• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 11,144 Views, 259 Comments

Applejoy - BronyNeumo

The lengthy sequel to my "Confessions and Considerations" series of stories.

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Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Even with the flakes swirling all about her head, Rainbow Dash could still see her breath rolling off her face like the smoky haze of a strained steam locomotive at full throttle. Cloud after misty, white cloud rolled from her snout and billowed upwards lazily, only to disappear into the conflagration of white that held the land under siege. Despite the biting wind and the driving snow, however, Rainbow Dash felt as if the storm was beginning to peter out. She could see further through the murk, at least. Without squinting, she was able to keep track of the rows of tall, dark, barren trees that lined the path through the orchard. And so she charged between the lines of trees, her chest heaving up and down with each choppy breath she took. She could hear her heart beating in her chest over the roar of the storm, its rapid rhythm echoed through her head as she struggled to keep moving forward.

She was finding it exceedingly difficult to move. Every step seemed to bring even deeper snow and an even tougher struggle to plow through. The drifts had built up significantly, and Rainbow Dash knew she could become bogged down easily if she sank too far in. Out of necessity, she tried to move as fast as she could, both to reach the hospital as soon as possible and to keep herself skimming lightly across the top of the loose, uncompacted snow. Of course, the extra weight on her back not only made movement more of a strain, but checked her speed as well. In spite of her peak physical condition, Rainbow Dash found herself panting as she tried to keep the combined weight of both herself and Scootaloo moving through the thick blanket of snow. Every few leaps, however, her efforts would prove futile, as she found herself waist-deep again and again.

Rainbow Dash had to pause for a moment to catch her breath, inhaling deep gasps of air as she stood, snow swirling about her. The azure pegasus coughed as she breathed in several snowflakes, sputtering loudly. Her heart thudded in her chest; its sound very nearly drowning out the very wind in Rainbow's mind. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts of the feeling of building exhaustion after being out in the cold and fighting the storm for so long. Her muscles all ached, protesting against pushing a single step further forward. Her fur was plastered against her skin and felt like it was frozen there. Her feathers were hardly any better off. Her wings, still clenched tight against her sides, felt numb, partially due to the cold and partially to having the weight of a whole other pony lie against them.

Panting, Rainbow Dash craned her neck to look over her shoulder at her younger friend. Scootaloo, even though securely wrapped in several layers of fabric, still hardly looked better than she had when Rainbow Dash picked her up. Her face was still frozen in scrunched-up pain, and her mouth hung open, just barely enough for her to breathe. Still, she did not move, she merely shifted with Rainbow Dash's body as the older pegasus swayed back and forth slightly. Rainbow Dash cringed at the sight. She wished, more than anything, that the filly would open her eyes, or at least give some indication that she wasn't too far gone. Finally, Rainbow Dash was forced to pry her gaze from the distraught filly on her back. She gazed forward into the maelstrom, squinting against the cold. Her brow furrowed into a deep 'V' as she stared ahead. She was Rainbow Dash, and she had a mission. No weather was going to keep her down. Summoning her strength, she kicked off the ground with her rear legs and thrust forward, leaping out into the snow.

She could feel Scootaloo's weight shifting around on her back as she bounded along. She gritted her teeth, hardly daring to slow down lest she sink again. Her lungs screamed for air, and her breaths became shorter and more desperate as she pushed herself onward. She watched as the trees to either side of her Gradually grew further and further between, thinning out until she could no longer see them at all. She planted her fore hooves into the snow, skidding to a halt. They had reached the end of the orchard. Rainbow Dash squinted ahead. She could just barely make out the jagged, rocky edge of the curvy, meandering stream through the weather. She took a deep breath, exhaling in a sigh of relief. The Everfree storm was finally letting up. She could see the river from here. Carefully, she picked her way down to the water's edge. It was far less difficult than before for her to find the bridge. The snow was really beginning to let up. At least it was no longer white-out conditions.

