• Published 24th Dec 2016
  • 1,426 Views, 11 Comments

A Magician's Gift - Gapeagle

Starlight must find a suitable Hearth's Warming gift for her new best friend.

  • ...

Magical Season

Starlight sipped her hot chocolate. Her bum was resting on a couch within the crystal walls of Twilight's massive castle. As she absently drank the warm beverage, her head nodded back and forth to the Hearth's Warming songs Twilight had sung to her just hours earlier when she was telling a Hearth's Warming story.

The voice of Twilight, her mentor, could be heard far down below. Rarity and Applejack were willing to stick around a few minutes longer to clean up any messes. It was nice of them to do that. Starlight was certainly grateful, as if it weren't for them, she would have been cleaning up instead.

Starlight's attention went to the sound of a broom nearby. She looked over her shoulder to see Spike sweeping up dust and cookie crumbs from the cold crystal floor. With a warm smile, she greeted the young dragon. He did likewise to her. Without any words said, they both had merrily said their hellos.

"Ever get tired of these cold floors?" Starlight asked. "They get so cold during winter that it's hard to go barehoof on them."

"Eh, dragons have thick scales. It's hard for me to feel any temperatures," Spike shrugged. "How's the hot chocolate?"

"Good as always, thanks for it by the way," Starlight told him.

"No problem," Spike chuckled. "So...you've been up here a lot. Still having issues celebrating Hearth's Warming?"

"I'm still not used to it," Starlight admitted. "Don't get me wrong, I loved partying down there. It's just," she sighed, "it's just that I've never really given anypony anything. Well, I've tried giving ponies some things, but usually by force. Whether or not anything good came of those things are up for debate. I mean, I can party and have a good time, but giving gifts? I just don't see myself doing it."

"I see. You have no idea what to give, do you?" Spike seemed amused by her predicament. "We've all been there, don't worry."

"Yes, but I'm sure at much younger years. I'm an adult and I'm just now experiencing Equestrian traditions even though I've technically lived in Equestria all my life! I'm just now experiencing true friendship for the first time."

"Pfft," Spike dismissed her complaint with a wave of his claw. "Twilight didn't start giving real gifts until she got to Ponyville. Before then she would give books to ponies she knew wouldn't read them so that later she can ask for them. They usually gave them back because they forgot who gave it to them."

"No wonder she didn't have good friends," Starlight said under her breath.

Spike put down the broom and jumped up on the vacant part of the couch. Starlight saw his face and knew instantly what was up. Spike had a tendency to put on an odd smug when he went "mentor mode" on either her or Twilight. Starlight reacted to this look of his with a roll of her eyes. It was late. Far too late for a lecture from a kid dragon.

"I'm a great gift-giver," Spike gestured at himself. "I got a knack for it."

"Let me guess," Starlight frowned. "Give with your heart. It's the gift, not the thought that counts. Every gift is special And some sort of cliché like that?"

"Um, I think you have one of those phrases backwards," Spike blinked. "Uh, never mind. Look, what I'm gonna say is that it's easy to give a gift. All ya need to know is what will make them truly smile. I always look for something practical to give. Something that goes around their interest. Like um," he paused. "I'll um, get you a mug with your cutie mark! You'll like that!"

Starlight looked at the mug she had right now. It was a dull blue mug, nothing unique. "I guess? You know what? That would be nice."

"See?" Spike beamed. "Just look for something that would brighten their day just a little bit. We all think of grand ideas for gifts, but I think it's much better to give them something they could use and remember you. That's where the heart comes in. A real gift from the heart isn't something to add vanity to the receiver, but to give the receiver a tool or item that will make their day just that much easier to get through. And that's why I'm such a good giver," he finished proudly.

"So give Twilight a book?" Starlight asked. "I can do that."

"That's way too easy," Spike rolled his eyes at her. "Twilight has enough books lodged in her ears as is. How about giving somepony else a gift."

"Trixie?" Starlight rubbed her chin thoughtfully.


"But...but it's Hearth's Warming Eve! It's an hour away from Hearth's Warming Day! All the shops will be closed tomorrow! It's too late. I have books. I can just throw one at Twilight and she'll be as happy as Celestia on Summer Sun Celebration. Maybe I'll do it next year."

Spike placed a claw on Starlight's shoulder. "I'm sure you can find something. It may be late now. You'll have time in the morning."


It was Hearth's Warming. A day of celebration throughout Equestria, remembering the unification of the Three Tribes and the birth of their loved nation. Trumpets rang through the streets. Ponies sang traditional songs in large choirs. Presents were being opened by excited colts and fillies, being watched lovingly by their parents. Longtime friends gathered in homes, having parties full of revel and joy. Snow fell in the most peaceful of ways, under the delicate control of Ponyville pegasi. All was going well. It was a true Hearth's Warming as any. To one pink unicorn in Twilight's castle, it was becoming one of the most stressful days in her new life.

"Starlight, don't stress yourself. It's just a gift," Spike told her as he watched her scramble through her belongings.

"Stress?!" Starlight hissed. "I need to be a good friend! I need to show Trixie that I actually want to be her best friend!"

"That's not what a gift'll do, but whatever," Spike sighed. "Got any ideas so far?"

Starlight pulled a twisted stick from under her bed. "Um, totally not that," she said as she tossed it into a corner. She then picked up a notebook, "rats, I should keep that." Many other objects went about through the air, hitting pictures on the wall.

