• Published 4th Dec 2016
  • 1,389 Views, 10 Comments

Talons of the Storm - Storm Talon

When Flim and Flam asked Fluttershy to help with a creature injured on the set of Ponet Fantastique, she never expected it to start talking. Now, she's decided to do everything she can to help him adjust to pony society.

  • ...

Chapter 17: Feeding Instructions

Finding gems to identify was dirty work. Fine Detail was very good at it, even able to point out the different qualities of gem and how they might be used. Unfortunately, it turned out that Fine Detail's cutie mark was not in identifying the gems. Eventually, the Crusaders had to head home, chatting amongst themselves as they went.

“We might not have gotten him a cutie mark, but I think we're on the right track.”

Scootaloo looked back to Sweetie as they walked. “Maybe we should have gone with paragliding.”

Apple Bloom sighed. “C'mon, ya'll, can you just let it go? We're not gonna get everyone their cutie marks on the first try. Hay, look what happened with Gabby. Actually, we should see if her or Babs can visit sometime...”

They all paused as they reached Scootaloo's street. “See ya tomorrow, guys!”

“You know...” Sweetie Belle's forehead scrunched up in thought. “We never did see if Talon wanted to be an honorary crusader.”

“I dunno, Sweetie, he's been kinda busy. Today's the first time he went crusading with us.”

“What is honorary member?” Talon asked as they paused outside of Carousel Boutique.

“Oh, uh...” Apple Bloom brought her hoof to her chin. “I dunno how to explain it, exactly...”

“Isn't it basically saying he's a crusader even though he probably can't get a cutie mark?”

Talon peered back at his flank. “Not have butt mark?”

Their answer was interrupted by an exasperated shout from the boutique behind them.

“UGH! Again?!”

After Rarity had berated the crusaders for messing up Talon's coat after she had just fixed it that morning, she ushered Sweetie inside, waving goodbye to the others. A little way down the road, Talon suddenly remembered something he wanted to ask.

“Apple Bloom, who is coltfriend?”

Apple Bloom froze for a half second before dashing off down the path toward Sweet Apple Acres. “Todaywasnicegottagonowthanksokaybye!”

Talon watched the dust cloud she kicked up as she left.


The next day, Talon trotted alongside Fluttershy as they made their way to Twilight's castle, flanked by Emerald and Day. Not much had happened that morning until Spike showed up saying that Twilight wanted to see them a little earlier than they had originally planned.

Spike chatted with Talon the whole way back, bringing up anything from his favorite gemstones to stories about fire-breathing mishaps. Talon interjected with an occasional question, but otherwise listened through the whole walk.

Spike let them in as they arrived, leading them into the kitchen where an excited-looking Twilight trotted in place. “Fluttershy, good to see you! Thanks for coming on such short notice, but I thought you might want to see this.” Twilight floated over a metal ring held up on three stubby legs and placed it on the table. Talon winced as she plucked a hair from his muzzle with her magic.

“Sorry Talon, but it needs your thaumic signature to attune it to you.” Wondering what this thing needed his fur to do, he leaned up against the edge of the table. He watched as Twilight placed the fur in a small covered receptacle on one side of the device.

“Now I just need to test it to make sure it works for him.” Twilight opened her fridge and brought out a few items. A daisy, a bowl of beans, a stick of celery, and a small plate of grass soon found their way to the table. Twilight placed the daisy in the ring and the cover of the compartment with the fur turned a smoky red. “So far, so good...”

The grass resulted in a pale gray, the celery a mild blue, and the beans a sort of greenish blue.

“Good, everything works just like it's supposed to.” Twilight levitated the items back into her fridge. “This will tell you whether Talon can eat whatever is placed in the middle of it. Red is detrimental, gray is inedible, blue is edible, and green is for things that are really good for him. Pretty nifty, if I do say so myself.” Twilight nodded to herself as she patted the device.

“Uhh... Twilight?”

“Yes, Talon?”

Talon pointed to where her hoof was draped across the rim of the device, the indicator glowing a stead, vibrant green. “It think you food.”

The four ponies shuffled away from Talon as he poked the device curiously.

After Twilight very firmly explained to Talon why he couldn't eat ponies, occasionally remembering to use words he could understand, she had set out with the others in tow to the market, intent on running her new device through its paces.

“Alright, that should just about do it.” Twilight checked off one last item on her list of things available from Ponyville's regular vendors. The proprietors of some had looked confused when she had explained what she was doing, but none more so than the owner of Quills and Sofas, who initially thought she was there for new quills. Many of the vendors had been surprised that she might even consider them a source of food, but she had remained adamant that they needed to be thorough, especially after one stop revealed that he could eat some metals, with aluminum being the most notable exception.

“I still think that the furniture stores were a little overkill, Princess.” Emerald grinned as they walked back to the castle. “Although it's a good thing you got that one hiccup fixed.”

Twilight grimaced.“Hey, how was I supposed to know that a termite infestation would give a false positive?”

Day snorted, her sniggering barely contained. “That didn't mean you needed to force feed Talon a table leg. Pfft, the look on that salespony's face was priceless.” Her voice took on a slightly higher pitch as she gesticulated wildly with a foreleg. “Don't worry, it's just part of an experiment!”

Twilight blushed and turned to Talon. “I really am sorry about that, Talon.”

Talon spat out a splinter.“Table taste bad.”

Talon sat working on his math worksheet, glancing up every so often at the crusaders as they sat around the table. Twilight had decided to catch him up to the math curriculum first, since he learned it more easily than social studies and it would take less time than science.

He watched as Scootaloo chewed on her pencil pensively before looking at his own pencil and licking it.

Immediately, Talon scrunched up his muzzle in disgust. “Eugh! Table taste better!”

