Apple Bloom, do you know where she might be?"

"She went to Rarity's house, but I think that by now Rarity and Sweetie Belle began their date, so Apple Bloom probably went home or something," Tender Taps said.

"Right, I'll see if I can talk to her later. I'm sorry this is happening Tender Taps, Apple Bloom is a good filly, and she probably thinks she has the best intentions, but she can be a little...extreme about certain things, I'll have a nice chat with her," Twilight said.

"Thanks Princess Twilight, you're a great role model," Tender Taps said, hugging Twilight a moment.

Twilight leaned down to kiss his head, "No problem my little pony."

Tender Taps blushed a little, such an honor for Twilight Sparkle to show him such affection. "Well...b-bye." He quickly trotted away, that's the second time in a short span that he's felt all flustered.

Twilight smiled as he trotted off, but then decided to think about the matter at hoof, "I gotta talk with Apple Bloom." She trotted back to Starlight and Spike. "Go home without me, but make sure you shop for what we need first."

"Where are you going?" Starlight asked.

"To Sweet Apple Acres, I need to talk with Apple Bloom, and maybe Applejack too," Twilight said and trotted off.

Back with the two dates, both Thunderlane and Rumble had gotten their mares to their home. Thunderlane felt some confidence, though having a beautiful date like Rarity did get him a bit nervous. Rumble however was really nervous, though remembered like Dinky told him, just be himself and try to be confident.

The two mares entered the home of the two stallions. Rarity admired the interior, it's not high society like she likes, but it still looked pretty nice.

Sweetie Belle looked around, seeing all the pictures of Rumble, his family and friends. He looks kinda cute in those pictures.

"You two can wait here, I'm gonna check on the food, I had most of it prepared before we got here, I just need to add the final touch to it," Thunderlane said.

"I'll go set the table for all of us," Rumble said.

As the brothers left, the two mares stood in wonder.

"I wonder what the dinner will be like? It won't be anything to grand like in Canterlot, but if I learned anything from the day me and Pinkie met Saffron and her father, fancy foods don't always mean the best foods," Rarity said.

"It's just nice that they're making us dinner, well Thunderlane at least, but I'm sure Rumble's helping," Sweetie Belle said.

"Speaking of Rumble, you seem to really like him so far," Rarity said.

Sweetie Belle shrugged, "I guess, he's not bad for a 'non-boyish' colt so..."

"Personally I think he's very boyish," Rarity said. "He does seem to enjoy things most colts would, he's just well mannered. He's a gentlecolt, do you really wanna date a colt that's obnoxious, even if it means he's 'boyish' as you put it?" Rarity said.

Sweetie Belle realized Rarity's point, maybe Rumble is just as much of a boy as any other, even if he acts more tenderly. Probably why she's giving him a chance, she's pretty curious about him after all.

"I guess so...He's not so bad to date, and it helps that he really is cute," Sweetie Belle said, her cheeks turning a shade of pink.

"Yes, he is, and his brother's so handsome, maybe both of us will find some happiness with these stallions," Rarity said.

"I...I really hope we do," Sweetie Belle said. Despite meaning that, she did maintain some guilt. She did promise to get Rumble with Scootaloo, but maybe Tender Taps is right, maybe things are fine as they are. She can always see if there's another pony for Scootaloo, she knows that a few foals do have crush on her.

Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight had flown over the the House and knocked, waiting for an answer.

A moment later, Applejack had answered the door. "Oh, howdy Twi, what brings you here?"

"Hi Applejack, I need to talk to about something important, um where's Apple Bloom?" Twilight asked.

"She's about to eat dinner, why, is it about her?" Applejack asked.

"Somewhat, I wanted to talk to her about something but maybe I can tell you and you can best figure out what to do," Twilight said.

"Sure, what is it? Something wrong or what?" Applejack asked.

"Nothing to worry too much about, but your sister...she's kinda acting like Cadance, she's matchmaking," Twilight said.

Applejack stood there in surprise, not knowing how to react to that. "Um, come again?"

"Your sister feels she needs to set her friends up with various ponies, and one of her friends is worried she's taking things too far. Lately she's been trying to get Scootaloo to date some boy, but that boy somehow ended up dating Sweetie Belle, now Apple Bloom is trying her best to put things the way she felt they should be," Twilight explained.

Applejack looked very confused, "Now why would mah sister try to do that? She should know better than to play matchmaker."

"Yes, she should, but I guess her curiosity is getting the better of her, plus she probably feels like she made a promise to Scootaloo and wants to fulfil that promise," Twilight said.

