• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 3,716 Views, 11 Comments

Lullaby - XenoPony

One a quiet evening, Fluttershy finds herself having to comfort her rather stressed marefriend.

  • ...

The Time We Spend Together.

Fluttershy hummed to herself quietly as she slowly flicked through the pages of the book laid open before her. The butter yellow pegasus was lying upon the soft, red covers of a luxurious, crystal bed. Surrounding her were the four smooth posts of the bed's frame and beyond those the neat crystal walls of her bedroom, or at least half her bedroom.

That idea was a sentiment she'd not had to consider very often, at least until about a year ago. That had been the time that she had finally realized that a certain lavender alicorn had been harboring feelings for her, and it had also been when Twilight had nearly scared her half to death with a sudden confession of love.

It had been a normal day, just like any other. Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity had all be enjoying ice cream down at Sugarcube Corner. Rarity had been the one to realize it first, clearly seeing something between her two friends that Fluttershy was oblivious to. What had followed had been a rather blunt question from the fashionista, so much so, that Fluttershy could remember Rarity's words even now.

"Twilight dear, you really must do something about that crush. I wouldn't be surprised if half of Ponyville was able to tell exactly who you're in love with by now," the alabaster mare had said.

Fluttershy giggled to herself at the memory, placing a hoof over her muzzle lightly as she turned another page in her book. Of course, that had not been the part of the story that had frightened her so much. No, what had done that, had been Twilight's reaction. A reaction that mostly included a great amount of flustered stuttering, a very bright blush, and the princess almost choking on her mouth full of rocky road ice cream.

Fluttershy had to admit, she'd never even considered who it was Rarity may have been talking about in her sudden statement, and as their friend was struggling to breathe, it hadn't been hard to see Rarity had swiftly forgotten it too. It had only been afterward, once Twilight had recovered that she'd finally confided that she'd had a crush on Fluttershy for quite some time.

Admittedly, that too had come as a surprise, especially following the shock of watching her friend nearly suffocate. Yet right there and then Fluttershy had not minded so much, she was just glad her friend was okay. Of course after that Twilight's secret was out and it became very hard for Fluttershy to think of her in any other way. By the week's end, it had become official, both the timid pegasus and the princess of friendship were an item, and while her feelings for the alicorn had not been equally strong at first, looking back on it now, Fluttershy couldn't be happier she'd agree to be Twilight marefriend.

The soft bed and grand chamber in which she now so peacefully lay were both added bonuses to that. Even if she did adore her little cottage and more often than not preferred the cozy rooms of her own home to the magnificent crystal labyrinth that was Twilight’s castle. She still had her animals to take care, after all. Even so, knowing Twilight was here with her made her feel better than anything. She almost felt like a dark cabin in the middle of nowhere could be home as long as they were together, regardless of how isolated. That was, whenever they were both actually together.

It had been one of the few concerns that had lingered in Fluttershy's mind ever since she had become Twilight’s marefriend. Twilight was a princess, and therefore an incredibly busy pony. Fluttershy often wondered when she'd have time to be in a relationship and be one of Equestria's rulers. That wasn't to say she doubted Twilight and her rigorous schedules. If there was one thing Twilight was, it was organized, and she added spending time with her marefriend to almost every single one of her numerous lists. Regardless, Fluttershy trusted her marefriend beyond belief and knew she'd do almost anything for her. She also knew she would do anything for Twilight in return, anything to make her marefriend happy.

At that thought, however, Fluttershy stopped and closed her book and shifted it to one side with her forehooves. She leaned forwards and rested her chin on the bed, then the rest of her body slowly slumped down behind her. She'd been alone in the room for a few hours while Twilight was busy with some royal duties, and as she gazed over at a steadily ticking clock sat on a crystal fireplace on the far side of the room, she wished more than ever that her marefriend would just come and lay with her for a little while.

"Now, now Fluttershy, don't be impatient. Twilight is just busy, she'll be done soon enough," she told herself, before rolling over onto her back, splaying open her wings and staring up at the roof of the four poster bed.

She felt her flowing mane drag limply over the covers as she lifted her forehooves and inspected them. It was all in an effort to stave off boredom and a small dash of loneliness, she knew. But it was then, that there was a muffled bang of a door closing just outside the bedroom door, and Fluttershy's head shot up, ears perked.

