• Published 8th Jan 2017
  • 1,521 Views, 42 Comments

Changes Of Heart and Soul - Tohshi

Life in a new world can be confusing especially when you wake up in a new body. Zoe must learn her place in Equestria before it is too late. Dark forces gather on the horizon that threaten the peaceful life Zoe finds herself in.

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Chapter 2

Celestia’s teleports were always much more smooth than Twilight’s had ever been. Still it left her feeling a bit green. Hopefully the trip hadn’t been too hard on the creature.

She quickly stole a glance over to the still unconcious form of the creature she had saved. Hopefully she had a name as calling her the creature seemed too off. The creature had too expressive looking face to be unnamed. If worse come to shove Twilight would find her a name.

Celestia lead the way up the castle. The area they were in were restricted to only personal staff of the Princess and those invited in. Twilight had long since been given mostly free reign of this part of the castle as her own tower was connected to this part of the castle. Though to call it her tower was not technically correct. There were a number of bedroom suites in the tower hers just happened to be the highest up. They turned away from the tower towards Celestia’s chambers. Twilight had only been in them once before and it was a very special occasion for her. Today however they stop just short of Celestia’s chambers. There was a room that was kept for medical use. Celestia place the creature on one of the two beds in the room. It was not an often used room in the castle but it would do for their purposes.

“I will go summon my personal physician to look over the poor soul. In the mean time why don’t you stay here. You are welcome to sleep here or in your old tower which ever you perfer but for the time being I think it would be best if you were to spend as much time as possible in the room with our guest in case she wakes up.”

“Of course, Princess,” Twilight said. “Do you think it will be a problem if I nap in here?”

“No. Rest. I am certain you must be exhasted after casting a spell of that magnitude,” Princess Celestia said.

Nodding Twilight climbed into the other bed and tried to let her exhastion take her away. Still thoughts and worries danced in her head making sleep a painfully slow process. Hopefully the creature would live long enough for Twilight to find a way to fix her. A pang of worry over leaving Spike in charge of the library ran over her for a moment just before the sleep took her. After all this wasn’t the first time he would be left with such a responsibility and would likely not be the last.

My head was aching like it had been hit by a truck. Which wasn’t far off from what I remembered happening. Images of my desent off of my appartment building ran through my head but that was all there was to my memory. I couldn’t recall what I had had for breakfast that day or where I worked. My name was still with me but I couldn’t remember who had given me that name. I felt a strange sadness come over me for what I felt I had lost. I knew there was more to me but I couldn’t remember it.

Slowly I tried to open my eyes. There were strangely heavy despite how awake I felt. Almostly like they had been welded shut and I was just now prying them apart for the first time. The dull light of the room was almost too bright for my eyes and I squeezed them shut again for a few moments. It was weird part of me knew that it wasn’t that bright but it was as if my eyes weren’t used to light at all. Blinking profusely I tried to adjust to the light. It only took a few moments thankfully.

My body felt off. It was sending signals from more limbs than I felt like I had before. I couldn’t rightly remember either way which were the wrong limbs but all of them felt off. Fingers felt right though so they must have been the right limbs. Did that mean that my lower half was all messed up? I figured it wasn’t worth worrying about yet. I tried to push myself into a seating position but my back only bent a little ways that way. I twisted around to get my legs underneath me and that felt much more natural. Or at least physically if felt right even if in my mind I could tell something was wrong. I looked over myself and felt a pang of panic as I noticed I wasn’t wearing any clothes. My chest was larger than I remembered it being though really not by much and for some reason that made me happy. The surprises continues as I looked at the light green part of my body which started just south of my navel. My lower half seemed to be that of some sort of hooved creature and while I could definitely tell it was my body I was looking at it still felt unnatural. I ran my hands through the fur relishing how soft it seemed to be. The feeling of my hands on my back sent strange signals to my brain but I liked the sensation.