"I'll talk to her, don't worry about it. But who's this boy that Sweetie Belle's dating? Rarity mentioned something about it when ah went by yesterday and she said that Sweetie Belle found herself a colt," Applejack said.

"Rumble, Thunderlane's little brother, he's such a cutie," Twilight said.

Applejack looked unsure, "Rumble? The colt that Rainbow Dash said you mistook fer a filly?"

Twilight blushed angrily, "That was one time, I apologized to him later, he's not upset anymore, can we please not mention that again?"

Applejack snickered, "Sorry, it was just kinda funny. But anyway I'll talk to Apple Bloom."

Twilight nodded, "Thank you, goodnight." Twilight then flew off while Applejack waved good-bye.

Afterwards Applejack went back inside, noticing her sister going for her dinner. "That filly, always something wacky with her." She then chuckled a bit, "Just like me and Big Mac when we were younger."

Later at Thunderlane's house, he had prepared the food, which looked amateurish at it was mostly some bread and hay, but Rarity likes that he at least tried. Plus the food tasted pretty well.

"Thank you Thunderlane, it was quite delicious," Rarity said.

"Oh thank Goodness," Thunderlane muttered.

Rarity leaned in, "What was that darling?"

"I mean thanks, I put my best effort into it," Thunderlane said with some pride.

Rarity giggled at his confident attitude, "I can tell, you really know how to treat a lady well."

Thunderlane rubbed his head bashfully, "It was nothing."

Rarity leaned closer to Thunderlane and began to nuzzle against him, making the stallion blush more and feel a bit more awkward.

Rumble laughed a little at Thunderlane, "Looks like you finally found a mare that could make you speechless."

Thunderlane grumbled a bit, then began to laugh himself when Sweetie Belle nuzzled against Rumble, causing the foal to have the same reaction he just had. "Same to you little bro."

Rumble blushed and smiled nervously as Sweetie Belle nuzzled him. "Hey Rumble, let's talk, just us two."

Rumble's eyes widened, "R-really? Ok?" He turned to Thunderlane and Rarity, "Is that ok with you two?"

"Don't let me stop you little bro," Thunderlane said.

"Yes, go on and have some fun," Rarity said.

Sweetie Belle nodded and she along with Rumble went to his room to talk. The two adult ponies remained where they were.

"I'm still amazed Rumble even has a marefriend, or rather a filly that could be his marefriend," Thunderlane said.

"I'm happy that Sweetie Belle got together with a mature young colt, I was worried she would end up dating that video game loving foal," Rarity said.

"Video game? You mean Button Mash?" Thunderlane asked.

Rarity nodded, "Yes, nothing against him but I don't think he would have made a good coltfriend for Sweetie Belle, he's a little...obnoxious."

"I know him, he's a nice kid actually, just needs to mature a little," Thunderlane said.

"Still, I like Rumble for Sweetie Belle, nice and mature," Rarity said.

"Hey even Rumble has his moments where he can be a pain, you heard his witty remark when you nuzzled against me," Thunderlane said.

"I guess, but you two are brothers, it's only natural that you two tease one another," Rarity said.

Thunderlane chuckled a bit. "But seriously, I'm glad my brother's dating your sister, she's helped him feel more confident in himself, not by a lot but it's there, I can feel it emerging in a way."

"I'm also glad your brother is dating my sister, it's doing more for her than she realizes," Rarity said.

Thunderlane nodded, "That's good...so anyway, you doing anything tomorrow or..."

"I'm free tomorrow afternoon," Rarity said with a wink.

Thunderlane grinned happily, "Awesome, I'll pick you up then."

Rarity nodded, "But before tomorrow, we still have tonight, let's talk a bit more shall we?"

"Of course," Thunderlane said, escorting Rarity to the living room.

In Rumble's room, Rumble is sitting against his bed, Sweetie Belle by his side, the two talking a little about themselves.

"Despite me having my Cutie Mark, I still don't know what I really wanna be, there's so many choices yet I can't pick one," Sweetie Belle said.

"Maybe that's a good thing, it just means you have a lot of talent," Rumble said.

"Thanks, you're really nice. But what about you? Are you gonna be some type of flyer when you get older? Like performing?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Maybe, I'm not entirely sure though. I mean Rainbow Dash did say I was a good flyer for my age, but I might find something else I like, if I were meant to be a flyer, I might have gotten my Cutie Mark by now," Rumble said.

"Maybe it's late, or you need to do well in a show. Tender Taps got his after performing well in a dancing show, and he was already a great dancer according to Apple Bloom. Maybe you need to participate in a show," Sweetie Belle said.

"Easier said than done, but I'll give that a try," Rumble said.

