• Published 12th Nov 2016
  • 1,547 Views, 32 Comments

A changeling's purpose - SwarmLordAbdonis

After the fall of queen Chrysalis and the hive, a single drone escapes the clutches of Thorax and his new role as king. However, hope remains for him and the survivors of the hive. Together they will restore the changeling race or die trying.

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"Drone. Why do you merely wait here in the air when the fighting takes place below in the city? Have you no stomach for the field of battle"?

"Battle? Is that what you're calling this"?

"Is there another word for it"?

"There are mares and foals down there too! How can we even think of attacking them"?

"They're ponies. Do you think they would show you the same compassion you give to them, however undeserving it be"?

"And that makes what we're doing any more right? How can you even side with this"?

"Because our queen demands it! She does right by us and in return we should do right by her"!

"But she's leading us down a path we can't go back on"!

"She is the queen"!

"She's... she's not my queen"...

"Bite your tongue this instant! Should an officer hear you speak like that you'll be punished"!

"How can you defend her like this? You know what she's like! What reason do you stay loyal to her"?

"Isn't it obvious why"?

I still remember that memory well. That brief moment we spoke, just the two of us. Out of all the creatures of this world you'd think that he, another changeling, would know exactly the reason why.

... I suppose not. Not him. Not then, not now or ever. Just another example of his disloyalty.

Did you know that that was the first and last time I had spoken to Thorax? On the day of the Canterlot invasion, I out of the thousands of us there was the only one to notice his... individuality and lack of companionship among his fellow brothers. Just me and me alone.

He tried to shake my faith with his words and yet he only strengthened it. Why do I remain loyal to Chrysalis, even in the face of hopelessness?

Is it really so hard to understand...?

"Swarm Leader"?

A call of my rank snatched me from the thoughts of the past. I turned to find myself in the camp once more as one of the infiltrators stood in front of me.

"Yes? What is it"? I muttered in a tired tone, making it clear that I was in no mood for this.

"It's the warrior, sir".

"What about him"?

"He's demanding to speak with you at once".

I hope that it's important. Then again, why else would he be trying to contact me? It must be a good reason considering he's supposed to be blending in at the hive. I just hope that whatever it is is good news. Chrysalis knows we need as much of it as we can get.

Tapping into the hivemind required but a second of my time after making sure that no-ling else was listening. Our newer recruits may be trying to prove themselves worthy but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

"This is the Swarm leader. Warrior, what is going on"?

"There are a couple of things that we need to discuss swarm leader. There is something strange happening here at the hive".

"Strange? In what way"?

"The security here has tightened up around here. There have been guards placed around the entrances of the hive".

That's rather strange. It couldn't have anything to do with us, we're too small a threat for the hive to take such a step even if they had learned about us.

"They haven't caught onto you have they"?

"Of course not. I am smarter than that"!

"I see. Can you still leave at least"?

"Yes. It's getting back in that will be a problem".

"Very well, we'll worry about that later. What's the other thing"?

"Do you remember the other two infiltration teams from Queen Chrysalis's second attempt to take Equestria"?

"Yes, what of them"?

"I've been listening in on some of the guards conversations and it seems that both teams have been held in the Canterlot dungeons".
They've been in the Canterlot dungeons? For this long? Hmmm... You'd have thought the moment Thorax became king that the ponies would have hooved them over. Maybe they've been interrogating them about the whereabouts of the team now under my command? Has to be. Unless there's something I'm not understanding, that's the only reason I can think of.

"Have they mentioned if and when they'll be giving them over to Thorax"?

"In a few days".

"Understood. Stay inside the hive . I want you to gather anymore information regarding the captured infiltration teams. The more we know the better".

"As you wish swarm leader".

Well. That was that then. At least it wasn't bad news. Now all I had to do was to find a way to free those infiltration teams, before they end up like the rest of Thorax's followers. Of course, that's easier said than done. We don't know how many ponies or changedlings will be delivering them for a start meaning they could easily outnumber our entire group. Not to mention attempting this attack at all could result in our group's discovery. So how in the queens name do we pull this off?

Disguise as Changedlings or ponies and fool the other side into handing them over? It could work, however we don't yet know where and when they're meeting to trade them over or even if the changedlings are going to be arriving at the pony capital to collect them. If they catch on we might not be able to escape and end up caught ourselves.

There is one other idea that may work. It's less risky, but...


The infiltration leader flew over.

"Yes swarm leader"?

"Get some of your strongest changelings ready. We'll be heading out soon".

"Where to sir"?

"Griffonstone. We have some griffons to round up".

(Four hours later)

I remember a lot about Griffonstone, including its location. I was sent here once with a small group to help scout out the area quite some time ago. Of course back then, the place looked to be falling apart and on the verge of collapse. Not much has changed now, but things looked... different. Like the city was starting to slowly rise up from the ashes. Even from a distance, the once rotting buildings and nests were now cleaner and stronger looking than they had been in years.

Not that it mattered. I know how many of these griffins work. So many of them willing to do anything for the promise of shiny objects such as gold and jewels, or even the pony currency of bits. And no doubt that there would still be some trusting enough to help us out.

That was the reason why myself, Fang and three of the infiltrators were out this far. Of course, I had yet to properly explain our purpose for even being here, hence burst forth Fangs curiosity.

"Swarm leader, is there a reason we have travelled out here? To this place"?

"Of course Fang. Years ago, just before the Canterlot invasion, several scouting teams were sent to spy on the capital cities of different species".


"Once Canterlot had been taken, Queen Chrysalis had planned on focusing on all remaining pony cities before moving onto bigger and more dangerous prey. When the last pony city would fall, we planned to move onto here, Griffonstone, then Saddle Arabia, and more until we would be strong enough to take on even the dragon lands. With all the love and power gathered from everywhere else, even they would have fallen. I was the warrior escort sent here with a team of infiltrators. Heh, you should have seen what things were like back then. No-ling trusted each other, always suspicious and paranoid. We thought it would be easier to cause chaos among them and deal with whoever came out on top. Unfortunately we didn't get the chance to after the Canterlot wedding".

"So why are we here? We're not trying that here now are we"?

"Of course not. We'd only attract the attention of the ponies. You know how they are on terms with the griffons. No, we're here to try and hire some bandits".

That got the group a little nervous. Without even needing to look back I could still feel all four pairs of eyes on me.

"We're hiring griffins for our fight against the ponies"? One of the infiltrators asked.

"Yes and no. We will be hiring them, but only until we've rescued our brothers. Then we shall get rid of them afterwards".

"I see". Fang spoke up once more. "But how are we going to convince them to join us? Aren't these brutes nothing but selfish barbarians"?
"You let me worry about that. For now, worry about step one. Disguise yourselves, search the city and look for the toughest griffons you can find. Then bring them to me near the front entrance of the city. I shall deal with the rest".

No-ling chose to argue, but did what I asked. Each one transformed into a rough griffon each and took flight into the city. I shortly followed after and diguised as the toughest looking griffon I could picture within my head. I couldn't help but release a small and dark chuckle. This was going to be easy.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, sorry these chapters are taking so long. My life at uni is almost over so I'm going to soon be spending a lot of time seeking out a job in animation. I'll still be working on this story but upload times are going to be random. I'll try and get the next one out a little sooner than this one was. Cheers for reading :)