• Published 13th Nov 2016
  • 1,290 Views, 56 Comments

Another Twilight - AleaJactaEst

What if Twilight's surge was a bit different? What if Celestia wasn't there to save the day?

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Explorations and Explanations (Part 1)

Everything was warm. I purred in content, snuggling deeper into a white, warm blanket that was draped over me. It was softer than anything I have ever felt before, and as such it was an anomaly. My sleepy mind, however, could not have been bothered by such petty details.

It also tickles me, somehow, I noted half-consciously, giggling.

I almost drifted off to sleep again, barely conscious as I was, when my blanket started moving. Trying to clutch it with my hooves brought no positive results.

My bed suddenly moved underneath me as well - which gave my mind a little start - and soon, my eyelids were assaulted by viscious rays of morning sunlight.

I tried to turn away from them, but something - or rather, someone, as the voice attested - held me fast, “It is time to wake up, little one.”

I flailed my hooves about a little bit, trying to get free from the magical hold that was subjecting me to an Evil Death Beam of Waking Up, but was met with little success… and a giggle from my cruel captor.

In the end, I opted to try my best pout on this villainous tormentor.

“Now, now filly,” the voice spoke to me in a mock haughtiness, “I have had to deal with many a foal before, and dare I say, I think I have worked up quite an immunity to the Pleading Pout of Doom,”

I giggled at the silliness, and - seeing no other options - opened my eyes. The pony that looked back at me was beauty incarnate.

Her pristine white fur seemed to shine in the sunlight that was pouring through the open window, framing her perfect body. Her hair, a variety of breathtaking pastel colors, was flowing behind her, caught in an elegant, never ending dance with the unseen winds. Her horn was straight and polished, filed into a fine point. Her majestic wings - I think I know what I used as a blanket now - grandiose in their size yet not intimidating at all, but inviting and comfortable-looking. And eyes! This eyes, filled with wisdom and knowledge and kindness… and with a little mischievous sparkle dancing inside them.

I think I sat there, mouth agape, staring at her for a few minutes. Once I started coming back to my senses, I felt some thought nagging me at the back of my mind. She has horn. And wings. Horn. Wings.

I didn’t think my jaw could’ve fallen further than when I got my first glance at her. I was gravely mistaken.

The moment my brain kicked back into gear, I hurriedly tried to bow, tripping over the bed sheets beneath me - I didn’t even notice when I was put on the bed, such was my fascination - tumbling head over hooves rather comically if I do say so myself.

I was rewarded with a giggle for my trouble, and one of the gargantuan wings stroking my mane with all the care one can imagine.

“No need for that my little pony,” she said gently as I struggled to my hooves, untangling myself from the sheets, “It seems you know me already, but I think I should introduce myself anyway,” she smirked at me, I swear! “I am Aurea Sol Celestia, crown Princess of Equestria, Rising Sun of Equus,” momentary pause, and there it was again, “You can just call me Celestia. Now, how about you tell me your name, little one?” she quirked an eyebrow at me, elegantly.

I just sat on the bed, lost to the world Prin... Celestia allowed me to call her by name I think I even drooled a bit. Admittedly, not my best moment.

Eventually, I felt Celestia poking me with a wing, still waiting for an answer.

“IamTwilight,” I blurted out, “I mean, my name is Twilight Sparkle, Pri… Celestia,” I stumbled a little on her title.

“Very well, Twilight,” she rose to her hooves, stepping off of the bed, ”We have a lot to discuss, but I believe that breakfast,” my tummy rumbled at the word, to which I pouted slightly, “is in order,”

Celestia stopped near the door for a moment, “I will be right back, Twilight. Feel free to entertain yourself,” and left with that. The moment she walked out of the room, I finally regained control of my own eyes and looked my current residence over.

I was in a spacious bedroom, sitting in the middle of a huge, four-poster bed which was positioned in one of the corners of the room. It also had three doors - including the one that Celestia walked out of - and an open balcony. This last tidbit surprised me a little, actually; there was no door there, no curtain, just an open entryway. I decided to ask Celestia about it later.

The room itself was nondescript - hardly suited for a Princess - its size aside, with barely any decorations or furniture: bed, desk - and a few Princess sized cushions, obviously - several bookshelves and a fireplace. Than again, Celestia was not known for being lavish, so the relative bareness of the room didn’t surprise me much.

In fact, there was only one account - which I remembered, anyway - in the known history of Celestia indulging herself in something… extravagant. Namely, the Creation of Celestial Tower nine hundred, eighty five years ago; the tower, around which the Canterlot city would be later built. It is said to have been raised from the ground up by Celestia herself within the span of one night.

The tower itself seems to have been built using only two materials - white and black marble. The two weave around and intertwine with each other, all the way to the top forming intricate and magnificent patterns. It stands proudly at the height which rivals that of the highest roof of the canterlot castle. Tower’s entrance is a grand, golden oak double door. It has neither windows nor balconies, and no one but Celestia herself have ever been inside to see what it is that is hidden there.

Once I was done with a casual look over, I quickly ran to the edge of the bed, hopped down, and walked up to the closest door. I tried opening it with my hooves, but, while valiant, the attempt was futile. I flared my magic, and, with little effort, pushed the door open.

