• Published 13th Nov 2016
  • 1,290 Views, 56 Comments

Another Twilight - AleaJactaEst

What if Twilight's surge was a bit different? What if Celestia wasn't there to save the day?

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Explorations and Explanations (part 2)

“Yes! Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes…” I chanted, bouncing round and around Celestia. At first, a rational part of me tried to reason that acting like this in the presence of the princess was not the best idea, but it immediately shut up after noticing Celestia’s clearly amused smile. Thus, I let go and channeled my inner filly full on for the first time in… gosh, the last time was over a week ago, when I found that book.

That is to say, I not only bounced around Celestia, but all over the room - defying physics few times, I’m pretty sure - and performing my celebratory dance at the end. Once done, I gracelessly flopped - muzzle first - into a little pile of lavender pony onto the bed, panting from exertion. Say what you want about foals and excessive energy, but I sure am tiring out fast with physical activities.

I raised my head to look Celestia in the eyes, and - as if on cue - she started talking, “I will take it you agree wholeheartedly to my proposition than,” she said, a chuckle escaping her lips.

“Yes! Yes, I do, Celestia!” I wanted to ask why would she snicker at that, but Celestia was faster.

“Sorry, just the way you worded it,” she snickered again, “is most peculiar. Now though, I should show you where you will live, do you not think so?” Celestia asked, her tone slightly teasing, “give you a little tour of the castle along the way, maybe… or would you rather explore it yourself later?” she said, sending a smirk my way.

I jumped off of the bed eagerly and cantered up to Celestia, “I would like the tour very much,” I said, holding my grin off to the best of my ability, “that is, if you know the castle well enough, princess,” and with that, grinning like a madmare, I took off towards the door - the one Celestia left through to fetch us some food earlier - at the fastest pace I could muster.

Swinging the door open and out of the way with my magic, I stopped in the doorway, turned to face Celestia - who was still stunned speechless - and blew her a raspberry.

I could hear her shouting as I slammed the door shut behind me, “Why, you little…”

I bolted down the corridor, not having time to admire the design and architecture, and, taking a sharp turn to the right, could just make out Celestia storming out of her suit; her mane and tail seemingly turned into fire, eyes blazing with the intensity of thousand suns, a full on, mischievous grin on her muzzle.

Never before in my short life have I ran with such speed.

Suddenly - after yet another corner - I collided with something. Or rather someone. The point is, we went tumbling head over hooves and ended up a tangled mess of limbs.

As I untangled myself from the victim of my mad rush, I could hear Celestia’s hoof steps approaching from around the corner. I looked at the unicorn colt - his coat as white as Celestia’s and his mane an off-yellow color - whom I have crushed into, and made a shushing gesture with my hoof, hurrying for the closest column; hiding behind it so that Celestia wouldn’t see me when she turned the corner.

I pressed up against it, praying to Celestia for the colt to not give me away.

Celestia’s hoof steps were closer and closer with each passing second. Soon enough, they stopped altogether. I awaited with bated breath for what would ensue.

“Oh, hello there Blueblood.”

“G-good morning, Celestia,” that actually called up a little twinge of jealousy, but I quickly squashed it down; if Celestia allowed him to call her by name, he must be special in some way.

“How was your day so far?” Celestia asked with what seemed to me to be genuine interest.

“Oh, it was great, actually. My father had to go to another one of those boring meetings he attends all the time, and I have no classes today. I have pretty much all day to myself,” I’m quite sure that if I could see his face at the moment, it will be beaming with a huge smile.

“Hmm, I see, lucky you,” there was some noise that I couldn’t quite identify, and then Celestia continued, “Say, you did not happen to see a little unicorn filly - about your age - with a lavender coat pass there? I’m pretty sure she ran off in this direction,” my heart started beating just a tiny bit faster.

After a short pause, Blueblood finally answered, “N-no, I did not,” I could feel him shuffling awkwardly on his hooves.

“Oh? Well, I guess I have lost her then,” she let out a sigh, as thought accepting the inevitable. I almost believed there for a second that I have truly fooled her. Almost, “How would I show her the personal tower in the library wing of the castle that she would be living in now?” The ensuing silence broke any and all pretence of a hope of her not knowing I was here in my mind. Still, she didn’t directly acknowledge it… I decided to not show myself for a time, “or the kitchen where she would be able to order almost anything she wishes at almost any time?” I must admit, the thought was tantalizing; alas for Celestia, I wouldn’t be so easily bribed into coming out of my hiding, “or the castle’s library that is overflowing with scrolls and manuscripts on all kinds of spells and magic techniques?” I almost gave in there, but managed to get myself together before making the fatal mistake.