Rainbow Dash placed a tentative hoof out onto the bridge deck. For some reason, probably the high winds, all the snow had been blown off of the stone bridge, leaving the deck a very slippery surface. Her hoof slid around some, but eventually found purchase, enabling Rainbow Dash to continue her careful walk out onto the bridge. With all four hooves out on the surface, the pegasus stepped forward once more, nearing the center of the span. Her hoof came down upon a patch of unseen ice and immediately slid forward, throwing her off balance. She scrambled madly with her other three hooves to regain herself, but to no avail. Both her front hooves and one rear hoof slid out from under her, sending her crashing down onto her right side. The sting of the cold bridge deck striking against her side sent a ripple of pain through her body, but she fought to ignore it. She gasped for breath as she struggled back to her hooves. She became dimly aware that she felt significantly lighter, and spun around, her head swinging from side to side in a frantic search for Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash swallowed a nervous lump. Her young friend was nowhere to be seen.

Just as her eyes swept the icy bridge deck once again, an ear-splitting scream broke through the cacophony of the storm and snapped Rainbow Dash to attention. She looked up, her gaze immediately tracing to the source of the sound. Her heart caught in her throat as the cry sounded again, only to be cut off by a short gurgle of inhaled water. Rainbow Dash gulped. One thing was for certain, at least. Scootaloo was awake. Without a second thought, Rainbow Dash gathered her wits about her, charged toward the side of the bridge, planted her hooves against the ice-coated stone, and launched out over the swirling, icy current.


The storm was beginning to let up by the time Applebloom and Sweetie Belle broke out of the orchard. Both fillies kept their heads down, shivering as each chilled gust of wind washed over them. Applebloom looked up, squinting across the clearing. Despite the cold, a bright smile flashed across her face. She could see a series of lights cutting through the thinning snow. The lit windows of the farmhouse, shining in the night. If she weren't so cold, she could have jumped for joy. At that moment, Applebloom had never seen anything that looked as perfect as the lighted windows of her home, beckoning her out of the cold. "Come, on, Sweetie Belle!" She bounded forward with renewed energy, "There it is! We're almost home."

Wordlessly, Sweetie Belle followed her excited friend. As they plodded through the snow, nearer and near to the lights, the murky silhouette of the farmhouse came into view. Applebloom beamed and Sweetie Belle couldn't help but grin. The two friends stumbled over one another as they made their way up through the front yard and finally huddled together on the porch. They exchanged a smile as Applebloom reached up to open the door. A blast of warm air, roasted by the flames in the living room hearth, hit her square in the chest as she slid through the doorway. Applebloom felt as if every hair on her body stood on end from the sudden wave of heat, and she immediately shook herself, droplets of water and latent snowflakes flying in all directions. She took a deep breath through her nose, inhaling the sweet scent of home. She could never have guessed before just how much she could miss the smell of something, yet she did. The smell of a fire, slowly burning in the hearth, mixed with the lingering scent of apple cider from the stove, and every other tiny nuance that made home smell like home. It was intoxicating. Applebloom might have become lost in it, were it not for one nagging thought it the back of her mind.

"Scootaloo!" Applebloom jumped, suddenly remembering. She rushed from the front foyer, headed towards the living room. Her sister met her halfway there. "Applejack, Ah…"

"Where have ya been? Ah've been so worried about ya!" Applebloom found herself cut off and whisked into the air as Applejack picked her up and held her tight against her chest in a warm, and only slightly suffocating, hug. Applejack looked up and nodded at Sweetie Belle, but a frown crossed her face when she saw no one else at the door. Gently, she set Applebloom, who took a heaving gulp of air, back down on the floor. "Wait, where's Rainbow and Scootaloo?"

"That's what Ah'm tryin' ta tell you. Scootaloo got hurt, and Rainbow Dash is takin' her to the hospital!"

Applejack was silent for several seconds. "What, Scootaloo's hurt? How? How bad is it?" She stared down at her little sister, her face etched with concern.

"Ah don't know. Ah think she broke her leg, but it's real bad and she wasn't even movin' and Ah'm really worried about her! We need to go now!" Applebloom rocked form side to side in agitation, nodding her head towards the door, beckoning Applejack outside. She scampered towards the door, expecting her sister to follow.

