• Published 5th Dec 2016
  • 3,051 Views, 13 Comments

It's Too Early for This Sh*t - Lack of Tact

Mornings are amazing for a lot of people, for Sonata? She hates them.

  • ...

Screw Sunday Mornings

Author's Note:

After this, you could hate me as an author or as a person all you want.

I'll rewrite this later or something, I dunno.

"Burned eggs, are you kidding me 'Dagi?! How the shit do you burn eggs, they've only been on the skillet for like... a minute!" At this, I turned my head to the other girl, the orange tuft of hair shaking in anger as our other friend swore. They've been going at it for weeks, basically ever since we moved in.

"Don't you dare blame that on me, I told you to watch the damn oven! You couldn't even watch the side of a barn, could you?!" Adagio fired back, and it was obviously time for the purple haired Aria to respond. God I hate Sunday mornings the most, they were at their worst during the end of the week.

"Oh, I couldn't watch a barn huh?! Tch, at least I can cook properly, you dumb skan-" I only a rose a brow as Adagio's hand slapped across Aria's face, the taller of the two now fuming. Why did this have to happen to me, I just want a normal morning for once. Just to lie in my nice, warm bed until the later hours of the day. I let out a sigh of contentedness, but my thoughts were dashed only seconds later.

"You do not call me that, you hear me?! I'm the only one working, I have to pay the bills. All you do is sit on your ass all day every day watching some stupid kid shows with Sonata!" Ouch, uncalled for bringing me into this, but she does have a point. Both Aria and me never once bothered to go looking for jobs after our little... accident with The Rainbooms. As soon as Adagio found her place working at a diner, things have just been soaring downhill since. At least for us.

"Pfft, yeah, all you ever bring home is tips! That isn't exactly enough to live off of, 'Dagi. Get a real job, then you can complain!" Personally, I'm taking Adagio's side of this argument, I mean, I don't know when it turned into one. They were talking about eggs at first. I shake my head, now looking at Adagio yet again as I bring the mug I held compressed between my hands to my lips. Mm... Mama's glad she has her joe.

"Real job?! Real job?! Aria, do you even hear what's coming out of your dumbass mouth right now?! You don't even have one!" Shots fired I chuckle mentally, Aria's face contorting as her right eye twitched. I let out a sigh, a small twinge of a headache beginning to form.

"So?! It's still your fault we're even in this mess! Oh, let's just take the Equestrian magic and Oh, it'll be easy, a walk in the park. All we gotta do is beat the Rainbooms." Aria's tone was mocking, a hand raised as it mimicked what Adagio had indeed said only weeks ago. Now that I really think about it, she does make a point. I purse my lips, fighting the urge to smack them together as the coffee's aftertaste now starting to bite me. Aria blinked in confusion, raising the hand-puppet she'd just used to her cheek. "And did you just slap me?! You bitch!" How did... how did she just realize that? Adagio slapped her only a minute ago, or something like that. They say I'm the slow one.

"Yeah? Well if it hadn't have been for your lackluster singing, we'd have easily trumped those idiots!" Adagio didn't even acknowledge the second half of Aria's complaint, only continued to glare at her and vice versa. I watched with little interest, raising the white mug back to my lips again as Aria thought about a retort, her brows scrunching together.

"Y-yeah?! Well... well you're stupid!" Wow, that was. Wow, okay that was bad. From my seated position, I could only watch as Adagio reeled back in shock and surprise. How did that of all things get to her? God I hated these two almost as much as I loved them.

Suddenly Adagio's eyes were brimming with unshed tears, the transparent liquid forming at the ends of her lower-eyelids. "W-what... you, you really think so?" She sobbed out, I nearly blanched at this. Did she seriously take that much offense?

Aria's eyes softened as well, my face probably filled with much confusion as I watched the two's emotions change almost immediately. "No, I didn't mean that Adagio, God I'm sorry." The purple haired girl took a step closer to our orange haired friend, her arms open wide. "Forgive me?" I let a breath out in frustration, Adagio giving a small nod in return to Aria's apology as she herself approached Aria with her own arms open. And soon, they embraced. Normally, I'd have given a small 'aww, you guys made up all on your own!', but there was a reason why I didn't.

Not even four seconds in their "loving" embrace, Aria sniffed the air and her eyes shot open in a glare. "You left the fucking oven on?!" And just like that, a short sweet tender moment, ruined. All because-

"I told you to watch it, you said you could handle it!" Adagio pushed Aria away from her and crossed her arms over her chest in a 'hmph'. I remove one of my hands from the cozy embrace of the mug's warmth to the bridge of my nose. Every goddamn morning.

As the two continued their bickering back and forth, their screaming and yelling now no longer drawing my attention, I turn to face out of the window that was by my side. Thankful I was sitting, I was sure if I were standing I'd have somehow been dragged into that mess, I rest my elbow on the window's jutted frame, my other hand still gripping onto the mug that held my life-blood. Slowly, my eyes drift from the scenery of the outside world to the clock hung up on our kitchen wall. A sigh leaves me as I raise the caffeine back to my lips.

A crash occurs suddenly, signifying either Aria or Adagio had broken something in their fit, but I only shake my head as I was now beginning to grow a migraine.

"It's two in the God damned afternoon, it's too early for this shit."

Comments ( 13 )

:pinkiehappy: I resisted the recommendation. This is what I found.

Did I every tell you that the Sims is a very serious game for me? :rainbowlaugh:

Like it! Wouldn't call it massively out of character, either, except maybe the eyes watering at being called stupid, but even Sonata thinks how odd that is. I think it's the story Taco Quest that has the same argument of whether Adagio or Aria is more to blame, and Adagio points out that it's Aria pushing to go bigger and get do something to get their magic back, both in the opening scene of the film and the hallway outside the cafeteria.

It's okay, I guess, but not super funny.


Point noted, it's a game I take seriously as well... At least, when I'm not bored :rainbowlaugh:

I only said that because I know a lot of people don't.


Thanks for your input :twilightsmile:

I wasn't aiming for super funny, it was just an idea that wouldn't leave my head.

I intend on making it better at a later date, until then, this is what it is~

heh wow that was something

Awesome and very funny,I couldn't stop laughing!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

It's saddening seeing close friends (as close as non-biological siblings can be) fight like this. If Nata wants a home away from those 2 terrors for a while, I'd give her a roof over her head in a heartbeat.:pinkiehappy:

Hah. This was gold.

"It's two in the God damned afternoon, it's too early for this shit."

You said it, sister!

This was hilarious.

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