Moments later the sound of hoof steps on the smooth crystal floor chimed, and the grand door to the bedroom slowly creaked opened to reveal a rather exhausted looking Twilight. The alicorn's mane and tail looked quite frazzled, as did her lavender coat. Her feathers were ruffled in a way that would make a pegasus like Rainbow Dash winced, and her wings were dragging somewhat limply at her sides. Most notable of all were her eyes, the likes of which were lidded slightly, bore small bags beneath them, and appeared a little bloodshot.

The moment the door closed behind her, Twilight let out a long sigh. Her head rose and then fell in perfect time with the exaggerated breath as Fluttershy lifted herself up with her forehooves and smiled warmly at her weary marefriend.

"Oh, hello Twilight," she began, and Twilight glanced up at her with those tired eyes. "Long day?" Fluttershy asked, her soft voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh, you have no idea Fluttershy, the amount of work I've been stuck doing lately it's–it's... Well, it's just ridiculous!" Twilight exclaimed a tension that had seemingly been building in her for some time breaking free as she waved a forehoof forwards in emphasis.

Fluttershy nodded, her look of soft understanding not fading as Twilight moved into the room. Twilight was clearly stressed, and right now it was her job as the princess's marefriend to cheer her up.

"Well, don't worry Twilight, it's all over now. Maybe you should just come and relax," the pegasus suggested, shifting on the bed as she watched Twilight move into the center of the large bedroom.

"Yeah, I guess. But it still doesn't mean that I won't have to do more tomorrow and more the day after that. I still have a schedule to keep," Twilight grumbled, then she pressed a hoof to her chest and took a deep breath.

Fluttershy paused, laying back down and crossing her forehooves as she thought about what to say next. On one hoof, she could assure Twilight not to worry, yet that may only feed her false hope, because, inevitably she was right. She would have to do just as much work tomorrow. On the other hoof, Fluttershy had been waiting for some time alone with her marefriend for several hours now, and she really didn't want Twilight to spend their time together so agitated.

"Urm, Twilight? You know if there's anything I can ever do to help..." she began to say, but her words were cut off as Twilight shook her head.

"No, no, it's fine Fluttershy, really. I wouldn't want to drag you into it all." Fluttershy couldn't tell whether Twilight's abrupt words were derived from a willingness to keep her work away from her, or to spare her the stress.

As the latter thought, she wondered whether or not Twilight thought she may even be up to such a thing. Did her marefriend think less of her that way? Surely not, the pair of them had been friends for years, and Twilight knew just what she was capable if she put her mind to something. No, there was something else Twilight needed, she needed to relax.

Regardless, as Twilight caught the expression of the pony laying on her bed, she winced, and swiftly tried to collect herself.

"Sorry Fluttershy, I didn't mean for anything to sound harsh. I'm just really, really, at my limit," she

admitted, her voice growing strenuous and forcing her to take another long breath.

Fluttershy smiled at her flustered marefriend, then stretched out a hoof towards the far end of the bed as her rear hooves kicked at the pillows lightly.

"Don't worry Twilight, there's no need to apologize," Fluttershy assured the alicorn, then rolled over to make space on the bed beside her.

"You want to talk about it?" she asked, patting the space beside her with a hoof.

At that, Twilight's attention perked as did her ears and she edged closer. She was only a few hoof steps away from the edge of the bed when she caught a glimpse of the clock and paused. Her hopeful look faded before she suddenly asked.

"Wait, don't you have to go and sort out your animals? Oh, by Celestia have I really been out that long?" she exclaimed, shooting her marefriend an apologetic look.

Fluttershy's smile only grew warmer as she shifted on the sheets, then she lifted her head and shook it once.

"No, they're all okay. I went back home and sorted them all out while you were working." Twilight let out the breath she'd been withholding, even as the look of guilt remained on her face for a few moments longer.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was half expecting the sorrowful looking mare to utter another plethora of apologies, and in anticipation of such things, she reached out as far as she could and placed a hoof on the end of Twilight's muzzle.

"No more stress Twilight, it's not good for you," she said, knowing full well what it was like to let anxiety get the better of one's mind.

