• Published 5th Dec 2016
  • 2,390 Views, 99 Comments

My Little Mages: The Grand Gala - Foxhelm

A moment of calm has come for Twilight et al, and how best to celebrate, then the long awaited Grand Gala. No matter what happens, it will be a night to remember. A 'My Little Mages' retelling of 'The Best Night Ever'.

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Rainbow Dash’s Night

Rainbow Dash was the third of her group to enter the hall if the number of people caused her any fear, she didn’t show it, she was cool, calm, collect... “THIS IS GOING TO BE THE MOST AWESOME NIGHT EVER!” She shouted as she jumped into the air barely able to contain herself. As she landed back on her feet she could not help but make a kissy face with her eyes closed. Remembering she was with her biggest fan, Rainbow Dash tried to play it off, “is what I would say if I didn’t already wipe the floor with a couple of Sonic Rainbooms under my belt.” As she looked to Scootaloo, who was just bursting at the seams with excitement that rivaled her own.

“Do you think I can get the autographs of the Wonderbolts there? I have something they can sign.” Scootaloo said as she pulled out a commemorative poster for the last young fliers competition showing Rainbow Dash with the victory crown and the Wonderbolts that attended the event. “Can you imagine how jealous Rumble and Featherweight would be to know I have the only copy of the first Young Fliers after Princess Luna’s return Victor poster signed by not only the winner, or the Wonderbolt judges but all other current Wonderbolts.” It was clear the young monk had some plans, aside from seeing if there was a Wonderbolt, that as a child, had a hard time flying like she…

“You really don’t want to talk about possibly being flightless,” Rainbow said seeing through the charade her mentee was putting up. Scootaloo dipped her head as she pocketed the poster. Rainbow Dash took a knee to look Scootaloo in the eye and did what she thought might be the best way to console the younger Skyborn, “it’s cool that you’re thinking ahead, but you have to remember one very important thing above all else.”

“What’s that?” inquired Scootaloo, not sure where the conversation was going.

“You should never let the words ‘can’t’ and ‘don’t’ determine your decisions. I’m not saying that you should break all the rules, you have seen me crash so many times because of me doing just that to know better, but you should take a look at them and see if it’s really something that’s said because no one has managed it before or if it’s there for everyone’s safety. If it’s the former then you should totally break it and not back down,” Rainbow Dash then thought about it for a minute. She recalled that she was effectively the young arcane monk’s big sister and as the big sister she had to set a good example, like how Applejack and Rarity try for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle respectively. After she got an idea of what to say, “but if it’s the latter then you should respect it. Just remember, more than anything else, the moment when you decide you can’t do something or have been defeated is the moment it will happen. If you keep telling yourself that it is possible for you then you might just surprise everyone. I know you’ve been looking into different academies and monasteries to officially learn from, but your starting guide has some tips as well. Can you think of anything it said that lines up with what I just said?”

Scootaloo gave a little smile as she said, “One of the things most important to remember is, ‘no matter what you must always remember you will always be your greatest adversary because you know the best ways to defeat yourself.’ I really didn’t think much of it before now.” As the young monk looked back at what she said she realized she actually understood it.

“See, one of the big rules for your designation is to never let anything, especially yourself, hold you back.”

Just then Rainbow Dash noticed how long the line was not only in front of her but behind her as well. “Looks like Twilight won’t be spending much time with the princesses like she planned,” she heard Scootaloo comment as she also noticed the line.

“I wonder what held her up.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“Herself most likely.” Scootaloo retorted which earned a laugh from Rainbow Dash and herself.

After the two calmed down from the short laugh, “Oh well, her loss for not being on the ball,” Rainbow said as the two then walked into the hall.

As the two passed the court herald, “Announcing the arrival of Rainbow Dash and her guest, Scootaloo,” the herald proclaimed and blew his trumpet causing the two Skyborns to jump away and rubbed their ears. As they recovered from the blast they started to climb the stairs to the actual hall for the gala.

As they arrived at the top, they bowed to the princesses, “Welcome to the gala, I hope you enjoy your night,” Celestia said as she and Luna nodded to the two as they rose.

“Your presence here brings Us much joy, Scootaloo. We hope you find the answers you seek.” Luna said catching all but Celestia off guard.

