• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 2,034 Views, 75 Comments

Not Just A Bug 2 : Not Just One - Bringiton6611

Well, this seems familiar... I just don't know why. It's not like I'm in the Everfree forest again, taking care of a bug pony like Thorax. Only this time though, there's not just one of them. Shit just got real again.

  • ...

Chapter 11 - Back Again

"We need to be as quiet as shit. We can sneak our way back into the woods if we're careful." I say.

Luo and Sean both nod their heads, falling in behind me.

"Just stay close, and no attacking unless there's absolutely no other choice."

With that info being said, we begin to carefully sneak away from the hunter infested castle. Within a minute however, a large group of what looks like no less than 10 hunters come out of the castle.

"Spread out! Find the fuckers!"

I am so tempted to shoot him... but that would break my own rule, so I force myself not to.

With all the new hunters roaming around, it takes around five minutes to move a foot. They're everywhere...

I see one approaching, but he doesn't notice us, due to a bush being in between me and him.

I take my knife out and flick the blade open as the hunter gets closer. Just when he's about to pass us, I make sure the lethal blade is facing him as I leap out of cover.

His eyes dart to me, but he doesn't get the chance to yell as the blade enters his neck in one swift motion. At the same time, my other hand clamps over his muzzle to prevent him from making any noise.

In a few seconds, he collapses to the ground unmoving.

I'm lucky that this was an earth pony. A unicorn, and maybe a pegasus, probably would've screwed me.

After a quick search of the body, which revealed nothing of value, I pull it in the bush to hide it from view. That will buy us some time.

"Well that's that." I say, more to myself than Luo or Sean. "Let's get out of here before any of them notice they're down one man."

With that being said, and the hunters clueless about what just happened, we enter the tree line and don't look back.

We're about ten minutes away from the castle now. It should be enough distance for the time being. However, I'm worried. Not because of the hunters though...

I've killed two ponies and I don't feel anything. That was my first time killing a living intelligent creature. Even if it's not a human, it's close enough to where I should feel at least something, right?

But nothing. I don't feel good about it, but I don't even bad about it either.

I know they were assholes, but I killed a pony. Shouldn't I feel at least something?

"David? Are you okay?"

I snap out of my trance and look at Luo.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing important. Let's just get to that cave. It should be just up ahead."

True to my word, it is. The same cave that Thorax and I rested in months ago. The vines have grown out more, but that doesn't matter, it'll just hide it more.

And what do you know... that chicken lizard fuck that Thorax killed is still here. The body's decayed, not surprising, it's been dead for a while. There're some chunks missing from its body here and there... that means something's been feeding off of this. Hopefully what ever it is, is long gone by now.

"What in the name of the queen is that?" Sean points to the lizard thing.

"THAT, is the creature that was living in this cave when Thorax and I found it months ago. He shot it after it put me out of commission."

"What do you mean 'out of commission'?"

"It made me black out somehow. All it did was look at me... I probably should do some research on that when we get back to the empire. I would've done some before, but forgot about it."

Luo was by the entrance checking out the cave. "This IS pretty well hidden. We could stay here for a bit."

"And we will. At least until your leg gets to where you don't have to limp." Sean says.

"I guess we should go in." As I take the lead and take a few steps in, I notice something.

It's dark as shit.

"Could one of you use your magic to make a light source?"

"I got it." I hear Sean say. A moment later, the cave is lit in a soft green glow.

"Better..." Then I notice the small pond of water in the corner.


*Dramatic Flash Back*

"I saw some kind of puddle over there." Thorax points to my left.

I turn my head and see what he's talking about. There is a little pond over by the wall of the cave. I can barely see it due to the lack of light.

"Yeah, that'll work."

I move over to the pond and remove my water bottle from my pack and was about to dip it in when I felt something hit my leg. I look down to find a small little pebble at my foot. I kick it back in the water and move to fill my bottle. Only to stop when I fell two somethings hit my leg. I look back and see two pebbles at my foot.

My mind is melting.

To confirm what I think is happening, I pick up one of the pebbles and drop it in the water. I grin when I see two pop out.

*End Of Dramatic Flash Back*

... this is the mirror pool... holy shit, I'm so glad I came here. I had completely forgotten about this thing.

What's even better, is that I think my 'Emergency Stash' is still here.

"Ooo, nice little pond. I could use a little water."

I instantly hold my arm out to stop Luo from jumping in the pond.

She seems confused that I just stopped her. "What?"

"I wouldn't do that."


I scan the ground and find a small rock.

"Watch." I pick up said rock as toss it in the pond.


"What's su-" Luo stops talking as two rocks pop out.

Sean, who has been watching from the sidelines, stood there with a blank expression.

Luo, on the other hand, looked like her brain was melting. "...wa...?"

"The last thing we need is two of you."