"I can have my sister ask Rainbow Dash, she's a Wonderbolt after all, she can probably find something for you, maybe a junior Wonderbolts type thing," Sweetie Belle said.

"It's fine, you don't have to go through any trouble for me," Rumble said.

"Oh no, I don't mind, after all the Cutie Mark Crusaders nowadays help other ponies get their marks," Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh right, still don't go through too much trouble," Rumble said.

"What trouble? I know Rainbow Dash personally, she's one of my sister's best friends, and The Wonderbolts are really nice once you get to know them, like Soarin, he's very laid back," Sweetie Belle said.

"Wow that sounds cool, anyway I appreciate you trying to help me, you really are the nicest and sweetest filly in Ponyville," Rumble said.

"You're so charming," Sweetie Belle said, feeling more flustered by the moment. Suddenly she remembered Scootaloo and what she was originally supposed to be doing with Rumble. "Hey, Rumble, question. Why did you have a crush on me? What do I have that the other fillies don't?"

Rumble tapped his chin, "You're really pretty, you're very nice, you're also mature, you don't act childish, you act like a young mare, so it means you're responsible and you can take care of yourself. I'll still always be there for you, but I like your confidence in yourself, you're very level headed."

"I'm not that confident Rumble, remember I said that I was nervous at the Talent Show some time ago?" Sweetie Belle reminded.

"Yeah, but you still were on stage weren't you? You probably just didn't want to be the center of attention, it means you're modest and don't care that much about being in the spotlight," Rumble said.

Sweetie Belle shrugged, "Maybe..."

"Also you're very kind, and you have a sweetness to you that not many other fillies have. Being around you actually makes me feel confident, because if I can make you happy, then I know I'm doing something right," Rumble said.

Sweetie Belle felt touched, "Aw Rumble, you're so...so...adorable."

Rumble blushed hard, "Thanks...so are you."

Sweetie Belle nuzzled her cheek against his, but still had one final worry. "So...you like me? Not Apple Bloom? Or Scootaloo?" She figured it would sound weird if she only mentioned Scootaloo, so she had to mention Apple Bloom to make it less obvious what she was really asking.

"Apple Bloom is nice, but she can be a little...excited, she means well but it can be a little off putting, plus I'm pretty sure she likes Tender Taps, I can tell he likes her from the way he acts around her, it's the same way I felt when I was around you," Rumble said.

Sweetie Belle looked aside, "Yeah, she can be a little...well too eager to do certain things, especially when we were searching for our Cutie Marks."

"As for Scootaloo, she's nice and I'm sure she's gonna be a great flyer, probably better than me once her flight skills kick in, but she's not very mature, she can be a little...too overconfident," Rumble said.

"Overconfident? Oh right you don't like ponies like that," Sweetie Belle said.

"Not that I don't like them, I just don't like overconfidence in general, it doesn't seem very mature. Scootaloo's nice and I would like to be a friend to her, but I don't think I could handle dating such an overconfident filly, it would make me feel a bit insecure. Plus she can be a little too tough for me, I like the idea of tough fillies, I admire tough fillies like Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire, but I'll feel nervous dating them, like I'm not tough enough to be their coltfriend," Rumble said. He then turned to Sweetie Belle, looking unsure. "That doesn't sound selfish right? I don't wanna be rude but that's just how I feel."

Sweetie Belle shook her head, "It's not selfish, you're not trying to be mean, you're just saying what you feel. Nothing wrong with not wanting to date somepony too tough, or too confident, especially if it makes you feel insecure."

Rumble felt relieved, "That's why I like you Sweetie Belle, you always seem to know what to say. You're smart, cute, confident, talented and really nice, I'm so lucky to be dating you."

Sweetie Belle was relieved she got her answer, Rumble isn't interested in Scootaloo and wouldn't have wanted to date her. After all she is tough and overconfident, and given Rumble's sensitive nature, they wouldn't have lasted that long as a couple. Now that she knows, she can finally take the step she's secretly wanted to take since the end of the second date.

"Oh um, speaking of Scootaloo, earlier today she wanted me to do some stuff with her, I didn't want to because it sounded too much like a date. She insisted it wasn't a date and that you would be ok with me spending time with her, but I want to make sure you would be ok with that, just me spending time with your friends," Rumble said.

Sweetie Belle remembered this, she does want to really say 'no', but she needs to see one more thing for herself. "Um, what do you wanna do?"

"What I want to do?" Rumble asked, then thought. "Honestly I don't mind doing something, I just don't want it to feel like a date, I don't think I'm ready to spend alone time with a girl that's not you. I want to spend all my time with you first, but if all of your friends are together then that's another thing. I just don't want you to feel like I'm giving my attention to another filly when I should be giving it to you."

