• Published 30th Nov 2016
  • 5,714 Views, 58 Comments

I Wish - golden dawn

Good morning people and ponies here's my story and I hope you like it my name Elizabeth The Magnificent and Powerful Genie of Equestria. It's about to get crazy sweeties

  • ...

ch 3

I had just finished my lessons with my master Dialga and Palkia, after completing my training I was now able to create multiple pocket dimensions, as well as travel back to major History points in time.

It has been exactly two years since I returned from my Explorations in the other dimension. With the bones of Godzilla, I was able to slowly extract the DNA in them to study and see if I can begin the makings Improvements to them for my experiment that I had in mind.

I looked at the clock in my room, only for my eyes out of their sockets once I notice how late I was.

“ Ono Ono Luna is going to kill me!” I said panicking as I quickly snapped one of my fingers. Conjuring up a lovely dress, with a rose in my hand with a box of Luna's favorite ice cream.

Appointed one of my fingers towards the front door last to conjure up a portal to the moon I need I ran into the portal to the moon for my particular day, a small smile appeared on my lips as I remember the day Luna asked me out... Or should I say beat me up until I agreed to be her marefriend?


I just got into the moon when settling I am hit with a magic beam to the face. Knocking me into the ground and skiing to a halt after I hit a boulder which cracked in half. Little Tweety Birds were floating around my head until one of them smacked me in the face and pointed ahead of me. I looked into the direction only for my eyes to go wide open at seeing a very red face Luna with a very mad expression.

I did the bravest honest thing I could think of at the moment... I run the opposite directions screaming like a little girl. We'll have magical beams shot past some barely missing the tip of my head.

“ Get back here Elizabeth I swear that by all that is Holy, I will smite thee!” Luna yelled out well last in another magical being at me grazing just the tip of my hair off.

“ I'm sorry for whatever I did, please stop shooting at me!” I yelled out while running as fast as my legs could take me and dodging for my life.

This little cat-and-mouse game went around for about an hour. By then Luna and I were both on the ground panting heavily well I had a few holes in parts of my clothing.

“ Luna please calm down *Cough* explain to me why you're trying to beat me to a bloody?” I asked well barely able to roll over to look at her.While waiting for Luna's response, I notice a few things that I hadn't during the running around this bucking Moon.

1 Luna's face was bright red, she was pulling her fingers together nervously, she refused to look at me in the eyes, and lastly she kept muttering something under her breath that I couldn't hear with for some reason a small smile after she stops whispering.

I had a very questionable look on my face, and for some reason, I felt like something was above my head. So I look up and see a freaking? Above my head. I immediately grabbed it and then turned it into a Frisbee and threw it away.

Just then I heard in the tiniest and softest voice I ever heard Luna ever say to me.

“ Do you love me. “Luna said very quietly which was no louder than a whisper I had a question up all up on my tires.

“ I'm sorry can you repeat that I couldn't hear you.” I asked Luna what moving a little closer to hear her.

“ Do you love me?”Luna asks again still barely above a whisper which made it again hard to hear her.

“ I'm sorry one more time I need you to speak up Luna it's hard to hear you when you're Whispering that low.” I said while not noticing that I just lit a keg of fire just now.

Luna's face became mad and red now, and she jumped up from the ground end right in front of my face and yelled out what she was saying to me in my face.

“I bucking ask you if you love me!” Luna Yelp out into my face which blows me 5 feet away from her.

Now my face was turning a very light purple in my cheek as I begin to remember what I did on my last performance and what I said before I started, with Luna being the only Pony that I ever met face-to-face it was pretty easy to find out who I was singing that song too. I got out from the dirt to look at Luna who was now blushing very much and look like she was about to cry.

“ please... Tell me, do you love me, you're the only one I have that cares for me. I know my sister love for me as well but I can never right the wrong that I've done. You seen everything that I've done see my flaws the good and bad. You visit me to bring me things that I would never have known in my life, Through the Years you have come I've begun to care for you more than just a friend. You're funny, kind, loving, and always looking out for me ever since you came to the moon all those years ago. I need to know * crying sound* do you love me *sniff* please tell me.” Luna asked me while letting small tears Escape.

I bawled my hand into a fist clenching tightly at seeing her tears, and she lost everything because of The curse placed on her, her subjects, her friends, even the time with your precious people all taken from her by that one curse. In a way she reminded me of myself, beginning with so much in her life so much potential. Only for it to be crush by something devastating for her it was that curse for me it was the death of Dad. I thought as I looked at her as tears began to stream down her face waiting for my response, It was heartbroken when I saw her crying no pony as she should ever let her tears by seen on her face.