“Um… thank you, Princess Luna,” Scootaloo replied as she and Rainbow Dash proceeded to the hall. Once inside the hall, Rainbow spotted Spitfire in her flight suit with a pair of small thin swords sheathed secured by a belt around her waist. Rainbow Dash then bolted to her idol. In the meantime, Scootaloo was trying to catch up to her idol since Rainbow and forgotten her in a moment of excitement, “Wait! Rainbow!” Scootaloo called out and got herself lost in the mass of staff and guests going about their business.

However, Rainbow’s well-honed ears managed to register the cry of the younger Skyborn, she quickly rushed back to help the young girl up. “Sorry about that Scoots, guess my excitement got the better of me,” said Rainbow with a sheepish grin. Scootaloo gave her ‘sister' a well-earned scowl but when she was lifted off the ground by Rainbow, she could not find it in her to withhold forgiveness but she was not going to let Rainbow off the hook scot-free. After a short flight in the hall, Rainbow landed near Spitfire. The head of the Wonderbolts was in the Wonderbolt blue and yellow flight suit with a fire orange scarf and a golden-pin shaped like a lightning bolt with wings. She was talking to a familiar savvy count.

Before Rainbow Dash said anything, “Well, just the person I was looking for,” the older fire elementalist said as she turned her attention to Rainbow Dash. At that moment she was talking to Fancypants and with him was his wife. “As the winner of this year's young fliers competition with a record-breaking score and having successfully pulled off at least two Sonic Rainbooms, she’s got the talent to get into the academy,” Spitfire said as she walked to be right beside Rainbow Dash. Rainbow had no idea what was going on exactly, but she was starting to think she was being auctioned off like some sort of animal.

“Well think about it dear, what would be a better thing to rub in Blueblood’s pride than sponsoring such a promising elementalist when even the Wonderbolts themselves had doubts,” Fleur commented as she scanned Rainbow Dash with a cryptic smile.

Fancypants gave a sigh, “You know that until my term is up or the Princesses relieve me of my duties, and I am not re-elected, I cannot. The fact is I legally have no assets to my name, they are all in yours,” the Baron pointed out.

Fleur placed her hand on her chin as if in thought, but it was clear she already made her decision after a second. She walked up to Rainbow Dash looking at her with a very sinister smile as if the Baroness was a wolf and Rainbow a trapped lamb, “Let me know as soon as you get into the Academy, Miss Dash.” She said as she held Rainbow’s chin. “I refuse to lose to my obnoxious cousin-in-law.” Fleur continued looking into Rainbow’s eyes. After a second, “Well Roy, dear, we have other business to attend to.”

As the slender and elegant Fleur started to leave, Fancypants followed after her, “Blueblood is only my fourth cousin thrice removed on my father’s side and his mother’s side. Well, good evening to you, Miss. Dash, forgive my wife when she wants something she doesn’t hold her punches. Hopefully, we’ll meet up again later tonight.” the Baron said as he and his wife left Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire.

“Congrats, Ahab, you just landed the white whale,” Spitfire said breaking the stupor that both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had as she elbowed the younger elementalist. The two looked at her with their confusion written on their faces. “You just got the best sponsor for any Wonderbolt, Baron Fancypants.” Before they could ask, “While Fleur Dis Lee is the one actually signing the check, the money is all Fancypants’ from before his first term as Prime Administrator.” Spitfire informed, “come on, join us at our table.”

As Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash walked they noticed that some of the Wonderbolts were dressed in their flight suits while most wore knee-high brown boots, with light brown pants, brown gloves, goggles and blue button-up jackets with golden lighting bolts joined together as the trims around the bottom, where the jacket buttoned up and the cuffs with collars of the jackets that looked like feathers of different colors, all of them having unique ethereal wings, with scarfs of the same colors. Several had golden pins like Spitfire’s but most had silver variants. What the two also noticed was that everyone in their flight suits was actually sitting down at ease, the others were nervous in comparison and were all on their feet. “Why are you sitting down and the rest aren't?” Scootaloo asked.

Spitfire sat down in one the chairs as she answered, “You see those of us in our flight suits have all our gear paid off. At which point our need for a sponsor is over. Look at Soarin, Fleetfoot, Misty Fly, High Winds, Surprise and myself, all our gear is paid for. But everyone else wears the other uniform So that they can better mingle with their patrons,” Spitfire said as she pointed out the others in their flight suits.