"Woah there, little Nelly, you're not goin' out there again." Applejack stepped forward to cut her off with a hoof. Applebloom turned around and frowned at her.


"But nothin'. You've just spent Ah don't know how long out in the freezin' cold, and Ah'm not lettin' ya back out there 'til the storm lets up. Ya hear?"

"Applejack, Ah need ta see Scootaloo!" Applebloom stomped her front hooves on the hard wood flooring in frustration. Applejack just shook her head.

"Ah'm sorry, AB. But Ah can't let ya back out there. It just ain't safe. Now, just go sit by the fire and warm up. Look, you're even shiverin' right now." As much as she tried to fight it, Applebloom knew her older sister was right. She was still cold, but she just had to see Scootaloo.

"Please take me to the hospital, AJ. I really need to see her!" Unbidden tears began to leak from Applebloom's eyes. "I… I love her, Applejack. I love her. Please let me see her. Please."

Applejack wrapped her arms around her little sister's neck and held her close, letting the filly rest her face in her shoulder. She could feel the occasional wet drop slip out onto her fur, but she held Applebloom anyway, gently rocking her from side to side. "Ah know. Ah know, Sugarcube. But it just ain't safe." She kissed her sister's cheek. Applebloom broke the hug, sniffling loudly. Applejack held her shoulders, smiling at her gently. "Tell ya what. Ah'll go make sure she's safe mahself. And, in the mornin', if the storm's clear, Fluttershy will take you and Sweetie Belle to the hospital, too. Does that sound alright?"

"But… but… I want to see her."

"Ah know, but ya need to get warmed up first. Get somethin' ta eat, and try ta get some shuteye. Fluttershy'll take care o' ya 'til mornin'. Right?" Applejack looked up at the yellow pegasus, who had silently made her way into the foyer and was watching solemnly. She gave a wan smile back and nodded her agreement. Applejack grinned back at her sister. "Now, go sit by the fire for a while. Look, Sweetie Belle's already there." Applebloom turned to look. Sweetie Belle, her sopping wet winter clothes in a pile next to her, had already sat down in front of the roaring flames, and was holding her fore hooves out to feel the blissful heat. She smiled at Applebloom.

Slowly, Applebloom hung her head and nodded. "Ok. But Ah'm leavin' first thing in the mornin'. She needs me there with her."

Applejack smiled and kissed her forehead. Then, setting her hat firmly in place on her head, she strode towards the door.

"AJ?" Applejack turned to see Applebloom, still rooted in place, staring after her. "Please make sure she's safe."

Applejack chuckled. "Don't worry, if ya can trust anypony ta keep her safe, you can trust Rainbow Dash."


The shock of striking the freezing water was enough to almost instantly knock the wind out of Rainbow Dash and send her gasping for breath. Despite this and the mind-numbing cold she felt from the ambient air and the near-freezing current, the headstrong pegasus managed to keep her mouth above the water's surface. Fighting back the sensation of chills racing through her body, she gulped down several breaths of air and began paddling, or thrashing about as best she could in the wild, choppy, rushing stream. She struggled to keep her head above the water, and several times found her vision swamped as she inadvertently ducked under. Still, each time, she returned to the surface, gasping, swinging her head around, desperately searching for her fallen friend.

Just as her gaze swept over the ice-choked waters ahead of her once again, she though she saw a glimpse of orange. Unsure, she squinted, ignoring the constant force of rushing water trying to pull her under. Through the wind and the waves, she could just barely see the frothing whitewater of a desperately splashing pony, and through that, a flailing orange hoof. There she was. Rainbow Dash surged forward, flailing her legs for all she was worth and using the current to pick up speed, desperately racing towards the thrashing filly. She fought the stream, yet it seemed she could make no headway. She closed her eyes, struggling to pull herself forward. She briefly reflected on whether or not it would have been easier to just fly out over the stream instead of jumping in, but pushed the thought from her mind and continued her desperate bid to swim. Opening her eyes again, she squinted and saw the soaking wet frame of Scootaloo, caught upon a chunk of ice, mere yards ahead.

