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Wind Scribe

The Ride may be coming to an end, but who says we can't keep on riding anyway -Says the guy straddling furniture at the Ikea store


Comments ( 95 )

Gotta get through today's work schedule, but then i'll have some time to write.

Well, not quite what the condition will be, but there will be opportunities for friendchips:moustache:

“Hello and welcome to Twilight Sparkle, my name is Equestria!”

I see they're off to a good start:facehoof:

When I saw the name of the chapter I thought it was gonna be Rainbow Dash having an eye opening moment, but an arrogant guard works to.

Did she actually think he was bluffing with his threats?:facehoof:


What? Did you mean faved? Haven't seen this featured...yet

8083632 Dude, when I originally commented on that, I found it in the feature box

Id react the same way as sam to be honest

So Twilight wishes to know how humans are to be greeted? BRING ME THE SLAPPING MACKEREL.

8136110 I feel like if I tried to do that with some one with hooves I'd break a finger.

Thanks, hope you're enjoying the rest.

Every fucking time I read "Marty McFly" I smile. It is annoyingly funny.

Is there a bench nearby where he can sit on?

Kudos to you if you figure what I meant and from which game this logic came from.

There is one thing Samuel isn't taking into consideration with his own powers.

If he is a conduit that controls wires of any type of metal, he could use his wires to find other metallic structures and start tearing them apart in order to form metallic wires that he can use.

He can also use his wires to cover his entire body in order to attack an defend himself with extreme ease.

In fact, since he controls metals (to a point) he could create a virtually infinite array of different weapons. He is a very powerful conduit, forget about destroying a city he can assimilate all the metallic structures of any city in order to give himself even more matter to use in his attacks and defences.

8192873 I think, however, he can only specifically control wire, so the metal to be absorbed needs to be drawn out into a wire.

Samuel could still rip apart any metallic structure and force small pieces to become wires by using his own conduit powers to make it so.

Actually, a headcanon of mine is that there are subsets of conduit powers like Sam's (ie. Metal=wire, fire=smoke/embers, water=ice/snow and other such). And yeah, I've thought about this theory, but I also like the idea of overcoming certain limitations through adaptation. Maybe there is a reason Sam prefers to absorb wire rather than from a chunk of solid metal.

Hence reason his wires will tear apart metals and force those smaller pieces to become wires so he could absorb.

you should have them learn to sew because you can have the wire act like thread now just imagine all the things you create with that

“Feet?” Luna inquired, “Is that unit close to a meter?”

‘Holy crap. These ponies are metric.’ “Yeah, pretty much the same.”

Leave it to an American to get metric wrong. Like, REALLY wrong. A foot is nowhere close to as big as a meter. A yard is closer, but still a bit shorter than a meter. (A yard being about 96cm, while a meter is a flat 100.)

You could actually use that to your advantage, though, as with a few sentences you could essentially have your character trick the princesses into giving him three times as much as the agreed upon amount.

“Marty Mcfly,” Celestia spoke up, “We are willing to circumvent your detainment and aid you in finding your home, but on one condition.”

"You must make some friends."

"Put me back in my cell right fucking now..."

One Man.... ONE WORD.... ONE MEANING....


Comment posted by KingOfDreams deleted Jul 9th, 2017

Twilight sprinted for the lab’s entrance to seek out the guards she had sent away on another errand, “Guards! Help me!”

Bit vague, hopefully they don't assume anything too bad happened.

...maybe he should've explained that's a possible response to a new power

can't wait to see the battle

Great chapter as always. :D

Why, thank you. Any part in particular? Honestly, on top of usual procrastination, I had a couple work related trips that I had to go on between writing this one, so I feel like I didn't give this one the attention it should of while writing in between my schedule. I did manage to snag a couple days to myself finally to just sit down, relax, then hop back into this, but just want to know how others feel for this one.

you should have given him some form of energy manapulation conduit power to make his magic thing somewhat believable.

Banishment has to be the stupidest form of punishment ever, it's like go ahead do continue on your crime spree just not in our territory also we have no means of monitoring your movements so feel free to sneak back in.
Luna was banished to the moon but more importantly she was imprisoned in it and was unable to harm anyone.

This is far beyond being kind this is being retarded, or simply Celestia doesn't care what happens to other species or her own ponies outside Equestria.

Damn this story rocks... Keep up the awesome, Dude ^~^

“Don’t worry Sammy. They’re only here on Thursdays,” Pinkie Pie said.


“Told you she went off to meet a nice colt,” Night Light cheekily remarked between bites of his meal.

I love nightlight! :rainbowlaugh:

Just binge-read this story and caught up! Totally looking forward to more. Sorry i haven't been giving you play-by-play comments on each chapter, but I've still enjoyed it! :yay:

So many things hanging in mystery now, like those samples and where Dusk will strike next, what new spells and shenanigans will Sam get into next, will he eventually head out to ponyville, will Cappy ever admit his true feelings for Sam and have magic homobabies?! :pinkiecrazy:

Kidding on that last one, but still. :raritywink:

Kudos to you and your editor! I appreciate you both :twilightsmile:

Yet the most striking feature in the room was the unicron it belonged to,


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