• Published 2nd Dec 2016
  • 4,043 Views, 115 Comments

Jedi Knight In Equestria - Thomlight Sparkle 1

After escaping Courasant after The Great Jedi Purge, a Lone Jedi Knight crash lands in Equestria

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Chapter 6: There is no "Try"/Patience

The next day as the Sun rose, Sturider stepped out from his shuttle as he gazed up at the sun thinking of what was to come.

"Today comes the day when I train my new Padawans. Master Yoda, wherever you are, I hope to have your guidance through the Force as I do. May the Force be with me." said Sturider more to himself than anyone in particular.

"May the Force be With You, Master Sturider Thom." said, a voice. Sturider stopped. As he turned around and looked all around. For a moment, he thought he just heard the voice of his old Master. But he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Hmm. That's strange. Oh, well, I better get ready." said Sturider as he then walked into his shuttle and into the tinkering room where 3 brand new belts lay on the table. Which he had created last night, and to add a bit of a uniqueness to tell which belonged to whom, Sturider had put the Crusader's initials on the buckets of the belts. "These belts turned out a lot better than I thought they would. I'm sure the Crusaders are gonna love them."

Sturider then picked up the belts and then placed them into the table where he kept the Crusader's Lightsabers which he had repainted, so encase if they were stolen, they could be found easily. Apple Bloom's was painted yellow with parts of it painted Red and Magenta. Sweetie Belle's was painted white, with pink and purple stripes. While Scootaloo's was painted orange with the grips and a few other spots on it was painted purple. As he looked at the 3 sabers, Sturider couldn't help but think about how disappointed Scootaloo was when they found out the only Darksaber he had was stolen. For, last night he swore to himself to find it and let Scootaloo have a chance to use it as she wanted. "I can't let Scoots down. As well as myself, if this happened back in Coruscant, the other Jedi wouldn't let me hear the end of it. And now, to take care of something else" said, Sturider as he walked over to his bunk where the Jedi Robes and tunic lay, still a bit torn up and tattered. While his new outfit was okay, he wanted to have his proper outfit while training the Crusaders. It was time to visit Rarity again.

Rarity wasn't very busy at the moment, as she finished up an order for a fancy dress that Fancy Pants had requested her to make in time for Fleur de Lis' birthday. Rarity could only stare deeply at the fascinating dress, which she had made out of pink silk with lines of rubies trailing down it. While it also had a few Phoenix feathers at the ends of the sleeves and on the bottom of it. (which she had to ask Princess Celestia for the feathers, who was more than willing to lend her a few of Philomena's Feathers she had saved.) And now, Rarity was just taking a moment to rest as she was enjoying a fine cup of tea. Then when she was about to take another sip, there was a knock at the door.

"I wonder who could be knocking this early?" Rarity asked herself as she set her teacup down and got up from her chair. "Coming!" she said in a sing-songy voice as she answered the door. "Welcome to Carousal Boutique, where ever garment is clique, unique, and magnifique. How can I help you?"

"Good day, Miss Rarity. I hope I'm interrupting you." said, Sturider.

"Oh, Sturider! What a pleasant surprise. You're not interrupting anything, come on in." said Rarity as she stood aside and gestured for Sturider to come in. In which he walked inside and then set his robes and tunic on a table. "What can I do for you, darling? If you're here for Sweetie Belle, I'm afraid she isn't here. She's at school."

"No, I'm not here for your sister. M'am. I'm in need of an outfit for myself." said Sturider.

"But I thought I already made you one?" asked Rarity as she walked over. "Do you not like it? Did I use the wrong fabric? I knew I should've used silk for it! Oh my, this is the first outfit I've created for an outsider and I've messed up on it! Of all the worst things that could happen, this is the... worst... possible.... th..." Before she could continue the last word, Sturider rose his hand, and instantly, Rarity stopped with her drama queen panic.