Looking around I spotted what appeared to be a pony or horse of some sorts. It was bigger than I was though not by much. It had purple fur and a deep purple mane with streaks of other shades and tints of purple running down the length of it. A six pointed star was tattooed on its flank. As far as I could tell that was what my lower half was though why I had a torso was beyond me. The pony seemed to be sleeping and I didn’t want to wake it just to satisfy my curiosity.

Time went by slowly as I waited for something to happen. I wasn’t really in a hurry to go find information. Not when I was still having a hard time getting my body to work like I wanted. On some level my body felt right for what seemed like the first time ever and yet in so many other ways I could tell it was wrong. I wracked my brain trying to fill in the blanks that were there but I found no such answers.
After what seemed like hours but was probably only one, the purple pony stirred from its sleep. It had the larges eyes of any I had seen. I was nearly instantly lost in their purple depth.

“Eh yeep axawaxako. Zaxat dis pit keew zick. Vupp naxamo dis Twiridd Spaxalkro pi Pum whaxavo pit bod quochiens bel ug axas Pum suspond ug whaxavo bel vo,” said the purple pony.

I didn’t understand a word they said. Though there voice was calming and melodic. Maybe with time I could learn to comunitcate. This did however put a hamper on any likelihood of getting any answers anytime soon.

“I’m sorry I don’t understand you. Do you speak English?” I asked.

“Pum'v sellupp Pum peniz uctolchaxact ug. Pum axassumo zaxat ug peniz spoaxak Oquisk hist vaxakos sonso sooick axas ug axalo blem axanethol welrd. Pum peniz loi ox gned axanupp slaxansraxatien sporrs fut Pum weurd revo te slupp te roaxaln velo eb yeep raxackaxaugo dib wo whaxavo timo eb ceulso. Vaxayfo Plincopt Corochiaxa wirr gned pit slaxansraxatien sporr zaxat wirr axarred us te cemunicaxato,” the purple pony said.

Again I understood none of the pony’s speech. She hopped off the bed she was sleeping in and headed out the single door. I struggled to my feet trying to follow her. She had said a lot and I was guessing that was something about following her. With my front feet off the side of the bed I pushed off with my back sliding to the floor. I wasn’t certain I would be able to get back into the bed but at the very least I could follow now. The purple pony was already at the door seemingly not noticing my attempts to follow her. She turned her head around to look at me with her very flexible neck.

“Eh chaxaupp din fow ug axalo plefaxafrupp chirr woaxak blem zo sporr. Pum wirr quich fo lidd faxang Pum axam keick te kot whorp bel eep cemmunicaxatien plefrom,” the purple pony said.

A magenta light engulfed me and I floated up in the air back onto the bed. The purple pony’s horn, which I had missed until that moment, was also engulfed in the strange magenta light. They had a look of concentration as I was gently set back down on the bed.

“Chaxaupp zolo, Ekaxaupp?” the purple unicorn said. She turned and left the room. I was pretty certain she had just told me to stay so I just waited.

I didn’t wait long as she quickly came back into the room though she was accompanied by a white pony who also had a horn they had dark blue mane and a pale blue coat. There was heart with a cross under it on their flank. I couldn’t readily tell the gender of this one but I was leaning towards male. I felt very self conscious about my nakedness and I covered up my chest with my arms.

“Sko dis axawaxako zaxat dis pit keew zick,” said the male pony.

The two of them started chatting quickly back and forth I couldn’t keep up with their words. I stopped trying after a moment and just tried to relax. But my efforts were interrupted as the two of them seemed intent on doing something to me as the came to either side of my bed. The purple pony had pulled a notebook out of nowhere and was busy scribbling on it with a quill.

“Loraxax, quich loraxax. Zis weniz whult dib ug loraxax,” said the male pony.

His horn started to glow and a strange feeling over came my body. It was sort of between painful and a tickle. The male pony kept this up for almost a minute as his gaze ran over my whole body. The glow faded from his horn as did the feeling.

“Worr Pum caxan soo pit numfol eb plefroms. Whol dinsidos axaloniz cennondow an lidd. Pum weurd kivo whol vaxayfo pit woot te rivo. Pum peniz gned dib zolo dis axanythick zaxat caxan fo peno skelt eb semo selt eb vilaxacro. Vaxayfo zo Plincossos wirr whaxavo pit fottol klaxasp en whed te bim whol. Pum'v sellupp,” said the male pony. He seemed somber as if he was delivering bad news. The purple pony had tears in her eyes as she nodded in agreement with the doctor.

Twilight started to scribble on a new sheet of paper. After a moment of work she turned the journal over so I could see. On it were seven suns and seven moons. Or at least I think they were moons. Then she had drawn what appeared to be a tombstone with some flowers on top of it. After a moment I grasped what she was trying to communicate. I was going to die in a week.

Princess Celestia had much on her plate that afternoon. Twilight had pulled her away from a court session and she had to resume it which interrupted her paperwork time. Knowing she would need help with that she had one of her guards summon her sister. Luna wouldn’t be happy being woken early especially for paperwork but Celestia had tried to drag her into the everyday going on of the country. Luna dragged her hooves for anything that was military or art related.

The court case was something that she wished she could pass off on the Court of Paragons but it had been requested that the Princess looked at it directly. The case was about the rights to a mine in the hills of the Applousain mountains. It was extremely valuable and would greatly increase the supple of iron for her nation. With Luna tring to refit the whole military which hadn’t been done in nearly five hundred years the need for iron would skyrocket. The problem though was that the land belonged to a old earth pony who was afraid that the mining company who was seeking the rights to the mine would destroy the natural balance of the area which would unduely affect the Buffalo in the area as well as threaten the near by town’s water supply. Celestia was in favor of the stallions side but the need of iron weighed heavily on her as the only other source at the time would be to buy it from the Minotaurs and they were unlikely to be fair in the exchange let alone be willing when the found out the use of the iron. There was an environmentalist that Celestia was planing on assigning to the mine but only if both parties would agree to it. Young as the mare was Celestia was certain that under her guidance the mine could be safely operated. Magical cleansing spells had come a long way and getting enough ponypower to keep up with the flow would be expensive but Celestia was certain that it would be worth it in the long run. The clean up costs of other areas which had been mined heavily were much higher if they waited till afterwards to start them.

The court case went as well as could be expected as both parties agreed but only after the mine was signed over to the court instead of the mining company. That way it could be better enforced levels of health standards. With her courtly duties over Celestia wandered back to her personal office hoping that Luna would be there already.

Thankfully Luna was in fact already there. She was busy with some paperwork which must have been related to the military as Luna never did paperwork without coercion unless it was military related. Still that had taken a large load off of Celestia for which she was very grateful for.

“Morning Sister,” Celestia said. She took her usual chair on the otherside of the table from Luna.

“Evening really Sister,” Luna said. It was their little inside joke to greet eachother this way everyday. “Your doctor stopped by to deliver this to you. I read it and I think I might have a solution but it won’t be pretty and honestly it is a shot in the dark.”

Celestia took the paper from Luna’s magical grip. It listed all of the problems Celestia had picked up on as well as a few others. The doctor had given her a week to live. It was more than the mare had given herself but it seemed like such a short time to live. Still Celestia had no answers to this problem.

“What is your solution, Sister?” Celestia asked. “This is quiet dire. You must have a fairly drastic measure in mind.”

“Yes I do. I think that if the elements of harmony were to be used on this poor soul it would bring harmony to her body as it did to my mind and soul when it cleansed the Nightmare from me. I don’t know for certain and the strain of this could just outright kill her but I feel it is our best option,” Luna said.

“I’ll summon the elements,” Celestia said.

Author's Note:

So here is chapter two. Hopefully I don't leave you hanging for too long. Also tell me if the changes in perspective is too jarring. I normally write in first person so it is a bit weird for me to do third person. also for those of you who are wondering what the ponies were saying here is the gibberish translator I was using.

Anyway the usual about how I suck at editing and I tried on this one but I suck at it so yeah typos and grammar is probably horrible.