• Published 5th Dec 2016
  • 2,390 Views, 99 Comments

My Little Mages: The Grand Gala - Foxhelm

A moment of calm has come for Twilight et al, and how best to celebrate, then the long awaited Grand Gala. No matter what happens, it will be a night to remember. A 'My Little Mages' retelling of 'The Best Night Ever'.

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Pinkie Pie’s Night

Pinkie Pie was bouncing up and down in delight as she and her three sisters were getting closer and closer to the entrance in spite of the line. Maud appeared emotionless, while Limestone was still agitated and Marble was showing she was uncomfortable in the situation hiding behind her eldest sister. “So who’s your other guest?” Maud asked.

“It’s a surprise,” Pinkie sing-sang as she continued to hop and skip as the four preceded, “and you know my policy on those.”

“Don’t share until the right moment,” said Maud in her usual deadpan manner as the four Pie sisters continued into the hall.

As the reach the herald, “Announcing Pinkamena Diane Pie and her guests, Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, Marble Pie and…” the herald was cut off.

“Shshs, you’ll ruin the surprise.” Pinkie scolded him in a comically serious tone.

After a second, “and unnamed fourth guest,” the herald said as he was about to blow his trumpet.

Before he could blow, Pinkie stopped him and pulled out of her hair a more musical trumpet and began to play it as she danced climbing the stairs to meet the princess all the while playing ‘When the saints coming marching in’. While many just stared at the jester at first, they all started to nervously clap their hands matching the beat following Princess Celestia, until she approached the jester. Without missing a note, Pinkie conjured another trumpet for the Princess from her hair. And with her hair, functioning as an arm, she handed the trumpet to the Princess, and the two played the rest of the song together. As they finished, Celestia handed the trumpet back to the jester as Pinkie placed both trumpets back into her hair. “Thank you, Pinkie this was getting boring, look at Luna, even she’s going to sleep,” Celestia said pointing to her fully awake sister causing the jester to laugh.

“Sister, We are noctur… Oh…” Luna started until she got the joke. She then gave a subdued chuckle, “And We were the one that bore the Element of Laughter.”

“Humor is a coping mechanism, ruling an expanding nation for a thousand years can be quite taxing on one’s psyche,” Maud said as she and the other Pie Sisters caught up and bowed to the princesses.

“We are glad that you all here,” Celestia said as she and Luna nodded, gesturing to the four to rise. “Pinkie, just to let you know, your fourth guest is already here. Should I tell h…” Celestia was stopped by Pinkie Pie covering her mouth with both her hands.

“Shshsh. You’ll ruin the surprise, even if you use the pronoun,” Pinkie said upper seriously, but then took her hands off the princess’ mouth, realizing she might have crossed a line, “Sorry about that.”

Celestia chuckled. “It’s alright. But before you go in Pinkie, I would be remiss if I didn’t try to inform you, again, that this is not actually your type of party, as it’s mostly the nobles and such from all around Mystica coming together coming together mostly to discuss matters you might not find entertaining. Not to mention, their definition of entertainment is quite a bit different than what you are used to,” the princess said with a degree of concern about the jester.

Pinkie waved her right hand dismissively, “It’s not a party without Pinkie,” Pinkie then skipped into the hall with her sisters following. The princesses looked at each other neither really happy at what could happen. However, they had to turn back to greet their guests.

As the four Pies entered the hall proper, “Ou ou,” Pinkie said as she gawked at the hall, “The shiny dance floor…” Pinkie said as she hopped on the dance floor, “The pretty party goers …” she commented as startled several of the other guests. “Ooh, the fancy band…” Pinkie continued when she saw the band, “Hi Octavia.” she said normally as she remembered the cellist.

“Good Evening to you as well, Miss Pie. I was not aware that you were a guest,” Octavia commented clearly trying to appear professional as she tested her cello making sure the strings were tuned.

Pinkie bounced away, “Shiny! Pretty! Fancy!” she exclaimed barely able to contain her excitement. After almost ten seconds, “Gotta dance!” she cheered.

“Five minutes,” Limestone said as she looked at a clock in the hall.

“That’s an all-time record, isn’t it Marble?” Maud asked as she and Limestone turned to their timid sister.

