• Published 27th Nov 2016
  • 869 Views, 12 Comments

Paper Romance - CrackedInkWell

Set in a hundred years after settling Appaloosa, Jonagold Apple is trying to do some research to find out what her great-great-grandfather was really like as a pony.

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Envelope 5: October – November, 1000 A.B.N.M.

“Are you sure you don’t wanna come?” Wind Catcher asked with a hint of disappointment in her voice. “Especially for those fried tortilla chips?”

It was a Saturday afternoon when Jonagold’s buffalo friend asked her. They were walking over towards Wind’s home since they’ve finished their lunch. The Pegasus shook her head as they walked by the sidewalk where the cemetery was, a row of trees was the only thing that provided them shade from the sun.

“I’m sorry Wind; I can’t really stay for long now that I’ve got so much on my plate as it is. Besides, I need to read up as much on those letters as possible for that paper.”

“Speaking of which, have you found out anything interesting about Braeburn?”

“In a way, yeah,” she took a moment to lean her back against the raw iron fence. “As it turns out, he was really insecure about letting the town know about his sexuality. But as I found out last night, he was able to come out to Little Strongheart after the truce.”

“Really?” the buffalo raised an eyebrow, “How did she react?”

“From what I’ve read, she was really curious about the whole gay thing. Apparently, she had never heard about homosexuality before and I don’t think she was grossed out but saw it as intriguing I guess.”

Wind Catcher put a hoof to her chin, “I guess that would make sense. I mean, our tribe didn’t even adopt the whole marriage equality thing until Strongheart came around. Because before then, there are no stories about gays or lesbians before she came around. Though looking back now, I’m actually impressed how much ahead of her time she really was while still holding on to tradition.”

“You know, I kinda wonder why I haven’t heard any of this before. Dad had called up everypony in the family to ask who Braeburn’s spouse was and as it turns out, none of them had a clue.” Jonagold looked through the fence at the rows of tombstones, “If only I can just figure out why is that none of us…” she trailed off as her eyes widen.

“Jona?” Wind Catcher tapped on the iron bars, “Hello?”

“Oh Celestia,” her wings spread open. “Uh stay here for a sec.”

“Hey,” her friend started to take flight. “Where’re you going?”

“I need to see something.” With that, the young mare flew over the railing and over into the cemetery. She didn’t fly too far in before she stopped a couple of rows in a particular set of tombstones. “Holy Luna! Hey Wind, get over here!”

“Why?” she asked, her face pressed up against the bars. “What are you doing?”

“I’ve found them!” the pegasus called out. “Come take a look!”

“Found who?” not getting a straight answer, the buffalo galloped down the street towards the entrance of the cemetery. It took a while to run there and down the row where her friend sat. “Phew!” she huffed, nearly out of breath. “I hope… there’s a… good reason…”

“Look,” Jonagold pointed and Wind traced her hoof to the pair of tombstones.

Braeburn Apple

992 – 1039

Settler, teacher, ambassador, violinist, farmer, buckball player, friend, and father.

“Nothing lasts in this wicked world, not even our troubles.”



Fuji Delicious

Sunrise Glory

Thunder Clap

Soarin “Cloudline” Apple

993 – 1051

Wonderbolt, buckball player, teacher, friend and father.

“I told you I was ill.”



Fuji Delicious

Sunrise Glory

Thunder Clap

“Okay,” Wind raised an eyebrow, “So you’ve found where they’re buried.”

“No no!” Jonagold pointed at the carved stones, “Look again, do you noticed what’s missing?”

The buffalo returned her gaze, “That’s odd, there’s a list of kids names at the very bottom on both of them. But under spouse-”

“It’s been chiseled out.” The Apple finished her sentence. “Don’t you see what’s going on here? Somepony at some point in time has tried to erase the fact they were married.”

Wind Catcher placed her hoof on Soarin’s stone and rubbed over the spot that was cut out. “This is solid granite, whoever it was; they sure didn’t want anypony to know. Maybe it’s someone in your family perhaps?”

Now it was Jonagold’s turn to raise an eyebrow, “What do ya mean?”

“I mean think about it. You noticed that they’ve left the names of the kids on here? Now, why do you suppose they would do that?”

The pegasus thought for a minute, “Because, they probably knew them?”

Wind nodded, “Clearly, this was an act of vandalism. Maybe it was from their kids or their kid’s kids, the point is that whoever it was, they were trying to distance themselves from the fact that these two were married. If it were somepony else, then these would have been defaced, but they’re not. Even after all these years, we can still read them. So what if,” she held her hooves up, “and this is just a big fat ‘what if’, that someone in your family was trying to distance themselves from these two as much as possible?”

“But who would have done such a thing?” Jonagold asked as she looked at the stones, “If this was a hate crime, then who would have gone this far to wipe out the fact that these two guys were in love?”

“You’re the one who’s diving into family history,” the buffalo pointed out. “Maybe you can narrow down who it was by what they’ve done to see if there’s any link to this. But that’s enough detective work,” Wind got up on her hooves. “Are we still gonna play those games or what?”

“Yeah, give me a sec,” she said before she took out her camera and took a couple of pictures of the tombstones.


Dear Braeburn,

By the time I’m writing this, Nightmare Night is in full swing at the academe, but I don’t feel like celebrating. Oh, it’s not because the party is boring, if anything, Captain Spitfire has gone to the extra mile with the whole costume ball where she’s turned the inside of one of the storage hangers into the interior of a ballroom of a haunted house. Not only is their fake cobwebs everywhere, but it has lit candles, creepy looking portraits, antique furniture, and a buffet of all sorts of goodies. The costumes we had are pretty good too. I went as the ghost of Commander Hurricane, though I could say that my helmet was a little too big but it was the only one I could get.

I didn’t stay too long at the party, and I’m here writing this to you, wishing that you would show up. While I’m glad that things are going well for you, I up here in the clouds wish that you could have some fun with me. Perhaps I’ve been daydreaming more than my own good, I so want you to be here with me. You would have loved the party that’s going on as I’m writing this. This would have been the perfect place for you to just relax, let your guard down and have some fun. They have bobbing for apples (a game that I know you would win in a heartbeat), a chocolate fountain, and me to dance the night away.

As you can guess by now, going to these parties isn’t the same without you. Even if you’re not interested in the party, and just wanted to hang out, I would welcome that. Things seem less lonely whenever you’re around, and it does make me wish that you can come with us when we do our tours. We’ll be going to Prance in a couple of weeks to perform our stunts as honored guests. I was told there will be a day set aside for us to go wander around Paris. The most romantic places on the face of the globe and you’ll not be there is a really depressing thought.

I’ve been looking out of the window to the clear night sky (well it’s always clear since we’re so high up), and each time I do, it brings me back to those times when we’ve stargazed. I recalled when I had my wing wrapped around you; it only makes those cold dots of light seem much warmer. Now that I am alone, I could have sworn that I could see your face in the dark sky, as if as a reminder that you’re somehow always near.

Perhaps, I guess it should be pointless to finally write to you something that I guess we’ve both known for a while now. Braeburn Apple, I think I’m in love with you. I wish that I can be with you more and be happier together. When I find the opportunity, I’ll hurry to you as soon as I’m able.

Till then, I am as I always was and ever shall be,


– Soarin.

Jonagold pushed away from her computer and rubbed her eyes. She had been taking notes from the letter and copying down direct quotes for her assignment. Next, to the keyboard, her open notebook contained her messy writing that had sections that were circled and long arrows. The young mare rubbed her eyes for a moment. “Okay, on with the next letter.” She grumbled as she clicked on the next letter.

Dear Soarin,

Before I begin I wanna say that I was flattered by your last letter. And yes, while it is sad that you’ll be heading off to Prance without me, I still have that picture on my nightstand of you to kiss goodnight. But even I admit that this alone won’t be enough, I prefer to have the real thing at my side.

Anyway, I want to keep this letter short now that Nightmare Night in Appaloosa has come and gone. This time around now that the tribe isn’t destroying our crops, I’m glad to report that there was plenty to go around. I’ve seen foals carrying around candy and caramel apples in their bags, and even some of the buffaloes had joined in the celebration and played our games out of curiosity. (And yes, I was really good at bobbing for apples; nopony can get them out as quickly as I can.)

In other news, remember how I’ve mentioned about my fiddle playing at the Salt Lick? Well, last Friday a couple came up to me, telling me that I was very good, and they’ve asked me if I was interested in possibly teaching their filly in playing the violin once a week for twenty bits. Well, I thought “Why not?” and agreed to it every Wednesday before lunch. Days later, their daughter came to my house with a new violin case on her back. Her name was Jumping Seed, a nine-year-old who has barely any idea how to play the violin or how to read sheet music. So you can tell that I’ve got a good deal of work ahead of me.

The little dear was willing to learn. I taught her the very basics like what notes the open strings are and the basic C Major scale – after I did teach her that, something rather interesting happened, she started to improvise on that scale. My first impression is that what she lacked in the very basics, she did makeup she started to make up a song (one string at a time). She has a sense of rhythm and emotion, but as far as I can see, Jumping has a ways to go.

A change in subject, Strongheart has been asking about us again. This time it was about our distant relationship, she wonders how is it that although we’ve hardly seen each other, how can we be in love when most of the time we communicate through letters. She explained that in their culture, getting messages from a lover who isn’t married to them yet suggests that the partner isn’t all that interested in them. I had to tell her that I’ve known you for many years already, after all, you’re technically my best friend (and even more so). Understanding this, she remarked, “I think it’s too bad that you have to be apart from him, I’m rather curious to see what this Soarin is like.”

In a way, she’s right. It is still unfair that you have to go to places where I can’t exactly follow. What wouldn’t I give to take a stroll down the River Seine, under the twinkling lights of the Eiffoal Tower? Then again, given how much you miss me, I can easily imagine you conjuring up an imaginary me when you walk down those streets. Perhaps you’ll imagine my reflection in the glass of those countless windows as you pass by, or do the same thing when you’re sitting down at a café with an empty seat across from ya. I confess that I’ve been doing the exact same thing down here in Appaloosa.

I guess what I’m trying to say too is, when you find the time to fly down to see me, please do so, I would like to see you again as well. Be safe at your shows Soarin, and have a great time in Prance.

Till then, I am as I ever was and ever shall be,


– Braeburn.

(P. S. Apart from sending me a postcard, I want to ask ya something since you’re going to Prance: Is it true that the Persians are super snooty?)

Jonagold’s attention was turned away as she heard a knock on the door. “Joe, it’s Grandma Fritters, she’s on the phone.” Getting up, she opened the door to which her father handed the young mare the house phone.

“Yes?” she answered the call.

“Jonagold, how are you?” a kind but elderly voice came on the other line.

“I’m still working on that paper,” she said as she flopped onto the bed.

“The one about Braeburn Apple?” the older mare inquired and the pegasus told her that it was. “Anyway, your father called me up after you’ve shown him the gravestones. In particular about the names of the children that were on both of them. Well, I’ve been cracking open the family genealogy books and I’ve turned out something interesting.”

“Oh? And what did you find?”

“Well… Hold on dearie let me get to the right page… Here it is. Although in the book under Braeburn Apple’s spouse, like the tombstone is been left blank. But I’ve been following the bloodlines of the children that were listed under Fuji Delicious, Sunrise Glory, and Thunder Clap. The first child, Fuji was the eldest but she had died tragically young in an accident when she was in her early twenties. But the other two siblings had not only both married, but they have children as well.”

“Okay, so why are you telling me this?”

“After doing so research, I think I have a pretty good idea why this Soarin’s name was crossed out, and even who. And I’m sorry to tell you this dear, but the one who did it so happens to be your great-grandfather.” Jonagold sat straight up.


“Yes. Your great-grandpa, Rotten Apple was a descendant of Braeburn Apple. And from what I’ve read, he was a huge bigot. That pretty sums up his character from the old press clippings had said about him. He was a member of a hate group that was against buffaloes, dragons, gryphons, and yes, even gay ponies too. The stallion was outspoken about limiting rights of others in Appaloosa, and said several times that those he deemed to be abnormal had contributed nothing good in all of history. My guess that at some point, he had found out about Braeburn’s spouse and had done everything he could to edit history as much as possible.”

“Even going as far as to desecrate their tombstones,” Jonagold finished.

“That would seem the most likely. It’s probably the reason why nopony in the family has even heard of Soarin up until now. You know Jonagold, it’s really a miracle that you were able to find those letters at all. Whoever would have known that one of our famous ancestors preferred stallions?”

“I would never have guessed either. It makes me wonder how these letters had survived.”

“Where did you find these letters again?”

“They’re still at the library. I only got digital copies, but the originals are still over there. You have to ask for them and they give you a pair of gloves to touch them.”

“I think I would do that sometime myself. How are you coming along with that paper thing?”

“Just taking notes so far and I’m still reading the letters. I have to say there are a lot of them that I have to go through.”

“Then I won’t bother you any longer.”

“Oh no, if anything grandma, you were a huge help in solving a mystery here. But you’re right; I still have work to do.”

“I’ll leave ya to it then and thank you Jonagold, for your family and your great-great-great-grandfather as well.”

“You’re welcome, bye grandma,” after they hang up, the teenager returned to her computer and clicked on the next letter.

Dear Braeburn,

Geez, dude, you’re now a settler, a farmer, a violinist that plays at a bar, a guy that teaches the violin, an ambassador on behalf of your town, a great buckball player, the best apple pie baker on the planet and my coltfriend. Don’t you think at some point you might need a break? I get that you’re a hard worker and all, but Celestia dude! At what point are ya gonna burn out before somepony else asks you to do something else? Even Captain Spitfire doesn’t make us work as hard as you are.

