• Published 15th Nov 2016
  • 1,095 Views, 41 Comments

Lauren's Wonderland - Hazel_Hester777

Lauren visits a realm that is filled with her fans, creations, and OCs, of My Little Pony

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Lauren took a deep breath. She then managed to walk up to the front of the court to meet with the King and Queen. She looked to where Typevader was. She knew that he was indeed afraid that he would be sent away from his current form. Lauren bit her lip and trembled at the thought. She hoped he would be let go and that they would just learn to avoid using those from an asylum as writers. They always say the most ridiculous things, if not on their meds.

“What do you know about this business?” Knighty asked Lauren.

“I don’t know anything, your Majesty” Lauren spoke.


“None whatsoever”

“That’s very important”

Lauren then went back to where she was earlier. Right then, noticed that she was beginning to grow again. It must’ve been from consuming the mushroom from earlier. When it came to Discord’s works, one has to be cautious at times. When she looked up, Knighty was reading in the rulebook.

He then cried out, “Rule 42: All those who are currently more than a mile high must leave court!”

That was enough to make everyone present stare at Lauren, who was now really that high.

“I’m not a mile high”

“You are”

“Nearly two miles, really” Queen Faust added.

“I won’t go, then, at any rate. It’s not even a regular rule; you just invented it”

“It’s the oldest rule in the book” Knighty said.

“Then, isn’t it supposed to be rule one?”

Knighty turned pale from that. She had a point.

“Why are you even caring so much about these tarts anyway?” Lauren asked.

Queen Faust got angry. “Those tarts contain a special ingredient. One of them contains a device that allows control to everyone in this realm. With it in the wrong hands or hooves, it would be disastrous”

“Why was it put in a tart anyway? Shouldn’t it be somewhere safe like a vault?”

The Queen got angry again. “One of them was a fake. I mixed it up with the real ones before getting it to safety”

“Clumsily then”

The Queen lost it. “OFF WITH HER HEAD!”

Nopony moved; they all looked down. Some bit their lip. Others tried to whistle innocently.

“Well?! OFF WITH HER HEAD!” the Queen yelled again.

Lauren saw something glimmer with faint light in the corner of her eye. She looked around with her eyes until she found what it was: a small knife handle in the pocket of Queen Faust’s robe.

“Hang on; what’s that in your pocket?”

The Queen seemed immediately alarmed as she fidgeted at it. “Whatever do you mean?” she tried to make the object hide, but it fell right out her pocket. The entire crowd gasped at the object: a small knife with markings like that of a quill. On its handle was a gem with all colors of the rainbow.

“You had the Quillette Blade all along, Faust!” Twilight exclaimed as she began to fume. “Why you…”

"Typevader, you are dismissed and free to go, I proclaim you innocent!" Knighty declared. Typervader sighed in relief.

“Quillette Blade?” Lauren asked.

“It’s an object that can be used to control others in this realm. It’s only meant for one person: the one who made our show in the first place!”

“How do you know if I’ve been even using it? For all you know, it’s just there for protection!”

“Because Knighty’s eyes are cerulean, not grey!” Snowdrop pointed out. “And anypony under the control, their eyes turn grey!”

“It’s no wonder your subjects live in fear” Lauren added as she approached the Queen.

The Queen cackled. “So you finally found out?! Well, it’s time for you all to really obey!” saying so, she picked up the Quillette Blade as it began to glow on its gemstone. Everypony panicked at that. They tried to escape, but they all froze in place. “You wanted to make sure no one is Executed again? Here’s my compromise!”

Everypony present began to tremble and shake as they fell to the ground. Some held their heads as though in pain. Some even let out whimpers and gritted their teeth. Even the ones who with Knighty were not spared by the effects. Queen Faust took so much joy in all of them. But she failed to notice that Lauren was the only one who didn’t drop down like them; she only shrunk back to normal size. A minute later, all the whimpers and struggle stopped. They all then looked up to reveal that their eyes had been turned grey and showed nearly no signs of life. Their teeth had fangs like that of a cobra’s.

