• Published 4th Dec 2016
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Talons of the Storm - Storm Talon

When Flim and Flam asked Fluttershy to help with a creature injured on the set of Ponet Fantastique, she never expected it to start talking. Now, she's decided to do everything she can to help him adjust to pony society.

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Chapter 20: Zombies and Schoolfoals

Dear Princess Celestia,

I must inform you of something dire that has occurred only minutes ago.

Day Break, Talon, and I were walking back to my castle when we were accosted by a strange pony wearing a heavy cloak. After some attempts to convince us to give Talon over, including claims that Talon was in fact his brother, he revealed himself to us.

The pony was... undead. I haven't even heard of this happening outside of history books, but it's true. The body is being guarded as I write this, awaiting your decision for how to handle the investigation and funeral services that will no doubt need to be done.

Further, the one speaking to us was merely using him as a sort of communication device. As soon as I realized the true nature of the visitor, I cast a disruption spell at him. As you know, disruption spells give different feedback based on various factors. Based on the large amount of feedback I received as I cast the spell, the one who was using this stallion is either very powerful, very close, or both.

I await your guidance,

Your fellow princess,

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight paced in the library, waiting for a response from Celestia. It didn't help her nervousness that the guardsponies she sent to get Fluttershy were taking so long. She was probably insisting on helping her animals before she left, but Twilight couldn't help imagining her being kidnapped and used the same way that stallion had been.

She looked over to where Spike and Day Break sat on either side of Talon, who looked more nauseous than she felt. Spike hadn't seen the body, and Day was an experienced guard, yet they both looked deeply disturbed by what had happened. Talon, on the other hand, had seen the body, Day being too surprised to notice when he peeked out from behind her. Worse, whatever had done that claimed Talon was their brother.

Twilight's musings were interrupted by the sight of Fluttershy entering and rushing over to comfort Talon. At the same time, a belch and a spout of green fire announced the response from Celestia arriving through Spike.

Dear Princess Twilight,

Unfortunately, I cannot make it to Ponyville tonight. Luna will visit you in my stead, and help ensure that Talon is protected. I will see to it that I have time tomorrow to visit and help ensure things are going smoothly. I only wish my visits were not so often darkened by the events surrounding them.

I have dispatched twenty additional guards to increase security, and have also sent word to Ponyville's guard post that one of my researchers should be there by the morning to assist in finding out who this stallion is and what happened to them. Hopefully, doing so will aid us in apprehending the culprit of this dreadful crime.

I find the idea that somepony has been secretly practicing necromancy on my little ponies abhorrent, as I'm sure you have guessed. I thought I had stomped the last of that practice out sometime after they started corrupting it with dark magic, but apparently I was not thorough enough.

For tonight, I would advise that you stay in the castle with Talon, if for no other reason than for his peace of mind.

Your friend and fellow princess,


Luna had entered shortly after Twilight had finished reading the letter to the others. “Greetings, everypony. I wish my visit were under more auspicious circumstances, but it is nonetheless good to see you all.” She glanced over to where Talon sat among the others. “How is everypony faring? Is there anything I can do to help?”

Twilight followed Luna's gaze, shaking her head slowly. “Not unless you know where this necromancer is.”

“Twilight.” She turned to find Luna looking at her. “What were you coming to the castle for before this dreadful occurrence?”

“Oh, I was going to give Talon some instruction with his magic. Sort of as an apology for what happened earlier.”

Luna's eyes widened as she glanced back to Talon. “He can perform magic? How?” A suspicious look crossed over her face as she processed the other part of Twilight's statement. “What happened that you feel the need to apologize for?”

Twilight's ears lay flat as she rubbed her mane. “Well, I kind of, maybe... blew him up? It was a complete accident!” Twilight recoiled at the sudden anger that flashed across Luna's face.

“Relax, Twilight. I would never think you capable of doing such a thing purposefully. Still, I trust you will be more careful in the future?” Twilight nodded sheepishly. “Good. Perhaps you could teach us all a little about Talon's magic. Something to keep our minds off of things.”

Twilight perked up. “Good idea, Luna! I'll go get my notes!”

“Talon.” Twilight looked to him from the other side of the table that her notes were spread out on, thin strands of magic connecting certain passages. “I think this might help you with your magic.”

Talon looked over to the tall jar holding a tiny rubber ball inside. “How?”

“Well, I want you to spend some time each day trying to make it float, the same way you made the one in the basement float. The only difference is, this one is heavier, and I want you to do your best to keep it in the middle of the jar.”

“Okay, I try.” Talon reached over toward the jar, his claws glowing slightly as he concentrated. Suddenly, the ball shot upward, arcing in midair before coming back down and bouncing erratically around the room, finally coming to a stop as it hit emerald in the side.

Twilight peeked over the table she had hid behind, glancing over to where Luna had dragged Talon behind the couch. “Maybe I should get a ball that doesn't bounce...”

As Twilight and Spike retrieved the last of the blankets and pillows, the others settled into place at various points around the room.