"Miss Rarity. Let me inform you that this outfit you gave me has nothing wrong with it. Infact it really is a nice outfit you made me. But this outfit I want you to make is not just because it is for a reason." Sturider calmly said.

"Oh? A reason you say? Whatever for?" asked Rarity.

"Well, in the lines of Jedi training their own apprentices, it is a recommendation to wear the robes and tunics that I was wearing when I first arrived here," explained Sturider. "Even if, I'm on a different planet, I'd like to keep to the guidelines."

"Oh, I understand. I apologize for my unladylike response." said, Rarity.

"It's all fine. Anyway, I've come here to ask you to make me some new robes and tunic using my old ones as a base. And I'd like them colored dark blue. Can you do that?" said Sturider.

"Of course, I can!" said Rarity as she then put on her glasses and took a close look at the robes and tunic, thinking of how to do so. "IDEA!!!" And then Rarity took the robes and tunic in her magical grip. "Take a stand at the mirrors, please. I just need some measurements," said Rarity, as she then took out her measuring tape and she put Sturider's old robes and tunic on one of the Pony dress dummies she had in the room. When she did, she then took a real good look at the robes, where she really saw how bad they were, and now that she was wearing her glasses she can now see some burn marks on his robes. "My goodness! Look at these burns! I have never seen anything like this before! I'd think that such a gentleman such as yourself would avoid this from happening!" she exclaimed.

"Well, it's not easy to do that when you have at least 30 troopers shooting at you with blasters," stated Sturider.

"Oh my! That must of been a real event for you! If I were in your shoes, I don't think I'd keep calm enough." said Rarity.

"Well, when you've had years of training with the Force, you can learn how to keep come calm in situations like that," explained Sturider as he stood at the stand.

"I see. Now, let's get to business." said, Rarity as she took out her measuring tape and begun to measure Sturider's arms. As Rarity worked, Sturider could only wonder what the Crusaders were doing.


At the Ponyville Schoolhouse, the Crusaders couldn't contain their excitement for what was to come.

"Our first day of trainin'! Ah'm really lookin' forward to this!" exclaimed Apple Bloom.

"And maybe we'll get our Cutie Marks for being Jedi!" squealed, Sweetie Belle.

"And on top of that, we'll finally have something to be awesome as Rainbow Dash!" shouted Scootaloo.

"Girls, I hate to interrupt your conversation. But could you please now shout so much, I'm about to give a very important lecture," said Cheerliee.

"Sorry, Miss Cheerliee." said the Crusaders in unison, while a few of the other classmates snicked at this, while 2 certain fillies were watching them in confusion.

Later, the foals were at lunchtime, as the Crusaders sat together at a table. As they continued eating their conversation about their Jedi training.

"Alright, I know that we're excited about Sturider training us, but I don't think we should tell anyone else." said, Sweetie Belle.

"I agree, while I wanna rub this in Diamond Jerk and Silver Snob's faces. I don't wanna risk having my Lightsaber stolen like how the Darksaber was," said Scootaloo, gritting her teeth, still angry that such an awesome black-bladed Lightsaber she wanted to use was stolen.

"Fer' goodness sakes, Scoots. It's that all you can think about?" asked Apple Bloom as she took a bite from an apple. "Ah' know you wanted to use that Darksaber, but you don't have to rub it in. And as Sturider said, we'll find it! But could you not talk about it here? The thief might be here right now! We can't let him or her know we're onto them."

"Good point," said Scootaloo. "Say, you don't suppose Button Mash may have taken it?"

"WHAT?!" squealed Sweetie Belle as she dropped a plastic fork with a bit of lettuce in it. "Why would Button Mash steal it?!"

"Well, he always takes about that energy sword from his Halo games. And he's even mentioned that he'd like to own one. I'm just thinking." said Scootaloo.

"There's no way Button Mash could've done it!" snapped Sweetie Belle as she bopped her nose into Scootaloo's own. "Besides, even if he did wanna take something from Sturider, it would be his Blaster!"

