• Published 20th Dec 2016
  • 2,376 Views, 61 Comments

Fairy Tail: Light and Dark - Moonlight Spark

An MLP x Fairy Tail crossover. It starts in Manehattan, where twilight and her friends along with the CMC, where having a trip until they met an unusual pegasus, a cat, and an earth pony. Which made their trip into a ever ending journey.

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Chapter 11 - Clash of the Warriors

Fairy Tail: Light and Dark
Chapter 11: Clash of the Warriors

Written by: Moonlight Spark


Previously on Fairy Tail

*Natsu didn't hesitate as he flew up, wings and hooves blazing as he charges towards him.*

Blizzard only smirked as his horn glowed, a barrage of ice shards flew towards Natsu.*

Natsu avoided the ice shards but as he did, the shards turned to him. Natsu used his blazing hooves to block the shards as it collides with him.*

Blizzard: Ice make: Manticores!

*The ice formed into three manticores made of ice in front of the trio.*

Blizzard: Ice make: Vines!

*Vines made of ice sprouted from under Lucy and Happy and grabs them both, wrapping itself round them.*

Natsu: You jerk! I'm gonna make sure your ice turns into a puddle!

Blizzard: You fool, you do know whenever I touch somepony, will be frozen. Oh wait, you don't.

Lucy & Happy: Natsu!

Blizzard: Do not worry. You will soon meet the same fate.

*The ice broke and an intense fire erupted, Blizzard was blown back by the force to a pillar. As he stood up, he saw Natsu, his hooves and wings blazing once again.*

Natsu: If you want to mess with my friends, you have to get through me.

Natsu: Cause i'm all fired up now!

Blizzard: Ice shards!

*Multiple ice shards are going towards where Natsu was standing.*

Natsu: Fire dragon: Roar!

*He released a stream of fire, burning away the shards as it continues on it's path towards Blizzard. Blizzard then casted an ice wall to block the attack, only to break. Much to his shock.*

Natsu: Fire dragon: Wing attack!

*Natsu then jumps into the air, and then ignites two streams of fire from his wings, subsequently swinging such streams at Blizzard and blowing him away.*

Happy: Natsu, you did it!

Blizzard: This...isn't over...Natsu Dragneel.

*The portal that Typhoone went in appeared behind him. He ran in and then the portal disappeared.*

*Suddenly, the whole castle was starting to collapse. Behind them an ice door opened as they hurriedly ran in before the castle collapsed.*

Sunset: You guys made it!

Lucy: Yeah.

Sunset: Two down, two to go. and the last is Cysgod.

Lucy: I hope the others are gonna be okay.

Cysgod: You failed me, Blizzard.

Blizzard: I would accept any punishment you may give to me.

*Cysgod didn't say anything as he took his magic that he gave to Blizzard from him. Blizzard then fell to the ground unconscious.*

*The cracks on Blizzard's are getting bigger, as the his magic was not enough to heal them.*

*Cysgod levitated his body and threw him into a portal to the Frozen North as he knew it was the only way to heal him. He then closed the portal.*

*He then turned to look at the last two fight.*

Cysgod: Time to see what they're capable of…


At the arena

The fight between Abyssal and Drac against Crescent has already begun and both Drac and abyssal are getting tired while Crescent hasn't broken a sweat.

“This stallion is tough! I don’t think we can fight much longer.” Drac said as he panted.

“I know…We have to end this now.” Abyssal said as he requipped into his heaven’s wheel armor as he took to the skies while Drac charged towards Crescent with his hammer ready.

Crescent only stood there as swords formed from his magic appeared and flew towards them.

Abyssal blocks most of the swords and a barrage of his own magic sword collided with Crescent's with some were going towards him. He blocks it easily with his sword.

While he was distracted, Drac slams his hammer and a crack was going towards Crescent’s position and as it did, a vortex of flames erupted from the ground.

But as he was about to take a breather, Crescent evaded the attack and was about to strike at him, until something blocked his attack.

Abyssal was wearing his adamantite armor and he blocked his strike with a barrier as he combined the two shields together. Crescent jumped back away from them as his magic swords appeared and flew towards them.

Abyssal hold his ground as his shield blocks the swords. After that, he changed to his black wing armor and flies up before lunging. Crescent was about to attack but he saw Drac charging at him. He jumped up but he was too late to realize as Abyssal rushed past him, slashing him in a cross pattern.

He crashed to the ground. He slowly recovered and as two black colored swords appeared beside him.

Abyssal lands beside Drac as he panted for breath and his armor disappeared and turned back into his vest. Drac and Abyssal both took a stance as Crescent charged towards them. He strikes Abyssal with one of his sword but it was blocked while he strikes Drac with his second sword, but Drac evaded.

The sound of swords clashing echoed to the arena for awhile, until Crescent jumps back. He summoned more magical swords and sends them towards Drac. Abyssal ran in front of Drac and blocks the swords, but a single sword was flying quickly behind him. Drac saw this coming and blocks it, then the sword flashed a bright light as an explosion was heard in the arena.

As Abyssal slowly recovers from the explosion, he caught a sight of Drac crashing towards the arena walls and layed unconscious while his hammer landed on the other side. He gasped in horror as he knew Drac took the blast the most.

