• Published 20th Dec 2016
  • 2,376 Views, 61 Comments

Fairy Tail: Light and Dark - Moonlight Spark

An MLP x Fairy Tail crossover. It starts in Manehattan, where twilight and her friends along with the CMC, where having a trip until they met an unusual pegasus, a cat, and an earth pony. Which made their trip into a ever ending journey.

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Chapter 15 - Light Of Harmony

Fairy Tail: Light and Dark

Chapter 15 - Light Of Harmony

Written by: Moonlight Spark

Previously on Fairy Tail

Happy: Natsu and the others were captured by Cysgod and left Ember to fight him on her own. Cysgod was too powerful but before he could finished her off, everything went white and a beacon of light shined to the sky, getting the attention of Manehattan, including Master Makarov. He would then get Twilight and her friends to help us. Oh, in case you're wondering where Natsu and Lucy is, they're still captured. So without further ado, enjoy the story!


In the forest near the the dark guild's lair, Twilight and her friends, along with Dawn, Loli, Rox, Striker, and Apatelodes. They stopped when they saw a large group of the dark wizards slowly recover from their last battle. They spotted them as they suddenly surrounded the group.

“There's too many of them! What do we do?” Spike said in a scared tone, hiding behind Twilight.

Apatelodes then turned to Twilight. “Hey, princess. Do you think you can teleport you and your friends inside the building?” He asked in a calm tone.

Twilight turned to him and replied, “I could try...but what about you?” She asked, worried about what he's planning.

“Don't worry about us. Our job is to get you and your friends here safe so you can help the others inside. We'll take care of these guys.” Striker answered her. Dawn and Loli smiled at them.

“We'll be fine. Just go help Bloodmoon and the others!” Rox said with her calm tone and small smile. Twilight gave a small smile and nodded as her horn was wrapped with her magic aura as she and the bearers disappeared.

They then turned back to the task at hoof. Taking out the wizards. Suddenly, Rox had a idea as she turned to them.

“Hey, wanna make this fight a little more interesting?” She asked them with a grin. Dawn, Loli, and Striker grinned and nodded while Apatelodes only sighed as he also knew what they're planning.

“The pony, or changeling, with the highest wizards took down wins?” Loli asked as they, except Apatelodes, nodded before turning to their enemy.

They hold their ground as earth ponies and pegasi charged towards them, armed with either a sword or a spear. The unicorns started casting offensive spells far from them.

Rox was the first to act as a magic circle appeared from where she's standing and she stomps a hoof to the ground as much force as she can muster as the ground began to shake, interrupting the unicorn’s spell casting and making the ponies on the ground bump into each other and losing their balance. A crack on the ground coming from where she stomped her hoof slithered it's way towards the ponies in front of her creating a large straight crack. Then she raised her hoof once again and punched the ground one more time as the crack got wider and suddenly sand suddenly burst from the cracks, making those who were near the cracks fly to the sides while those standing between the crack where launched to the air. The sand bursting from the cracks also managed to hit several pegasi near it. The sand then falls back to the crack as it closed like nothing happened. The ponies who were launched fell down to the ground hard and unconscious.

While the others were slowly recovering, it was Dawn’s turn as he materialized a sword and grabs it with his magic. Then, fire ignited from the sword as it covers the blade of the sword in flames. He then summoned three small fireballs circling the flame sword before flying up in the air and swings his sword, launching a fireball to a small group of unicorns and earth ponies, as an explosion blows them away. He swung it once more as another fireball struck another group, this time a group of pegasi mid air. The last fireball was launched towards another group of pegasi, as they all fell down to the ground unconscious. He then readies his sword as he charged towards a large group of sword wielding earth ponies, slashing and slicing his way until the final pony fell.

Loli was surrounded by a large group of ponies. She threw a candy cane at one side of the group as it hits a stallion right in the face. As he took the candy cane off his face, the group laughed loudly before it was interrupted by a loud explosion and their bodies blown away by an explosion. They turned to the group who was exploded and turned back to her. They saw her standing in her back hooves as she holds similar candy canes in her hooves. They realized there was a fuse at the bottom of the candy cane as it suddenly lit and the candy canes flew like small fireworks and landing on a small group, blowing them up knocking them unconscious.

As they returned to their senses, they charged at her as her magic circle appeared from where she's standing as candy canes materialized from nothing and the fuses were lit and launched towards the group. Everything around her were covered in explosions and smokes. As the explosion disappears and the smoke fading, Loli was back on four hooves as the ponies were knocked unconscious in a crater.