“Boss, you might want to tell them we all are part of the same wing,” Soarin said pointing out how everyone in the group was related, “Too bad Fire Streak couldn’t make it tonight,” Soarin commented noticing that his wing was one wingman short tonight.

“Yeah, but you gotta remember he volunteered to teach classroom classes at the Academy for the upcoming seminar,” Fleetfoot pointed out as a servant placed several of the Apple Family foods in front of the group. “So you two are from Magiville,” she asked the two younger Skyborn, they nodded.

“So is …” Misty Fly started to ask cutting in but stopped herself as everyone saw that Rainbow Dash was clearly struggling from not having any of the food as if she was a recovering addict desperately trying to stay on the wagon. “That good?” she asked turning to Scootaloo. The much younger monk nodded as she too seemed to be doing the same thing as Rainbow Dash but was in more control, albeit not much. Misty then had a bite of what was offered her. As it slowly slipped down her throat, the delight and bliss Misty experienced was hard to not see as she had a big closed mouth grin with closed eyes and stomped her foot a couple of times as she finished swallowing the bite.

“Well if Misty thinks it’s that good,” Fleetfoot said as she tried what was in front of her and copied what her wingman did with a little less enthusiasm. “You gotta try it,” she said as High Winds and Surprise also tried the food and mimicked their wingmen.

“Good to know the princess actually has great taste, every year it’s been the bland upper crust stuff the nobles usually order,” Spitfire said looking at how delighted her wing-men were and happy for it.

“Say Spitfire, ma’am, I would like to get some of the cider for everyone,” came the voice of one of the Wonderbolts, she was dressed in the non-flight suit uniform.

“Did you say… Cider?” Rainbow asked her desire for the beverage was something everyone could feel.

“Non-alcoholic and cold for everyone not in a flight suit. You all can’t afford to vomit on your patrons. As for the rest of us, still cold, non-alcoholic for the kid…” Spitfire started as she placed the orders.

“I’ll take a hard cider,” Fleetfoot said.

“Same here,” Misty Fire, High Sky and Surprise said in unison.

“I’ll take a non-alcoholic,” Soarin answered.

“You?” Spitfire asked Rainbow as the Wonderbolt was making the cider run was recording everything.

“I’ll take the special, I can hold my own against Applejack, I know I can handle at least one mug of the family special cider.” Rainbow Dash said exuding confidence, which caught all the Wonderbolts and Scootaloo in a state of shock.

“You mean the cider that Bulk Biceps was drunk under the table with?” Spitfire asked as she appeared to be unphased. Rainbow Dash nodded. “I'll have the special too.” This caused everyone to gasp.

“If you say so, Boss.” the Wonderbolt said as she left to place the orders.

“So, looking forward to the upcoming summer?” the fire elementalist asked turning to Scootaloo.

Not sure how to answer, “Well in a couple of years we’ll all be official graduates of the general education and I will have to look for places to learn my class.” Scootaloo dipped her head. “When we took the class designation ceremony I didn’t get placed as an elementalist.”

“That’s perfectly fine,” said Spitfire, “only a select few elementalists are actually cut out to be Wonderbolts, and among them is a very short list of those that meet the requirements for being a headliner. That all said, we actually have quite a few non-elementalists among those working with us as well. So whatcha get placed?” She knew just looking at an outfit didn’t immediately tell you someone’s class, she’d lost count of how many different mages had dressed as something else to make themselves seem more important.

“Arcane monk,” said Scootaloo with a bit of apprehension.

Spitfire gave smirk as she said, “Not a whole lot of people know this, but the first official guards of Wonderbolt gear were a pair of Skyborn arcane monks. In fact, they were ones that taught the first Wonderbolts how to perform the feat that got us our name, the main difference was that the Wonderbolts' had three dimensions to work with, you know because of flight." Seeing that she was successful with her attempt to comfort the much younger Skyborn. "We even have a tribute to them in our remembrance hall, but the public really doesn’t take the time to try and learn about that. In fact, none of our current official, or unofficial, records make a passing mention, it wasn’t like that for the first decade or so of the corp, but the newer stuff and reprints of our documents completely omit them,” Spitfire gave a sigh looking over the past. That surprised Scootaloo, " On a different but not unrelated note, not all the main Wonderbolts are elementalists. Look at Surprise, she’s not an elementalist, she’s actually a…” Spitfire then turned to point out the golden blonde of her wing only to see a box wrapped in purple. “What the..” Spitfire started as everyone was utterly at a loss.

Suddenly the box exploding into confetti as the blonde Wonderbolt appeared almost out of nowhere and excited, “SURPRISE!!!” she shouted causing a few to fall over. Laughing at the sight, “I am a trickster mage.” Looking at the still confused guests to the Wonderbolts' table, “Being an Elementalist might make it easier to become a Wonderbolt, but any person skilled in flight that can make it through the academy and pass the history test can at least make into the reserves, personally I am surprised no harpies have applied yet.” Surprise explained. “You got to remember, while we are technically soldiers, we are also performers and who’s a better performer than a trickster.”

Spitfire shrugged, “yeah yeah,” she commented. “In short, don’t write yourself off, kid.” Spitfire said to Scootaloo before she turned to Rainbow Dash, “So what about you, kid?” Rainbow didn’t know how to answer the question. “The Mystica Games are this year, would be great to see Magiville compete this time around.” Spitfire continued, “But odds are it won’t get even a single bronze.”

Rainbow Dash was not one to back down from a challenge, “We will win not only the most medals but the most gold. This is the year of Magiville.” she declared, “Believe it!”

Spitfire smiled, like a coach seeing the team captain stepped up to the task. At that moment the Wonderbolt that took the orders for cider got to the table and passed out the cider as she placed the two special ciders one in front of Rainbow Dash and another in front of Spitfire, “Heads up there is a lot of goods made by the Apples, but they are they going like hot cakes.”

As Rainbow Dash took her mug, “Not surprised, the Apples know how to cook,” she informed.

“But most of the items are baked goods,” the Wonderbolt commented.

“You’re not going to find any recipes for their goods and they make changes as needed.” Rainbow Dash responded as she took a swig of her cider. As she felt the beverage start down her throat she realized how much of a kick the Apple Family Special Cider had. She coughed a little, “...smooth…” she said weakly. Spitfire took two gulps of her cider and gave an ‘ah’ of delight.

However before Rainbow felt her ego deflate, “Say if there was one thing that the Apples make, aside from the best cider, that you should have before you kick the bucket, what would it be?” Soarin asked her, throwing everyone but his wing-men off guard.

“Um…” Rainbow Dash took a minute to think her answer though. “Applejack's pie,” Rainbow answered still befuddled that Soarin, an athletic performer that should stick to a strict diet was interested in having such a dieting destroying dish.

“Good to know.” Soarin then got up and went over to the stand. Rainbow could not look away as she witnessed Soarin order one of the pies and his eye dilate in delight as he accepted the pie. Rainbow Dash eyed Soarin with the pie he had in hand as he came back to the table with it, she turned her attention to Spitfire who gave her smirk that pretty much told her ‘If you genuinely make the cut you might be told’ before turning to an equally perplexed Scootaloo and giving a shrug. She decided to not think of it, that is until he literally started taking chunks out of the pie with such fervor that she was left wondering how he hadn’t damaged the pan it was in. It didn’t help matters that once he finished the pie he licked the pan clean.

“Soarin really likes apple pies,” Misty commented as the two Magiville Skyborns just stared as Soarin left nothing of the pie.

“Not true Misty, he loves apple pies and if he doesn’t absolutely love the pie he has with the first bite, he only has the one bite,” High Shy retorted as Soarin leaned back in his chair in utter bliss over the pie he consumed which caused Rainbow and Scootaloo to nervously laugh.

Soarin then sat back up, “So Boss, are we going to continue to string Rainbow along all night?” he asked as he turned to the lead of the wing.

Spitfire took another swig of her cider, “I was going to…” Spitfire then started feeling the barely visible pockets in her flight suit. She found that what she was looking for was not there. “Where is it?” She asked annoyed. Just then everyone noticed a small box right in front of Rainbow Dash.

As Rainbow Dash hesitantly reached to open the box, “SURPRISE!”, the trickster Wonderbolt shouted causing Rainbow Dash fell to the floor in shock as the box exploded much like the last time as a piece of paper floats into Rainbow Dash’s hands.