“Mhmm,” Marble replied affirming Maud’s conclusion.

“I'm at the Grand Royal Gala,
I'm at the Grand Royal Gala,
I'm at the Grand Royal Gala,
It's all I ever dreamed.
It's all I ever dreamed, woohoo!
It's all I ever dreamed, yippee!
I'm at the Grand Royal GalaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Pinkie Pie sang as she hopped, skipped, jumped, bounced around the hall, every so often taking the hands of another guest and taking them along with her. As she held the last note as her twin walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder in an attempt to stop the jester. Pinkie did stop and looked around the others in the gala getting mostly confused and annoyed looks at her, “It's all I've ever... dreamed?” she sang much more solemnly as she dipped her head.

She was guided to a table by Marble, reuniting the four Pies. “I think it was a little on the nose, but still a good song,” Maud commented in a monotone, but Pinkie could sense the comforting inflections. After pulling out a small pebble from a dress pocket and putting it on the table, “What Boulder said was that it's just what he needed to hear.” after a second “He cannot get it out of his head and is signing it now.”

“Mhmm,” Marble concurred.

“And everyone says I am the party killer, this party was DOA hours before I arrived.” Limestone commented as she got up. “I am getting some cider, what do you all want?”

“I will take a cold special,” Pinkie said. “Want one too, Marble?” Pinkie asked.

Mable took a second or two to think and nodded with her signature “Mhmm.”

“I will have a non-alcoholic one, you need a night of not being the big sister,” Maud said as she and Limestone turned from Pinkie and Marble to each other. “Also the last time you and I both got drunk things would not have ended well if it were not for Father arriving when he did.”

“Don’t remind me, Marble hid from me for the next week she was so scared, you were lucky you had to leave for classes the next day,” Limestone commented as she left to get the drinks.

“Limestone and you know that it was all my fault. If I wasn’t so wrapped up in what you and I had planned that day and I was more emphatic to her wanting to show how good of a big sister she was I would not have made her so jealous of you.” Pinkie commented remembering that night.

“Oh Pinkie, Limestone and I weren’t guiltless either,” Maud pointed out as Limestone returned with four mugs. “But I think it would be best to move to a different topic.”

“So, meet anybody interesting in your studies?” Limestone asked, making the decision of the topic.

“Not really. Although Boulder has met to a few nice diamonds-in-the-rough.” Maud answered. “Any interesting people coming to the farm?”

“There was this one girl that worked on the farm for a few months, an illusionist by trade. She was actually very good. Did so much good for the farm that she earned enough to be set for three lifetimes even if her showbiz doesn’t work out as long as she’s smart, but she’s welcome back anytime. Surprised Father that a Magicborn could do what she did. Told him it was a good investment.” Limestone informed describing in very non-specific terms of the hired hand. She smirked at the end and drank some of her cider.

“I should have stopped by the farm more often last year, I would love to have met her, maybe throw a party or two for her,” Pinkie said as she looked back at her year.

“Mhmm.” Marble said, but it was not in her usual conformational use, it was as if she was trying to say that it would have been a bad idea at the time. However, the youngest Pie started to look around until her gaze stopped at the Apples’ stand and it's vendors namely a particular cleric that no one could miss.

This was not lost on any of the other three Pies sisters as Marble just dreamily stared at Big Mac with a small blush starting to grow on her face. “Come on Marble,” said Pinkie as she started to get up taking Marble by the hand, “we all know Big Macintosh likes you we can see it a mile away, and that you like him, you both have some things in common. And if he does hurt ya in some way you know that your sisters will be more than happy to show him why he’s an idiot for not noticing the amazing person you are,” Pinkie said. But Marble shook her head as her face started to flush redder and redder as she refused to stand up. Just then the three older Pies turned as they heard the clamor and clatter of people making way for something big… or rather someone big. Big Mac stopped at the table. Right behind him was Apple Bloom.

“AJ said Big Mac should court Marble.” the young artificer said as she walked around Big Mac to take a seat at the table. “Well come on, Big Brot’er, ask her.”

Pinkie's face lit up and the smile on her face grew almost impossibly large by her standards. She stepped to the side, got behind Marble and forced her twin to her feet. While Marble was clearly not happy with what just happened, Pinkie knew her twin like the idea of being sought after. “Come on Marble, you know you want to spend time with him,”

Marble blushed as she replied, “Mhmm.”