Striker was having a bit more trouble than the others. He was against a large group of wizards and mages endlessly launching spells at him. He would constantly blocks them with his shield, deflect or dodge the spells while trying to find a way how to get close. He then thought of an idea as he disappeared from sight. The wizards looked around to find him. Striker was between them, disguised as one of the wizards. He changes back to himself, sword and shield at the ready as he faded and the slashes and strikes can be seen as he appeared back to where he was before as the unicorns all fell down unconscious.

Dawn, Loli, and Rox started walking towards him.

“So, how many did you guys took down?” Rox asked them. Dawn was the first to answer.

“I got 22.” He said.

“I only got 20.” Loli said, a bit sad that she lost but then gave a smile.

“25 for me.” Rox said with a victorious grin.

“Only 23.” Striker said.

“What about you, Apatelodes?” Rox asked as they turned to him only to find that he was sitting at the top of a pile of ponies.

“I got the last 30 enemies. Guess I won your little bet…” Apatelodes said with a calm tone. Rox jaw dropped in shock. Dawn, Loli, and Striker laughed.

Apatelodes jumped down and walked towards them. Rox gritted her teeth in anger but then calmed down as she sighed in defeat and holds the bag full of bits of the three of them.

“Here's your winnings…” She said softly as she looked away. Apatelodes took it with his magic and put it inside his saddlebag.

“Now that we're done here, should we go inside and help them?” Dawn asked.

“Right, let's go.” Apatelodes said as he took the lead and they followed him towards the guildhouse.


While the battle from outside began, Twilight and her friends already went inside the door in the middle and was reaching their destination. As they were near the door to the next room, the ground shook as they stumbled except for Rainbow Dash, who was currently flying. The shaking then slowly stopped as they regained their balance.

“What was that?” Rainbow asked.

“I think it's coming from that door, come on we have to hurry.” Twilight said as they continued to walk. They stopped in front of a large wooden door. They tried to push it open but it won't budge.

“Now what do we do?” Pinkie asked. While the rest was thinking of a way, their gems of their elements suddenly glowed and was reacting at a powerful magic coming from behind the door. While the others were asking what's happening, Applejack looked back at the door and she closed her eyes and concentrated as something was unlocked inside her. Rarity turned to her and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Applejack, what are you doing?” She asked in confusion but Applejack didn't answer. As Applejack opened her eyes, an orange magic circle appeared on the ground where she was standing. She then punch the floor with a strong force. For a second nothing happened, then suddenly they felt the ground shaking as the floor in front of her suddenly creating a small fissure towards the door, knocking the giant doors off their hinges as it slowly fell to the ground with a loud bang.


Bloodmoon and the others were freed after the room went white. He formed a large healing barrier around them, protecting them from projectiles while also healing their injuries.

They were mostly drained of their magic but Bloodmoon has enough to hold the barrier for long as they could only watch a white figure flying around Cysgod.

Cysgod growled at the figure as a group of orbs of dark magic appeared in front of him and was sent towards the figure. The figure dodged and destroys the flying orbs as it's horn glowed in bright yellow aura.

Suddenly, small yellow magic circles appeared around the huge room.

“Light magic: Holy Javelin Barrage!” Then javelins made of light were launched at Cysgod.

“Gah!!” Cysgod cried out in pain as he was hit from all sides as a huge dust cloud formed around Cysgod.

The figure can't quite see if it did the trick. It's question were answered by a claw smacking at its side as it crashed to the wall. The force was strong to have cracks forming from where it landed.

The dust faded and the figure used its wing to form a barrier around it in time. It then flaps them and flew out of the crater.

It then stopped mid-air in front of Cysgod.

The figure was glowing brightly
Cysgod stared at the mysterious figure in front of him. He then grinned widely.

"So, this is your true form...heh, the dark order weren't kidding when they said your filled with light and hope. But nonetheless, I'm still stronger than you. Thanks to your fellow fairies, my magic is more powerful than ever!"

A small orb of dark magic appeared above of Cysgod and was slowly getting bigger and bigger.

"You maybe powerful, Cysgod. But I will protect my friends and everyone else from dark creatures such as you!" The figure said in a feminine voice as her horn was glowing in a yellow aura, a yellow orb of light appeared as it was charged with powerful magic.