After half-minute of tense silence, Celestia finally relented, “Very well then. I am terribly sorry Blueblood, but would you mind finding this little filly and showing her around the castle? I’m afraid I must attend to my duties now, and as such I can not seek her out myself.”

“O-of course. I will do that. Have a pleasant day, Celestia.”

“You too, Blueblood, you too.”

With this parting words, she slowly trotted away, back in the direction we originally came from. After a minute or two, Blueblood spoke up, “You can come out now; she is gone.”

I slowly, tentatively inched from behind the column. True to his word - and my hearing - Celestia wasn’t there. I sighed in relief, than turned back towards the colt.

“Hi, I am Twilight Sparkle. It is nice to meet you, Blueblood,” I said on one breath, “Thanks for covering me, by the way,” I beamed a genuine smile at him.

He raised an eyebrow at me, “You do realize she knew you were there all along, do you not?”

I stuck my lower lip out in a pout, “Never doubted it,” only after that did I notice that his mane was ruffled. I snickered, “Pffft. D-did she r-really give you a noogie?” I was barely able to hold in my laughter.

Bluey puffed out his reddened cheeks cutely, “So what?”

“N-nothing, o noble and brave prince,” I couldn’t keep it together any longer, and soon I was rolling around on the floor, laughing.

Soon - after some pouting - he joined me in my mirth, minus the rolling on the floor part.

Once our laughter died down, Bluey seems to have finally remembered the common etiquette, “The pleasure is all mine, Twilight Sparkle,” he said, “But, I think we should get going now. The castle will be bustling with activity soon enough, and it would be better if I show you around all the important places before that happens. Any places you would like to visit in particular?”

I bounced to his side, my giddiness taking hold of me, “Library! Show me the library Celestia was talking about!” I bounced in place until I noticed him staring at me. What might be the pro… Oh. Is it about me calling her by name?” Bluey nodded mutely, “Well, you are not the only one,” I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

He stared at me for a moment longer, then just shook his head and chuckled to himself.

“Library it is then,” he said, taking the lead, trotting away from the direction in which Celestia’s chambers lay.

This time - since I wasn’t running away from Celestia - I had more than enough time to admire castles interior.

And admire I did. So much in fact, so that I didn’t notice Bluey talking to me until he started poking me with his forehoof, “Twilight Sparkle? Are you even listening?”

“Huh? Oh, sorry. I was lost in thought. You can call me Twilight, by the way,” I said, making my best imitation of Celestia’s serene smile.

“It is awful,”

I stuck out my lower lip in a pout promptly, than, discarding it, turned my nose to the sky, and quoted the ‘first rule’ for those who wanted to become a magus, “Practice makes perfection,” It was a shot in the sky, but it seems I was lucky; Bluey snickered at that just fine.

At that moment, we turned the corner. I fell back on my haunches.

The door that I beheld was the biggest library door I have ever seen. No, not the door. Gates. They were probably no smaller than the main entrance to the palace. Than again, I have yet to see said entrance…

Bluey chuckled behind me, “Impressive, is it not? Admittedly, I had the same reaction first time around. You get used to it quickly thought.”

The doors were made of some kind of dark wood that I didn’t recognise, and when I tried to touch them with my telekinesis, I just felt nothing. Magic-repellent wood? Now, this is interesting. Gotta look that up later. I tried for the handles. They subjected to my touch just fine, despite looking like they were made of the same material as the rest of the doors. Curious...

My magical experiments over - for now, that is - I started paying attention to all the exquisite carvings and reliefs on the door. In the middle, there was a large orb, cut in two. ‘Standing’ all around on it where the representatives of all the races known to ponykind - one of each; from zebra, to Alicorn, to minotaur, to dragon and even a changeling.

On one side of the door, there was a stylized sun - Celestia’s cutie mark, I came to a conclusion upon closer inspection; on the other - a crescent moon. The rest of the door was dedicated to depicting night sky; on both sides, strangely enough.

On either side of the entryway stood a gryphon statue. They were sculpted so realistically, almost as thought they were actual gryphons once. The thought sent a shiver down my spine; that was definitely within the realm of possibility, especially considering the Gryphon Wars.