"I need to find something! My friendship depends on it!"

Spike walked over to Starlight and took a tight grip of her shoulders, stopping her right then and there. "Listen, stressing yourself is not going to help anypony. Come on, if you can't find something really good, just give candy. Candy is always good. Always."

"You're right," Starlight hastily nodded.

Her eyes darted the room once more. They landed on a large candy cane on her desk that Twilight had given her the night before. There was only one, wrapped tightly in plastic. Her horn lit up and she picked it up. It was so large it could barely fit in her mouth. It would last any normal pony a long time. She was unconvinced this was a good gift, but she accepted it for what it was.

"Go on, the day ain't getting younger," Spike encouraged. "Go give it to her."

Starlight took a deep breath and did as Spike ordered, taking a blue scarf and wrapping it around her neck without stopping. Both her stress and her excitement made her trot all through the long hallways and even when she was outside. Nothing was getting in her way. Not the singers, not the actors retelling the Hearth's Warming tale, not even the foals who played in the streets.

As ponies waved at her and wished her a happy Hearth's Warming, she only quickly replied to them and kept moving. Trixie's cart was on the other side of town, which didn't mean much, but it was still a good distance. Her little hooves left small prints in the rising snow. It was cold, but having lived in the mountains up north, she was used to low outside temperatures.

Trixie's small travelling cart came into view when Starlight rounded a corner. There was no show that day for Trixie, as she had performed just days prior. The magician was resting until the Hearth's Warming snow had passed. If it was not for the snow, Starlight would not know where she would be.

Starlight's hoof knocked on the cart's door. It took a moment before any reaction from inside could be heard. After that awkward moment, the door was opened and a sleepy blue unicorn in a nightcap answered the door. Starlight instantly smiled with the candy cane up and front, but Trixie had to adjust her eyes before returning the happy greeting.

"Ah, good to see you, Starlight!" Trixie then shifted her eyes. "Did Twilight send you on a friendship lesson?"

"Um...no," Starlight answered. I came to give you this!" she magically lifted the candy cane to Trixie's face.

"Why, um, thanks," Trixie seemed confused. "That's kind of you. Um, would like you to step inside? I am rather not fond of snow."

Starlight shrugged and climbed the steps of the cart. Trixie stepped aside and allowed her friend to pass by. The cart was only hardly decorated. Beside Trixie's bed was a tiny Hearth's Warming tree about the height of a dog. Upon the tree's boughs were only a few ornaments. Besides this lone tree, the cart had nothing else to do with the holiday.

Starlight instantly felt unnerved within the cart. She sat on the floor and Trixie did as well. It was quiet. Eerily quiet. The holiday sounds outside were almost silent within the wooden walls. It was like they had left Hearth's Warming with the shut of a door.

"Um, here, have it," Starlight finally broke the silence and gave Trixie the candy cane.

"Ah, yes, thank you," Trixie took it and placed it her nightstand next to the tree.

Starlight felt that Trixie refusing to eat the candy cane was rude, but said nothing. Instead, she couldn't help but think about the cramped space of the cart, the exact opposite of Twilight's castle or Ponyville's wide streets.

"Do you, um, spend Hearth's Warming alone in here?" Starlight ventured to ask.

"As a travelling magician, I'm used to it," Trixie shrugged. "This is my home and I spend the holiday in it."

"No family? No friends?" Starlight lifted her eyebrow.

"Well," Trixie rubbed the back of her neck, "my family lives in Canterlot and I've never really had friends. I've seen Hearth's Warming in every single town, but never have been a part of it. You know? It's a great day, but not one care much about. I usually use it as a rest day because of the scheduled snows."

"Oh," Starlight felt saddened by the response. "Well, you have a friend now, right?" she smiled.

"Indeed," Trixie chuckled.

"Well, I gave the candy cane as a gift, well, because I didn't know what else to give. So that's a first for me too! This Hearth's Warming stuff can be confusing."

"Yes, it can," Trixie laughed and then paused, her smile now gone. "Would it be alright if you, um, stayed here for today?"

"Why, of course!" Starlight brightened.

"Thanks," Trixie smiled. "I just need something today to um, make my day go by just a little easier. I must admit, it gets lonely on Hearth's Warming doing what I do. I think I just need somepony with me today."

"Well," Starlight giggled. "Look no further! So, what do you want to do with the whole day?"

"Heh, I guess I'll need to find you a gift," Trixie shrugged.

"Naw," Starlight shook her head. "You've already given me a great gift. Come on, I think Spike'll make us hot chocolate."


Author's Note:

Merry Christmas and Happy Hearth's Warming

Comments ( 10 )

Given the fact that you mention alcohol and somepony getting drunk this story should be on T rating. You should fix that before someone else does something.

Sweet story, many can relate to it.

I want to see the sequel where Spike makes their beverages. Can you imagine how awesome that would be? Spike and Trixie in the same room! That never happens!

Great story.

7816662 You're welcome.

Aw, a sweet little story about characters who are "new" to friendship, having their first Christmas Hearth's Warming together. Don't see too many stories like that.:twilightsmile:

7817980 No ya don't. Instead you get all the Hallmark Christmas stories. :ajbemused:

Glad ya liked it.

This reminds me of the ending scene of Best Gift Ever

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