Queen Faust grinned as they all bowed to her, but then she finally saw somepony who wasn’t like them.

“What have you done to them?!” Lauren yelled.

“WHAT?! How did it not work on you?!”

Lauren looked around nervously. It’s almost as though she was immune to its effects, but why? Queen Faust then lifted up the Quillette Blade and pointed it at Lauren. “OFF WITH HER HEAD!”

At that, all who were present just glared at Lauren. She had no choice but do the one thing she could right now: run.

All chased Lauren as far they would. She had never run so fast in her life. She had to watch out for anypony shooting spells or Pegasi flying down on her. She had a hard time just trying to lose them. The worst part about it was that Snowdrop’s snowflakes would signal where she was, Twilight could easily teleport, and Hazel and Hester were trying to block her path by Hester’s freeze spells. Lauren was about to lose it as she felt like she couldn’t run anymore. She ran into the center of the Garden, where Queen Faust stopped her. Looking behind her, the others were already stalking her like an animal, especially those who were in Pony form.

“I don’t know why, but you won’t ever make it back into this realm ever again!” Queen Faust said as the she raised the Blade up in the air.

The gem! Lauren thought. The gem controls them!

At that moment, when she had the chance, Lauren jumped up as high as she could and snatched the Quillette Blade out of Queen Faust’s grasp. She had to destroy the gem that was on it as the others closed in on her. She pulled the gem off the Blade and threw it on the ground as hard as she could, breaking it into a million pieces.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Queen Faust cried out.

A Sonic Rainboom followed after, spreading across the field filled with all the residents in the Wonderland. As the ring passed through them, they all snapped back to normal. Their eyes and teeth returned to the normal color and size, respectively. As soon as that occurred, a white glow began to surround Lauren, catching her off guard. Everypony present just gaped as the scene unfolded.

Then the glow began to dissipate. As it did, Lauren suddenly had two other forms with her. One was like that of her Human-slash-reality counterpart. The other was her own Pony Form, resembling Queen Faust, but without a robe and her cutie mark was the same, but the bottle of ink was mahogany, not red. All three were suspended in mid-air, until the other two went into Lauren. She momentarily turned into her Human counterpart, then her Pony Form, before going back to her Equestria Girl one. The, she floated easily back on the ground.

“It’s her. The Maker is here!” Twilight cried out.

Queen Faust was still angry. “What are you talking about?! I’m the Queen of this realm! Our maker will never arrive!”

“Twilight, where did you say you found Lauren?” Snowdrop asked.

“At her office” Twilight then remembered it. “At Hasbro!”

“Wait a minute! When Lauren saved Hester and she asked her name, she said…” Hazel then gasped.

“Lauren Faust!” Hester was wide-eyed.

“No” Queen Faust shook her head. “That can’t be true. Anypony on my side, seize her!”

All who were present looked to each other. They each gave out a small murmur. Then Knighty just began to walk to them. The others looked on to see his decision. As second-in-command, his choice was now their choice. He walked up to Queen Faust first, and then headed to Lauren. Lauren bit her lip for his decision. She expected him to take Queen Faust’s side as they looked very close to each other. What she didn’t expect was that he just bowed to her.

Then the others who were Leaders of their sections followed. Then, before long, all of them were. The only exceptions were those who were Catholic, Christian, and Jewish; they just dipped their head as a sign of respect. Queen Faust herself was just astonished. She suddenly felt something being lifted off her head, and that was when she noticed her crown was lifted off her and floated in mid-air, and a beam of light froze her in place. When it got to Lauren, a certain Partner and Familiar duo reappeared suddenly as they placed the crown on Lauren.
Lauren just felt at the crown as Hazel and Hester went infront of her, alongside Twilight Sparkle and Snowdrop.

“You are the true Queen of this realm, Lauren Faust. You are the true Queen of this Wonderland” Hester said.

Snowdrop and Twilight nodded.

“Are you sure?” Lauren was surprised. “I mean, yes, I made the show, but why should I be Queen?”