"Sweetie Belle has a point, Scoots. Button Mash does sound like a good suspect, but we all know he's more interested into fancy guns," said Apple Bloom.

"Alright, alright. No need to get your undies in a bunch, girls," said Scootaloo. As she took a drink from her chocolate milk. "Besides, we all know that you're just defending your coltfriend, Sweetie."

"He's not my coltfriend!" snapped Sweetie Belle with a blush as she slammed her hands on the table. "He's not! We're just really good friends! Why do you keep saying that?!"

"Can we just stop it already?! This ain't gettin' us nowhere. said Apple Bloom, sounding very annoyed. "Besides, it's just a Lightsaber!"

"Just a Lightsaber?! JUST A LIGHTSABER?!" exclaimed Scootaloo. "It was an awesome Lightsaber with a black blade!" she then took a really, deep breath before shouting right in Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's faces, "AND I WON'T CALM DOWN UNTIL WE FIND IT!!!!" She shouted so loud that everyone else stopped what they were doing and all turned to look at Scootaloo, who noticed the on looking as she blushed a deep red and sat back down. "Sorry."

"It's alright. But I think we should stay more focused on the actual training. Sturider did say, we have to learn to control the Force before we can use Lightsabers." Said, Sweetie Belle as she fixed her hair, which had gotten messed up from Scootaloo's outburst. As a burst of rude laughter was heard.

"Man, Scootaloud. There's no need to shout. Some would think you were part megaphone or something." said Diamond Tiara rudely. "What's got you lame blank flanks so excited anyway?"

"That is none of yer' business," said Apple Bloom.

"If it involves the chicken yelling in the whole lunchroom, then it is our business." said, Silver Spoon.

"No one asked you!" snapped Scootaloo. "And if you wanna know, I'll just say, that we're going to join Sturider in something after school. Nothing more."

"Really?" said, Diamond Tiara as she put her arms on the table with a smug expression on her face. "If anything, you 3 idiots don't deserve to work alongside some random outsider who uses fancy light swords and a laser gun. As well as having some weird telekinetic powers. If anyone should hang with him it is more important ponies like me and Silver."

"Who says?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"We say," said Silver Spoon as she walked behind Sweetie Belle. "What makes you think you 3 are worthy to be hanging with a Jedi?"

"Because Stu knows who's good enough to trust and who ain't." said, Apple Bloom.

"Well, he obviously needs himself a pair of glasses," said Diamond Tiara. "Besides, I bet me and silver could use one of those fancy light swords better than he could!"

"Yeah, and be better at cutting off your own hands with them!" said Scootaloo, as she snicked at her own joke.

"Humph! You blank flanks, just don't get it. No matter what you do or try, you'll never be better than us. You'll always be lame, losers with no Cutie Marks." said Silver Spoon, laughing rudely.

"Now, we don't have time to talk to losers like you. Me and Silver have more important things to do," said Diamond Tiara. And she and Silver Spoon walked away.

"Those stupid, stuck-up, selfish brats!" snapped Scootaloo, tugging at her hair. "Why can't they just leave us alone?!"

"Well, once Sturider trains us to be Jedi, Ah'm sure those 2 will stop botherin' us," said Apple Bloom.

"I hope so," said Sweetie Belle. "My flank still stings from the times they wedgied us."

"Don't even think about bringing that up." said, Scootaloo as she reached into her lunch bin but she couldn't feel anything and she looked inside. "HEY!! They took my chocolate bar!"

"They took my fritter!", exclaimed Apple Bloom, looking in her bag.

"And my cookies!" exclaimed, Sweetie Belle as she was looking in her own bag.

"ARGH!!! How do they do that without us noticing!?" shouted Scootaloo, slamming her head on the table.

"Ah' hope Sturider's havin' a better time than we are." said, Apple Bloom.