He turned to Crescent and gritted his teeth in anger as he finally stood up. He was badly bruised and pretty exhausted while Crescent wasn't showing any signs of stopping.

“I'm not...going to give up.” He said softly as he glowed slightly. “I won't stop...until you and the rest of the Grimoire Mind are beaten.” The glow was brightening more and more. As he look at Crescent, “And because of what you did to Drac…” A bright light flashed Crescent, making him to cover his eyes.

As the flash faded, Abyssal was wearing a different kind of armor. The wings were black bat wings. The whole armor was similar to the black wing armor, but the color was dark blue and the crescent moon mark in front of his chestplate. His magic levitates two swords as he took a stance.

“...You will pay for it!” He then charged in a lightning quick pace. Crescent barely blocked the attack just in time but the attack didn't stop there. Abyssal slashes and strikes with his swords very quickly at him as Crescent blocks them one by one, until a powerful strike knocks Crescent towards the wall.

As Crescent stood up and shook the effects, Abyssal disappeared. As he look around, he turned and blocked his attack before jumping back and sending magical swords towards him.

As the swords was near Abyssal, they exploded around him. But Abyssal protected himself using his wings. He charged once more, then he disappeared again.

Crescent caught a glimpse of a magic sword flying towards him. He blocked it but it suddenly exploded. He was sent into the air where Abyssal is and slashed him with his sword before landing back to the arena and plunging the two sword across each other.

Then two large magical blades rose from the ground and strikes pass Crescent. Crescent’s eyes widen as he felt the pain.

As the two blades retracted back to the ground, Abyssal made a greatsword and charges towards him and lands the final blow before landing to the ground and the sword disappeared.

Crescent crashed to the ground with a thud. Then the red accent of Crescent's armor glowed before turning into gold colored.

Abyssal was breathing heavily as the wings disappeared and his armor turned into his vest and the swords disappeared before collapsing in exhaustion.

A little while, he slowly opened his eyes and he saw Drac. He had bandages on around his body.

“Thank Celestia, you're all right.” Drac said with a sigh in relief. Abyssal leaned into the column. His body was also covered in bandages and he gritted his teeth from the pain.

“Where am I?” He asked as he look around.

“We're still in the arena. But after you beat him, a gate suddenly opened. Maybe that's our way out.” He said as he points at the said gate.

Abyssal looked at the gate. Then he turned to Crescent who was on the other side of the column.

Crescent was still unconscious but alive.

“What about him?” Abyssal asked.

“He's fine, except you gave him a strong beating.” Drac replied with a grin.

“Well, we should go.” Abyssal said as he slowly stood up, not minding the pain from his aching body.

“Right.” He agreed as he stood up and took Crescent and placed him on his back. Then they both walked out of the arena and back to the guildhall of Grimoire Mind.

As they arrive, they saw Sunset and Lucy, breaking up Natsu and Gray’s brawl while Happy watched them try. They all saw Abyssal and Drac and an unconscious Crescent on Drac’s back.

“You guys made it!” Happy said happily.

“Yes, Happy.” Abyssal said with a small smile.

“I bet you two are exhausted from your fight.” Sunset said calmly.

“Yup, but Abyssal was the one to beat him.” Drac said as he points at Crescent.

“Wait, why did you bring him here?” Lucy asked with a worried look.

“I don't think he's a member of the Grimoire Mind.” Drac said flatly. He sets Crescent down beside the wall.

Then the door to Cysgod’s lair got their attention as the magic lock on the right side broke.

“That's three down and one to go.” Sunset said calmly.

“I bet it's the mare that’s been controlling the guards on Manehattan.” Gray said.

“Well, that's no problem to Bloodmoon and Ember. They can take her!” Happy said.

“Yeah, there's no way they can't win this!” Natsu said with a toothy grin.

“Now hold on, you two. We don't really know what that mare can do.” Abyssal said as he looks at the door leading to the room where Bloodmoon, Ember and Eclipse are.

“I just hope they're gonna be alright.” He said softly.



Bloodmoon, Ember, and Eclipse were staring at each other as they took a stance and readies to attack.


At Cysgod’s lair

Cysgod was very furious that he saw his best fighter gets beaten and his control over him was broken.

“Curse these wizard's!! They defeated Crescent and broke my control over him. They also defeated Typhoone and Blizzard.” He said in a furious tone.

He then calmed down and grinned evilly.

“But no matter, if my vision was right, my plan will work and I will have control over one of their strongest wizards. And no one can stop me!” He said as he starts laughing evilly.


Next Time on Fairy Tail…

Natsu: Oh boy, we'll finally get to see Bloodmoon in a fight.

Happy: But we already did.

Natsu: Not that kind of fight!

Lucy: But I wonder what would Crescent tell us about Cysgod?

Happy: We should ask him after he wakes up.

*Next time: Mind over magic*

Lucy: She's the last wizard before we face Cysgod. and I know she won't be easy.

Happy: Come on, you guys can do it!

Author's Note:

Finally chapter 11 is done. I'm very sorry for the long wait. School is coming up so the rest of the chapters might be longer to finish but I'll try what I can to finish the next chapter faster. Thnx for your patience and enjoy the chapter.:heart::heart: