• Published 15th Dec 2016
  • 1,476 Views, 34 Comments

Under Her Wing - Memz

A man with a regular life, a talent for machinery and computer technology, and a massive fetish of magic, finds himself literally blasted into a whole new realm of possibilities. What could go wrong?

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1: The Book

Author's Note:

I've gone straight back into typing stories up on my tablet. It probably would have been easier on me to type it on my laptop, but I have my desktop sitting in my chair and I didn't feel like moving it, so tablet it was.

I have always been a fan of magic. The idea of a Human created and controlled paranormal state, regardless of the description used to describe it, always seemed to fascinate me. I had a small three row bookshelf, an assortment of both movies and books, entirely dedicated to magical fantasies and gag guides to magic, in the corner of my room.

I'm not afraid to admit, I'm a little bit of a magic nerd, whether it be British wand wielders, demon excorcists using prayers, or a kid and dragon running around learning magic and trying to dethrone a tyrant king. If it has a good idea of what magic is or could be, and has a good story as well, I'm guaranteed to get hooked, if my basic summary of Eragon wasn't enough of a clue.

But you came here to hear a story, not a description of how obsessed I am, I think. I doubt you came to listen to me obsess, so I suppose I shall start with the story.

Oh, before we start, it's probably a good idea to get comfortable, this is gonna be a long one.


The alarm rang for 8:00, but it was safe to ignore. I had school at ten, and I lived five minutes away, so what's the harm of ignoring it?


It keeps ringing if I ignore it. Right, I forgot.

After slapping my table trying to hit the oversized snooze button on my phone's touchscreen, I decided that I should go ahead and get up, since I was already awake. I performed the morning ritual of human equivalent cat-stretches, before jerking myself abruptly out of it and leaning from my bedside over to my bookshelf.

"What do I want to reread today?" I thought aloud, tracing my finger across each spine. "British wand wielders, live clay dragons, Erago- hmm?" My finger, and in turn my sight, had gone over the spine of a leather backed book with gold spine brace things. "Where'd this come from?" I pondered, pulling it out, "I don't remember having anything this fancy, ho...? 'Magic of the Soul', what kind of book is this? I guess I can check it out after I go clean up, since I have it..." I trailed off, before standing.

As I walked to the only bathroom, which was unfortunately on the other side of my house, I thought. What could the book be? Where did it come from? How did it end up on my shelf? Why did I carry it with me here? But I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror before I could think of anything else, and turned around to momentarily place the book against the wall outside, before checking myself over.

Acne ridden face and upper body? Check.

Grease-shined black hair? Check.

Radiating armpit stench? Hurgh, Ch, oh, ew, check.

Sweat stained cheap boxers? Eugh, also check, and going in the dirty boxers corner on that note.

Analysis results seem to say I need a shower...


Do I really have to describe a shower to you? I didn't think so. Now, where was I?


Towel wrapped around me, steam fogging my mirror, smells like soap, every part of my body rubbed raw and red... Best shower I've had in a while.

Now, to get dressed in something more appropriate, and then check out that... where'd I put the book? I looked down in the corner, remembering that I set it down there against the wall, and slipped my fingers back around the spine before making my way back to my bedroom, tossing my towel at the leather couch in my living room on the way, and worked some fresh boxers up my legs to cover the essentials after giving the book a small toss to land on my bed.

The book kept coming up in my mind, and I wasn't hungry yet, so I decided to delay breakfast so I could figure out what I've been thoughtlessly carrying around all morning. I got back on my bed and made myself comfortable, before positioning the book in my hands. I never got a chance to read it, however, because the moment I opened the book, I was hit in the face with a bright yellow beam that came straight from the book, and promptly fell unconscious.


No, no, that's not how it went... what happened again? Sorry, I'm having trouble remembering whether or not I got to read any of it before it blasted me. I can't remember anything about what it might have said, so I guess I'll stick without having read any of it. Anyway!


Next thing I know I feel like I'm everywhere and nowhere at the same time. A lot of details flew by before I could make sense of them, or was I flying by them? One detail, kind of remniscent of a video, however, managed to stay within my sight, so I decided to pay attention to what was going on within it.

A small room was pictured, with a heavy vault door keeping any unauthorized persons from coming in. There was an ovular, ornate mirror in the back, along with several odd looking trinkets scattered across the many shelves that lined the wall.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a cloaked quadrupedal creature, with red and yellow hair sticking out of the hood, as well as the rear. It resembled an equine, but the eyes were far too large to be an earthen equine, and the pupils gave an air of sentience. There was a bony protrusion jutting out of its forehead, not unlike a narwhal. A unicorn, through and through.

The unicorn approached the mirror, cautiously so as to not make noise, before raising a hoof to touch it. The moment its hoof touched, the mirror seemed to... wobble? After the wobbling stopped, the unicorn took a few paces back, before charging into the mirror, and becoming completely absorbed by it.

As fate would have it, the mirror must have not liked being charged into, because it turned a blood red, before flinging the unicorn out at such a high speed that when it hit the wall opposite the mirror, the wall was completely caved into the impact point, with spiderweb cracks extending fromnthe floor to the cieling, and the cloak around the unicorn began to take on blood, staining in several places. As the mirror faded back from red to a regular reflection, I felt a strange pulling sensation, in the direction of the unicorn.

All of a sudden, my world exploded in pain, and I was looking through what seemed to be the unicorn's perspective. I heard some terrified screams, and loud mentioning of a hospital, before my awareness failed me.