• Published 2nd Dec 2016
  • 4,043 Views, 115 Comments

Jedi Knight In Equestria - Thomlight Sparkle 1

After escaping Courasant after The Great Jedi Purge, a Lone Jedi Knight crash lands in Equestria

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Chapter 3: Acquainting with the town

The Sun Rose as a Rooster crow was heard throughout the place, and Sturider then awoke.

“Interesting, never thought I’d be awaken by something other than my own watch.” Said Sturider as he got out of his sleeping quarters. “Hmm, I suppose it would be a good time to check out this town.”

Sturider then walked out of his Shuttle and out of the barn, as he paused to look in his surroundings.

“Marvelous, you don’t always get views like this” said Sturider.

He then started walking out to the main gate but as he approached it, a yellow blur flew past him, causing him to spin around in a circle for moment.

“Whoa! What in the…” asked Sturider as he dizzily got back to his feet.

“Oh! Sorry about that, Sturider!” said Apple Bloom, stopping in her tracks and looking back at the Jedi. “Ah’m in a bit of a hurry. Ah’ need ta’ get to school!”

“No harm done, little one.” Replied Sturider as he walked up to young filly. “I was just on my way to look around the town.”

“Alright! Ah’ll see ya’ later!” said, Apple Bloom as she took running again, but Sturider just stood in one place looking at where the young filly stood.

“This young filly is interesting, as well as her 2 friends. I’ll have to keep an eye on those 3.” Said Sturider, as he began walking again, and after a short time he came into the town, when his stomach growled. “Hmm, better get something to munch” He then looked around and saw a market place to his left. “Perfect.” He started walking there as he thought: “I hope Republic Credits are good here.”

As Sturider walked through the small market, browsing at the many stalls, as many of the locals looked at him, and began murmuring to themselves, while some looked interested at him. But then he stopped as he heard something.

“But these were only 1 bit yesterday.”

“Well that was yesterday, today tomatoes cost 3 bits.”

Sturider looked to his side and saw Fluttershy at one of the stalls, arguing with an older mare manning the stall. He then walked over to see if he could help.

“But tomatoes only cost 1 bit.” Said Fluttershy.

“Well today, they don’t. 3 bits!” snapped the stall merchant.

Sturdier couldn’t just stand by and watch this price-gouging go on any more.

“What seems to be the trouble here?” asked Sturider as he walked up to the stall.

“Well, I need to get some tomatoes but she wants 3 bits for them, yet they cost only 1 bit yesterday.” Replied Fluttershy.

“Yeah, so if you want tomatoes, then you need to pay 3 bits!” snapped the stall merchant, starting to lose her patience.

“1 Bit will do just fine.” Said Sturider as he waved his hand in front of the stall Merchant.

“1 Bit will do just fine.” replied the stall merchant in monotone, which Fluttershy’s jaw dropped in awe as she hesitantly put one bit on the counter and took the tomatoes.

“You may continue on with your day.” said Sturider waving his hand again.

“You may continue on with your day.” Replied the stall merchant in monotone. As Sturdier and Fluttershy left the stall.

“How did you that?” asked Fluttershy a little bit louder than her normal voice.

“Jedi Mind Trick.” Replied Sturider. “A handy trick we Jedi use on the weak minded.”

“Oh. So you use that all the time on anyone you meet?” asked Fluttershy.

“No, Jedi only use it when they need to. And that little quarrel you were in was one of those times.” Replied Sturider.

“Well, thank you.” Said Fluttershy.

“So, what do you for a living Fluttershy?” asked Sturider.

“Oh, I love working with animals. I take really good care of them, small or big.” Replied, Fluttershy.

“Interesting. Most Jedi often use the Force to communicate with animals in case they need help from one.” Said Sturider.

“What kind of animals have you seen?” asked Fluttershy.

“Well I've seen many different species but none that you are familiar with.” Replied Sturider.

“Oh… It would be nice to see them. But I understand. Well I have to off now.” Said Fluttershy.

“Okay, see you later.” Said, Sturider as the 2 took their separate ways. As he then walked through the town once more until he come across a giant tree. Which seemed to have with windows, doors, a balcony and other household items. “Wow. I never seen such a magnification treehouse.” Said Sturider as he stared at the majestic tree.

"It's a library actually." Said a familiar voice. Sturider then looked back and saw Twilight standing beside him. “How’s your morning, Sturider?”

“It’s going well.” Replied Sturider. “Do you live in this library?”

“Yes I do.” Said Twilight, as she opened the door, and beckoned Sturider to come inside. Sturider followed inside as he then looked all around the room, taking note how beautiful the tree was decorated inside. The walls were smooth and elegant, the book shelves were beautifully carved and a carving of a horse head sat in the middle of a table.

“This is amazing. I never seen anything like this before.” Said Sturider.

“Do the Jedi have libraries too?” Asked, Twilight.

“Yes, the Jedi Temple has a huge library, but it has no books in it, everything comes in electronic files. But I always wanted to see an old-fashioned library.” Said Sturider.

“Electronic files? You mean the libraries where you come from don’t have regular books?” asked Twilight, surprised.

“Not really, but there are still a few regular books in many places.” Said Sturider. “Say, Twilight. Could you tell me more about Cutie Marks?”

"It's a symbol that appears on everyponys’ hips once they find out what their special talents are." Replied, Twilight as she lifted part of her miniskirt to show Sturider her’s. Which was a magenta star with a few smaller white stars around it.

“So I take it that your talent is being a librarian?” asked Sturider.

“Yes, but it’s also high skills in magic.” Said Twilight as she put her miniskirt back down. “Does your kind and other Jedi get Cutie Marks?”

“No, my kind and Jedi don't get these “Cutie Marks” our skin pretty much stays blank. But there are some who get tattoo put on their skin.” Replied Sturider.

"Fascinating. Your kind isn't restricted to one thing. They can do whatever they want.” Said Twilight.

“Yes, however it’s not always the case for the enemy of the Jedi.” Said Sturider with a dark tone.

“The Enemy?” asked Twilight.

“The Sith.” Hissed Sturider. “Like Jedi, they’re Force users too, but they use the Force for control, and evil. And they use anger and hatred to fuel their skills. And they kill innocent beings and show no mercy.” Explained Sturider as Twilight covered her mouth in shock. “And unlike Jedi like me, Sith use red colored Lightsabers.”

“Red?” asked Twilight.

“Yeah, while many Jedi’s Lightsabers come in Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple, White, and other colors.” Said Sturider.

“You’ll have to show me the inter working of these Lightsabers someday.” Said Twilight. “But right now, I have some studying to do.”

“Well, I’ll you get to your studies then. Good bye.” Said Sturider as he left the Library.

Sturider continued on his way through the town, as he looked at his wrist-com.

"11:30 already? I must of been out here longer than I thought. But I think it would be a good time to break for lunch." Said, Sturider as he then saw Sugarcube Corner over to his right. Which he started walking over to. He soon walked inside and began browsing the many goods on the shelves, as he then saw some banana nut muffins.

"Hello, there." said the mare at the counter. " What can I do for you?"

"Could I have 3 of those muffins?" asked Sturider pointing to the banana-nut muffins.

"Sure thing, sir." said the Mare as she picked up 3 muffins with a pair of tongs.

"How much do I owe you?" asked Sturider.

"About 3 bits." said the mare.

"Uh... about that. I don't think I have any bits..." said Sturider slightly, hesitantly.

"Don't worry, about that Stuie! I'll take care of that!" said Pinkie popping out of nowhere, which made Sturider jump.

"(stutters) Thanks, Pinkie." said Sturider as he grabbed his muffins and sat down at a table. Which Pinkie take a seat in too.

"So. what brings you to Sugarcube Corner?" asked Pinkie.

"Just stopping to get a bit of lunch that's all." said Sturider as he began to eat his muffins. "Pinkie, you wouldn't happen to explain to me about bits would you? "

"Sure! Bits are the currency we use in Equestria!" said Pinkie as she put a bunch of coins on the table.

Sturider then picked up a few of the coins and took a look at them. "This is your currency? A bunch gold coins?" asked Sturider. " You could get a lot of things back where I come from with these."

"Well, what do Jedi like you use?" asked Pinkie.