I broke out of pondering the probability of those two being real gryphons turned stone, and turned around to look for Bluey. Thankfully, he was sitting there, waiting patiently for me. I wanted to apologize for zoning out on him like this, but his ear-to-ear grin made me rethink the sentiment. I could still feel my cheeks being a bit hotter than they should be thought.

I shook my head to banish the barely distinctable blush from my face, turned around and started trotting in the direction of the doors.

“Well, let us go, Blue! I sure want to see the insides of it,” I said not looking around. I could hear him coming up to my side thought as I drew near the doors. With one push from my magic - they were far easier to open than I expected, what with their size and all - they opened wide, allowing us entry.

Sweet merciful Celestia… What lay beyond took my breath away. Whereas Celestia’s personal library impressed because… well… because I knew that the books there were choosen by her own hoof, this… this knocked the air out of my lungs with its sheer size. Thousands upon thousands of bookshelves, all filled with manuscripts, scrolls, magazines, and who knows what else.

How did this even fit into the cas… I turned sharply to Bluey, “The space there is warped, is it not?” He only grinned in return, but that was confirmation enough for me. I looked at the library with redoubled awe; to warp such vast amounts of space was hard enough - to sustain it indeterminately, was a fit only unicorns of Grand Magus’ level could accomplish. Well, that, or a certain somepony with wings and horn.

“Hey, uh, Twilight?” Bluey’s voice broke me out of my reverie, “so, who are you, exactly?” he asked, looking at me curiously.

“I am Celestia’s protégé,” I answered cheerfully.

He chuckled, “Yeah, I figured as much. I meant, where are you from?”

And just like that, you killed the mood Bluey. Good going, “I… would rather not talk about it,” I shuddered.

“Oh…” awkward silence ensue.

Bluey shuffled his hooves, “So, uh, want to read something?” He asked hesitantly.

“Sure!” I chirped, perhaps a little too cheerfully. I skipped to the closest shelf to check it, than another, and another, “I think I even know how they are sorted!” a smile - genuine one this time - spread across my muzzle. I payed no mind to Bluey’s snickering, bouncing in the needed direction instead, “let us go; to the magical section!”


We spent several hours plowing through the magical books and scrolls, exchanging slash showing off knowledge, and just getting to know each other better.

Bluey was, unsurprisingly, quite adept in magic despite being only a year older than me; alas, he was also much weaker, so he weren’t quite able to keep up with me when it came to actually doing magic.

Once we more or less got over him asking about my past, I chanced the same question. He was eager to talk about his family. Apparently, he was an actual prince, just as his father.

“But… why?” I asked in bewilderment, looking at Bluey incredulously “No, not why. How?”

“Well it is an interesting story actually. It goes back to eight hundred years ago, the time of…”

“Great Depression?” I interrupted him without even realising it. I blushed a little at Blueys flat stare, and hastily apologised, “Sorry, sorry.”

He stared at me for a few more moments, then chuckled and continued his tale, “Yes, Great Depression. My grand-grand-grand-something mother - Aurora - was one of Celestia’s personal battle-mages at the time.

“Well, basically, she was a closest friend of Celestia’s at the time. She was powerful and knowledgeable, smart, creative and kind. She was all that Celestia aspired her ponies to be and a bit more.

“As the situation grew more and more desperate, Aurora eventually decided that enough was enough. She made sure they will not be disturbed and cornered Celestia in her personal suit; she asked and begged Celestia to confide in her. To tell her what Celestia’s problems were.

“Finally, Celestia conceded. She told Aurora all of her worries, doubts and dark thoughts that plagued her mind.

“She did not know what to expect after the confession, but she certainly was not ready for what happened.

“Aurora swore on her bloodline, magic and soul that she will be there for Celestia. She will catch Celestia if she fall, and offer a shoulder on which to cry if the need be. She will protect her from danger - ridiculous as that sentiment may be - and shelter her heart from pain.

“Celestia was in bewilderment. She did not know how to react to this, so she just followed her instincts - yes that is what the account tells - which resulted in her fusing a shard of her own soul with Aurora’s.

“Thus, Aurora’s already incredible magical power went ever higher. Soon, none could rival her except for Celestia herself, and all of her descendants ever since were extremely gifted with magic.

“It did not come without its downsides, thought. One of the most prominent once was that neither Aurora, nor any of her descendants could have more than one foal.

“In the week following the confrontation, the position of Princess’s Personal Advisor was founded, and promptly given to Aurora.

“Thirty years later, Celestia instituted a status of Lesser Royal and granted it to her as well.

