• Published 27th Dec 2016
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Equestrian Fanfiction - Lise

The life and times of Lyra's fanfiction site.

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Brush's Big Decision PM

Hello, hooftoy. :) *snuggles*

Sorry that I didn't wake you up, but you seemed so tired that I didn't have the heart (aww). Something urgent happened and I had to go (it won't take more than a few days).

I passed by hospital and PaintDrop is doing fine. We talked a bit (she asked if you were fine). I told her the time you spent searching for her. Poor thing is still so weak. She wouldn't tell me what happened to her. The doctors told me that other than exhaustion she's fine. They were a bit baffled how she'd be so exhausted after just three days. Thank the stars she's here now and safe.

Send a line you can. I have my portable (Dark hasn't stopped grumbling about it) so I can keep in touch with you :))


Of course you'd go to save Equestria again... :/


I know :( And I'm sorry, but this is one of those times. I so much wanted to stay with you and Paint. You're right that we don't see each other as much as we should. :( I just really, really, really have to be here on this one.


Yes... I'm just being grumpy. Having sis go off like that was just. She was the wild one, compared to me, but she's never done something like this. I was supposed to be the dramatic one. Although, with everypony dumping their problems on her I understand.

You're not doing anything dangerous, are you?


Me? Dangerous? Do you even know me? :P Well I suppose it's a bit dangerous, but I promise I'll take care of myself. I'm not alone in this, and usually I'm the last to get in any trouble.

So, what are you doing right now?


I'm lying in bed, stretching.


Umm... an you going into more details? *blush* :P


Sometimes I don't know what to think about you. And no, I'm not so desperate to engage in aethernet roleplay!


Who said you were desperate :P

By the way, I did a lot of thinking and have come to a decision. You are right. It's stupid pretending we're just close friends. Most ponies know it anyway so I might as well make it official. When I come back we're having a party and I'm announcing our courtship! :D


Sugar wings... I... I don't know what to say.


That's why you're an editor and not a writer ;)


That means a lot to me. I'll talk with my Dean if I can take some time off to stay with Paint. We can combine the two.

To be honest, I didn't expect you'd be the one to suggest. I thought of raising the question on a few weeks, but. You're incredible, Brush. I'm sorry for constantly being grumbly. Like I said you are so perfect and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. (Hopefully, a slightly calmer life. :))

I can hear my parents sigh in relief now. For some reason they still fear I might end up being a bachelor. And they drop the most obvious hints about it. (Their mind games are extremely efficient.) I'm sure they've already taken your measurements for a wedding dress.


Actually they have taken both our measurements. Rarity told me when we were at the spa together. They used the Molly and Bellucio costumes and got her to wedding clothes for the both of us. Designs of wedding clothes, that is. And of course, being what she is she went overboard :( I stopped paying attention on the fourteenth sketch.


I can imagine. Candle PMed me several times with gigs Rarity wanted me to go to. In costume, of course. I was considering of saying yes, as long as you're there. Sometime close to winter, I think. She wasn't very clear.

What do you think we should do to as on the Crystal Empire convention? Euryala and Blazen? You'll make a great Euryala, I'm sure.


Fleetfoot might be a little angry of us if we do :) Maybe Loki Echo? I know they are villains, but maybe they'll get reformed? (Also, we can be the good version of them for the convention?)


Dark is grumbling at me to stop chatting. She also says hi. That means I probably have about five minutes left.


Tell her to learn to write properly and to leave us alone!


Wow! Such a meaniepants! :P


Tell her I'll get Jade to fail all her stories!

What exactly are you saving Equestria from? Or you can't tell me.


I'm not exactly sure. It's usually like that with these things. We just go somewhere and then find out what the problem is. Most often it's something relatively harmless. I know that the girls aren't very worried.

To be honest there's been more talk about your sister and the site than you. (And about Lyra, but I promised not to talk about that!) A lot of them are worried what could have happened while Paint was gone. Dark even did some magic spell to be sure she isn't a changeling (she wasn't). Still a bit strange that this should happen so soon after CEO's incident. And I can tell you that wasn't as simple as the official version put it. (Your sister has a total crush on him, by the way.)


I know... about both, my family's connected so I heard a few things. And sis was never good at hiding things from me. I can only imagine what CEO is going through. I expect he's used to the attention, though, being one of two ace Wonderbolts and all. Also he has his career to think of.


Well I think it's cute! I'm just worried about the first colt dares ask Paint out. Whoever it is after CEO he'll seem like a total let down.


Wow! I'm quoting this to sis when I go see her. You're vicious sometimes, you know?


Brush has been banished to a demonic dimension of demons! She cannot write to you right now!


Hey, Dark. You still can't write.

Good luck saving Equestria again.

P.S. How's the centaur dating going?


I see... oh well. Better luck next time.


Author's Note:

And here's a list of all active members with ID or speculation :)
Member List

Courtesy of NeonGreenTiger

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