• Published 27th Nov 2016
  • 869 Views, 12 Comments

Paper Romance - CrackedInkWell

Set in a hundred years after settling Appaloosa, Jonagold Apple is trying to do some research to find out what her great-great-grandfather was really like as a pony.

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Envelope 6: January – May 1001 A.B.N.M.

The next day with a saddlebag that held her computer, Jonagold rechecked the address she written down: 2320 Red Delicious Ave. After looking up at the white brick house, she noted that it wasn’t very big as its neighbors. If anything, the one floor house was very modest with its green roof and grassy lawn as the pegasus walked up to the green door. She didn’t have to wait very long after ringing the doorbell, it was answered by an old mare with a white mane and a cream but wrinkly coat.


“Afternoon ma’am,” the young pegasus nodded. “Are you Mother Time, the Geologist?”

The old mare tilted her head in curiosity, “I am. Can I help you with something?”

“In a way, yes – I was hoping if you could help me tracking a certain bloodline to see if there’s anyone still around.”

“Whatever for? I could help you, but why would you need to?”

“Because I have a hunch that we might have extra relatives in our family tree than my family might know about and I just wanna double check to see if there’re any living relatives around.”

“Oh, why didn’t you say so?” she stepped aside and let Jonagold inside. The old mare’s house, as the teenager quickly found was between cluttered and organized with charts, papers, and stacks of books that coincide with furniture and decor from another era. In a way, it reminded her of her grandparents’ home. “Let me fetch my computer, while you just wait on the couch over there. Oh, do you want a lemon bar?”

“No thanks,” Jonagold hopped on the stripped green and white couch that was next to a thick stack of papers. While she waited for Mother Time, the young Apple looked over at the stack next to her. It had scans of old newspaper clippings that as she flipped through them, they were all about a pony name Button Mash from a century ago. In some she spotted a picture of that stallion showing to a news conference a sells pitch of a “new” game. “Huh, so that’s who made Maneio Brothers.”

“Kinda interesting ain’t it?” Jonagold nearly jumped out of her seat when she quickly found that Mother Time was right next to her, levitating a laptop next to her. “That fella right there had started out as a gamer geek when he was a colt, and he was caught up with the video game phenomena to the point where when he grew up had started a designer company to make better, even I dare say, revolutionary games. For example, did you know that it was Button Mash that had purposed for a virtual reality gaming long before it was made possible years later?”

“No. I never knew that.”

“The past has so many stories of individuals that there’s no way your history book could contain them all. But then again, I understand,” she sat herself down next to Jonagold, “That stack right there details the life of just one pony among thousands. But I’m getting off track; you said that you have a bloodline you wanted to see?”

“Yes, ma’am. To make it a long story short, I just found out who the spouse of my great-great-great-grandfather was, and recently I’ve found the name of that spouse’s cousin. His name was Thunderlane Cloudline and he lived around the year 1000.”

“Okay…” Mother Time opened up her laptop. “Let’s see what I can find from the old census…” For a couple of minutes, the old unicorn narrowed down the names, scrolling through the list until, “Hello. What do we have here?” After clicking on the name, a picture of a black pegasus with a light greenish blue Mohawk appeared along with a close-up of his cutie mark which was of a storm cloud with a bolt of lightning. “I think this might be it. Thunderlane Cloudline, 973 to 1061.”

“Okay, this looks promising. Now, is there anypony alive today that’s related to him?”

“From the looks of it, his biography says that he has a brother name Rumble. Now, this might take me a while…” she looked over to her, “I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ve asked your name.”

“The name is Jonagold Apple, but you can call me Jo for short.”

“Well then, Jona,” Mother Time said, “this might take me a while to go through the database. You may help yourself to those lemon bars while you wait.”

“That’s fine, I’ve brought some homework with me that I need to read up on.”

“You can use the kitchen table; it’s over there on your left. I’ll come to you if find anything.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” getting up from her seat, she made her way to the kitchen that was unusually clean compared to the organized chaos in the house. Past the whitewash cabinets, the fridge, stove and a glass pan that held the neon yellow and covered in powder sugar dessert she headed towards the wooden table in which she set up her computer.