“Well, Big Mac, do yah want to spend time with her?” Apple Bloom asked.

Big Mac and Marble looked at each other and Big Mac replied not with a word, but offering his right hand, not unlike how he offered his hand to greet Twilight. On his face as a gentle smile and a slight blush.

“Don’t treat her like some pansy!” Limestone exclaimed. “We’re rock farmers. We can take it!”

“It’s customary for a man to show to a woman that he is not going to hurt her, that she is safe and secure with him.” Maud pointed out. “Also maybe Marble wants to be treated delicately, this is a new experience for her.” While Maud was still monotone in her speech there was a very subtle inflection of anger.

“Come on, this is a big moment for Marble, are we going to ruin it for her or are we going to help our baby sister out?!” Pinkie Pie asked cheerfully stopping the impending argument between the two before it could begin.

“Help her out.” the elder Pie Sisters said together only for them, Pinkie and Apple Bloom to turn and see that Marble and Big Mac halfway across the hall.

“Ah always thought Big Mac was shy, but he worked fast,” Apple Bloom commented as the three older women just stared at the possible couple.

Before anyone else spoke, “I ship it.” Pinkie commented as she took out a pencil and piece of paper from her hair. “So what should we call it?” Pinkie asked as she was placed the pencil on the paper, sticking her tongue out in thought.

“Can we not write Marble’s love life like it’s some cheap fan fiction one shot?” Limestone asked annoyed. Pinkie gave a nervous smile and teehee as she put the pencil and paper back into her hair. Limestone then turned to Apple Bloom, “What do you want?” she asked.

“Well, um, yah see we find a lot of rocks on our farm when we plow and such and Ah was a’wondering if yall knew of a way to use t’em beside a stone wall fence,” Apple Bloom answered nervously giving a weak teehee as well.

“We can talk, Boulder always wanted to know about the rocks on an apple orchard,” Maud said getting Apple Bloom’s attention.

“Who’s Boulder?” the young artificer asked not seeing anyone else at the table.

“He’s right here,” Maud said pointing to the pebble. Apple Bloom was confused at first, but she remembered she has seen weirder from Pinkie Pie. The two headed to another table, Maud taking her pet rock with her.

Pinkie sighed in boredom, “You could try another song and dance.” Limestone suggested as she drank more of her cider. Pinkie Pie smiled and bounced away to where the musicians are.

After a few minutes, Pinkie Pie reached her destination. She smiled looking at Octavia. The cellist was lucky that she arrived at a part of the number that the cello was not needed. She looked at the jester, “How can I help you, Miss Pie?” Octavia asked.

“I was wondering do you do requests?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Octavia never had a request before, but she was well versed with the policies, “Only attendees with number tickets in the single digits can make requests.” Octavia answered. Pinkie the pulled out of her hair her golden gala ticket and handed it to Octavia the ticket. Octavia was clearly shocked at this. But after collecting her thoughts, “So what do what played?” the bard asked. Pinkie then pulled out a music sheet. It took Octavia less than a second to know the song, “The Hokey Pokey?” the cellist asked. Pinkie Pie nodded fervently. Octavia pinched the bridge of her nose. It was clear she wanted to lecture the jester, but elected to just humor Pinkie. “Give me a minute,” she said and tapped her stand with her cello’s bow.

“C'mon, everybody! I know what will make you shake those groove-thangs!” Pinkie shouted as she left the stage as Octavia and her band started to play the tune for the ‘Hokey Pokey’. “You reach your right hand in
You reach your right hand out
You reach your right hand in
And you shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey meeting lots of folks with clout
That's what I'm talking about,” Pinkie started to sing as she danced pouring her heart and soul into it. Most of the guests were utterly baffled at that saw what the jester do. Many were nervous about what to say or do as Pinkie is a guest.

“You step your left hand in
You pull it right back out
You step your left hand in
But you better help him out
You do the Hokey Pokey but should find a different route
That's what it's all about” Pinkie continued as more and more of the guests were forcibly drawn into the dance by the trickster mage. It was clear this was getting under the skin of more and more of the guests.