The crusaders looked at each other, surprised at Talon's sudden outburst, before Sweetie decided to ask “Why'd you lick your pencil?”

“Scootaloo eat pencil.”

Apple Bloom snorted before she slumped onto the table laughing. “I keep telling Scootaloo that's a bad habit!” Suddenly, a thoughtful look crossed her face as she put a hoof to her muzzle. “Wait, how do you know what a table tastes like?”

Talon grimaced.“Twilight try make Talon eat table.”

The three stared blankly at him before Scootaloo got up, a flat look on her face. “Yeah, I'm getting Twilight. There is no way I'm hearing him right.”

The others sat in silence for the minute it took Scootaloo to bring Twilight back to the room. “You guys got done pretty fast. I thought it would be at least another half-hour before you would need me to give you the next set of problems.”

Scootaloo shook her head as she sat next to the table. “No, Twilight, that's not why we needed you here.” She waved a hoof over toward where Talon sat. “We need you to tell us what Talon means.”

“What he means by what?”

It was Sweetie's turn to wave a hoof at Talon. “He said you tried to make him eat a table, but that doesn't make any sense.”

Twilight glanced nervously to the side. “Well, it was just a table leg, not a whole table...”

As the three fillies gaped at Twilight, Talon spit out a sliver left over from that morning.


The next few days passed by calmly. Talon spent his time between tutoring reading and learning some of the basics of cooking. Fluttershy was preparing for the few pets belonging to those who were taking a trip during the fall. A general atmosphere of last-minute preparations hovered over the town as parents spent the last week before the school year started running errands, making sure that only a few things would be forgotten.

Fluttershy had gotten workbooks, paper, and pencils so that Talon could attend school with the other foals. Twilight had deemed his progress with math and Equestrian satisfactory, explaining to Cheerilee that he would be receiving additional tutoring in other subjects until he was able to keep up with the rest of the class.

She had realized that morning, however, that he didn't have any saddlebags. None of the ones she could find would fit Talon, as his wings connected to a larger portion of his body than those of a pegasus.

That was why she and Talon stood at the door to Carousel Boutique as Rarity answered it. “Oh, hello darlings. I'm terribly sorry, but I have my hands full with an order, and Sweetie is out with some friends doing school shopping.”

“Actually, Rarity, that's why we're here. I can't find any saddlebags in town that fit Talon.”

“Well that just won't do at all!” She stepped aside, motioning them in. “Come on in. I have to finish this order before I can work on anything for Talon, but I can certainly take his measurements and get started on it later.” Rarity paused for a moment, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

“Now, I believe that something dark might be best to contrast his lighter colors. Perhaps a navy or royal purple? I'll have to try a couple of combinations later. In any case, please step up here, dear.”

Talon hopped up to the low pedestal, moving only occasionally as Rarity adjusted him to get different measurements. “So, dear, are you looking forward to starting school? The schoolhouse here is quite nice, and I'm sure Cheerilee will be more than understanding of your situation. Plus, you'll get to make plenty of friends.”

Talon shrugged, momentarily displacing the measuring tape that had been laying across his shoulders. “I like Twilight lessons.”

“Well then I'm sure you'll just love it.” Rarity floated her measuring tapes and fabric swatches back into their drawers. “Now, you two go ahead , I still need to finish these. It was nice to see you two.”

“Hey, who are you? What do you need?”

Spike stood just inside the door to the castle, Show Stopper frozen momentarily with his hoof still raised to the door.

“Well,” Stopper paused, clearing his throat. “If the princess has the time, I was hoping to discuss something with her.”

“Well, we just finished lunch, so she should have some time. Speaking of, you want anything?”

“No thanks. Honestly, I'm not too hungry right now anyway, so-” Stopper bowed to Twilight as he entered the room. “Good afternoon, your highness.”

“Please, no need to be so formal. What brings you here, Stopper? I thought you were scheduled to leave today.”

“Well, I had hoped that you might give me some advice.” Twilight motioned for him to continue. “You see, My retirement has been coming up anyway, and I've been training my nephew Spectacle to take over as ringleader.”

Twilight's brows lowered in concern. “Your nephew? He's not...”

Stopper looked to the side and sighed. “I... I didn't have the heart to tell him. I've been taking care of him ever since his mother passed away, and for him to hear that his father is alive, but doing those horrible things...” Stopper shook his head and sighed. “I don't think he'd be able to take it. Maybe someday I will, but for now, I just don't think I can.”

Twilight placed a consoling hoof on his shoulder. “I understand. Was that what you needed advice about, or...”

“Oh, no, that's not it.” Stopper drew in a deep, shuddering breath to steady himself. “I was wondering if you had any thoughts on where I should retire to. I was thinking staying here might be the best option. I'd steer clear of Talon, of course. I don't think he's too keen to see me after what my brother did.”

“Okay, but why did you need my input?” Twilight asked incredulously. “It sounds like you've already decided.”

“I thought that if I stayed here, perhaps you and the other princesses could put out an order to be on the lookout for Show Stealer without me being mistakenly brought in every other day.”

Twilight rubbed her chin with a hoof. “That does make sense, I guess. I'll have to talk to Mayor Mare about getting you registered as a citizen. Do you have someplace to stay already?”

“No, but I have enough funds for a small home here.”

“Well, if that's all, I'd like to officially say-”

Twilight was interrupted by Pinkie jumping onto the table, spraying confetti over the other two ponies. “Welcome to Ponyville!”

Twilight blew a stray piece of confetti off her muzzle. “Thank you, Pinkie.”

Author's Note:

I'm not sure why Rarity is surprised at this point.

I've been trying to gradually change some of Talon's speaking patterns as he learns more Equestrian.