• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,520 Views, 42 Comments

Changes Of Heart and Soul - Tohshi

Life in a new world can be confusing especially when you wake up in a new body. Zoe must learn her place in Equestria before it is too late. Dark forces gather on the horizon that threaten the peaceful life Zoe finds herself in.

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Chapter 1

Twilight repositioned the mana batteries for the fourth time that night. Everything needed to be perfect or this spell wouldn’t work. She was pretty certain that she didn’t need the batteries but when trying new and difficult magic it was always best to be prepared.

Pulling on her wellspring, Twilight projected the magic circle that would shape the spell. Horrendously complex it took all of her concentration and a few moments of time to perfectly align all the runes in the right place in the circle. The mana batteries fell in the four points of a star that formed in the circle. They started to glow as their mana added to the spell. Twilight pushed her own mana into the spell filling it up much faster than if she had let the crystals do all the work.

With the circle charged with mana, she released the spell. A small purple sphere formed in front of Twilight which slowly stretched out becoming a thin layer of magic. After a moment the purple of the spell faded and a clear portal through which a wondrous city could be viewed. There were many buildings as tall as the ones in Manehattan and in the distance it seemed that there were even taller ones which seemed impossibly tall. Twilight quickly started jotting down notes in a journal she had prepared earlier. Every detail seemed of importance to the unicorn. Cars ran down the streets. Though from that distance it was hard to make out too many details about them. The sun was setting behind the portal and the city lights had turned on making the view quite spectacular to the young unicorn. Twilight spent the next hour jotting down notes and doing her best to absorb all that she saw.

The spell was self sustaining and would continue till she pulled the plug by simply exerting her thought which allowed her time to step away and grab a snack. It was a quick grab and dash as Spike had banned her from cooking due to her tendency to set things on fire. Still she kept a variety of granola bars available for quick consumption without bugging Spike for food. With three trapped in her magic, Twilight hurried back downstairs.

The city was still there but the view had shifted without her input as if blown by the wind. It had settled near the roof of a building where a lone human was standing near the edge. Their dress was billowing in the wind as was their long straight hair. A piece of paper was held in their had as the stared off the edge of the building.

So burried in her note taking Twilight almost didn’t notice as the human started to walk off the edge of the building. Her eyes snapped to the portal and she willed the portal closser with her magic. Feeling a sense of dread Twilight reached out with her magic to try to touch the human. Give them some sense of harmony that Twilight knew so well. As her magic reached out from the portal on the human side it connected to human who was now a step away from a long fall and the magic started to be siphoned off of Twilight’s control. Thinking it was but a side effect of the portal Twilight poured more magic into her spellwork. The human had a foot off the building. Panicking Twilight dug deep into her wellspring and pulled as much magic as she could into reaching the human but still it just seemed to be absorbed by the human. Her magic engulfed the human as they took their last step off the building.

Twilight pulled with her magic trying desperately to save the human’s life. Her efforts were in vain as a thud was almost audible through the portal. Tears ran down Twilight’s checks as she pulled back with her magic. As she pulled something can with. A glowing dot followed the flow of Twilight’s magic back up to the portal and through it.

The silvery orb seemed to react violently to the magic in the air and soon a vortex of mana was spiraling into the orb. The portal was soon sucked into the orb and magic from all the sources in the room was being tugged out of its home including from Twilight. Being trained to resist this she pulled back on her magic but it did little to stop the cascade that was happening in front of her. Twilight knew that if she didn’t do something this would explode in mere moments.

Twilight pushed her magic and will into the orb trying to alter its effect use the coalesced mana for something other than a huge explosion that would likely end not just her life but many more of Ponyville. Taking a second to scan the orb, Twilight found it to be soul unlike anything she had read about before. Sensing her time was almost up Twilight wove a spell with the mana from the orb changing its purpose to something less destructive. Celestia would probably be made at her for trying such complex spellwork but she had to do something and if she was lucky she wouldn’t just save her life and those of Ponyville but of the humans too. With as much instruction as she could give it she poured more mana into the orb trying to make sure that it would have enough mana to complete the spell and not implode. With her reserves drained all she could do is watch as the spell ran its course.

A bright flash of light and a large bang herald the spells activation. A large wind kicked up trashing Twilight’s lab and pushing Twilight back against the far wall. Slowly the glow from the orb started to take shape as Twilight’s spell took from the souls memory of its previous body. A second flash and bang rocked the tree as the spell completed.