"We often use Republic Credits. Like these." said Sturider as he took out a few Republic Credit ingots and set them on the table.

"Ooh! These are cool!" said Pinkie as she picked up a few oh the ingots. "These would work as well as bits do!"

"You really think so?" asked, Sturider.

"Yes sirree bob! " said Pinkie bobbing her head.

"Oh good, I wouldn't want to impose or cause trouble." said Sturider.

"Anyway, I must get back to work. Thanks for stopping by!" said Pinkie as she raced out of her seat after picking up her bits.

"That mare certainly is unpredictable." said Sturider.

After Sturider finished he left Sugarcube Corner and continued to walk through town as he passed Carousel Boutique.

"This town is really unique compared to the many places I've been through in the galaxy. If only my fellow Jedi could see this." said Sturider as he began to think about his fellow Jedi, but his thoughts were rudely interrupted.

"We're telling you! He really is real!"

Sturider paused on his tracks as he heard yet another familiar voice. He then looked around and soon saw a red school house to his left, and in the playground were a bunch of fillies and colts, which some happened to be Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Who were currently face-to-face with 2 other fillies, both earth ponies.

The one on the left was pink, with a purple and white mane, who wore a very expensive looking blue dress and a silver tiara upon her head. Whole the filly next to her was grey with a light silver and blue-gray mane done in a braid. Who wore a pearl necklace, blue glasses, a purple blouse and sky blue, pleated skirt.

"You really expect us to believe, a space ship crashed in the farm, and inside was a Jedi Knight type guy with glowing blue light swords and a laser gun?" said the pink mare.

"Yeah! We saw him ourselves outside our clubhouse!" snapped Apple Bloom.

"Phft. There's no way a space ship would crash land here in Equestria! And Light swords? Pleease! Who ever heard of such thing? You can't make a sword with blue light!" stated the silver mare.

"Well, we're telling you the truth!" snapped Scootaloo stomping her hoof. "Why won't you believe us?!"

"You blank flanks been looking through too many space comics. You lack knowledge as much as you lack your Cutie Marks." said the pink mare rudely, as she and the silver mare laughed.

Sturider stood in place as he watched the conversation, but then he felt a little concerned, as he felt something he didn't want to. But he brushed it off, as he decided to help out the 3 young fillies. As he walked up to the fence surrounding the playground.

"Hello, again." said Sturider.

"Sturider! Thank goodness, you're here!" shouted Sweetie Belle with a slight squeak as she raced over to the fence. “Now you can prove to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon that we're being truthful!"

"So you were telling your school friends about me?" asked Sturider.

"Yeah! We sure were!" said Scootaloo as she raced over. "But these two don't believe any of it!" snapped Scootaloo as she pointed to the 2 fillies.

"So, you're this so-called: "Jedi Knight" the blank flanks are talking about?" asked Diamond Tiara smugly.

"Yes, I am a Jedi Knight." said Sturider. "And every these 3 have told you is true."

"Oh really? I can see they were right about the laser gun, but what about those "light-swords" I don't see you with any light sword." said Silver Spoon.

"Yeah, if you really are a Jedi, then let's see your Light swords." said Diamond Tiara.

"Yeah. Show them, your Lightsabers!" said Apple Bloom.

"I don't really feel okay with have my Lightsabers drawn in front of younglings. Lightsabers are for defense, not play time!" said Sturider.

"Come on! Show them your Lightsabers!" Begged Scootaloo.

"Please, Sturider?" asked Sweetie Belle, giving Sturider a sad puppy-dog eyed look.

Sturider cringed at the sight of Sweetie Belle's sad-puppy dog eyed face. It was just too cute, but he stayed firm.

"No. Unless I have good reason to, I am not draw my sabers near a school house with younglings present." said Sturider, crossing his arms.

"Heads up!" one of the other colts shouted as a beach ball came flying in and it was heading for Sturider.

"Whoa!" shouted Sturider as he threw his hands up and caught the ball midair with the Force just as it was about to hit him.

Everyone in the playground then stopped what they were doing and looked at Sturider in shock, even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were in shock.

"Did you see that?!" shouted a pegasus filly.

"That guy caught that ball without even touching it!" shouted a colt.