So I grabbed her with one of my arms. Put my arm around her waist and pulled her into a dip while giving her a passionate kiss on the lips. Luna made a muffled noise but slowly just became just as Passionate that she leaned in as well putting her arms around my neck. I held it there for a few more seconds and then move back to look Luna in the face smiling and wiping a little to your she had in her eye.

“ That answer your question my lovely Moon.” I said to Luna while giving her kiss as added measure.

All I got from Luna was a smile and her nuzzling my cheek.

(Present time)

I came out of the portal and looked around for Luna only to find her leaning on a rock with her pouty face and arms cross. As I made my way closer, she just kept staring at me with daggers in her eyes.

“You're late.” Luna set pouting as she crossed her arms, but slowly her pouting face turned into a smile as she walked up to me and give me a kiss on the lips.

“Better late than never.” Luna said while moving towards me swaying her hips.

I smiled and went towards her handing her and her roses and ice cream. I immediately snapped my fingers and Luna was now in a lovely dress for the evening we had.

“So today's the day isn't it.” Luna said while smiling at me while trying to hide that she had just a small bite out of her ice cream. I smell that here and wipe the little bit of cream she had on her lips and licked it off my finger. I look back at Luna to see her blushing madly.

“ Yes, Luna today's the day I hope you're ready for this. I know I can't take you down there, and that sucks, but thankfully for me, I can still Bend reality which means I can make this beautiful moon of your into anything and you could be in it with me.” I said madly smiling as I conjured up my Alicorn disguise and blasted Luna with her new Pegasus disguise that I had come up with a week ago.

With that finished a huge smile. On my face as I create my hologram images to begin broadcasting all across the planet with the.

(third person point of view)

Princess Celestia was exhausted for two whole years now she still had no information of the new alicorn. Celestia was just finishing a lesson with their student Twilight. Celestia knew that Twilight was her best bet on Reawakening the element of magic. She had already gotten reports from some of her guards that are station in Ponyville about some heirs that fit the descriptions for the rest of the elements, and a tear rolled down Celestia's eye when she remembered the If. Remembering the last time they were used to banish her sister to the Moon. She slowly put her magic into her horn and began to lower the Sun and bring up the moon when all of a sudden, loud explosions was heard outside. Celestia immediately stops forcing her magic into the 2 Celestial bodies left them hanging up in between each other and went outside to see fireworks exploding all around.

In a few seconds, a familiar Image appeared in the sky, and the Annoying Alicorn that's been a thorn on my sign appeared in the sky once again.

“Hello Equestria it's me again your favorite musical alicorn, today is a special day for me for today I have brought my beautiful marefriend to show you.” The Alicorn in the sky yelled out while pointing the image to the left of her showing a black Pegasus Mare with light blue mane and tail with blue eyes.

The Alicorn made her way to the Pegasus, gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek resulting in a blush on set Pegasus face.

“E-Elizabeth don't do that.” said the Pegasus Pony with a large blush on her face, causeAll that did was make the Alicorn smile and hug the Pegasus more affectionately.

“All but my love you know that I will do anything to make you smile.” the now named Elizabeth said while licking her lips glaring at the Pegasus in a predatory matter.

That action causes many Pegasus wings to Spring out with massive blood on their face including Celestia and the pegasus with Elizabeth.

Pegasus covered her face with their wings to stop anyone from seeing the huge blush on her face. Which only cause Elizabeth to laugh The Smiling affectionately add her.

“ Don't worry my love I won't embarrass you anymore…. for now at least.” Elizabeth said will igniting her horn causing the images around them to change into a starry night sky.

“All right Little Ponies today thanks to my lovely moonlight, I'm going to give you a song that makes you want to stay up later than I ever seen any ponies has done before.”Elizabeth said well a large smile appeared on her face.

Then Elizabeth did something no pony other than Celestia has done before. She took control of the Sun and Moon putting them both in the middle of the sky creating an eclipse, as the song emanated throughout the world young children begin to come out and dance to the music while their parents watch them lovingly while tapping their Hooves to bet.

While this was happening, Princess Celestia had a look of disbelief on her face, as she had not met anypony able to take control of both the Sun and Moon besides her sister and herself. She didn't even notice her guard ponies coming in trying to get her attention which was to no avail. Until her precious student came running into the room but they very excited expression on she face...