I found myself in what I assumed to be Celestia’s personal bathroom. It was even bigger than the bedroom, too!

But then I noticed something that sent my mind for a loop. Namely, the fact that one of the walls was missing. Completely missing. Like, there was no wall to speak of. Instead of the wall, there was a panoramic view of Equestria. What in the buck is wrong with you, Celestia!

After a minute or two to calm down, I reasoned that there’s probably some spell installed, as well as in her bedroom. Calming myself like this, I decided to pay attention to the interior at last.

About two thirds of it were taken up by a bath - more like a miniature swimming pool, really - with rest of the space hosting a stack of towels and two closets; one of them was even magically warded.

After a minute of silent contemplation, my curiosity got better of me. I cast a magical sight spell on myself - shame I can’t just switch to it whenever I so wish yet, like wearing goggles - to take a peek at the wards. Before that, thought, I couldn’t help but cast a glance towards the ‘wall’.

No magical residue… My left eye started ticking. I hastily turned my attention towards the warded closet so as to prevent any outbursts - magical or otherwise - I may regret.

I’m not sure how long I was lost in the spell matrices laid upon the object of my attention - no longer than ten minutes if I had to guess - before I had to withdraw with absolutely unsatisfying result; the only thing I managed to comprehend of the jangled mess of spells was that the magical lock required some kind of bodily fluid. Alas, I didn’t know if it must be from Celestia herself or not. The fact that I couldn’t grasp what fluid exactly was needed didn’t help matters at all.

Frustrated, I turned my back on the closet and walked out of the bathroom, purposefully not looking in the direction of the wall.

Celestia haven’t returned yet, so I went for the second door. Pushing it open, I entered the room.

The sight beyond the door made me squee in glee like a filly. Okay, I am a filly, but still! Library! Thousands of books, all chosen personally by Celestia. After some bouncing, I managed to reign myself in and not dash off grabbing random books to read. After all, I haven’t received a confirmation of my guesses yet.

With that I, begrudgingly, strolled back into the bedroom, closing the door behind me.


It was not long before Celestia returned with a cart full of food. I was ready to launch a barrage of questions on her, but was interrupted by the divine smell of pancakes reaching my nostrils. Questions can wait.

Ten minutes, a bit of spilled jam and a stack of cupcakes later found me sipping some really good tea, having a mini staring contest with Celestia.

I broke the gaze first. In retaliation, I decided to try taking the initiation in the conversation. I opted to ask the most important one first.

“So, Prin… Celestia, if you don’t mind me asking, what is it with you and all the… missing surfaces?” My mind still skipped a kog or two at the thought of the nonexistent wall in the bathroom.

“You mean this?” Celestia asked, gesturing towards the balcony, “Or the one in bathroom?” she added with a giggle, “They are both enchanted, albeit in a different way,” knew it! Wait a second...

“But Princess, I didn’t notice any magical residue,” I said, pouting slightly, “I mean, Celestia.”

With an amused smile on her face, Celestia took a sip of her tea, “Of course you didn’t, Twilight. It wouldn’t do if anypony could just see enchantments placed in such an important place, now would it?”

I had to concede this point to Celestia, but... “So that warded closet isn’t as important?” Did she just almost choked on her tea?

“Have you opened it, Twilight?” Aha, so it doesn’t have to be from Celestia.

“No, I didn’t,” I pressed on, “What is in that closet, Prin… Celestia?” I’m not sure, but I think her tail twitched a tiniest bit.

“Let’s rather not talk about it.”

Awkward silence settled in over the room. After few more sips, I tentatively started, “Celestia?”

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Can you, please, explain to me exactly what happened?”

The mood dropped like a bird from the sky.

“Do you want to know, Twilight?”

“Yes please.”

“Your magic surged, but you know that yourself, I would assume,” I nodded to that, ”The catch there, is that you felt some very strong negative emotion at the time. Anger, hatred, grief, depression, something like that,” she refilled her cup and took another sip, “As a result, your surge was affected by it, and thus, all the energy emitted was in a negative spectrum.”

“W-why… Why can’t I feel anything about w-what happened? I-I mean, I... kille...”

“You didn’t kill anyone, Twilight. You weren’t - and aren’t - at fault for what happened,” Celestia said, levitating me to her side of the table and pulling me into a hug with her wing, effectively silencing me with a gentle strokes of her hoof afterwards.

After regaining some of my composure, I scooted out of her grasp and returned to my place opposite her

“Why?” I repeated myself, not going into details this time.

“It is a part of the meditation technique you used. It blocks all the emotions throughout the process, and all you felt in the twenty four hours before it.”

“I see,” this wasn’t mentioned in the book. Well than, time for a million bit question, “Princess,” she quirked an eyebrow at me intentionally using her title, “what am I doing there?”

Her serene smile stretched first into a smirk, and then into a full blown grin, “That, my little pony, is a very good question,” she shifted from her half laying position to sitting upright, “Twilight Sparkle, will you accept a position of my personal protégé?”

Author's Note:

So... was this better than previous chapter? Worse perhaps? It honestly feels a teensy-weensy bit rushed to me, but I see nothing I can add that wouldn't be excessive. Also, what about dialog(meager as it is)? I can't help but be worried about it, because frankly, fear of writing the chars badly is what kept me from trying to write fiction before.