Back at the Boutique, Rarity was making a few final adjustments to Sturider's new robes as she stitched the final parts to the main robe. "And.... there. Finished!" said Rarity as she removed the needle from the fabric. "So, how does it look?"

Sturider then looked at himself in a mirror where he was impressed deeply. Rarity had made the robes with such precision that it was almost like his original robes were never ruined at all. As he then examined them closely finding every bit of them perfectly accurate to his old ones. "This. This... This is outstanding! They're perfect! They like exactly like my old ones. I'm impressed deeply. I love them, Miss Rarity!"

"Thank you, darling. I'm glad I was able to make them just to your liking. This is actually the first time I've ever created anything like this." said, Rarity.

"Really? Wow, you're a real whiz to fashion designing," said Sturider as he got down from the stand. "So how much do I owe you?' asked, Sturider as he then began to put his own utility belt back on.

"Oh, you don't have to pay me, it's on the house." said, Rarity.

"You sure about that? I don't wanna impose." said, Sturider as he then clipped his belt back and then clipped the holster's leg strap.

"I insist, dear. Besides, it's almost time for Sweetie Belle and her friends to leave school. I'd suggest you'd get going there at once." said Rarity.

"Alright. And thank you again for doing this ma'am," said Sturider. As he walked out the door to head for the schoolhouse.


Sturider walked on through the small town as many of the locals turned towards him and admired his presence but mostly for his newly made Jedi robes. Sturider was quite impressed with how nicely Ponyville had taken him in. Normally, many familiar locations he often went to during the Clone Wars weren't too happy about seeing a Jedi. Even more so now that the Republic was taken down. But the mere thought of how the Republic fell was enough to make the Jedi have one terrible thought; what if they tracked him down into Equestria? If so, they would easily slaughter all these kind-hearted ponies in no time at all, or even take many foals prisoners and force them to join their side. But Sturider brushed it off and knew even if a dark lord were to find him, he'd do his best to protect all these equines, especially the Crusaders now that he was training them to be Jedi. Thinking back about the Crusaders, he began to think about something that he took note of involving said fillies. Sometime after watching them in their argument with those 2 rude fillies he could sense pain and suffering within the Crusaders' minds and that worried him. If the Crusaders kept that pain and suffering to themselves, there was no doubt that they could possibly end falling the Dark Side. But he couldn't, wouldn't let that happen. Sometime during their training, he intended to talk to the Crusaders and try to help them.

Speaking of which, Sturider then noticed he was now at the Ponyville Schoolhouse at the time where the bell rang and all foals came walking out of the schoolhouse, as the Jedi watched each of them until he spotted the Crusaders happily skipping out of the schoolhouse as they noticed him and smiled big grins.

"Hello again, young ones." greeted Sturider with a smile of his own.

"Howdy, Master Thom!" said Apple Bloom.

"So what are doing in our training?" asked Scootaloo.

"Today, I will teach you how to use the Force and controlling it," said Sturider. "A few simple tricks any Jedi can do. That's all."

"Say, did you get some new outfit?" asked Sweetie Belle, squinting her eyes.

"Yes, I went over to your sister's and she made me some new Jedi Robes," replied Sturider.

"You couldn't ask her for something more fashionable?" asked Diamond Tiara, as she and Silver Spoon walked over.

"Yeah, robes like those are so lame. I mean they look so bland, and that color? Not the one I'd go for." said Silver Spoon.

"Well I hate to disappoint you 2, but there is no "fashion details" or fancy works in the Jedi Order. These robes are recommendation to wear." said, Sturider. "You could say, it's our uniform." This response had the 2 rich fillies stunned in silence. "I'd love to stay and chat but me and the Crusaders have plans, so I bid you 2, good day." said, Sturider as he and the Crusaders left the 2.

A Minute passed by, and the 2 looked to where the Crusaders and the Jedi had walked off.

"Why would that man wanna do stuff with those losers when he could be hanging with real fillies like us?" asked Silver Spoon as she adjusted her glasses.