“ Princess Celestia did you hear did you hear. we finally have a name to the Alicorn in the sky.” Twilight Sparkle said to her mentor while riding on a scroll and tapping her hoof to the beat to the music.

I finally broke from my mental breakdown from seeing the celestial bodies move to Folly noticed my guards looking at me. I motion to them, and the guards come toward me they hand to me a note which I read explaining that I had more Nobles in the throne room again. I let out a soft side as I total Twilight to go to her Tower while I deal with the Nobles again.I saw her walk off towards her towel while tapping her hoop to the beat and still scribbling down on her scroll everything she could to get from the newly named Alcorn.

I passed by guards many of them were still in their usual position, but many were tapping their hook to the Beat of the Music.

Once I got to the throne room, I was created to the side of hundreds of Nobles again yelling at me to find the Alicorn in the sky now known as Elizabeth... Strange name for a pony I thought to myself.

Just about to say something to the ponies, the music in the sky finally ended with Elizabeth looking down with a smile on her face.

“ Every pony and creature it I got to spend some quality time with my beloved Moonlight.” Elizabeth said wild grabbing onto said mare giving her and affectionate kiss.

At the time the only thing princesses you could do was that I tired side while looking at the arguing Nobles once again. That we're definitely going to give her a headache after today.

( Elizabeth's point of view)

I was smiling happily at after discarding the disguise I put on her and giving her a loving hug. That was the best thing I've done since coming here. Finally having the time to spend with Luna and giving her a chance to see the entire world through all my hologram images. Thank goodness I put a reverse camera to show her the whole world up close while I was doing my concert.

“ So Luna how is your first time being on stage feel.” I said moving closer to her giving her an affectionate hug.

“ I see now that you will do anything to show how much you love me... but now that it's late it's time to get to our little fun.” Luna said with a predatory gaze as she looked my body over thoroughly.

I had a shiver go down my spine, as I matched her lustful gaze with my own licking my lips and snapping my fingers immediately tell far enough back to the moon castle I had built for her, and smashing the door to her room open it in snatching it back close. As we are about to get to the deed, I remembered something critical. I told her to wait for one second, and then I immediately look up into space.

“ Sorry fans but this is where you don't get to see anything.” I said after breaking the fourth wall and using my powers to block out anything from being seen or heard.

( 2 hours later)

I was breathing heavily after me and Luna's little private time. I gave my lovely Moon and as I affectionate kiss her, leaves her a note telling her that I had to leave and leaving her favorite ice cream in her fridge again... I should conjure up some workout equipment for her to see as she was eating a lot of those sweets.

I merely made my way back home and looked through my portal mirrors once again to see how the Mane 6 we're doing.

Twilight was in her Tower looking through her notes about today's play I noticed that my name was there and then I remembered that Luna had blurted it out during the concert.

The image switch to the left to the other five Applejack was finishing her work on the Orchard and was now heading home with her brother.

Rainbow Dash I was finishing up one of her training measurements and wiping the sweat from her brow and then heading home.

Fluttershy was feeding her little evil bunny again, and I swear that somehow that little spawn is from Tartarus.

Rarity looks like she pulled an all-nighter because she sleeping on her workbench again. Oh look here comes little Sweetie Belle putting a cover on her. I smiled at this and I made a mental note to give that Little Filly something good when I meet her.

Finally, the last Pony and probably my funniest one, Pinkie Pie image came to showing her and her Underground party basement... I swear to God she's like Batman only for fun. Pinky stopped what she was doing and looked at my direction waving her hand again, I had given up completely now trying to understand this pony, so I waved back at her and as a bonus conjured up a baker's dozen of cupcakes. Pinkie Pie smiles at me and said thanks, I just waved it off and turned off the image viewer.

Now that my day is done I was now ready to do another dimension leap to my next location.I conjure up a file cabinet and open it looking for information that I had of universes that I would like to go to, after watching for a few minutes I finally found a good one that I liked that I would love to change as well, with a giant smile growing on my face. I opened up a portal in front of me and step through it.

(Plant typhon)

I just finished exit portal all the current the sides of 2 Titan battling one another. I immediately recognized the one I was looking at it was Titan BT - 7274, and I watched as both Pilots jumped out of their Titans and began shooting at one another while the Titans went into autopilot and started battling it out. I noticed that the ark system was online and was about to shoot.

