• Published 12th Nov 2016
  • 1,548 Views, 32 Comments

A changeling's purpose - SwarmLordAbdonis

After the fall of queen Chrysalis and the hive, a single drone escapes the clutches of Thorax and his new role as king. However, hope remains for him and the survivors of the hive. Together they will restore the changeling race or die trying.

  • ...

Offers and loyalties

"You did what"?! I snarled into the hive mind.

"We had no choice Swarm Leader. They overheard us talking and they confronted us". Came Fang's reply.

"And you did nothing"!?

"They meant us no harm! They heard us mention our camp and they want in".

"You fool! They're lying"!

"Normally I would not argue against you, Swarm Leader". Piped in the warriors voice. "However while they can't use our hive mind, they could just as easily use theirs and call a swarm down upon us".

"And did you stop to think whether they even HAVE a hivemind Warrior?! How do you know that they aren't just tricking you so that you lead them to our hideout"?

"I don't Swarm Leader. I'm not doing this for them. I'd have blasted these vermin immediatley were we not stuck inside the enemy's home. But we could always use them for food were we to persuade them to join".

This has become a frustrating afternoon. Just minutes ago I had been called via the hivemind from Fang and the warrior, telling me that they had found the shard pieces and that they were for whatever reason swept aside next to what remained of the throne. Not only that but, as we are currently discussing right now, a small group of changedlings approached them out of the blue to chat. After hearing how much they talked about how their new hive wasn't as fantastic as what they thought it would be, Fang VERY FOOLISHLY led them away despite the warrior's subtle attempts to stop him and explained almost everything! I would be sure to punish Fang for this. We are very lucky. VERY very lucky to even still be talking!

"They're talking to me Swarm Leader. They're saying that if there's a problem"-

"Which there is"! Warrior reminded him.

"- They claim that they're willing to do anything to prove themselves".

"Hah! The pleas of coward"! The warrior snorted. "Willing to do anything to keep in the good graces of their superiors. We should be rid of them now before they change their minds and call their hive's wrath down upon us".

"We are not as simple minded as you are warrior! There's more than one solution to dealing with these kinds of issues".

"You dare to call me me stupid, infiltrator"?!

"Well if the horse shoe fits"-

"Enough! Both of you! You're worse than newborn nymphs"!

I doubt that saying no on their offer is going to be beneficial for us. We cast them aside now, They'll blubber to their king of us. We need to stay invisible to ALL of our foes for quite some time. And I am certainly not going to take them right into the heart of the camp. If what they claim is false, we'll be captured in a couple of days easily. This leaves me with one idea.

"Get those rats out of there right now! Bring them to the edge of the forest and I'll meet you there! Then we will see what they have to say".

I was so angry I cut my link to the hivemind before either one could reply.

My mind right now was on Fang's foolishness. He may have had the body of a changeling, but right now his heart was like a pony. Too kind, too sympathetic. Risking too much to help another random being! Idiot!

I just stood there, right at the edge of the campsite, staring into the darkness distracted in thought. A sigh escaped me.

On the other hoof, if this works out we'll have extra numbers on our side, which we need badly. And if not... well, they're traitors filled to the brim with love. Only one thing can be done.

"You two! Over here"! I called to the two nearest changelings. They saluted once they were right in front of me.

"I need some-ling watch my back while I meet with your infiltration leader. I trust you're up to the task"?

Both Changelings nodded.

"Good. We'll be leaving in an hour. Siphon some love from the ponies and pass the remaining time however you please".

They both left. Leaving me to ponder.

"You had better be right Fang. If I don't make you regret your recklessness, the warrior certainly will".

A day passed. That was how long it took for me and my escort to reach the edge of the forest. At this point, the two infiltrators had learned of what was to come. The plan would be have one disguised as a bush at the edge of the forest and the other as a rock several meters out into the grey stone area which looked as though it went on forever, giving me two firing points. Given myself, them, Fang and the warrior, we would be able to take down a small force of six. Of course, I never actually asked how many were coming with Fang. I doubt that many, surely.

As minutes came and went I decided to take a moment and hide in the shade the forest provided. The sun was boiling for a change. Not that it bothered the others. The bush had plenty of shade from the forest and the rock was smart enough to hide in front of a bigger rock, leaving me to fend for myself. It would probably take at least another hour or two before they arrived, and being in the middle of nowhere didn't offer much to pass the time, making me feel impatient.

Hours. Hmpf! At this rate it may as well be until days end.