After turning it on, she went to the photo file and looked to where she left off.

Dear Braeburn,

Before I head off to the train station and start making my way back to the Academe at this time in the morning, I want to take a moment to write out this note to say: thank you.

First of all, thank you Braeburn for being the perfect pony to be with on our vacation to Neighpon. I love every moment when we were out there and you have a comment on every little thing you saw from the hustle and bustle of the city to the toilet that squirts water at ya (which, by-the-way, I am never gonna let that one down!), and for you being so adventurous with the food then I could be. If I knew that you would be as this fun to be with while traveling around, I would had foalnapped you into it a long time ago.

Second thing: thank you for not only being my coltfriend, but for finding happiness. Even with being a Wonderbolt, achieving the dream to be one of the best flyers out there, to push myself further than I thought possible, that you being in my life has made it all so sweet. You know that I anticipate your letters and I’m overjoyed when you’re physically here. If anything, I can sum you up by a lyric of a song that I can’t remember where it’s from: “They say happiness is a thing you can’t see, a thing you can’t touch. I disagree. Happiness is standing beside me, I can see him. He can see me. Happiness is whatever you want it to be.” You sir, are that, happiness in the flesh.

The third thing: Braeburn, I thank you for having to place so much trust in me. With me being your first and all, it was still rather touching. Of course, walking around the next morning was rather sore but it was worth it from all the-

Jonagold’s muzzle was blushing bright red when she read that, ‘Oh! Thanks for the visual!’ She decided to skip the rest of that paragraph and head on to the next one.

So I’ll be heading out to get back in time for training, getting ready for our shows in the spring while letting you sleep. By the time you do wake up, I just wanna let you know that I still love you. Just remember to write more, and to let me know how things are doing. Oh, and that envelope with the pictures? Let’s say those are for those nights when you get lonely and you’re missing me. Who knows, maybe you might return the favor, Applebutt.

With love,

– Soarin.

The young Apple looked at the screen, her cheeks still hot, “Applebu… I don’t wanna know.” She mumbled before clicking onto the next letter.

Dear Soarin,

Now that spring has begun, how are things with ya? I wonder if the Wonderbolts have a role in Winter Wrap Up alongside with your training. Since everypony has a role in cleaning up winter, I can imagine that you fellas probably push the winter clouds out of the way for the sun to come through. Of course, down in Appaloosa we don’t get any snow, the only way we can tell if its spring is by the apple blossoms on the trees. All I’ve been doing for Winter Wrap Up was to prune the trees.

I want to let you know that I’m fine on my side of the world. As always, I’ve been keeping myself busy and going out to see a movie whenever I get the chance to. Strongheart has been sharing more of stories that she learned from her tribe to me (as well as asking more questions about us like, “So does one of you act like a mare in the relationship?”). Violin lessons with Jumping Seed have been progressing; she’s trying to familiarize the notes on the page to know where she needs to put her hoof on what string. More ponies are coming in as tourists or to move in.

Soarin, I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of this town. We’ve started with nothing, odd were set against us with an unforgiving environment, a misunderstood tribe and rough harvest. Yet, we’ve endured, there is green in these parts of Equestria. For the moment, we’ve found peace.

However, whenever things settle down, and things get awfully quiet, I tend to daydream or outright pretend that I would see you come flying down from the sky. On some days, my imagination would run wild to the point where I could have sworn that I heard your voice asking if I needed any help while I’m in the orchards. Call it crazy if you like, but on some nights, I would envision your ghost coming up to me to kiss me goodnight. Even as I’m writing this by the flickering flames of my lamp, I have turned around to my shadow and pretend that the fella with the messy mane was you.

Can you blame me for wanting- no, needing you? I confess that I held every picture close to me that I hid in my pillow case. For the most part, I want to hear your voice that tells witty jokes. I want to see your heart melting smile to make the coldest, dull days become warm and bright. I want you to cuddle by the fireplace and have you scratched that spot behind my ears forever. All this and much more do I wish for any news of you to come to make this life more complete.