I watched the both Pilots were going to one another until Jack Cooper finally got a headshot killing the female pilot. Once that was done I saw bt-7274 smash his face into the enemy Titans chassis Terry its core out. Once the enemy Titan was eliminated I saw Jack Cooper reenter his Titan and make their way to the fold weapon.

I put a magical barrier around knowing what was about to happen as I watch bt-7274 tried to pull the arc out of the fold weapon, only for it to fire any mobilize the Titan. The field Distortion hit my barrier hard but with my power being stronger than it so it, only went over my barrier.

I waited for move it until the enemy Titan came, I watched as Blisk came out of his is Titan. I ignored the taunting he was doing and make myself invisible, I then made my way to where I wouldn't new bt-7274 would be shot out at the arkcore. After a few minutes, I saw bt-7274 shootout directly towards the arkcore and a few seconds I also saw him pull out Cooper and throw him out of the pilot controls. I waited just at the last minute when bt-7274 would turn its body around towards the arkcore, once I saw BT looking towards it I stop time altogether.

I made my way towards the Titan, and grab hold of its head or eyeball to start time around it.

“ Error system not responding laws of physics destroyed, what is happening?” bt-7274 asked while moving his eye around.

I smiled I always wanted to meet this Titan, and I immediately drop my invisibility so the Titan would see me. Even though I let time around it continue it's still Floated in front of me and could not move.

“BT unit 7274 my name is Elizabeth right now you are about to impact with Ark weapon, and will most likely be destroyed. right now I have time and space stop as I wish to speak with you and do business BT.” I said well lazily floating near him.

“ query stopping time and space is impossible, how are you doing this.” BT ask while looking at me as I got into a more comfortable position.

“ will my giant Titanic friend I am a being who can warp reality if I want to, right now that's not what we're here about, though. You see back Home I am building a new Society new species everything, but I need to create guards for my precious children. I may be an all-powerful being, but I will most likely not be there all the time I'm taking precautions going beyond the miles what I want to, and I'm building cyber Organics. Only thing is I need one a powerful AI and two Nai that has not only a previous military background but a perfect bonding. I saw how Titan's work with their pilots it working to do everything together and cover each other's back perfectly so I've chosen the best Titan I knew that I could make a good deal. That would be you BT.” I said pointing my index finger at him.

“ Query you wished create synthetic life-forms to be the Guardians of your new children? what is the purpose of this do with this unit?” BT asked me while I conjured up a cup of tea for me to sip on.

“ I've seen how you progress in this suicide mission with your pilot Cooper. This mission was suicidal, to begin with, but you and your pilot pressed on not only getting the information but are about to finish and keeping an entire world safe. I have respect for those who can go above and beyond to protect those beneath them. Which is why I am choosing you BT unit 7274. I'm going to give you a chance Back to your pilot but help my cause as well.” I said well drinking the last of my tea and throwing the cut behind me which pop out of existence and left a bird behind.

“ The answers you have given this unit have proven to be useful, but this unit still wishes to know what it is you wish of this BT unit to do.” BT asked me while looking at the light arkcore that it was heading towards.

“ Well, I already know your plan is that you need your power cord to go in that thing behind me to blow up. But that doesn't involve your DataCore so here's the deal I have for you. I will remove your data core copy the complete information on that model of yours and replicated into my synthetic Organics I am making, in exchange, I will bring you to your pilot Cooper as well give you a little upgrade that will come in handy in the future. I will put a security lock on it though as I can't have you telling anybody of my existence in exchange in the direst situations this security lock will be disarmed and you will gain the full use of these upgrades. Which involve self-repairs, Remote hacking which will let you take over Titan for a short period of time and finally a spider bot it'll be mostly using for scouting and sabotage when you're trying to get into high defensive facilities it'll be able to get past them easy.” I said while projecting the last image to show him what the spider bot is like.

BT didn't say anything for a while he just kept looking at the spider bite and then back to the ark core that he was about to plunge himself into. After a few more minutes BT finally came to a conclusion.

“ By my calculations these demands are... Acceptable though it is against regulations to have my DataCore copied, losing a DataCore is much worse these upgrades also prove to be perfect for future missions I accept your demands, Miss Elizabeth.” BT said while looking directly at me for the first time I didn't know at the time, but these upgrades would later help the resistance in their war and save trillions of lives.

So with the deal done I grabbed hold of the Titans DataCore yanked it out, after I had it in my hand I used my powers to get a deeper scan of it to understand it better. Once I had copied everything down to the weaponry and the information I made a copy of it and put it in my pocket dimension. I then move far away from the core and restarted time.