Twilight blushed slightly as her soft nose scrunched under the weak force of Fluttershy's hoof, then she gave a bashful nod.

"Sorry," she said, holding up one of her forehooves as she shied back slightly.

Fluttershy ever so subtly rolled her eyes. She could let Twilight get away with at least one apology for now. Moments later, she forgot about the matter as Twilight climbed into the bed next to her and snuggled right up against her right side. The warmth of the princess's soft fur was more welcome than that of any fireplace, and as the slow rise and fall of her chest pressed against Fluttershy's own she could hear the low beating of her heart as her ears twitched. Then she flattened them as Twilight let out another weak sigh.

"I'm so glad I have you Fluttershy, I can't imagine how hard this would have all been without you–I mean, not to count the others out, I appreciate what all of them do for me, but you... You're just everything to me," the princess explained, then lay her head down over Fluttershy's outstretched forelegs, ushering a small giggle from the pegasus.

"I feel exactly the same way Twilight. I used to get by well enough before all of this of course, but loving you has proven there's even less to be afraid off." She pulled one forehoof out from under Twilight’s head as she spoke, and slowly ran it across her marefriend's lavender mane.

Right now she could see just how much of a mess it actually was, goddesses forbid Rarity ever see it in such a state. Yet Fluttershy couldn't care less what Twilight's hair looked like as she slowly stroked it.

"Still, tomorrow I've got all of the work to worry about, all the royal meetings, all the letters... Urg, sometimes I hate being a princess." Twilight shifted about as she grumbled, and Fluttershy wondered just how long the mare could actually go without complaining about her many royal schedules.

She could feel how tense the alicorn was even now, and as she continued to slowly brush her untidy mane, she let a small "shush" escape her lips. She almost felt like she was treating a young foal, but Twilight meant just as much to her as any foal of her own ever could. As she kept up her soothing act, she began to hum to herself, then start the gentle words of a lullaby.

"Day is done, gone is the sun, from the lake, from the hills, from the sky. All is well, safely rest. The calm night is nigh."

Twilight twitched before her and shifted as close to her side as she could manage. Glancing round at the alicorn's wings, Fluttershy stretched out her own and carefully lay the soft limb of yellow feathers over Twilight's back, all the while she continued her soft words.

"You will wake to find that the world has changed, forever. When the trees turn from green to gold, and the winter sun is fading, all I wish is that I could hold you closer, closer in my heart."

As the silken tune came to a slow close, Twilight move slightly once more. Yet as a soft breath escaped her muzzle it was clear she had been claimed by the calmness of sleep. Fluttershy smiled to herself as she stopped rubbing Twilight's mane and regarded the sleeping princess. She'd been so stressed and exhausted she'd gone right to sleep, but the pegasus didn't mind at all. All she did was place a small kiss on Twilight's forehead, then settled her own head down right beside her.

"Good night, my sweet princess," she spoke softly, nuzzling Twilight gently as the alicorn mumbled in her sleep.

Regardless, the soothing words of the lullaby went on in Fluttershy's head as she too slowly drifted off into the calm darkness of her dreams.

Author's Note:

Short story, this one kind of marking a return for me. Also, the last story of the year, plus featuring a ship that I've never written for before, and I can say it's a very adorable pair.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Comments ( 10 )

This was...nice :twilightsmile:

Loved it

Seriously, how did I miss this? This is a great story, and seriously cute as well!

7830691>>7832809 Thanks, glad you enjoyed!:yay:

I don't even ship TwiShy, and yet I found this incredibly adorable~

I love scenarios where one lover puts the other to sleep, either by singing or just being company, so this was great for me. Sweet, adorable fluff! :twilightsmile:

Liked the inclusion of Taps into this for the lullaby. It's the first I've seen anyone use it as the lullaby it also serves to be as well as a military tune. That, by itself,earns you a like from me.

Aww...this is a cute story:pinkiesmile:! Will there be a sequel?

7982014 Maybe, but I'm kind of being overwhelmed with sequel requests right now.:twilightsheepish:

She almost felt like a dark cabin in the middle of nowhere could be home as long as they were together, regardless of how isolated. That was, whenever they were both actually together.

knowing fluttershy the dark isolated cabin would be preferable.

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