I took off the metal helmet which I had decided to bring along. Traitor or not, I'd prefer for them to know who they will be dealing with. I placed it down on a nearby flat rock and dumbly looked round until my eyes fell on a small stone close to my hooves, which I kicked lightly in an effort to relieve myself of the ever growing boredom. It entertained me for half a second before I became bored yet again.

Finally after the longest half hour of my life passed, I saw something in the air flying towards us. Too small to see what but I could count five dots. One in front, three in the middle and one behind. Probably the warrior, making sure none of those multicoloured fools chicken out and run. Seeing this, I stepped back out into the sun, remembering to grab my helmet and put it back on my head. Even from the height they were at they would notice me easily.

They came down quickly. Fang making it down first, bowing down and pronouncing me by my rank. I bowed back and looked behind him in time to see the reason I had dragged myself and two others out for.

One red, one yellow, one green. One with a horn and two without. It was hard to tell if they were warriors, drones, infiltrators or anything else. Not that it mattered right now. Maybe if this goes bad and we catch them and ask later. For now, I trotted past Fang and towards them. Each nervous. One even had trouble looking me in the eye. The warrior continued to stare menacingly from behind, pacing as he did ready to jump into action if necessary.

"So". I began. "You three are the reason I've been called out here".

I sounded as tough and intimidating as I could. I wanted to get as much as I could out of these worms.

"You have one chance to explain why".

The three looked to each other for a moment, none wanting to speak. At least until the red one with the horn got nudged forwards by his friend. His fate rested in his words alone.

"Well sir, I"-

"It's Swarm Leader to you"! I snarled. The changedling took a step back, scared as my attitude went from unfriendly to murderous.

"S-sorry. Swarm Leader". He corrected, trying to correct himself by standing up straight and doing his best to look me in the eye. "We've actually been wanting to leave the hive for a few days now. It's only because of the changeling behind you that we've had the courage to do so".

I glanced behind me, clearly aware they meant Fang. He shuffled his hooves and looked at the ground. He looked like he was beginning to regret his decision. I turned back to the red one.

"So things aren't what you hoped they'd be back in your love filled, pony loving society then hm? I find your words hard to believe worm".

"It's true! Any love we gather must be shared out among every member of the hive, no matter the amount you've collected! I almost ran myself ragged yesterday trying to collect what love I could only to end up with a few measly scraps"!

"And how exactly DO you collect love? From those ponies"? I interrogated. Of course Thorax would go that quickly to begging for their help, the poor excuse for a-

"The ponies"? The changedling unintentionally interuptted. "Well, despite what Thorax says, things with the ponies are not as good as you would imagine. I travelled to Manehatten just two days ago and I got nothing but glares and insults thrown at me! It was horrible! Another reason why things have worsened since Thorax took over"!

Manehatten? Isn't that a major city for the ponies? And from his words he was there undisguised? That could prove useful...

"You just went there? In your true form"?

He nodded.

"I see. And you remember the emotions from those who gave such glares to you"?

"Anger mostly. I guess we should have expected that from the Canterlot wedding but... that was so long ago! And only a small hoof full of ponies were aware of the queens second invasion"!

I could see and feel his own anger welling up as he made himself remember that day.

"And come to think of it"! He continued. "I think I did better off the way we were"!

I certainly had more reason to believe his reasons for swapping sides. His anger and frustration wasn't something that could be just faked. Every changeling knows this. The other two I had yet to trust. Not that I entirely trust the one in front of me, but I had more of a reason to believe him over the others. For now at least.

"Let us say, everything you have told me is true. Why should I trust some-ling who has already betrayed our kind once? What can you do for us to prove your worth"?

"Information". He blurted out. "I know plenty of things that have occured within the hive since everything changed. The new military guards, the pony changedling trade routes, even information on the king and his new council".

"Very well then. I suppose I can take your word on it for now".

I tapped into the hivemind for a moment, then back out just as quickly.

"However there is one thing your friends will need to do to show themselves trustworthy".

"What would you like us to do"? The yellow one spoke in a raspy voice.

"Remain still".

No sooner had I said it, the infiltrator disguised as a rock had returned to his original form and had magically restrained the yellow one. The warrior did the same to the green one as the sudden attack on his friend had distracted him. Now neither could move. And thanks to the love intake the infiltrator had before we left the camp site, he was powerful enough to keep his captor in position without him fighting back, And I doubted the warrior would have any trouble whatsoever. The red one however, nothing. I want him to prove himself loyal. If he doesn't, I have the still hidden infiltrator at the tree line.