“Because your Creations, here they call you Mother” Twilight explained.

“Those who you assisted in their Creation, like me, we call you Auntie” Snowdrop added.

“And to us, your Bronies and Pegasisters, you are the Queen” Hazel added.

Lauren thought for a bit, and then smiled as she accepted her status.

All then heard a loud rumble. They were a bit scared, at first, but then they looked up to see why. Lauren saw it too. There were cracks forming in the sky. With each crack, shown a bright white light. What was happening? Was something wrong? Was this Wonderland about to shatter?

“What’s happening?” Lauren asked.

“It’s time to wake up” Hazel said.


“This place is a type of Dreamland for us to all meet in. Once it begins to show cracks in the sky, it means that it’s morning, and time for us to go back to our real-world counterparts. But it will reset again, when its night and we all go to sleep, this place will come back for us to roam in”

“Will I still see you all again?”

Hazel giggled as she held Hester close. “Of course”

Lauren smiled as a glow began to envelope everypony. Then, one by one, they each seemed to fade away. Lauren closed her eyes, and before long, she herself went back to reality.


“Lauren!” a familiar voice rang out. “Lauren, dear, wake up!”

Lauren opened her eyes to the rays of sun to see that her husband, Craig was infront of her. She rubbed her eyes as she sat herself up. She looked around to see that she was in her house, in bed. How long was she out?

“Craig? How long was I out?” she asked.

“A while. Your boss called and said that he found you asleep in your office chair. We couldn’t wake you up so I had to come and drive you home.
Then you slept the whole night” Craig explained as Lauren got to the bedside.

“I did?”

Craig nodded.

“Whoa” she then held her head.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, Craig, I just had the most peculiar dream!”



Lauren then explained to Craig about the events in Wonderland. She had been able to remember and tell every detail. She first told about the fact that she jumped down an office hole for Twilight. The sight of meeting Nyx, Candy Burn, Catherine the Great, Screwball, and Dreamweaver. The sight of Anastasia teasing her brother Clementine Jr. as he helped a sleepy Sunny Shores up. The rage of Queen Faust ordering Execution on those who opposed her. The sudden disappearances and appearances of Hazel and Hester with their grins. Luna and the Children of the Night performing their story by song and dance. And the crowning of Lauren as Queen.

When she finished telling everything, it was affirmed to be peculiar indeed, as regarded by Craig. Lauren herself never forgot about the dream. Whenever she went to work on more of the show for her fans, she would sometimes look at the characters herself, and she swore that at one point, one of them would be smiling at her. About her fans, she would try and look around for those who helped her, including Hazel and Hester. She was surprised when she got a gift sent to her one day in her office, a small locket that had her Equestria Girl symbol engraved on it; the giver was unknown but it was said to be from a fan. As for her going to Wonderland, if she tried hard enough, she was able to spend her dreams with her fans, Creations, and OCs.

Author's Note:

Sequel has arrived! It's called "Return to Wonderland"

Comments ( 13 )

This was absolutely amazing! :heart: :pinkiesmile: I really enjoyed this story and reading it was so fun to read I hope their will be a sequel or a spin off to this because this right here was so very amazing

Thank you! :twilightsmile: And by the way, me and Hester are actually planning on both a sequel and a few spin-offs. Plus, if anyone wants their OCs to Feature too, they can send us a message.

7783582 Cool! If it's ok can I send you my 2 OC information for your spin off and squeal now is there ok that is if I can send you the information my OC are both brother btw

7783582 In that case, feel free to use Eclpise again as much. When I said screwed, I thought i would lose me head.

Thank you for letting me borrow Eclipse again if need be. And by the way, calm down, Faust isn't gonna kill you

Sure! Tell us about your OC

7788280 I know that now.

Are you alright now, then?

This was great! I can't wait for the sequel! Do you have an idea of when it might come out?

8178251 Thank you. And the sequel is coming soon. Hest and I are just working on the final fight and chapter now.

8180226 Nice! Thanks! I can't wait!

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