The large ball of dark magic, that stopped expanding, was thrown towards her. Meanwhile, the charging of the spell was finish as the orb let's out a large beam of magic towards the dark orb.

As the beam struck the dark ball it slowly halted to a stop in mid-air. The beam kept it there for awhile before cracks began to form at the dark orb.

“What?! Impossible!!” Cysgod yelled in surprised. His surprised look then turned into a scowl as he poured more dark magic into it, the cracks slowly disappearing and the large orb slowly started to move again.

The figure was slowly being pushed back, gritting her teeth as she tried to push it back.

“Ember…” Bloodmoon said in a worried tone as he and the others could only watch. Crescent, Abyssal, and Drac were still healing from their injuries from their last battle. Sunset was still tending to Gray’s injuries from their fight against Typhoone while also tending to her own. They were still suffering from Cysgod’s last attack.

Then they heard a large bang from behind them. As they turn back, the saw the huge door on the floor as the Element bearers running towards them.

As they reached inside the bubble, Bloodmoon was first to ask questions.

“What are you all doing here?” He asked calmly. Twilight was the one to reply.

“We're here to help, Bloodmoon.” The others nodded in agreement.

Then Rainbow Dash noticed Eclipse. Eclipse noticed the look of anger on her face as she only look away. “Hold on, isn't that one of the dark wizards who attacked Manehattan? What is she still doing here?!” She said angrily. Before she could fly towards her, Applejack grabbed her tail and pulled her back before she could get away.

“Now hold it, Rainbow. She must be here for a reason, am I right?” She asked Bloodmoon, who nodded.

“It better be good…” She said as she glared at Eclipse.

“Besides, now is not the time for this. We we're sent by Master Makarov to help you beat Cysgod. Do you have a plan?” Applejack asked again.

Bloodmoon thought for a second as he look at the bearers and to Ember then back to them. “I think I have one, but first we need to help Ember…” He said calmly.

Lucy was looking around for Natsu but didn't see him. “Hey, did any of you guys saw Natsu?” She ask.

“What?” Bloodmoon turned to the action and saw a ball of flame flying towards the massive ball of dark magic.

“That moron, he doesn't know when to quit!” Gray said as he stood and ran towards him.

“Gray, hold on! I'm helping!” Sunset shouted at them as she followed him.

“Come on, Happy. Ember needs our help!” Lucy said as she ran towards them.

“Aye!” Happy said in agreement as he followed them.

“Up for another round, Abyssal?” Drac said with a grin.

“Let's go…” Abyssal said, Crescent nodding in agreement as the trio followed them. Eclipse looked at them in surprise.

“But they're still drained of their magic...how did…”

“That’s Fairy Tail for ya…” Bloodmoon spoke up as Eclipse and the bearers turn to him. “We look out for each other and help our comrades no matter what.” He continued. Eclipse was still in her surprised state as she listened to what he said.

‘A guild filled with members who look out for each other help those in need…’ She thought.


Ember was still struggling to push back the massive ball of dark magic.

‘I can't hold it forever...I need to do something quick!’ She then notice a strong magical force similar to hers coming from Bloodmoon’s healing barrier. She saw the element bearers talking to Bloodmoon.

‘The bearers...that's it!’ She said as she had a plan. But first, she needed a way to destroy this.

Then suddenly, she saw a ball of flame flying towards the dark ball. As it collides with the dark ball, a small explosion occurred as a familiar flaming pegasus was pushing with much force as he could muster.

“Natsu?” She said in a shock but soft tone.

Then a large wall of flame burst from the ground and blocked the large beam of magic pushing the dark ball. Sunset was keeping the beam from pushing it.

Then Drac was suddenly seen above the dark ball with his hammer lifted above his head. “Meteor Smash!” He brought his hammer down with strong force on the top of the ball, a small crack started to grow as it leaked with dark magic.

Crescent’s sword glowed in azure color as he took a stance. “Midnight Slash!” He swings his sword as an azure crescent wave of magic was launched at the dark ball. It created a small explosion as it hits on the left side of the dark ball. Cracks were starting to to be visible as it continues to leak more of Cysgod’s dark magic.

Cysgod launch a few dark magic missiles at Sunset, but was all blocked by Gray’s ice shield.

Abyssal requipped into his Heaven's Judgement armor and launched magical swords at Cysgod, grabbing his distraction and making him almost lose his focus on keeping the dark beam.