"Don't think about it too much now Silvy. We'll soon show we can be better than those blank flanks and Jedi alike. Just give it time, and at the right time ready." said Diamond Tiara with a devious look on her face as she patted a certain spot on her small purse.

Sturider and the Crusaders were back at Sturider's shuttle as they walked inside.

"Master, I just have to say, the way you responded to Diamond Jerk and Silver Snub was sweet!" said Scootaloo.

"Thank you. If there's one thing I learned as a Padawan Learner, it's how to not let insults get to your heads," said Sturider.

"You mentioned you wer' makin' utility belts fer' us, right? Did ya' manage to finish them?" asked Apple Bloom.

"As a matter of fact I did," answered Sturider as he picked up the belts. "I finished them last night. Why don't you give them a try on?" asked Sturider as he handed the Crusaders their own belts.

As the crusaders clipped on their belts, they took a quick moment to look at them. And after a minute they turned to look at the Jedi.

"I really like this belt! I even like how you put our name initials on them!" said Sweetie Belle as she then took another look at her belt's buckle.

"Thank you, young one. Also, I made a slight modification to your Lightsabers, so if anyone tries to steal them, we'll be able to find them easily," said Sturider as he picked up the sabers and brought them over.

"Wow! You painted em!" exclaimed, Apple Bloom. As she and the other 2 took their sabers and admired the paintwork on them.

"Alright! Now my Lightsaber looks 20% cooler!" exclaimed Scootaloo, buzzing her wings in glee. "Now I can be sure that no one will try to steal it!" Scootaloo then remembered something on her mind when she said that. "Say, did you found the Darksaber yet?" she asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"I'm afraid not. I haven't found it yet," said Sturider.

"Darn it!" snapped Scootaloo as she stomped her hoof.

"Calm yourself, young one. Don't let your frustration cloud your feelings. If you do, you will not be able to get the full concentration of the Force when you really need it. When it comes to Jedi, one must have a calm mind in order to gain control of the Force. And once you do, you will soon be on the path to becoming Jedi." said Sturider.

"Yes, Master," said Scootaloo.

"Alright, now follow me to the field and the training shall begin," said Sturider, as he started walking to the field with the Crusaders following closely behind. He soon brought them to a spot in the field where several rocks of different sizes and logs set up like a balance beam stood.

"What's all this?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"This is what we'll use for training," explained Sturider as he walked over to the rocks. "First, you must learn how to use the Force to manipulate matter. these rocks make a perfect starter. Just watch how I do it." Sturider then held out his hand as a small rock slowly lifted upward and then he gently put it back down about 12 feet away from where it originally stood. "Now, you there give it a go, you may not succeed at first but if you manage to wiggle it a bit, it will show you're being successful."

The Crusaders then held out their own hands and tried to move them, but the rocks barely budged.

"How the hay do you do this so easy?" asked, Apple Bloom.

"You simply concentrate on the energy from all living things and stretch out your feelings. Imagine the rocks are moving, and do your best to make the image in your mind a reality. Just focus." explained Sturider.

The Crusaders nodded their heads as they held out their hands and began to try to imagine the rocks moving. Soon the rocks began to wiggle a little, and soon the Crusaders tightened their hands as the rocks, very shakily started to raise. But soon they began to get a little exhausted, so Sturider clapped his hands and the three dropped the rocks back down.

"Well done, Crusaders. It seems the Force is very strong with you three. You three are making good progress." said Sturider.

"Alright! This is getting better and better!" said Scootaloo as she buzzed her wings in excitement.

"Now, we'll come to the next part of training," said Sturider as he walked over the log.

"Uh, what exactly is this log for?" asked Apple Bloom.

"This helps you three learn to use the Force for physical strength and coordination. For this one, you three must get on top of this log and do a handstand. then you must concentrate on the Force and manage to do a one-hand stand." explained Sturider.