Luna turned to where Fluttershy sat on the couch, next to Talon who was laying in one of Spike's spare baskets. “So, Fluttershy, how are the guards we sent behaving? I know Day Break was something of a troublemaker before she joined the guard.”

Day suddenly went pale. “You know about that?”

“Well, there is only so much time one can spend around the night guard before picking up on certain pieces of gossip. Personally, I find it highly amusing, though I doubt my sister has such a fond view of that particular morning.”

“Well, we probably shouldn't talk about it, seeing as...” She gestured toward Talon with a wing.

“What are you guys talking about?” Spike asked as he came up, handing out bedding to everypony.

Day blushed furiously as her wings twitched. “Oh, uh, nothing at all! Right, guys?”

Luna smiled down at Spike. “I was merely asking Fluttershy if the guards me and my sister assigned were proving to be what she expected. After all, I was thinking of assigning more guards for her cottage, and I wouldn't want to do so if it made her uncomfortable.”

Fluttershy looked over to where Luna was still smiling. “Well, it wouldn't bother me, but why would you need to?”

“I was merely considering the fact that this may not be the last time our mystery aggressor may make an attempt to get to Talon. They may also try to get to him through you.”

Fluttershy's eyes went wide as the beanie bag Talon was practicing levitating knocked the jar over. “Oh my, I hadn't thought of that.”

“Bad pony hurt Fluttershy because of Talon?”

Luna looked down to where Talon was clutching his blanket, tears at the corners of his eyes. “Perhaps, but remember that this is through no fault of yours, little one. We will do everything we can to prevent such a tragedy. I suspect that we may have some help with that, though. After all,” she turned to where Fluttershy sat with one hoof over her mouth. “Discord would likely aid you in case of anything too dangerous, would he not?”

Fluttershy calmed down as she considered that. “Yes, he probably would. He seems to be rather fond of Talon, as well.”

Talon, meanwhile, had started to drift off to sleep, and the last they heard from him was a soft “hmm” before he started snoring softly.

The next day, Fluttershy, Talon, Day and Emerald made their way back to the cottage to see a group of a dozen guardsponies. The half wearing night guard armor were leaving as they approached, flying toward the castle they had just come from.

Fluttershy stared after the night guards that had disappeared around the bend. “Where are they going?”

“Captain said something about Twilight letting them use her barracks while they're in town.” Emerald frowned pensively at the departing squad. “Hopefully, them being here will help.”

They paused to greet the two sentries at the door, the others having taken up a patrol around the area. They were only inside long enough to grab a few things before trotting back out and heading toward Rarity's boutique.

Rarity greeted them at the door, ushering them past the pair of guards standing outside. “I've been expecting you, dear. I had Talon's bags finished last night, but from what I hear, It would have been a bad time for you. I do wish we didn't need to have these guards here, though. Nothing against them, but some of my customers are either getting the wrong idea or getting skittish with them around.”

“Anyway, here we go.” Rarity brought over a pair of deep blue bags attached to three loops. “Since his wings are the main concern, I designed them to fit around his front legs and throat.” She put the set over Talon's head, adjusting the straps somewhat before taking it back. “Hmm, needs a little more give in the main strap.”

After a few minutes of tightening, loosening, and conversation, Rarity declared the bags complete. Talon was brought out, bags fixed in place with silver buckles. Each of the bags had shimmering, sky blue embroidery in a cloud pattern, as well as silver buttons with tiny lightning-bolt shaped azurites, polished and filled with tiny rings of differing shades. “I hope you like the buttons. There's this adorable colt who recently got his cutie mark for doing gem settings, and I couldn't resist buying a few.”

“Oh, it looks wonderful. Thank you so much, Rarity.” Fluttershy looked over to Talon, who was sniffing the gems embedded on the buttons. “Do you like it, Talon?”

Talon glanced over to the full-length mirror, looking at himself from different angles. “I like. Is nice.” Talon looked back to the others. “Why give Talon?”

“Well, darling, you need bags for school, and of course you'd want them to look nice. I'm not sure what kind of bags you've had before, but...” a frown made its way onto her face as she trailed off. “Right, sorry. All that... slipped my mind for a moment, but I am more than happy to be the first to design something for you. In any case, they are yours now, and I know you'll look dashing in them.”

Talon looked at the bags on his shoulders, confused. “Make Talon look like Dash?”

Rarity and Fluttershy looked at each other for a moment before bursting into giggles. “No, I meant that they'll make you look good, dear.” Rarity clarified, still chuckling slightly. “Wouldn't want to make a bad first impression after all.”

Talon stood uneasily by Cheerilee's desk, shuffling back and forth on his paws as he waited for the others to find their seats. His wings were still sore, though he had been able to get the bandages off last night, and the others watching him as they filed in reminded him of when he was on display with Show Stealer.

Day and Emerald stood guard outside the door of the schoolhouse, their presence contributing to the murmurs that were steadily increasing in volume as more of the colts and fillies filtered in.

Talon's attention was drawn back to the front of the classroom as Cheerilee called for silence. “Everypony, this is Talon. He'll be joining us for classes this year.”

Author's Note:

I feel like most kids find being introduced to a new class pretty much the same as being an exotic animal on display.