• Published 15th Dec 2016
  • 1,476 Views, 34 Comments

Under Her Wing - Memz

A man with a regular life, a talent for machinery and computer technology, and a massive fetish of magic, finds himself literally blasted into a whole new realm of possibilities. What could go wrong?

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2: The Hospital

Author's Note:

I hath graced thee with another chapter, painstakingly done entirely on my tablet. That's a positive occurence, well, at least I assume it is. Right?

Consciousness be damned, I'm waking up to a constant beep. Of course there is always something that's gonna keep me from relaxing, that's life for you. I shove my hooves under my pil... wait, hooves?

I have hands, if memory serves me right. When did I start reffering to them as hooves? Come to think of it, my fingers were completely numb, almost as if they weren't... there...

I opened my eyes and moved my eyes in the direction I heard the obnoxious beeping from, and felt my ears... do something. All of a sudden the constant beeping seemed to be right up on me, prompting me to groan and tilt myhead so I could find the source, only for streaks of ong, red and gold hair to enter my peripherals.

Wait, no.

That can't be right, can it?

As I become more aware and awake, I realize that the beep was coming from a heart rate monitor, and was starting to speed up in sync with my rising consciousness. I tried to move my head to look don as the rest of me, to confirm my fears, only to be blocked by something wrapped around my neck. I was right on time with starting to move, too, because not a moment later, and I heard a door open, with a series of approaching clop sounds accompanying it.

"Doctor, I think she's waking." She? "She's showing incresingly regulated heart rate, and showing signs of movement." Oh god. "Heart rate is rising further, I think we should keep an eye on her in case she needs sedatives." I'm a god damn FEMALE unicorn!? "She's struggling against her casts, can we get someone in here to hold her down?" No, I want my balls back first! "We need doctors in here, right now! Bring sedatives too!"

"Let... me... eugh!" I failed to rasp out, "LEMME GO!" I finally managed to yell through the sandpaper texture in my throat. In response, I got a hoof holding my forehead down, followed by more hooves holding each of my own down.

"Calm down, now, I don't want you breaking your casts and upsetting all of those bones we had to set now." I heard, before seeing what could only be the face behind the voice come into my range of vision, horn alight on her white face, with a red aura, and a needle syringe floating next to he, also covered in the red aura. "I don't want to have to sedate you either, so can you please try to calm down for me?"

Iforced myself still for a moment, staring at her face, "Eas... easy for you to say, when... when you're not the one freaking out." I resumed trying to break free of the grip, before feeling the pin of the syringe stabbing into the side of my neck.

"I'm sorry, but you were the one that asked for it." replied 'white face'.

"God... damn you..." I wheezed out. I guess I brought that upon myself.


I felt awareness return to me once again, and decided to open my eyes first thing this time. I saw the regular old bare white cieling, and looked around, to find another white face starung back, this one with a longer horn and some kind of colorful floating mane.

Its pink eyes were obviously puffy, and the face was contorted with both worry and relief. Obviously this equine cared much for th state of the equine I ended up somehow inhabiting, I had to think of something to say. "Hrrk..." I'm not sure I can talk, with how bad that just felt. Either way the noise prompted... 'longhorn' to respond to me.

"Sunset, don't talk." Sunset? I like that name. "You damaged your throat when you yelled during your little... tantrum. I ended day court the moment I heard."

"Courteaoww?" I forced out, unable to say anything coherent without feeling like an electric grinding wheel got shoved down my throat.

"Shush, Sunset. Yes, I ended court early to be here. What difference does it make, the only ponies that come to court now have either some ridiculous argument over something, or are looking to mooch off of my money. What difference does it make?" 'longhorn' responded.

"Riaeiiught!" I painfully ejected, before erupting into a fit of coughs that would have had me bent over at the stomach were it not for the cast that was practically an exoskeleton, with how it covered everything from just above my... lower stomach to the base of my neck,and goingabout halfway down each hoof , from what I could tell.

"Shush." 'longhorn' commanded, "At the least, let me get you some water. I imagine anypony's throught wou;d be severely parched after spending week sleeping in a hospital."

I expected her to leave to get water, but instead I saw her horn light up a golden yellow, and with little delay, there was a small paper cup sloshing over my face, prompting me to open my mouth. as soon as the gold lit cup's rim touched my lips, I ripped it out of the magic grip by clamping it with my teeth, and directed it to pour as fast as it could without dowsing my face, finishing it off within three seconds. I felt a little better, so I tried to vocalize that thought. "Betth" I managed.

"That's good, but try to keep it to a minimum, until your throat heals." She paused to look at what must have been a window, before standing, "It's almost time for me to go raise the moon, so I should probably get going. Just know that if you need anything, ask the doctors.Try not to throw any more tantrums for them, okay Sunset?"

As she began to walk off and out of my peripheral vision, I began to think. Who was she? Why did she have wavy hair? Why did she talk about raising the moon as if she could actually grab it and move it? What was this Day Court she talked about? Did I inhabit the body of a close friend to a magic queen or something?

One thing is for sure, this is going to be a long hospital stay.