“And it's floating in midair!" shouted a unicorn filly.

"Wha.. Wha.. Wha.. How is he doing that?!" shouted Diamond Tiara in shock.

"You see? We were telling you the truth." said Scootaloo with a smirk.

The other fillies and colts all came over to Sturider and all looked in awe as the ball continued to float in his hands.

"Kids? What's going on?" said a voiced as a magenta earth pony wearing a school teacher's outfit came walking out of the school, as she then noticed Sturider holding the beach ball with the Force. "Huh?" She then walked over to him and looked closely at him. "He is holding that ball without using his hands?"

"He's using the Force, Miss Cheerilee." said Sweetie Belle.

"Uh, Stu?" asked Apple Bloom.

"What?" replied Sturider, as he opened his eyes and saw the crowd staring at him, as he noticed he was still holding the beach ball up with the Force, which he quickly retracted his hands and the ball fell to the ground.

"Hello there, are you new here?" asked Cheerilee.

"Yes, m'am." said Sturider.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but how were you holding that ball without using your hands?" asked Cheerilee.

"I was using the Force, M'am." replied Sturider, as he blushed.

"He's that Jedi Knight we were telling everyone about, Miss Cheerilee!" said Scootaloo.

"Yeah, the one who crashed landed her' in his spaceship, and who is carryin' a laser gun and light swords!" said Apple Bloom.

"Are you really the Jedi Knight, these 3 were talking about?" asked Cheerilee.

"Y.. Yes." said Sturider.

"Impressive!" said Cheerilee. "Would you care to show use your Light swords then? I myself am curious to see them too."

"Well, if you're the school teacher, than I don't see why not. But I don't want any of the younglings getting too close to me. I don't want anyone to get hurt." said Sturider as he walked into the playground, unclipping his Lightsabers while doing so. "Alright, these are my Light swords."

"Hah! You call those swords?!" said Diamond Tiara.

"They're just metal sticks!" said Silver Spoon.

"Oh yeah?" asked Sturider. Then with a loud floosh, he ignited the blades of his sabers as the fillies and colts oohed and awed. While Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's jaws dropped.

“They’re really cool!” exclaimed a unicorn filly.

“They’re almost like a glow stick!” said an earth colt.

“In all my years, I never seen such a unique sword.” Said Cheerilee.

“Well, what can you cut through with swords like those?” asked a white and brown colt.

“Almost anything.” Answered Sturider.

“Even metal?” asked an earth filly.

“Even metal.” Answered Sturider. As he picked up a metal pole from the playground and then sliced through it like butter, leaving scorched ends on it.

“Can you do tricks with them?” asked a light grey pegasus colt.

"Well, we don't normally do fancy tricks with our sabers. But there is a cool thing I can do." replied Sturider as he extinguished the blade of his Graflex saber and clipped it back on his belt, as he then threw his curved-hilted saber at one of the trees which cut several branches off the tree. And then Sturider drew his Blaster and shot the falling branches. Which then split into pieces and then they built themselves into a tiny wooden, model log cable, as Sturider caught his curved-hilted Lightsaber. He then extinguished its blade and clipped it back on his belt.

"That was amazing!" shouted a pegasus filly.

"It was like something out of a video game!" shouted a brown earth colt.

"And you thought we wer' tellin' lies." smirked Apple Bloom to Diamond Tiara as she growled.

"Impressive, one mister." said Cheerilee. "I've seen many unusual things here in Ponyville, but what you did takes the cake."

"I can imagine." said, Sturider. "And I've been to many other planets in the Galaxy but this one is one I've never been to."

"You've been to other Planets in the galaxy?!" asked a pink earth filly.

"Indeed." replied Sturider.

"Would you care to tell us a bit about your adventures?" asked Cheerilee.

"Would that alright?" asked Sturider.

"Sure, it would." replied Cheerilee.

So then Sturider told them all about the many planets and adventures he had been on and seen, but as he went on, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon could only scowl at the Jedi.

Author's Note:

So Sturider's gaining some popularity from everyone (except for Diamond and Silver.) The next chapter will cover more about Sturider's weapons, and his starship. And we'll probably see someone else showing a sense of the Force.