Lately, I’ve been collecting your letters and notes to be kept in a box with a padlock. I tend to think of it as a treasure chest where I keep my most prized possession, your words. From time to time I do take them out to see how our relationship has progressed and bloomed. More importantly, every time I read them I could hear your voice clearly as if you are speaking to me face to face. Please keep writing Soarin, your letters are worth more than Celestia’s crown jewel collection put together.

But I think that’s enough gushing over ya for one night. I think that it’s about high time that I head off to bed. Tomorrow morning I’ll be sending this letter to you, and when it gets there, I want to know how you are doing. Is there anything from the Wonderbolts that you like to tell me about? Or maybe anything from them recruits that might be worth sharing because I would really like to hear from ya.

Good night, my Wonderbolt.

Until we meet, I am as I ever was and ever shall be,


– Braeburn.

“What you’re reading?” Jonagold looked over her shoulder as she noticed Mother Time just entering into the kitchen. “Looks like a letter, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” she closed the screen of her laptop. “Did you find anything?”

“It took a while going through the records, but I’ve managed to find a couple of ponies that are currently living.” Her horn lit up and lifts the tray of lemon bars, “Want one?” After thinking it over, the teenager said that she would try some so the old mare got out a plate to serve it on.

“Thanks,” the pegasus said. “Out of curiosity ma’am, do you work anywhere, I mean with all this stuff lying around.”

“I used to be a librarian, but I’ve retired and picked up a new subject to keep myself busy,” Mother Time took a seat next to Jonagold. “Besides, I’m a grandmother whenever I’m not doing genealogy. I have grand kids that tend to pop in every now and then, but most of the time I get visits from older folks who want to learn about their families in the past. So color me surprise when a young one like yourself pops up on my doorstep, doing something that only grandparents do before they have reunions.”

“For me, it all started with a school project,” Jonagold said as she started to nibble at the custardy treat. “I’ve found a couple of original letters that were written by Braeburn Apple, who I’m related to, which reveals so many things that nopony in the family knew about. My friends tell me that I’m taking this a little too personally, but the more I read these letters, the more I want to know certain things.”

“Like what?”

After taking another bite of the lemon bar, she carefully responded, “Like if his three kids are really his or adopted.”

“Ah… I see. From those letters, have you found what you were looking for… what was your name again?”

“Call me Jo, and not yet. There’s a ton of letters that I haven’t gone through yet and I’m just waiting to see where my great-great-great-grandfather gets hitched and start raising foals. So far I’m just reading a series of letters that turned from a friendly catching up to love letters. But for me I’m still looking for clues to see where we really came from.”

“All of a matter of identity isn’t it?” the old mare inquired.

“Not just that, but I guess it’s more of a family pride thing that being thrown into question. Are we really related to Braeburn Apple at all or what?”

“Would it matter either way? Dearie, I do understand where you’re coming from, but if you found out tomorrow that you’re related to him by adoption somewhere up in that family tree of yours, would you and your family’s heads be a little less high? In this town, having the name Apple is quite an honor for anyone. Don’t let anything take away that your family’s name has changed history for the better in more ways than one.”

Jonagold ate the last bit of her lemon bar in thought; there was truth in what this old unicorn was saying. Even if she did found out that their ancestor had adopted, it wouldn’t make them any less of an Apple. But as she swallowed, her mind returned to what she came for. “What about you? Did you find anyone still living from that Thunderlane guy?”

“Ah! Yes, that’s what I came in for.” Mother Time laughed, “Nearly forgot. I was going to say that I do have some good news. After tracking down through the bloodlines from him and his brother, there is a family that is currently living. I’ve already written some names down in the other room.”

“Great, let’s see if I might be able to contact them.”

“Though, before I do, I must ask something of you,” she gave the young pegasus a stern look. “What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this? I understand about finding lost relatives, but is that the only reason why you’re searching for these names?”

Glancing at her computer for a moment, she replied, “Partly to find a family that we’ve never known we’ve had, and partly to see if they have any stories from Braeburn’s spouse.”

