• Published 15th Nov 2016
  • 1,096 Views, 41 Comments

Lauren's Wonderland - Hazel_Hester777

Lauren visits a realm that is filled with her fans, creations, and OCs, of My Little Pony

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Luna and the Children's Story

“Have you met with Princess Luna and her Children of the Night yet?” Queen Faust asked Lauren.

“Why, no, I haven’t yet. Hazel and Hester haven’t introduced to me to them yet” Lauren explained.

“Well, then, we shall have her introduced to you” Queen Faust then gestured for Lauren to follow her, which she complied out of fear.

Lauren tried her best to stop thinking about those who were Terminated a while back. She also wondered where did the Partner-Familiar duo go off to, of if she would even see them again. She walked on with Queen Faust, until they finally came across somepony, sitting on a bench and looking at pictures of constellations, who looked a lot like Snowdrop.

She did look like herself, but she looked more like a grown Alicorn rather than a Pegasus filly. On her head was a small crown that looked like a blue version of the Alicorn Amulet. Her eyes were no longer with cataracts, and were now a beautiful icy blue. She was larger and so were her wings.

When she noticed Lauren and Queen Faust, she rose immediately and bowed. “Queen Faust, how may I be of service to you?”

“Snowdrop, I would like for you to take this new Equestria Girl to meet with Princess Luna and the Children of the Night”

“It shall be done”

“Lauren, you have met Snowdrop before, correct?”

“I think Hazel and Hester mentioned to me about her. But, I’m a little confused. How is she now able to see clearly, and how come she now resembles an Alicorn?”

“Thanks to how some things tend to work in this realm, we took together some good points from a story with her and a possible sequel to her debut video. Now, she has gained an Alicorn-like body and has been relieved of her cataracts” she then looked to her side. “Time to go for me, I have to take a head count, quite literally, on who got Terminated for the past few months”

Queen Faust then just walked off, leaving Lauren with Snowdrop. The Pegasus just gave a warm smile. “Pleased to meet you, Miss. I’m Snowdrop”

“I’m Lauren. Nice to see you too”

“Let me guess, a frantic Twilight lead you here while you were sitting around, minding your own business?”

“Well, yes, how did you know?”

“I decided to look every now and then, by the use of my snowflakes” she explained as she held one delicately in the air. “It was very comical at times”

“Do you know then about what happened to me over the day?”

“Well, not really. I just went to see Luna and the others, and go help with the new “Nyx x Snowdrop” thing going on. After that, I went back here and started checking on the snowflakes for winter and looking at constellations. I’m making the most out of being able to see again, really”

Lauren nodded.

“Okay, so, you wanna go meet Luna?”

“I guess so”

“Good. Get on” Snowdrop then gestured for Lauren to get on her back. Lauren was confused at first, but had to go with it. She got on and Snowdrop told her one thing, “Grab on tight”

Then they were off. Lauren didn’t open her eyes for the first few seconds out of fear. She finally opened one eye and looked. Snowdrop has just flown high in the sky. They were just below the clouds. Lauren looked down to see the view from below. It was beautiful. She could see the whole realm, really. She could see fillies and colts from the OC section playing. There were Bronies and Pegasisters in their Groups. There were also the characters from the show itself getting about and readying for filming. She never knew it could get this beautiful.

“It’s nice, isn’t it?” Snowdrop asked.

Lauren nodded. “Very”

“Oh, look, grab on tight. I see Luna”

Lauren nodded and held on tight, but not too tight to hurt Snowdrop. Thee Pegasus flew down and landed safely on the ground. Lauren took the cue to know she could get of now. The land was somewhat like that of nighttime. The sky was filled with stars and a full moon. Taking a closer look around, she saw the fillies and colts sitting in the field. And in the very center, reading a book to all of them, was Princess Luna.

When she noticed the duo, she immediately closed her book and greeted them. “Oh! Snowdrop, my dear, how nice of you to drop by!”

When the other fillies and colts saw the Pegasus they all began to gape in awe.

“How nice to see you and the Children again too, Luna” Snowdrop gave a warm smile.

“My, who’s your new friend?” she asked when she approached Lauren. “Such a radiant youth”

“I’m Lauren, Princess Luna”

“Lauren, such a nice name” she then turned to the fillies and colts. “Come, Children, we have a new one in the realm”

All the fillies and colts eventually gathered around Lauren, all smiling and eager to meet. One of them in particular, seemed to be the Leader amongst them, and managed to shush them in a way to get them all in an orderly fashion. Lauren could recognize her as the most distinct of Luna’s Children of the Night.

"Hello, Miss. I’m Gari” she introduced herself.

“I’m Lauren” Lauren greeted.

“These are my Brothers and Sisters. Meet Night Glow, Sweet Sleep, Star, Airy Night, Shooting Star, Zodiac, and Andromeda” she pointed to each other filly and colt present.

“Great to meet all of you” Lauren said as she shook hands and hooves with them.

“What brings you by, Miss Lauren?” the filly named Andromeda asked.

“She came because she was sent for us to be introduced to her” Snowdrop answered.

“Actually, Hazel and Hester pretty much already told me about you Snowdrop while they were showing me around the OC section”

“Well, the, it’s just Gari and her Brothers and Sisters then”

“Actually, she also told me about them too when we were going through the Princess Luna sections” she then noticed the Children looking disappointed. “But, she told me about the song. Can I hear it?”

The Children perked up from that with a smile. All looked to Luna, as if seeking approval. She gave a warm smile to Lauren, and then the Children with a nod. All of them cheered happily.

“Take a seat, you’ll love this” Snowdrop said.

Lauren did as the fillies and colts all went to their areas. Luna was center stage amongst them. Luna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The fillies and colts lied down and pretended to be asleep. Finally, Luna began to sing in a sweet, melodious voice.

Come little children, I'll take thee away,
Into a land of enchantment.
Come little children, the time's come to play,
Here in my garden of shadows.

Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way,
Through all the pain and the sorrows.
Weep not poor children, for life is this way,
Murdering beauty and passions.

Hush now dear children, it must be this way,
To weary of life and deceptions.
Rest now my children, for soon we'll away,
Into the calm and the quiet.

Come little children, I'll take thee away,
Into a land of enchantment.
Come little children, the time's come to play,
Here in my garden of shadows.

As Luna sang, the Children ‘woke up’ and began to look around as though curious and in a whole new world. They then began to be with one another and dance. Then the moonlight glimmered upon Luna, and they danced around her with smiles. And when she finished the last line, they all stood still.

As for Snowdrop, it was hard for her to not shed a tear from being touched. It was truly too much for her to hold it back. As for Lauren, she almost cried. Not just because the performance and message was elegant, but because she felt like she was able to see the story behind it. She swore that she saw the events of what happened that night that Luna took those Children to her Colony.

“Did you like it?” Gari asked while passing them a box of tissues.

“Very touching” Lauren commented as she wiped a tear.

“Never fails to make me cry” Snowdrop added.

“TRIAL!” a loud voice rang out. The voice was loud enough to startle everypony present. Right at that, Lauren noticed that the crown-like thing on Snowdrop was begging to glow. And the marking on Lauren’s skirt was glowing too.

“You must go, you know what would happen if you don’t” Luna said as she tried to calm the foals around

“It was very nice to meet you, Luna” Lauren said as she got on Snowdrop’s back.

Luna nodded with a smile. “Come back anytime”

Lauren nodded before gripping on tightly to Snowdrop. “What trial is it?”

“We’ll soon find out”

“What does it mean when your crown and my skirt’s symbol glow?”

“It means you’re being summoned” Snowdrop said before taking to the air.