"What are you doing"?! THe red one asked in alarm.

"Ever since Fang told me about you three switching sides it got me thinking. Your kind are so full up on love. Even though you complain you don't get enough I am sure a lot of it goes into creating and maintaining those sickening forms. And I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if we drained it out of them? All of it"!

"All of it?! But won't that end up"...?

"The worst of it I'm sure is that they'll feel hungry". I reassured harshly. "At least this way we'll know for sure".

"But, you aren't going to do it to me"?

"Only because I trust you slightly. If you three truly want things to be the way they were, this is the way to do it. If things work out the way I hope they will, then we'll do you".

He said nothing. He was uncertain, unsure about my methods. Just as I was unsure about his loyalty. If he does nothing now, there will be no problem with him. If he does then a lifetime in a pod is his reward.

That now said, I looked past him, past the two restrained beings that said nothing and at the two holding them in place and nodded.

They changedlings almost immediatley shined. Dim at first but it grew until they were as bright as the stars themselves, forcing me to shield my eyes. A warm feeling could be felt in front of me. A tasty sensation rose within me, telling me to absorb the love rushing out from their bodies. But I refused. I couldn't risk interuptting the flow. I heard a small moan beside me, sounding like the red changedling. He could feel it too, meaning he was just as hungry. At least I now know he wasn't lying about that. The glowing lasted for a total of ten to fifteen seconds before it slowly went out. When I looked back, I no longer saw a couple of colorful rejects. I saw changelings. These ones though were not infiltrators like almost every-ling else under my command. They were drones.

Drones are like pony construction workers. Builders. It's because of them that there's even a hive to live in. They create the exact kind of material needed to build its foundation and walls. Even able to build underground if the queen demands it. With them, we stand a better chance to boosting defences around our camp. Build defensive walls, an underground hive, even beds so that we don't have to fight over who gets to sleep on the branch with the fewest splinters.

"It... it worked"? The only remaining changedling asked in surprise.

"Indeed it did". I smiled before giving my changelings another nod.

They released the two restrained changelings, and the buckled onto their knees almost right away. I was right, they would come out of it starving. And that's the last thing I want of a fellow changeling.

"Give them back half of what you took".

And like that, the two were back on their hooves after a small transfer. And from them I saw genuine smiles as they looked each other over. The love used to maintain their image has now been converted into food. A lot of it too. Now for one more thing.

"It's your turn now". I spoke, turning to the red changedling. He looked to me, back to his changed friends, then back to me again and nodded.

"Fang, come over here if you would".

I no longer made myself harsh to the infiltration leader. His risk had paid off. Not that I was entirely planning on letting him off. He would be spending the rest of the night on watch, making sure the camp remains safe until morning. For now, he can feed to his hearts content.

"You can take care of the last one I'm sure. You've earned it".

His ears perked up and he offered a small smile.

"Yes Swarm Leader. Thank you".

I said no more as I watched the inevitable happen. Not once did the changedling refuse or stall. He simply accepted it. The exact same thing came and went. Unlike the ones before him, he came out a warrior changeling. At least looking at his body structure, which was slightly thicker and stronger than either drone.

After Fang returned to him his half of love, I decided that it would be time to introduce them to the rest of the group. We're returning to the camp site. Well, almost all of us.

"Warrior, a word"?

I did not mean the warrior just converted. No, he was busy telling the others how he hadn't felt so full since before Thorax took over. I meant our warrior. The one who never gave up his name, forcing me to call him by what he is.

He strolled over as the new chatted with the old. Once he was away from them and out of earshot, I spoke.

"I want you to go back to the hive in a few days time".

"Surely you aren't asking me to look for more recruits"? He questioned with a raised brow.

Hah! Like I would trust him with something as delicate as that.

"No. Actually for a number of reasons. The least important one being to take a throne shard".

"That is the least important one"? He asked in disbelief. "And why just one"?

"If we take too many then surely some-ling will notice and begin pointing hooves. The second, more important reason is that I'll be squeezing what information I can from our new brethren. I want you to see if that information is solid. Make sure they're telling the truth. Anything I pass on, you find out and confirm it".

"As you wish Swarm Leader".

With that over, we went our seperate directions and headed home. We now had to introduce the rest of the group to our new brothers.

Author's Note:

I had to re-write this three times :raritycry: Nevertheless, hope you found it worth reading.