"Hmm, this may be a bit tough. Even for someone like me," said Scootaloo as she looked at the log, while Sweetie Belle's gazed went down to her dress as she then blushed a deep red.

"Is something the matter, Sweets?" asked Sturider.

"I can't do this one! I'm wearing a dress!" stated Sweetie Belle as she ran her hands down her dress to the skirt. "If I try to stand on my hands then my dress will just fall!" Sweetie Belle added as she tugged down on her dress still blushing red.

Sturider looked over Sweetie Belle as he realized she was right about the matter. "Hmm, you got a good point there, young one. We can't have that happening during training."

"Hold on! Ah' have an idea!" said Apple Bloom as she reached into her front Overalls pocket and pulled out a long handkerchief. "Here, Sweetie Belle, tie this around the helm of yer' dress."

Sweetie Belle take the handkerchief and tied it around the helm of her dress. "Yeah, this is work," said Sweetie Belle as she did a quick cartwheel to test it.

"Alright, now that's taken care of, we shall do the next part of our training. Step onto the log, Crusaders," said Sturider. the Crusaders then climbed onto the log as they almost ell off it as they then went to get up on their hands, at first it wasn't easy but soon they were on their hands.

"Now focus. and soon you'll be able to stand on one hand," said Sturider.

The Crusaders then tried to but it was proving to be more difficult than they thought, as they struggled to keep their balance.

"Just, focus. You can do it," said Sturider.

"I don't think we can. And Ah'm the strongest of the 3 of us! This should be easy for me!" said Apple Bloom as she strained to do a one-hand stand.

"You just need to focus on letting go," said Sturider.

"Let go? I'd rather hang on!" said Scootaloo.

"It's not that hard, you just need to keep your focus steady," said Sturider.

"We're trying!" stated Sweetie Belle.

"In the Jedi Order, we don't try. Do, or do not. There is no try." said Sturider.

"What? That doesn't make any sense," said Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, how can you do something if you don't try to do it? asked Scootaloo as she almost fell off the log.

"It may seem confusing to you three, but it makes perfect sense to some," said Sturider. "But to answer your question, when you try to do something, you don't fully believe you can do it. But when you do, something, you have full belief in yourself that you can succeed in your personal goals."

"Oh, that makes sense," said Scootaloo.

"Precisely. Now, focus deeply into your minds and you can do it." said, Sturider.

The Crusaders then shut their eyes as they began to imagine themselves balancing on one hand, as they began to slowly get onto one hand, and soon they were standing on one hand. as Sturider grinned as he watched his Padawans do their training. He then began to think about the other matter on his mind, but he had to wait for the right moment to bring it. "You're doing good, my Padawans," he said.

The Crusaders then opened their eyes and were impressed that they were now standing on one hand.

"Hey, we're doing it!" exclaimed Scootaloo as she buzzed her wings again but had to catch herself from falling again.

"Alright, you can come done from the log now," said Sturider. As the Crusaders then stepped down from the log.

"Well, that was indeed difficult. And I thought getting our Cutie Marks was hard," said Sweetie Belle.

"No kiddin'. How long does it normally take for someone to become a true Jedi? said Scootaloo.

"Oh it takes a while for that to happen young one, sometimes even a few years," answered Sturider.

"A FEW YEARS?!" shouted Apple Bloom.

"Oh great! As if getting our Cutie Marks wasn't hard enough!" snapped Scootaloo as she stamped her hooves.

Sturider was surprised to see Scootaloo take on an aggressive state. But he just couldn't understand why the Crusaders were so obsessed with getting their Cutie Marks. They didn't seem like a big deal to him.

"Crusaders, I'm must note I'm curious. What is so important about these Cutie Marks to you 3?" asked Sturider.

"Well, it's just that... Everyone else in our class has them and we ain't got our's!" said Apple Bloom.