I watch this pilot Cooper made a run for the drop zone, I watch as the planet slowly destroyed itself from the weapons power. Not wanting to lose all this material I quickly made trillions of miniature versions of myself to go around the planet and gather as many materials as we could, I watch them all scatter off around the globe to collect anything they could.

When I saw Jack Cooper make it to the pickup zone, I merely stop time again. I then transported myself into the aircraft. I was now behind Jack Cooper who was frozen in time. I restarted time around him, except for his weaponry they are all Frozen still.

Once he notices I was there, he took out his gun and shootAt me but because I still had the time Frozen on his Weaponry he could not pull the trigger at all.

“ Well, that was uncalled for really mr. Cooper I go out of my way to bring something to you and you try to shoot me.” I said while shaking my head in disappointment at him while he looked at me in disbelief most likely because he's never seen that person like me with blue skin.

“ What how do you know my name?” mr. Cooper ask while looking at his gun wondering why it was not shooting. Then he noticed that everyone on the aircraft carrier was Frozen including the planet itself. I've never seen anyone eyes size wide in like his before.

“ Well, mr. Cooper the reason I am here is because I had made a deal and I am come to finish the transaction.” I said to him while pulling out BT's DataCore and tossing it to him.

Immediate of reflex he grabbed the core. He took a good look at the car and then notice model number on the side.

“ Wait this is BT's Datacore how did you get it, I just saw him blow himself up a few minutes ago.” mr. Cooper ask while holding on to the core tightly. Not a shocker there since pilot and Titan have a neural link to one another.

“ Mr. Cooper, I'm just finishing a deal me and your Titan had, I get him to you with a couple of extra things that will be classified until later on ’I brought air quotes with my fingers at the word classified.’ for now just get ready to get your Titan a new chassis Next Time For the Love of All Things right make sure you have a lot of back-ups. I know Titan are your ultimate weapons, but please I won't be around to help you next time.” I said to him with a smile on my face as I opened a portal behind me and jumped right in closing the portal instantly.

If I had stayed for a few more minutes, I would have seen mr. Cooper getting into a soldier position and saluting me.

Comments ( 30 )

Thank u for starting this up again I love this story so far

Yes, let's celebrate a new chapter:pinkiehappy:

Thanks for new chapter:twilightsmile:

Good chapter

I am hit with a magic bean to the face.

I must admit, I read with pleasure. The author clearly has humor and a good taste of the song. It's worth working on Elizabeth. Her behavior and life are characters. More description, more humor and fun, more bright sparks, more story. This will make it more attractive and interesting. However, for me there is a minus, a romance between the Luna and Elizabeth. Because of what the whole picture spoils. This is my opinion, but I believe that history is much more than one can imagine if properly directed... In the right directions. In general, I will follow the update.

Okay, I like what this story is doing. The main character is funny, messing with Celestia is always good.
So what's holding it back? The run-on sentences. Seriously, I would enjoy this so much more if not for the fact that I need to decode where one sentence ends and another begins, as well as what some of them say because the wrong words that sound similar are in the wrong spot.
I would be willing to beta the story for you, if you like, because this thing has a lot going for it. But that gets ruined by having to decode poor grammar.

Great story. But author please, for the love of Faust, get a beta. Your fic is readble but just bearly. :derpytongue2:

When is the next chapter coming out

i wish for more

Comment posted by Texus deleted Mar 1st, 2018
Comment posted by Texus deleted Mar 1st, 2018

While the premise of the story is great and I enjoy it, the problem I have is the grammar.

While I will not go into detail, I have a simple request, get an editor to help.

I am not demanding you get an editor, it is simply a request that will make your story easier to read and better overall.

While I will still follow the story, constantly trying to fix the sentences in my head was getting kind of aggravating.

But I still enjoyed it so, good job and keep up the good work.

Yo, this dead?

Where's the next chapter of this thing going to be out

You yes you, you are dead. (Huh never expected heavy to talk to stories)

Why this story gotta be so dead boi :( is there a chance of this coming back? again?

i hope cause this is awesome

I am now announcing this fic as comatose

(presumed dead till summer and confirmed dead after summer)

I knew it was already canceled before reading it but what is a really good story and idea

Damn shame.

Could you try to continue this one because it's like hanging on cliffhanger it was a very good story so please try to continue it or redo it please thank you

Hi, why did you cancel the story?

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