Natsu flew back away from the weakening dark ball. “Fire Dragon: Roar! He spewed out flames from his muzzle and towards the ball. More cracks started to grow as it was about to burst.

Ember flew back away from the dark ball as her horn lit up with her magic. After a few seconds of channeling, a large beam of light shot through the dark ball, destroying it, and launched past the flames and collides with the beam, pushing it back towards Cysgod as her beam hits him, knocking Cysgod into a wall.

Natsu and the others regrouped at the middle of the large room. Ember landed in the middle when Bloodmoon, Eclipse, and the bearers arrived.

They were surprised but also amazed when they saw her. They can see a yellow aura of a powerful magic was flowing around her body and ethereal angelic wings on her sides.

“Ember, are you alright?” Bloodmoon was the first to speak.

Ember nodded with a small smile. “I'm fine, brother…” She said calmly.

“Whoa, Ember! You look awesome!” Natsu spoke up with a toothy grin on his face.

“Oh um, t-thanks…” Ember replied sheepishly.

“I agree with flame for brains.” Gray said calmly, agreeing with Natsu’s compliment.

“It's nice to hear you say that but I think we still need to find a way to beat Cysgod once and for all.” She said in a more serious tone. But not too serious, just the right tone.

“I can feel a strong magical energy coming from you...it may be powerful enough to beat Cysgod.” Eclipse stated.

“But he also stole some of our magical energy so he's even more powerful than before. Ember’s last attack awhile ago only dazed him.” Abyssal said.

As they continue to think of a way, Sunset and Twilight suddenly spoke up.

“I got an idea!” They said loudly in unison before blinking in confusion as they look at each other.

“You both have an idea?” Bloodmoon asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, When we last use the elements we used it on Cloud Dasher when he was being controlled by Cysgod and started attacking the guildhouse...” Twilight started. “The elements manage to release him from Cysgod’s spell.” She continued.

Bloodmoon put a hoof on his chin. “So your saying that you will use the elements on Cysgod?” He asked curiously.

Twilight nodded in agreement. “But the only problem is that the elements may not be powerful enough-”

“Which brings to my idea…” Sunset said as they turned to her, confused.

“What is it?”

“Eclipse mentioned that Ember’s magic on her current form may be powerful enough to beat Cysgod if he hadn't stole our magic. What if Twilight and her friends combine the elements of harmony’s magic to Ember’s own.” She explained.

Ember thought about it as she gasped softly at the realization. “It just might work…” She said at the sudden realization.

“Can you do it, Twilight?” Sunset asked her.

“I'm not sure, but we'll try…” She responded with a bit of a worry tone.

“That's good enough.” Sunset said calmly with a comforting smile.

“Then let's do it.” Bloodmoon turned to the bearers. “Princess, you and bearers must combine the element’s magic with Ember’s own. The rest of us will distract Cysgod and give you some time. Is everypony okay with that?” He asked the group, a lot of nods in agreement came from them.

“Then let's go. It's time to end this!” Bloodmoon stated.


The plan was now in motion. The group were currently distracting Cysgod while Ember and the bearers finished casting what it might be the final attack.

Eclipse, Drac, Crescent, and Abyssal were attacking Cysgod on the left side while Natsu, Gray, Sunset, Lucy along with Happy are attacking him on the right. Bloodmoon was attacking him in the middle.

The bearers nodded at each other as theyclosed their eyes and concentrate. The gems in the necklaces and Twilight’s crown glowed brightly as an aura covered the bearers as they floated off the ground and up.

Ember was flying in the middle of the room as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes to concentrate. Her horn slowly glowed brightly. A small orb of light that is slowly getting bigger. White electricity crackles as it came from the ball of light.

The group manage to pin the tentacles that was used to catch them to the ground or in the wall. Bloodmoon turned back to Ember as she was almost complete with the spell.

The element’s magic started to combine with the ball of light as a rainbow was circling the ball.

As Ember opened her eyes, it was glowing white.

“Final Light!” A large beam of energy was suddenly heading straight towards Cysgod. The rainbow streak was circling the beam as it got close.

The rest of the group manage to back away as Cysgod puts down a barrier. The beam collided with the barrier and was trying to break through it. Cysgod tried to keep the barrier up until he saw the cracks on the barrier. His eyes widen in shock when the barrier broke as a sound of something fragile breaking was heard. After that, the room went white.