On the ground was a weird hybrid of human and pony. The new body was pony up to where the neck should have been but instead a human torso sprouted up from there. The body had short fur covering its pony half that was pale green in color. Both its tail and mane were a dark green in color . The face is what caught Twilight’s attention the most though as she looked onto her handy work. It was flat and misshapen by her standards. There was no snout to speak of and instead had a small triangular nose that hung over its mouth. Its eyes were small by Twilight’s recollection. The creature looked emaciated and weak with ribs showing in both of it’s chests even if the upper chest had small lumps of fat where its nipples were. Twilight could tell it was breathing by the slow expansion and deflation of its chests though she had no idea where its lungs were if it had any at all. This was not how her spell was supposed to turn out.

“SPIKE,” Twilight shouted up the stairs. Her legs were wobbling due to her exhaustion. The spell had been too much for her. “I need you to send a letter to Princess Celestia. I messed up big time and I don’t think I can fix this one without her help.”

“What did you blow up this time, Twilight?” Spike asked from up the stairs. “It sure sounded like an explosion. What do you want me to put in the letter? The usual plea for help?”

“No this is more important,” Twilight said. “Dear Princess Celestia. I need your help with a new visitor to Equestria. They are from another world and the process of the entry to our world left them without a shell to contain their soul. I have rectified this problem however there were hiccups with the spell and I need your help to put them right again. Please come at your earliest convenience. Your student Twilight Sparkle. Did you get all of that, Spike?”

“Yep,” Spike said. He rolled the scroll up and lit it up with his magical flames.
Twilight lit her horn up casting a simple medical scan she had learned a few months prior. The spell was reading that the pony human hybrid had a mess of organs that twilight wasn’t certain that the creature would live till the next day. She could clearly see the creature had two hearts. Other organs were duplicated in both halves of the creature though the scan was reading some of them weren’t working right. Most of the ones on the human half were pinging as malfunctioning.

Spike walked up next to Twilight and stared at the creature. He had never seen something like the upper half with its nude skin that had no fur or scales. How was the creature supposed to keep warm Spike wondered. Its hands that were at the end of the limbs attached to the upper torso were similar to his own though they had more digits than he did and were lacking any claws. There were instead what sort of reminding him of hooves on the end of each digit though they were only on one side. All in all the creature looked very weird to the young dragon.

“Twilight, what did you do to this poor pony?” Spike asked. His voice was timid and shy which was unusual for the dragon.

“I don’t rightly know. Only that they weren’t a pony at all but more of what this upper half is,” Twilight said quietly.

There was at loud pop that came from upstairs. The sound of hooves on the wooden floor of the library was clear even down in the basement of the library. Spike headed up the stairs.

“I’ll go get her,” Spike said as he left.

A few moments latter Spike returned with Princess Celestia in tow. Her face lacked it usual cheerfulness and instead was solemn and stern. She was wearing what appeared to be some sort of armor which made Twilight cower to the side as Celestia looked down on the creature Twilight had created.

“How did this happen?” Celestia asked.

Twilight spent the next few moments explaining the spell and what had transpired since. Celestia’s face remained solemn through out Twilight’s explaination which did little to help the nerves of Twilight. Afterwards there was an awkward pause as Celestia thought.

“I want you to know that Starswirl’s interdemensional spells are outlawed for a reason. When he first started casting them he let in all sorts of monsters from other realms. I know you meant no harm but you have irreversibly changed this creature. I don’t know if I can fix it or if it will even live for long. I will have to examine it more thoroughly,” Celestia said.

“I’m sorry, Princess,” Twilight said.

“I know,” Princess Celestia said. “Don’t worry too much. I forgive you of this act just come to me when you find strange new magic next time. It isn’t like this part of Starswirl’s work is well known nor is the law.”

Princess Celestia’s horn lit up as she inspected the pony human hybrid. Her first order of business was to check the wellspring of the creature. If that was stable there was a decent chance the creature would live for at least a while. At least as long as it would take for organ failure to kick in. Finding a pristine wellspring Celestia turned to other means. Despite never using these spells for her subjects, Celestia knew a number of advance medical scans. She could better tell if the creature might live. The results were hopeful but still had a number of potential pitfalls.

“We need to take her to Canterlot. I can keep an eye on her there and our doctors can make how ever long left this creature has to live more comfortable,” Princess Celestia said. “You are coming with, Twilight. I am making her life your responsibility for the time being. I have a few medical books that might shed some light on this and maybe you can find a way to fix this before it is too late.”

“I’ll do what ever I can,” Twilight said.

“I know you will,” Princess Celestia said. She nuzzled Twilight’s head. “I’ll teleport us directly to the Castle. I would rather not have the news papers know about this yet.”

Author's Note:

So here is the start of a new story. It is a very similar start to Broken then healed but I hope the story will be different enough to warent your time. As always I tried to edit this and I likely failed allot.