"And we've tried everything! But we still have blank flanks!" snapped Scootaloo as she pulled down part of her pants to show her flank, which had nothing on it.

"Well they don't seem to be that big of a deal to me," said Sturider.

"Well, they are to us! We want them so badly, but it seems like we'll never ever get them!" stated Sweetie Belle.

"But why do you want to get them so quickly? I'm sure that you'll get them someday at your own pace.' said Sturider.

"BUT WE WANT THEM NOW!!" shouted Apple Bloom.

"We just wanna try and get them in a quick pace!' snapped Scootaloo as she crossed her arms and looked away.

At this point, Sturider took a stern look on his face. "You three are not telling me the whole story about this Cutie Mark business."

"Yes, we are!' snapped Apple Bloom.

"No, you're not. there's more to your reasoning," said Sturider.

"No, there isn't! We already told you everything about it!" snapped Scootaloo, scrunching her muzzle as she gritted her teeth.

"You are not being truthful to me about it. I can sense a deeper reason within your minds," said Sturider. "Infact, the day when I first met those 2 other fillies you were arguing with, I could sense pain in your minds too. This Cutie Mark thing has something far deeper than what you're telling me now."

"Okay, maybe there is something," admitted Sweetie Belle. "But we don't really wanna talk about it."

"It would be better if you talked about it. Talking about it can be helpful. If you keep it bottled up in your minds, it will only take control of you." said Sturider. "Besides, a few of my Jedi comrades often had deep issues but when they didn't talk about it, it made them even worse than they were before. it gave them fear. And in the Jedi, Fear is an enemy."

"Why?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Because Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hatred, and then finally, hatred leads to suffering. And that's how you end up on the path to the Dark Side of the Force." explained Sturider. "And believe me, it happened to a few of my Jedi comrades. And when it did, they became dangerous threats. And some became Sith Lords, like what Count Dooku was."

The Crusaders were shocked to hear about this. It was clear to them that the Force was no joke and they certainly didn't want to fall to the Dark Side. And the many times they had troubles with their Cutie Marks, no one could really help them out with it. But after hearing what Sturider said, it was clear that no one else would help because they weren't being clear about why they wanted to get their Cutie Marks so badly. But here was a guy that was willing to help them out, and was currently training to become something so amazing. After a moment of thinking, Apple Bloom spoke.

"Alright. You got us. There is more to our Cutie Mark problems. The truth is, the reason we want our Cutie Marks so badly is because of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon."

"Really?" asked Sturider. "Do you wanna talk about It? I promise you it will make you feel better."

"Well, sometime before I knew Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would make fun of me. Just because I didn't have a Cutie Mark. And then Diamond Tiara invited me to a Cute-ceañera, a party celebratin' a foal gettin' their cutie mark, for herself. But only to brag about her own Cutie Mark, so I tried to get mine soon but I didn't then when I came to the cute-ceañera, Sweetie Belle and Scoots revealed themselves and stood up fer' me. And then the Cutie Mark Crusaders were born." Apple Bloom started to explain.

"But it didn't stop there. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon continued to insult us, Calling us: "losers" and "blank flanks" day in and day out. But things began to get worse." said Sweetie Belle as her eyes started to tear up. "They began to publicly humiliate us in front of our class. From shoving us in mud puddles, depantsing us, and wedgying us! But no matter how many times Miss Cheerilee told them off, they continued their bullying." continued Sweetie Belle as she covered her face as she started to shed a few tears.

"Then one day, we joined our school newspaper crew. And Diamond tiara was in charge of it, and we began writing gossip stories, that got so funny other ponies in the town started reading them, but soon the gossip started hurting their feelings. And when we tried to drop out Diamond Tiara blackmailed us with embarrassing photos to continue writing more gossip but then, everyone in town started treating us like garbage even Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash! And we were lucky to sneak an apology story in the next newspaper before Diamond Tiara could put the embarrassing photos of us in it. But they still continue their bullying on us! We can't have one day of peace at school without those 2 jerks bullying us in any format!" said Scootaloo as she fell to the ground covering her face as tears of her began to stream down her cheeks.

