• Published 27th Dec 2016
  • 7,987 Views, 3,786 Comments

Equestrian Fanfiction - Lise

The life and times of Lyra's fanfiction site.

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Stallion PMs

Jade, I need some advice.


Sure thing. Just give me like 10 mins. I promised to drop off Short at the palace. I'll do it real quick then be back.


Cool. Just send a line when you're back.


Here now. Sorry for the delay. MightyDragon was there and wanted to show off a bit. Short got to say hi to the prince so that was fun. (Kid is finally starting to smile once in a while.)

Anyway, what's up?


Jade, do you think Brush and I are a good fit? I don't know what to do. Lately it seems like we're just drifting apart.

It's not that she's sone anything wrong, but she's so busy... and I feel the spark isn't there anymore.


Where did this come from? Gold, you're dating a supermodel! I'll say it again, slowly this time: SUPER MODEL! Not only that but she's nice! Remember when we used to be dragged to the local pubs?

Did you two get into a fight?


No, it's not that, it's just... Tartarus I don't know. At times I wish we fought. At least then I'd make sense of this. She's great, trust me, I know, but at the same time... we spend a few days together then she gets called by her mark thing to save Equestria. Each time I'm afraid I might not see her again (and that's not a figure of speech). What environment is that to raise a family?


Gold, Max and I fight all the time. You think the forum stuff is bad? You should see our PMs. Yet when we're together we have the best time of our lives. Is it uncomfortable being so far apart? Definitely I spend ten hours every weekend getting there and back, less now with Short here. That's not a problem. That's something to make you cherish her more.

Remember I told you how lucky you were to have Brush as your marefriend. In a different life (and if I hadn't met Max) I'd probably have asked her out. And I know she lives a dangerous life, but that's all the more reason to cherish every moment with her.

I'm a crystal pony. Im pretty much raised with the knowledge that I might suddenly find myself sent to the Crystal Mines by King Sombra, turned into a brainless soldier, or swallowed by the frozen north. Every moment of joy might be my last. I don't take it for granted that I'm engaged to Max, and neither should you.

It's weird that I of all ponies should tell you this, but you need to fight for the happiness you have. And fighting sometimes means accepting.


You're probably right. I've always been spoilt. And yet, what happened to Paint made me look at things in a different way. Maybe I've been fooling myself all along. Maybe we were actually not meant to be together.

It was a coincidence beyond coincidence that for us to meet (and I had the best moments of my life with her) but now I honestly fear the bad is worse than the good. Weeks of worry and loneliness only to get a few words from her. She's either busy with something, helping a friend, or off to save Equestria. Even our writing projects have stalled. It's like we've become strangers.

Tomorrow was the day she was supposed to announce to the world that we're going out together. I've gently been asking her for months, and finally she found it in herself to agree. And what happens? She's off somewhere again. Without even telling me! I had to find out from SweetStuff! And I'm sure if she hadn't mentioned it on the forum I'd have never found out at all! Do I keep any secrets from her? Does Max keep secrets from you?


Honestly, I don't know. With the amount of spam she sends I doubt it.

I won't t lol you what to do. At the end of the day only you can do that. Either way I'll remain your friend and forever thankful for bringing me to the site. (You helped me find some magnificent ponies, as well as get a wife. Literally.) Still, I think it would be a mistake not to give Brush a chance. Is that so difficult?


If I knew I wouldn't be asking. I'd like nothing better than give her a chance. I've been doing just that for weeks, even longer. It's just that I feel I'm the only one making an effort. I'm not saying it's her fault. She's the sweetest things I've know, it's just... Like I said, I'm not sure we're a match anymore. Maybe we're just too different.


Gold, look at me. Then look at Max. Tell me we're anything alike. The only things we have in common is that we love fiction and each other. Don't tell me you and Brush are different! The only question you must answer is whether is do you want to keep her or not. I don't want to sound jerk the jerk, but either do something or shut up.


That's why I like you: you tell it how it is, even under all that fragile exterior.

I'll give Brush a chance. I live her too much just to let her go. After all, if anything is destined to happen (or not) there's nothing I could do about it. Not like worrying helps, right?


You don't have to convince me. Whatever you do remember: don't have any regrets. As my father liked to say "there's no right or wrong in life, everything is just a series of mistakes we try to make the best of".


Yeah, you're father is the embodiment of Zeus. :P

Thanks for the talk, buddy. I needed that.


Hope I helped.

Must get back to studying now. I'm trying to take my midterms early. With all the things I need to do with the wedding I asked to have my exams done with in the next few months.


Good luck. Take care.


You too.


Author's Note:

And here's a list of all active members with ID or speculation :)
Member List

Courtesy of NeonGreenTiger

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