“So, this is the history of my family. Well, how it is recorded, that is. There was no one who could give a clear picture of what happened except Aurora and Celestia themselves, and they were silent about it,” he breathed out, and looked expectantly at me.

“Wow,” was all I could say. Wow indeed.

Now that I think of it, I remember starting a history book dedicated to her before The Incident.

My thoughts were interrupted by loud rumbling.

“I think we should go get you something at the kitchens before lunch, or we will have to wait” said Bluey, snickering.

And it came from my tummy, no less. Traitor

I shook my head and jumped to my hooves, ready to go, “Oh, okay. Lead the way, my prince,” I said, smirk on my muzzle.

Bluey just rolled his eyes and trotted off, out of the library with me in tow.

About ten minutes later, we walked into the kitchen. It was spotless. Not just spotless, it was so clean, all the white surfaces literally shined. The room was far smaller than I expected though, so I asked Bluey about it.

“Oh, those are not the main kitchens. This is the personal royal kitchen. It works at all times except breakfast, lunch and dinner.” As he explained it, a Gryphon - A real, alive gryphon! - entered the room through the doors to our left.

Upon noticing us, he made a sharp beeline towards us, “Ah, hello Blueblood, greetings lady Sparkle. How may I help you two?”

“I will have the usual, Soft Talon,” Bluey said.

The gryphon looked expectantly at me, as I was inspecting him. I shook my head a bit to clear away the thoughts of experimenting on him, “Just Twilight is fine, Talon. Oh, and I will try a hayburger.”

“Wery well then; I’ll get it done in a few minutes,” he said, walking away to prepare our meal.

Suddenly, the door behind us slammed open, making me and Bluey jump up, “Oh, there you are, Twilight,” a shudder ran down my spine at Celestia’s overly cheerful tone, as I turned around to look her in the eyes, “Come, we have something important to do,” Celestia turned her attention to Bluey, “Oh, by the way, your father is looking for you, Blueblood. So shoo, shoo, off you go.”

“But Cele-estia,” I practically whined, pouting, “we were just about to have lunch.”

She looked at me for a few seconds, then sighed theatrically, “Well, your surprise can wait then. What were you going to eat anyway, Twilight?” She asked, curious.

“Oh, a hayburger! I always wanted to try one, but… well…” I looked at Bluey briefly, “you can guess,” I finished my thought lamely.

“Really?” Celestia stared at me incredulously, “You asked for a hayburger? In royal kitchens, no less?” Suddenly, she throwed her hoof up, covering her eyes with it and arching her neck back, “The horror! The scandal!” Celestia cried out.

Me and Bluey stared at Celestia for a few seconds, and then let loose a chuckle simultaneously, and another, soon devolving into laughing out loud at the display. Celestia joined in soon enough.

Our collective laughing fit was interrupted by Soft Talon thought, as he brought us our food.

I grabbed the hayburger in my magic, and promptly took a bite out of it.

Stars exploded before my very eyes. Galaxies appeared and withered away, whole civilisations formed and then crumbled to dust in a matter of seconds. I witnessed the beginning and the end of the world as we know it. And then, the moment of enlightenment ended.

My legs were quivering a little. My mind - concentrated on hayburger directly in front of my muzzle - still managed to register and process the image of Celestia directly behind the burger, her posture stiff as can be and the irises of her eyes turned tiny pinpricks.

I let out another involuntary moan, and - realizing what I did - stuffed the entirety of the hayburger inside my muzzle, trying to prevent any other embarrassing noises from coming out.

The silence, save for my chewing, reigned over the room. Well, this is awkward…

Just as I thought this, Celestia finally regained her bearings, and, after a definite gulp, spoke up, “I think we should get going. See you both later, Blueblood, Talon.”

She scooped me up in her magic after saying this, perched me at the top of her back, near the neck, and trotted off.

Author's Note:

No. NO. Don't even think about it. there will be no Bluelight. Much as I like Blueblood, I would never ship Twilight with him. So no, ain't gonna happen. I'm not sure, does this chapter grants him a tag of his own? I don't know yet how significant he will be, so I can't really decide whether this warrant the tag or not.

Writing without contractions is damn hard.

Well, this took more time than I anticipated. Thought, between this chapter being as long as the previous two put together, the circus that's my real life and some scenes being frustratingly hard to write(Description of the doors, kitchen sequence(it took me about two damn hours to get it the way I liked it)), I'm not really surprised.

The roller coaster that is the world building of this fic officially starts there:trollestia: