• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 2,032 Views, 75 Comments

Not Just A Bug 2 : Not Just One - Bringiton6611

Well, this seems familiar... I just don't know why. It's not like I'm in the Everfree forest again, taking care of a bug pony like Thorax. Only this time though, there's not just one of them. Shit just got real again.

  • ...

Chapter 14 - ...At The Cost Of Another

----(Help Sean)----(Help Luo)----

I think with the second I have to spare, and after that, I point the crossbow at the hunter rushing Luo and pull the trigger, sending the bolt at them.

And it hits home.

Luo bucks a hunter in the face and turns to look at the body of the hunter that was charging at her not even 5 seconds ago, and then looks at me.

"Go! I'm right behind you!"

Luo hesitates for a moment, before bolting into the thick tress of the Everfree.

I glance back at Sean's hunter and try to warn them. "Sean! Look out!"

But it does nothing as the hunter fires.

The bolt enters the back of Sean's head as he turns to look at me. He freezes for a second, just staring at me with his mouth gaping open, before slowly falling on his side, breathing no more.


My yell draws the remaining hunters to me. "Get him!" One of them calls out.

And you know what my reply was to that?

Turning, and running as if I was Sonic. Of course, I snatched some extra bolts from a fallen hunter, before bolting into the trees ahead.

After about a good 20 or 30 minutes of one the most fucked up games of hide and seek ever played, I manage to shake the hunters off my tail. That's the good news. The bad? They still have pretty much all of my shit. The only shit I still have is a crossbow, which I have eight bolts for, and a knife that I acquired from that one hunter. They have all my guns and my supplies.

So... what the fuck do I do now? My chances of finding Luo now are slim to none... and Sean is dead. I didn't know him for that long at all, but I highly doubt he deserved to die like that... I need to find out where I am, but without my pick to help me climb, that may be a bit difficult.

But ya know what? Fuck it.

I look around for a tall tree with a low branch and begin my ascent. Once at the top, I take a good look at my surroundings, and notice three things.

One was the castle that I originally stayed at during my first days here in Equestria. The other two, however, are pillars of smoke.

Now, there're two others, so... one might be Shinning and the others, one might be a hunter camp or something. They could BOTH be hunter camps for all I know. There's no way to know for sure.

What to do, what to do... I guess I'll just pick one. There's no way i'm going back to the castle.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... that one.

After randomly picking a smoke column to approach, I slowly start my descent back down, being extra careful as I did so. Going down is harder than going up sometimes, But as I approach the bottom and start to relax, you wanna know what happened?

You guessed it, the branch broke...and I fell on my ass, nothing new.

At least it wasn't a big drop... my ass still hurts tho, but nothing I can do about that. I, thankfully, didn't land on my leg. That's already been shot, I don't need it broken either.

Alright, moving on. Smoke, now.

By the time the trees open up enough to allow me to view my progress, I discover that the sun doesn't look like it has much time left in the sky. That means I've been walking for a decent amount of time already, and luckily, the smoke has grown closer. It shouldn't be that much further of a walk, hopefully I ca-

"I don't remember it taking this long to walk back to camp."

"Shut up. You know we don't usually come this way."

And are you fucking kidding me?

"Shit..." I crouch low to the ground, crossbow at the ready, and listen to the voices.

"Just try to make conversation. Don't go and get mad at me."

"I said shut up."

"Or what?"

Oh my fuck, this is stupid...

I peak up, and see the two of them. Only two. And apparently, they're too retarded to be paying attention to their surroundings. Not that I'm complaining...

They're heading the same direction it looks like, which only confirms my suspicion of it being a hunter camp, but I still can't know for sure... I glance down at my crossbow.

Only one way to find out.

With the two of them approaching me, I pull out the knife I have and wait. Once they passed me, I made my move. I jumped from my cover, driving the knife into the hunter's neck that was closest to me, and immediately point the crossbow at the other before he could raise his.

"Drop it." I order.

Complying, he does so. His ears going down. I guess he's not in the mood to get shot.

"Good, now, I've give you a chance so you don't end up like your buddy here," I gesture to the now dead hunter at my feet. "I saw a column of smoke a little ways back, and couldn't help but overhear you talking about your camp while heading in the same direction. Is that smoke your camp?" I nod to the smoke through the trees.

"W-what if it is?"

Wow, this one actually sounds scared. Wasn't expecting that from a hunter... assuming he's not faking it. "I may or may not pay it a visit, but that didn't answer my question."

He remained silent. Alright.

I quickly rush him and kick him to the ground, pointing the crossbow directly between his eyes. "I won't ask again." I say in a low, threatening voice.

"Alright! It is. Happy?"

"Not really, but info helps."

"... um.... what now?"

I pull the trigger, sending the bolt clean through his head.

"That's what."

With my newly acquired information, I proceed after retrieving the knife and bolt from the dead hunters.

Author's Note:

It's late, I'm tried, so I'm not gonna bother checking for mistakes myself.

I also like how when I saw imma doing something, something always comes up. I love it. -_-

Next one coming asap. I'm not sticking to a upload time anymore cause of how overdue this story is.

So whatcha think of dat death? Quite possibly the biggest choice I've put in this so far. It will definitely change the story. >:3