She couldn’t believe what she read. She needed someone to read the letter to her. She handed it to Scootaloo. The younger Skyborn started to read, “Salutations Miss Dash, we wish to inform you that your application to attend Wonderbolts’ Academy during the upcoming Late-Spring Seminar has been…” Scootaloo stopped reading the letter. She and Rainbow Dash then turned to Spitfire, “Accepted?” Scootaloo asked. Everyone in Spitfire’s wing nodded. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash then looked at each other and smiled in delight as they embraced. After a second, “You got to tell Pinkie Pie, she’ll want to know.” Scootaloo said looking into Rainbow’s eyes. “You know so she can plan an ‘acceptance into Wonderbolts’ Academy party,” the young monk said. “I’ll be fine.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and headed off looking for the party planner. She found Pinkie all alone against the wall and her hair almost as flat as her sisters. Rainbow didn’t know why, but she felt sadder at the sight then she expected, it was like something happened to Tank, but more intense. She walked up to Pinkie, “Hey Pinkie, you look down in the dumps, more than you did with that whole mirror pond-pool thing when you thought you might be one of the copies.”

“Princess Celestia was right, this is not the place for Pinkie,” Pinkie answered and gave a depressed sigh.

Rainbow thought about her news and thought that now was not the time for her news, but it was the time to help her friend, just then she heard the musicians start playing a waltz.

She didn’t know why or how but in a flash, she had taken Pinkie by the hand and took the stance of the leader for a waltz while she made Pinkie take the stance of the follower. As she was still processing what she just did she started to dance. ‘Long, short, short, long, short, short,’ her part of her mind played as she flowed with the beat. Another part was focused on the growing smile on Pinkie’s face which brought a feeling Rainbow could not describe. It was like when she took Scootaloo under her wing during the camping trip the two, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle went on, but much more intense. Another part of her mind was screaming ‘WTF!' utterly baffled at what was happening and another part was looking at Pinkie and wanting more than the friendship they had.

“It's okay that you’re confused, Dashie,” Pinkie said breaking Rainbow from all her different thoughts. “You're an only child to a single father that grew up in a household of mostly men,” Pinkie commented. Rainbow didn’t respond verbally but looked away a little ashamed. But soon she felt Pinkie’s gloved hand bring her focus back to the jester. “All we need is just this night,” Pinkie said as she slowly began to lean into a kiss.

Rainbow didn't fight it, instead, she met Pinkie halfway. This was her first kiss and she was not going to be passive about it. After a minute they broke and looked into each other's eyes, not unlike lovers. But a thought popped into Rainbow’s head, ‘does this mean…’

Before she could ask, “No. It doesn't mean that either you or I are actually into girls. Only that we are each other’s exception… at least for tonight.” Pinkie said and that actually gave Rainbow Dash some comfort.

After another minute of dancing, “Um...Pinkie, do you mind if... Um..” the elementalist stuttered trying to ask the question.

“Somewhere more private?” Pinkie asked. Rainbow nodded blushing. “Just cuddling and kissing,” Pinkie stated as she led Rainbow Dash away from the gala to one of the guest rooms of the castle.

As they entered the room the two took off everything but their actual dresses and fell on the bed. Looking deep into each other's eyes they could not but feel their hearts racing. They shared another kiss, as they broke it, “there is something I want to tell you,” Rainbow started, “I got accepted into the Wonderbolts’ Academy.” Pinkie’s smile was all Dash needed to see as they joined for a third kiss as Rainbow turned to have Pinkie Pie under her, Rainbow broke the kiss and spoke softly, as of she was laying a whisper on a pillow, into Pinkie’s left ear, “best night ever”.

Pinkie kissed Rainbow and mimicking the elementalist, “best night ever,” the jester said.

Author's Note:

And now we shut that door... and change focus to someone else's night. (Sorry PinkieDash shippers but this is a Teen rated story :raritywink:)

"My night?":pinkiesad2:

Okay ... up next is Pinkie Pie.


Oh and incase you want to know what sold me on using the PinkieDash ship here

And yes I have seen Magpiepony's most recent Pinkie Tales

But I have been working on this before Magpiepony posted it. Well, see you in Pinkie's night.