At the Fairy Tail Guildhouse…

The guildhouse was back to what it looked like before Cloud’s attack when Cysgod controlled him. The wizards were currently chatting with each other with their drinks. Fleur was serving the drinks to everyone while Master Makarov was currently sitting on the counter in a crossed-legged position. He and Cloud Dasher had a conversation awhile ago before he left the building.

“Is something bothering you, Master?” He looked up at Fleur as she asked him after she finished serving the drinks.

He look at her at first before he sighed and explained what's bothering him.

“It's about everything that has happened today. I feel things may get worse from here on out...I'm hoping we're prepared for what's to come in the future.” Makarov sighed before his mood suddenly changed.

“Or maybe that's just the stress from the events that has occurred…” He said with a bit of a cheery tone. Fleur giggled lightly at him.

“Oh, Master…” She said as she stopped giggling. “Well, I just hope the others are alright.” She said calmly as she continued to serve the patrons.


As the light began to die down, the room was quiet. The Fairy Tail members and the bearers was knocked down. Ember gently landed on the ground as the aura and her ethereal wings faded as she slumped to the ground, breathing heavily after using ounces of her magic put into the last attack.

Cysgod was nowhere seen in the room. Though a black orb is calmly floating at where Cysgod was before he disappeared.

Then, one by one the group slowly stood up and Bloodmoon wasted no time and went to his sister’s side.

“Ember, are you alright?” He asked her in a worried tone.

She gave him a smile and nodded. “I'm fine...just tired is all…” She said as Bloodmoon helped her stand up.

“Where's Cysgod?” Sunset asked.

Ember looked at the floating orb as she uses her magic to float it towards them.

“Cysgod’s physical body has been destroyed, but his soul is now trapped in this orb and will serve as his prison for eternity…” Ember explained calmly.

“Once we return to the guild, I'll talk with gramps and hide the orb below our guildhouse.” Bloodmoon said.

“I'm glad this is all over! I can't wait to hit the hay after this.” Natsu said as he started stretching.

“Aye sir!” Happy added in agreement.

“Yeah, but...what about you, Eclipse?” Lucy said to Eclipse as she turned to her.

“Huh? Uhm...well, I'm not sure. The guild was my only home...but now that it's gone, I have nowhere to go.” Eclipse said sadly.

“You can come with us back to our guild.” Gray suggested. Eclipse was surprised at that.


“That's a great idea, ice queen!” Natsu said, which then the two starred butting heads again.

“What did you say, flame for brains?!”

“You heard me, ice prick!!”

“They're back at it again.” Lucy said with a sigh of defeat.

“Aye…” Happy agreed.

As the two started fighting, Eclipse turned to Bloodmoon and Ember as the siblings walked towards her.

“Maybe you could go with us back to the guild. I'm sure that Master Makarov would forgive you…” Bloodmoon said calmly.

“But...the things I've done...Why would you forgive me for what I've done so easily?” She asked, looking away in shame.

Then suddenly, Sunset puts a hoof on her shoulder. Eclipse turned to her as she gave a small smile.

“I know how you feel...before I became a member of Fairy Tail, I wanted nothing more than to be powerful whatever it takes so I won't need anypony’s help…” Sunset then started to tell her the time when she stole Twilight’s crown and become a raging she-demon until she was defeated and was forgiven for her mistakes. Eclipse was shocked but listened through the whole story with interest.

After she finished, Sunset sighed as she look back at Eclipse.

“Wow...I have no idea…” Eclipse said softly.

“Yeah, I kinda get that a lot…” She said with a light chuckle.

Eclipse smiled a little. “Well, we should get going now.” Bloodmoon said as the group prepared to leave.

But a sleep spell was casted as those caught in the spell slowly became drowsy until fell asleep. All except for Bloodmoon, and Ember. They both look at the where it's coming and saw the cloacked pony at the door, standing quietly.

Bloodmoon narrowed his eyes as the pony. “What are you doing here?” He asked as he stared at the pony. He can't see his face as it was mostly covered except for the eyes.

“Mystogan…” Ember said softly as she look at the pony known as Mystogan.

Mystogan didn't say anything as he only turned and walk away. His body started to blur during his walk until he slowly disappeared. The spell broke as he left and the group slowly awoke and stood up.

“W-what happened?” Lucy asked, a bit drowsy still.

“Mystogan came here…” Bloodmoon said calmly as the others was shocked.

“He's here?! Where!” Natsu said, irritated at Mystogan’s sleep spell.

“Calm down, Natsu. He already left…” Ember said.

“Why was he here?” Abyssal asked curiously.

“I don't know…”

“Um...who's this Mystogan?” Eclipse asked, confused.

“We’ll tell you on the way. Though he's another member of the guild. An S rank wizard and also the most mysterious.” Bloodmoon explained.

“I see.” She said, a bit interested.

“Well, let's go everyone. When we get back to the guild, I think a celebration is in order.” Ember said excitedly.

“Oh yeah!” Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Happy, and Sunset yelled in joy.

Drac grinned. “Can't wait for that.” He said.

Abyssal nodded in agreement. “I think it's a great idea.” He said calmly.

Bloodmoon turned to the bearers. “Would you six care to join us?” He asked politely.

“Heck yeah I'm in!” Rainbow Dash said with an excited tone.

“Me too.” Applejack said, accepting the invitation.

“Me three!” Pinkie said in a cheerful voice.

“I'll also accept your invitation.” Rarity said.

“I'll gladly join my friends in the celebration.” Fluttershy said in a soft voice.

“Looks like we'll all go.” Twilight said to him.

As they got out of the room and back to the main room, they saw Apatelodes, Stryker, Dawn, Loli, and Rox finished tying up the enemy wizards.

“Hey Dawn!” Natsu ran over to Dawn.

“Natsu, you're alright!” Dawn said as he and Natsu gave a hoof bump.

“Lucy! You're alright.” Loli said as she and Lucy hugged each other.

“You two, Loli.” Lucy said as they broke the hug.

“I guess you handled yourself pretty well.” Rox said jokingly at Abyssal as she look at the bandages around his injured body.

“Eh, I can still stand on my own. So don't expect me to faint and fall to your hooves…” Abyssal said with a wink, which made her blush as she glares at him.

“W-what? Why would I think that?!” Rox said angrily as her cheeks were red. He chuckled lightly at her embarrassment.

“I'm kidding. I'll be fine when we get back to the guild.” He said calmly with a small smile.

“I-I know that…” She said softly as she look away embarrassed.

Stryker and Drac were already talking with each other.

Meanwhile Bloodmoon, Ember, the bearers, and Eclipse looked at them until Apatelodes walk over to them.

“It seems it's all over now.” He said as Bloodmoon look at him.

“Yeah, it is…” He said as he had something else in his mind.

“Is there something wrong?” Apatelodes asked curiously.

“No, it's nothing.” Bloodmoon said calmly.

“Okay…then what about her?” Apatelodes then turned to Eclipse as he narrowed his stare at her. Eclipse looked away from his stare.

“She would be a great ally to us...not to mention a good friend.” Bloodmoon said calmly as Eclipse slowly look at his direction when she heard what he said.

Apatelodes then turned back to Bloodmoon. “So you're just gonna let her go, just like that…

“Yes.” It was Ember who spoke up. “She knew what she did but she didn't have a choice. Now that she has a choice, she chose to face her punishment for everything she did…” Ember then turns to Eclipse.

“Am I right, Eclipse?” She asked calmly. Eclipse looked at her and nodded. Then she felt a hoof on her shoulder as she turned back to Ember, who has a small smile on her face. “Don't worry, I'm sure master Makarov has something else in mind than a punishment.” She said calmly as she smiled at her.

Apatelodes then turns to Bloodmoon. “I just hope you're right about this.” He said.

“Of course.” He said before turning to the others. “Alright, everyone! It's time we get back to the guild!” He said as cheers came from the Fairy Tail members as they started to walk/fly back to the guild.

“Race ya back home, Dawn!” Natsu yelled as he flew ahead of the group.

“Oh, you're on, Natsu!” Dawn started to fly ahead of the group as well as he catches up with Natsu as the two race back to the guild.

“Hey! Wait for me!” Loli then started flapping her wings as she flew ahead and quickly catches up with the two and passes them as well.

The rest continued their walk as they walk out of the dark guildhouse. While the other members and the bearers were talking with each other, Twilight was asking Bloodmoon about what happened back there. Bloodmoon then started to explain to her, leaving Ember and Eclipse walking in silent as the dark orb which Cysgod is was floating in Ember’s magical grip.


The group had now arrived at the guild as they were greeted by the members of the guild, cheering them and congratulating them on their victory. Pinkie suddenly perked up as she calls for a “Saving the world” party.

Few minutes later, A party was underway at the guild. While they all celebrated, Bloodmoon, Ember, and Eclipse went to talk with master Makarov on one if the unoccupied booths far from the party in the middle of the room.

As Bloodmoon went to talk with Twilight to continue answering her question, Ember and Eclipse were sitting comfortably. Makarov hadn't said what would her judgement be as he sat cross legged on the table, eyes closed as he thought of something before he opened his eyes and look at them both.

“I have made my decision.” He said which the two mares look at him, curious at what he had in mind. “Starting tomorrow, you are now a new Fairy Tail member.” He said calmly, which Eclipse was shocked at what she heard and Ember gasped playfully as she suddenly hugged her tightly, which caught Eclipse off guard.

“Your a new member! Oh this is so great!!” She said excitedly.

“C-can’t breath!” Eclipse said as she tried to break the hug.

Ember broke the hug as she laughed nervously. “Uh hehe...sorry.” she said.

Eclipse breathe deeply until she sighed. “It's…fine.” Ehe said then turned to Makarov. “But, why would…”

“Ember told me awhile ago about how you said your former guild was your only home and had nowhere to go. So, I welcome you to your new home. But, I have one task for you if you stay here.” He said.

“What is it?” She asked curiously.

“Your task is to make some friends in the guild. Now, those you have already encountered don't count since they have already forgave you about your past mistakes…” He explained. “Now, do you accept?” He asks.

Eclipse went quiet due to the fact she was still shocked at the fact that the master of the guild was inviting her to join the guild. Then a memory flashed on her mind, back then when she first joined her former guild, she was forced to fight one of the guild members just so she could join.

Now she was invited by the master of one of the strongest guilds in Equestria to join the guild. She had no choice but to accept it.

She looks at him calmly. “I accept your invitation.” She said in calm tone. Ember gave her a small smile as Makarov stood up.

“Alright then, starting tomorrow you're now an official member of Fairy Tail and your task during your stay here is to make friends.” He said once more.

“I won't fail you…” She said.

“I see your determined, very well...you kids should return to the party, you earned today's victory.” He said as he hop off the table and landed gently on the floor and started walking towards the party.

“Come on, let's go!” Ember said as she stood up.

“You go on ahead, I'll catch up.” She said calmly.

“Okay!” Ember walked happily back to where he party is still going on.

Eclipse watched he leave and to the party as he watch them celebrate.

‘Fairy Tail, one of Equestrian’s strongest guild...and also one of the friendliest guild…You know, I expected the guild this guild to be a serious bunch. But seeing them celebrate and having fun and goofing off...was kinda unexpected behavior coming from the strongest guild.’ She though.


A few hours later, the parted has ended and everyone headed home to rest. Though, Abyssal, Ember, Bloodmoon, and Eclipse were using the bedrooms on the second floor of the guild. Ember and Bloodmoon shared a room and had a bunk bed while Abyssal and Eclipse had separate rooms of their own. The rooms were only used by S-rank wizards but Makarov told Eclipse she could use one of the rooms for her to stay. As the others were sleeping, Eclipse was still up. ‘Will I be able to make friends?’ She thought as she look at the window as Luna’s moon shined brightly in the night. ‘Knowing I'm one of the wizards who attacked Manehattan, I have a long way to redeem myself and to let them know I've changed.’ She thought as she look at the moon before she sighed and walk over to her bed then slowly close her eyes and went to sleep.

Author's Note:


Yeah, it took a lot longer to finish this chapter due to the fact I got so busy IRL and been lazy as well, I forgot to continue writing this. But now it's done! There's going to be a short epilogue so be sure to check that out once it's done.

If you enjoyed the story, give it a thumbs up and tell me what you like about it by commenting here. Also if you found a spelling/grammar mistake, comment it down below so I can fix it. Thanks for reading and I'll see you later. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 4 )

“Cysgod’s physical body has been destroyed, but his soul is now trapped in this orb and will serve as his prison for eternity…” Ember explained calmly.

Ember you are messing with fire you do not want to get burnt from....

I'll just say it, he's not gonna stay inside of that orb for too long

Yeah, now with him in that orb his main focus is to corrupt individual's minds, making them pawns for his escape as well as his vengeance to one that put him in there. Like little whispers in the back of the mind none thinks about until it's loud and has a foothold in your mind.

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