“Very well, let me go get the list,” Mother Time said as she got up, “Did you like the lemon bars?” After telling her that she did, the old mare left the kitchen for a moment before returning to her the list that was written on a yellow notepad. “Here it is Jo, this is all the current living relatives that I could find.”

Jonagold took the list and found that it was a rather short list of seven names that she had never heard of before. There were no names of address, but rather the birth year from each. “I think I can take work from this, thank you, ma’am.”

“You're quite welcome young lady,” Mother Time told her as the pegasus took her laptop, “I enjoy the company. You are welcome in my home at any time dearie. I do hope you’ll find what you’re looking for.”

“So do I, and thanks for the lemon bars,” she said before she showed herself out.


It took some time after spending some time on the internet to identify the ponies that were on the list. Out of the seven names, she was able to find three of them that had a business number to call them from. One of them was an accountant, one was a buckball coach and one was a real estate teacher. All of them had the exact same last name: Cloudline.

Jonagold didn’t exactly know how her call will play out with the phone in her hooves. If anything, she wasn’t exactly sure what to say once she dialed the first number. ‘It’s like I’m about to talk to a total stranger,’ she thought. ‘Only… they’re not. Each of them is technically a long lost family member.’

She decided to first call the real estate teacher and waited as the other line rang. Then came a voice on the other end, a mare’s voice that spoke in a professional tone: “Cloudsdale Real Estate School, how can I help you?”

“H-Hi,” Jonagold stuttered. “Is this…” she looked back at the list. “Home Finder Cloudline?”

“This is her. Do you want to register for a class?”

“Not exactly,” she confessed. “If anything, I want to talk to you regarding… family matters.”

“What do you mean?”

“Okay, first of all, my name is Jonagold Apple, I live in Appaloosa and…” she gulped. “Believe it or not, we’re technically related.”

There was a pause from the other line, “Excuse me?”

“Yes, I know, it’s hard to believe that a complete stranger would call you up and say that we’re related but just hear me out. Before you hang up on me, let me make it clear that I’m not asking for bits, or for you to send me anything, I just want to reach out to a relative that I’ve just found out that we have.”

“Why do you keep insisting that we’re related?”

So Jonagold explained to the mare on the other line of what started as a class project to find primary sources to write a detailed report of a historical pony’s personality, turned into a search for their family’s true past. She told Finder of how she learned that her ancestor’s spouse had cousins that she had to go to a mare that studies genealogy to see if there were any living relatives. The mare on the other line listened to her and didn’t interrupt apart from the occasional question, after Jonagold told her story to her, she concluded, “Which brings to me why I called. I want to know really if there’s anything on your side that could shed some light here.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know… like family stories, or journals lying around or… something that would give us an idea what our ancestors were like. All I have to go off of are some old love letters, which are lucky to have survived all this time that I haven’t gone through all of them yet. I was hoping that by calling one of you guys that maybe you might have some info on a question that’s kinda bothering us lately.”

“About Soarin?”


“Look uh… Jonagold, isn’t it?”


“I’ll tell you what, I’ll ask around with my dad and brothers to see if I can find anything. Now I won’t guarantee that we’ll find what you’re looking for, but I can at least try. And by the way, are your parents’ home?”

“My dad is, why?”

“Because, since I just found out that we have some lost relatives, I want to talk this over with someone else in your family about this.”

“Give me a sec,” she got up, out of her room she went to the living room where her dad rested on the couch. “Dad, I want to meet a lost relative I’ve found, this is Home Finder Cloudline and she wants to speak to you.”

Blinking, the stallion took the phone into his hoof and put it to his ear. “Hello? Yes I am… What? Oh I’m Johnny Apple… editor for your local newspaper… Home, excuse me for a sec,” he turned his attention towards his daughter, “Jo, I want to speak with Ms. Cloudline alone.”

“That’s okay, I still need to do some reading anyway, but be sure to give my phone back, okay?” Her father nodded and left to return to her room, wake up her computer and resume to reading the next letter. This time it was from Soarin.