"Yeah! We only want our Cutie Marks so badly just to get them to stop bullyin' us! But no matter what we do or try, we can't seem to get them!" said Apple Bloom as her eyes welled up in tears too.

Then the Crusaders then broke out in tears and begun to sob on the spot, as Sturider stood in place. Shocked. This rivalry The Crusaders had with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was more serious than he thought. It seemed that Diamond Tiara and Silver Soon seemed to enjoy their bullying on the Crusaders specifically. He certainly knew there were others on the other planets that let riches and popularity get to their heads so much it turned them into jerks. But this was too far. Insults were one thing, but psychically humiliating and blackmailing were another. The Crusaders were treated so badly by those 2, they were desperate to do anything to try and get them to stop. As the Crusaders continued to sob, Sturider got onto his knees and pulled the three fillies into a hug. As they sobbed into his chest, he rubbed their backs, trying to soothe them. A few minutes passed as the Crusaders were soon done sobbing as they wiped their tears away with another handkerchief Apple Bloom had in her pocket.

"Oh, girls. I'm so sorry. I had no idea how much this affected you." said Sturider.

"Yeah. I bet you think we're pathetic for being this way," said Scootaloo.

"No, not at all. This is natural to feel this way when someone treats you so badly," said Sturider. "But I don't think getting your cutie Marks will solve this problem."

"What do you mean?" asked Apple Bloom.

"From what I heard from you three. It seems that riches, popularity, and their positions have taken control of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's minds. And I've encountered many beings who act like them, but oftentimes they still continue to act the same way, regardless if someone isn't bothered by them." said Sturider. "Besides, when I was telling you and the others at your school about my time in the Clone Wars, they seemed to get quite jealous of me."

'I don't blame them. I mean you can use The Force, you have fancy laser swords and a laser gun. And you were all over the galaxy." said Sweetie Belle. "How could they not be jealous?"

"Quite true, young one," said Sturider. "But back to your Cuties Marks, I think the way you three are trying to get them is foolish."

"Huh? Why?" asked Scootaloo, slightly offended.

"When you really want something you don't get it by trying to find it yourself, you get it by letting it find you. And gallivanting off on a whole bunch of random things is not the way to do it," explained Sturider. "You trying to get your Cutie Marks is kinda like how training to be a Jedi works. Most younglings I've meet often get too impatient about becoming Jedi that they try to find easy paths to becoming stronger with the Force. But when this happens, they often get seduced to the Dark Side of the Force. Or in most cases, they'll get expelled from the Order. Patience is an important factor in the Jedi. If you are patient, then you will soon become stronger with the Force and eventually become Jedi. And when you're patient, you can think calmly through things easier."

"I think Ah' know what yer' talkin' about," said Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, we're so busy trying to get our Cutie Marks sooner, that we end up making it harder for ourselves," added Scootaloo.

"Precisely. But if you 3 are to become Jedi Knights, you must have patience and calmness. And with my help, I can help you three with that." said Sturider as he stood up. "so, instead of concentrating on your Cutie Marks. I think you should concentrate on me training you to be Jedi. So, what do you three say?"

"Yeah, we can do that!" said Scootaloo.

"Just tell us what to do and we'll do it," said Sweetie Belle.

"And we'll be sure ta' follow all of yer' teachings, Master," said Apple Bloom.

"Good, now let's practice some more levitating." said, Sturider as he and the Crusaders went back to the rock pile so the three fillies could continue practicing their Force control.

Author's Note:

Phew! This is the longest chapter I wrote! But now that the Crusaders are learning more about the Force from Sturider. And even learning the importance of Patience in the Jedi Order. But what else could be in store for the Crusaders and the Jedi? And what could Diamond Tiara be planning?
We'll have to wait and see!