“You kick your left leg in
You pull your left leg out
You reach your left leg in
Just be brave and have no doubt
You do the Hokey Pokey feeling like you're gonna pout
That's what I'm singing about”, three verses into, and the majority of the other guests had enough of this plebeian nonsense, this is the Grand Royal Gala. One of them walked up to the musicians and guested to the musicians to stop.

“You tilt your head in
You tilt your head out
You tilt your head in
Then you shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey even though your date's a lout
You're better off without,” Pinkie Pie sang even as the music ended but as she finished the verse she noticed that the music stopped. She looked around seeing a lot of angry guests.

One female guest took a breath and speaking to the jester, “Young lady, this is a gala, a formal event. Not some six-year old’s birthday party hosted in a backwater.” the guest commented extremely bitter to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie looked at the gala around her and everyone else seemed to be just as annoyed with the trickster. Weakly Pinkie Pie walked away. Everyone then turned back to their business as the musicians started to play music more fitting to a gala.

After returning to the table, “Three verses with music, and people say I am a stick in the mud.” Limestone said as took a swig of her cider as Pinkie sat down.

“Actually they say worse things about you,” Pinkie pointed out, “but you’re still right about these people.” she gave a sigh. After finishing her cider she leaned onto the table and sighed again, “I am bored,” Pinkie said as a frown formed on her face as her hair slightly deflated.

“Um, Pinkie,” came the soft voice of Fluttershy, which helped pull the pink jester out of her brooding, “I could use your help with something...if you’re not too busy, that is,” Fluttershy said getting the jester’s attention. Pinkie Pie leaped out of her chair in glee. “You can help too if you want,” Fluttershy offered Limestone.

“Leave me be, just bring my sister back.” Limestone said annoyed. The two left but as they left they saw someone walk up to Limestone with two mugs offering one to Limestone.

After a few minutes, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie arrived at the place where the animals were located. “I need your help getting these animals into the gala and reunited with their respective druids,” Fluttershy said as she sat among the animals and looked at Pinkie Pie with pleading eyes.

“Wait, wait, wait, you want me to smuggle them in! How do you pose I do that?” Pinkie Pie asked as she was taken aback at that what the druid asked her.

“You can pull so many different things from your pockets and from your hair.” Fluttershy pointed out as she pulled a few animals towards her and started to widen her pupils and puff-up her lower lip making it quiver.

“But those are things. As a tricksters mage, I legally must not put animals in my pocket and in my hair. Also, it’s a generally bad idea to put living things in there, Gummy can only get away with it because he’s been exposed to my magic for so long.” Pinkie Pie pointed out waving her arms in protest. At that moment the alligator in question popped his head out of Pinkie's hair, blinked, licked his right eye and went back into Pinkie's hair.

“But cannot you pull a rabbit out of your hat?” Fluttershy asked not letting up on her plea.

Pinkie Pie did not want to say yes, but there was no way in her heart she could say no to Fluttershy. She pulled out of her hair two black tall top hats, she then pulled out a piece of paper. “Read and sign,” Pinkie said with a sigh as she handed the paper to the druid.

Fluttershy accepted the paper and began to read it silently to herself. After she finished, “So this is basically saying I am responsible for anything that might happen to these animals?” Fluttershy asked the jester. Pinkie Pie nodded. Fluttershy cleared her throat, Pinkie had no idea what Fluttershy was saying to the animals, but the jester noted that they were listening to the druid even as she turned to Angel. “Please?” Fluttershy asked the rabbit. Angel then took one of the hats and jumped through it coming out the other one. After the animals witnessed this they gathered and seemed to debate. After a minute the large wolf decided to copy Angel’s example and emerged from the hat it did not enter and while it showed that it was surprising, it repeated and showed that it was safe. All the other animals then turned to Fluttershy and nodded in agreement. Fluttershy then signed the paper and handed it back to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie put the document into her hair.

“Take these,” said Pinkie handing Fluttershy a collection of matching fancy hats that brought the number of hats to be equal to the number of animals plus one. “You’ll need to space them out around the room because if they are too close things might get whatever is worse than messy,” the jester said. “Best of luck.” Pinkie Pie then skipped back into the gala, happy to have done something.