Dear Braeburn,

I’m sorry for not writing to you for the past few weeks, things up here have been so busy that I have to force myself to put off this because of what was going on. I’ll tell you why just to get this out of the way for I can sum it all up in two words: Rainbow Dash. Remember the mare that saved our hides back at the Young Fliers? Well she has joined in as a recruit for the team, and it was just recently that Spitz had just confirmed that she’s passed basic training with flying colors.

We’re really excited on the team to have her really join us in the near future. All she needs now is to pass a test so she can be on the reserve before we can find a position for her with us. I tell you Brae that nopony, not even Spitfire has ever seen a flyer like this, and the whole team is really looking forward to the day when she does become one of us. And given how big of a fan she is, I can imagine that it won’t be too difficult to see that becoming a reality.

Admittingly, I do want to see ya again too. I’ve been keeping your picture close to me, even under my uniform. As of now, it is the most valuable possession I have. I always take it out every night and take a long hard look at the image of you leaning up against the railing of that bridge in Trotkyo. No matter how often I looked, your eyes still glowed warm, and your smile is still as welcoming as ever. Like you, I prefer to have the real thing next to me when I drift to sleep.

I’m not the only one that wants to see you. At the academe, the team is increasingly getting curious as to what you’re really like. They know that I miss you, that they caught me looking at that picture and writing you these letters. If anything, I have a feeling that sooner or later, they would want to meet you. Of course, the only way for that to happen is if the Captain gives her permission to have you come up to visit. Perhaps, if I play my cards just right that maybe I can get you to come up here to meet the team. But if that does happen, just to let you know to be on lookout for Fleetfoot, Misty Fly and Sun Chaser because I don’t think they have any filters when it comes to the… personal aspects of our relationship.

Hopefully, this coming June, I could take you flying not just around the academe, but to show you some of the most breathtaking places in Equestria. Though compared to you, I say the landscapes have some really stiff competition. But in all seriousness, I can’t wait to see you again Applebutt, it’s been too long since our vacation a couple months ago. When you do, I like to probably swing by Canterlot for a proper date. But for now, I’ll have to settle with this picture of you to kiss you goodnight.

Before I close this, I want to ask how are things with the town and the tribe?

Yours from the skies with love,

– Soarin.

“Hey Jo,” the pegasus’s ears perked up at the sound of her dad’s voice.


Her door opened and her father came in with her phone. “Well, that was interesting.” Jonagold asked what did Home Finder say, “We’ve had an enlightened conversation about the stuff you’ve found. Though, I can’t believe that you were able to track down someone that was on Soarin’s side of the family. How did you even find her?”

“Turns out, there’s a lady in town that is spending her retirement doing what I’ve just picked up. Her name is Mother Time and she was the one who was able to track down some living relatives who are descendants of a cousin of Soarin. I was thinking that if I got a hold of them that maybe they could solve whether or not Braeburn had adopted those three kids.”

Johnny sighed, “Jonagold, I’m pretty much sure that we’ve told you this already, but you need to consider something. Even if it turns out that the foal that we’re related to had belonged to a different family once, it doesn’t make you, me, your uncles and aunts, grandma and grandpa any less of an Apple then we are.”

“Mother Time had said something like that earlier,” his daughter replied. To which her father put a hoof on her shoulder.

“We’re telling you this because it’s true. Jo, I understand that this is a matter of identity, after all, I had given up my family name to have it changed to your mother’s. And you know that my name used to be-”

“Johnny Two by Four,” Jonagold finished what he was going to say.

“Yes, but when I got married and became Johnny Apple, I’ve adapted to a life of orchards, of trees, sweet pies and mouthwatering fritters. I’ve also adapted a way of life where hard work, self-determination, honesty, and looking after you. That Jo is what being an Apple is all about, not because of a name but what we do with it. Even if we’re not directly related to Braeburn by blood, having someone that was even adopted by him and his partner is still an honor in my book.”

“But I still wanna know…”

“There’s nothing wrong with that. Just remember what really matters.” The bearded stallion smiled, “So, do you want to take a break from this and get some ice cream?”

“You know what,” the young pegasus pushed a button to put her computer to sleep. “Chocolate peanut butter sounds good right now.”