Sweetie Belle felt relieved, she got her answer. "Good, because I kinda want you to myself for a while, I'm not ready to share your attention with my friends just yet. Maybe if we're all playing together but I want to spend my time with you."

Rumble nodded, "If that's what you want, then I'll do what makes you happy."

"What makes us happy," Sweetie Belle said.

"Right," Rumble said. "Us..."

The two nuzzled each other again, feeling more of a flustered feeling.

"So I guess you're gonna get going soon, I don't know what my brother and your sister are doing, but they must be finishing up by now, should I walk you to the door?" Rumble asked.

"Sure, I'd like that," Sweetie Belle said.

Rumble stood up and helped Sweetie Belle to her hooves, "So question, do you wanna do anything tomorrow or...?"

Sweetie Belle giggled, "Of course, I love spending time with my coltfriend after all."

"Good, because I was hoping...wait, coltfriend?" Rumble said. She hadn't used that word yet, he hasn't even called Sweetie Belle his marefriend. The closest was when Pinkie Pie used the term after the first date, and maybe a few times from Dinky. But they never used it for each other.

"Yeah, we've had about four dates haven't we? I think we can call each other coltfriend and marefriend right?" Sweetie Belle said.

Rumble's wings started to flutter involuntarily as he began to sweat, "Y-yeah, I guess you really are my marefriend..."

Sweetie Belle giggled, "You're so funny, relax a bit Rumble, it's just a title after all."

Rumble nodded, "Right, sorry. Anyway let me walk you to the door."

He grabbed her hoof to lead her, but as he tried to walk, she pulled him toward her and the two shared a nice and loving kiss with each other. Rumble's eyes were really wide, his pupils shrinking. He was kissing the filly of his dreams, something he never thought would have happened a week ago. In fact she's the one who wanted it, she wants him, like he wants her. He leaned in to deepen the kiss, wanting more of his marefriend. Sweetie Belle rubbed his face, the kiss wasn't that bad, she actually liked it. She can finally abandon that whole non-boyish thing, because as far as she can tell, she was enjoying a kiss with a nice and sweet colt.

After about a minute, the two broke away, both panting and smiling at each other.

"So...mind walking me to your front door?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Rumble nodded, "Yeah, let's get to it."

As the two made their way to the front door, they had passed by Rarity and Thunderlane, who seemed to be enjoying a conversation with each other, though they could easily see the love in each other's eyes.

"So how long before they start getting closer?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"If it were any other mare, my brother would be trying his hardest just to kiss her, though he seems to be taking his time now, which is a good thing," Rumble said.

Rarity noticed her sister and Rumble nearby. "All done I guess?"

"Yeah, but we can wait for you two," Sweetie Belle said.

"That's fine," Rarity said. Sitting up she turned to Thunderlane, "Thank you for your hospitality."

"It was no trouble," Thunderlane boasted.

Rarity giggled and kissed Thunderlane's cheek, making him blush. "Bye handsome."

Sweetie Belle kissed Rumble's cheek, "Bye cutie."

The two sisters left the home as the two brothers stayed behind, blushes on their faces.

"We're lucky," Rumble said.

"Totally, you see how Rarity looked at me? She totally digs me," Thunderlane said.

"Easy bro, don't get too arrogant, she might not like that," Rumble reminded.

"Hey I'm not gonna mess this up, I promise you that," Thunderlane said.

"Good, I'm happy you have somepony to love. I just know Rarity's good for you, she's really kind...just like her sister," Rumble said with a blush.

"Speaking of which, how much are you two into each other?" Thunderlane said.

Rumble grinned confidently, "She kissed me."

Thunderlane's eyes widened, "Wow, really!? You got to kiss the filly you've been crushing on forever!?"

Rumble nodded, "Seriously, I'm in love Thunderlane, tonight proved it."

Thunderlane scoffed, "I can't wait to tell Flitter and Cloudchaser, they're gonna be so proud of you."

Rumble nodded, "Yeah...but not as proud as I am of having a great marefriend like Sweetie Belle."

With Rarity and Sweetie Belle, the two were having a similar conversation.

"So, do you finally admit you like Rumble?" Rarity asked.

"Like? I think I'm in love...I actually kissed him," Sweetie Belle said.

Rarity stopped in her tracks, "You kissed him? That's so adorable, oh I wish I could have seen it."

"Maybe you'll see it soon,but for now, I'm just glad I have him as my coltfriend," Sweetie Belle said.

Rarity felt so proud of her little sister, she's really growing up.