As Pinkie walked back in, she started going around trying to interact with the other guest, but each guest gave her the cold shoulder, one after another. But Pinkie Pie remained adamant in her attempts, but slowly but surely it was getting to her. After some time Pinkie walked to a wall, a part of her was happy that Marble was able to be with someone and that someone was the gentle giant Big Mac, that Maud was making friends with the greater group of her friends, namely Apple Bloom and Limestone was actually happy. But for Pinkie this night had been boring, nothing she did add any fun to the party, save helping Fluttershy. But even that seemed hollow.“Worst night ever,” she whispered as she felt her hair deflate, this was almost as bad as it was when she thought everyone was avoiding her until she remembered it was her birthday just as they said ‘Surprise, Happy Birthday Pinkie’. No, this was worse, that time it was her friends in Magiville, minus Twilight and Spike because Twilight was still in Chantalot at the time, trying to surprise her and make her happy, here… well… things were different.

As she leaned against the wall when she heard a familiar voice, “Hey Pinkie, you look down in the dumps, more than you did with that whole mirror pond-pool thing when you thought you might be one of the copies.” Pinkie looked up to see Rainbow Dash right in front of her.

“Princess Celestia was right, this is not the place for Pinkie,” Pinkie answered and gave a depressed sigh as she looked away and to the ground. As she looked away she didn’t notice the musicians start a waltz and before she could realize what happened she was in the stance of a follower with Rainbow Dash as the leader. ‘Is Dashie...ahh,’ Pinkie realized as she and Rainbow Dash were dancing together. Pinkie gave a silent gasp while giving an internal squeal of delight, as she felt a rush of euphoria. However, she noticed that Rainbow Dash was confused about something and didn’t know why, but when she looked at how close the two were to each other and what they were doing the dots connected. She knew what to do, “It's okay that you’re confused, Dashie,” Pinkie said breaking Rainbow from all her apparent doubts. “You're an only child to a single father that grew up in a household of mostly men,” Pinkie commented. Rainbow didn’t respond verbally but looked away a little ashamed. However, Pinkie moved her gloved hand to bring Rainbow’s focus back to the jester. “All we need is just this night,” Pinkie said as she slowly began to lean into a kiss. However Pinkie did not go all the way, she was met halfway by Rainbow. This was her first kiss and she was glad that her partner was active in the kiss as well. After a minute they broke and looked into each other's eyes, not unlike lovers.

Seeing Rainbow’s face, it was clear to Pinkie that the elementalist was wondering if this meant that she was…“No. It doesn't mean that either you or I are actually into girls. Only that we are each other’s exception… at least for tonight.” Pinkie said, answering Rainbow Dash’s unasked question, which seemed to give Rainbow Dash some comfort.

After another minute of dancing, “Um...Pinkie do you mind if... Um..” the elementalist stuttered trying to ask the question.

“Somewhere more private?” Pinkie asked, catching on to what Rainbow Dash was thinking faster than Rainbow was. Rainbow nodded blushing. “Just cuddling and kissing,” Pinkie stated as she led Rainbow Dash away from the gala to one of the guest rooms of the castle.

As they entered the room Pinkie selected, which was her room, the two took off everything but their actual dresses and fell onto the bed. Looking deep into each other's eyes they could not but feel their hearts racing. They shared another kiss, as they broke it, “there is something I want to tell you,” Rainbow started, “I got accepted into the Wonderbolts’ Academy.”

Pinkie smiled happy for her Dashie, which seemed to be what Rainbow Dash needed to see as they joined for a third kiss as Rainbow turned to have Pinkie Pie under her, Rainbow broke the kiss and spoke softly, as of she was laying a whisper on a pillow, into Pinkie’s left ear, “best night ever”.

Pinkie leaned up and kissed Rainbow once more, “best night ever,” she whispered similarly as she reached her arms around Rainbow to pull her down into another kiss and embrace.

Author's Note:

Well Happy Hearths Warming all PinkieDash shippers, my gift to you all :raritywink:

Okay so who is next?

'Darling, it is rather ungentlemanly to keep a lady waiting,":duck:

Up next: Rarity


Songs Used: I'm At The Grand Galloping Gala