Now putting that aside, I can tell you that Paris was interesting, and to answer your question, yes, there are Parisians that are the most uptight group of ponies that you’ll ever run into. I would easily argue that it gives those in Canterlot a run for their money. However, that doesn’t mean that there weren’t any nice ponies over there, actually, there were. Some as it turns out to speak pretty good Equestrian too.

Since Heaths Warming leave is around the corner, and considering your last letter, I’ve been thinking of something that I want to see if you would approve of. For a while, I’ve been feeling guilty of traveling all over the place while you are stuck in the middle of the desert. You’ve been working your flank off all the time and we haven’t seen each other for a while. So, I wanna ask, do you want to take a vacation with me? It can be anywhere you want to go. As of now, money isn’t an issue so all we need now is a plan. After all, I think it would be good for you to take some time off with me. We can go to Las Pegasus, or Canterlot, Baltimare isn’t a bad choice. Oh! Or maybe we could take a cruise to the Bahamares and rent ourselves a desert island? We could drop into Neighpon to experience the surrealness (is that even a word?) of Trotkyo if you like. Just name it and we’ll have some fun!

The leave starts after the fifteenth of December and it goes on until the day after New Year’s Day so we should have plenty of time. (Besides, I wouldn’t mind in saying hello to Little Strongheart. If she’s cool about us, then the least I can do is to give her the chance to talk to me.) Truth be told Brae, I can’t wait. You’re right that we don’t go on enough dates as we should be, we both know it for nearly a year now, but I do hope that we can make up for lost time the next time I see you.

In the meantime while I wait, I’ve received news from that a cousin of mine, Thunderlane is thinking about going into the academe next spring. If luck would have it, he might have enough to get in, and it’s pretty hard for me to imagine him not to – the guy pretty much pumps iron for a living. At the same time though, I while I have come out to my teammates, I’ve never told anypony in my family. I realize that if he does get in, he’s gonna find out sooner or later. But I won’t worry about that for now.

Just so you know, when the fifteenth comes around, I am coming to pick you up. All you have to do is to tell me where to go. Here’s to hoping on seeing you soon.


– Soarin.

Dear Soarin,

I have to say, this is really sweet of you. Besides you’re right, I have been overworking myself for my own good to the point that I just need something different. To be honest, I think I went into shock when I read that you’re willing to take me anywhere. Kinda a mighty big decision ain’t it? Ah, have so many possible ideas as I’m writing this that it’s rather difficult to narrow it down.

Now, putting that aside for just a moment, I have to say that I’ve never known anypony that is willing to spoil me. I’ve never recalled any other normal couple that has taken their special somepony to a different country on a date before. Then again, we’re not exactly a normal couple, you being a celebrity and me a settler. If this is because of you're higher than mine income or that you get good means of travel that made you come to that conclusion, then I must say Soar that I’m flattered.

But where to go on vacation? If it were up to me, I would love to see Neighpon at least once in my life. Out of all the countries that I’ve read and seen pictures of, that island nation is the most exotic place I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen pictures of the robes, some of their food and even their buildings that I kinda wonder what the place is really like in real life. Or as an alternative, take an adventure on those sailboats around the sea. Regardless where we end up going, I do hope that it’ll be a view of an ocean that is as blue as your eyes you are.

I’ll be sure to have my things packed by the time you get here. I’m rather looking forward to you picking me up… in more ways than one.

Soarin, I have a confession to make. Do you remember a couple months back that you said that if I was willing, we could have a… roll in the hay? Okay stop! I know what you’re thinking, but just stop whatever you're thinking and just continue on reading. Now look, I won’t lie to you that I’ve been feeling rather lonely recently, especially in my… nightly activities that my mind tends to go back to you. My thoughts have become a little too graphic that for the sake of decency I won’t dare put it down on paper. But as we’re drawing towards our first anniversary as a couple, I’ve been longing deep down to do something that I would never do unless it’s a pony that I trust.

Well, I trust you Soarin, but if it’s really gonna happen, I want it to be on my own terms. You know, if we’re seriously considering doing it, I want it to be memorable at least. Perhaps on a desert island maybe?

But anyways, just to let you know that when you come flying down, I’ll be waiting for you.

Yours from an adventurous stallion,

– Braeburn.

“Why am I not surprised,” Jonagold pushed away from her desk and took a moment to take notes. She remarked how her ancestor wished for adventure outside of Appaloosa and how Soarin was looking forward that his cousin was gonna join the… Just then she stopped when a thought came to her. A cousin? She clicked back on the previous letter at the name of Thunderlane and wondered, “If Soarin has a cousin, does that mean that…” her eyes went wide, “What if this Thunderlane has a bloodline? And if he has decedents, and Soarin is married to my great-great-great-grandfather, then that means that… we could have lost relatives!”

Setting the letters aside, she opened up the internet and typed in, “Are there Geologists in Appaloosa?”