Rainbow Dash paddled, her legs and joints straining and screaming in protest. Then, she was right on top of her. Desperately, she reached out, clamping onto Scootaloo's slick fur with her mouth. She very nearly lost her grip, but somehow managed to hang on; reaching out with her fore hooves to grasp the filly's shivering body. She secured the young pegasus in her embrace, biting down onto the scruff of her neck much like a mother cat would do for a kitten. She heaved both their bodies towards shore, desperately fighting the current to try and reach the bank. Her hooves brushed against the slick, rocky bottom and she scrambled to find a hoof-hold. Slowly, but surely, she dragged her way out of the water, lugging Scootaloo from behind her. Rainbow Dash collapsed upon the snow-covered ground as soon as she cleared the rocks. For several seconds, she just lay there, breathing heavily, feeling the absolute, bone-deep chill of the sub-freezing air assault her soaking-wet pelt.

Slowly, she recovered from her daze and stood up, her head pounded and her vision swam. Adrenaline coarsed through her veins. She looked behind her and saw Scootaloo, unmoving, slumped on the ground. A shot of icy fear, colder still than the very water she had just left, surged through her. Rainbow Dash dropped down onto her forehooves, kneeling before Scootaloo's prone body. She leant her ear in next to her, and heard nothing. "Come on, Scoot. Don't do this to me."

Rainbow Dash rolled Scootaloo over, exposing her underside. She placed both fore hooves on the filly's chest and pumped, once, twice, thrice, again, again, again… She bent down once more to listen: still nothing. "Come on, Scoot. Come on, Scootaloo." She checked herself, using a hoof to gently open Scootaloo's mouth. She bent down again and stared at the filly's face, her mind racing. There was nothing else for it. In an instant, she placed her own mouth around Scootaloo's and blew inward, expanding her chest with clean, fresh air. She stopped to listen again: still no sign of breathing. Returning her hooves to the filly's chest, she gasped, feeling the shock of the cold bite at her. She shoved the feeling away, focusing on the task at hoof. "Come on, Scootaloo." She pushed down on the filly's chest again and again, panting and straining for a sign of life. "I'm… not… giving… up… on… you..."

The sound of a wheezing, gasping, gurgling cough echoed through the night air. Rainbow Dash jumped backwards, marveling at the sight of Scootaloo, her eyes straining to open, coughing water up out of her chest. "Scoot!" Rainbow Dash cried out, rushing forward to lend her little friend her support. She held her in her fore legs, watching as the last of the water dribbled from the filly's mouth, and Scootaloo gasped.

"M… mommy?"

Rainbow Dash couldn't help it. In spite of the cold, she felt tears slide down her face. "That's right, I'm here. I'm here. I've got you. I'll be here for you, I promise."

"M-mommy… I'm so c-c-cold…"

Rainbow Dash hugged her tighter, feeling the nearly frozen filly for herself. She felt a twinge of guilt course through her mind. "Come on, Scootaloo. Let's get you warm… let's get you safe." With a sudden surge of strength, Rainbow Dash heaved her up onto her back, stopping for a moment to let her settle there. She looked up. The wind had died down, the snow no longer billowed all around her, and the night was quiet. The storm had broken. The dark shadows of Ponyville lay before them.

Rainbow Dash took off into the night, charging through the cold and leaping over drifts, checking over her shoulder every so often to make sure she didn't lose her friend again. She tore her way through the streets, kicking up thick, white clouds of snow behind her pounding hooves. Droplets of water, some already frozen into tiny, sparkling ice crystals, shook off her body and flapping mane and tail as she ran, full-tilt, for the hospital. Thoughts swirled through her mind. "Please, Princesses, please let it be open. It has to be open. Don't let it be closed." She begged to the still night air.

As she rounded a corner between two shadowy buildings, her gaze fell across the tall, white façade of Ponyville Hospital, lit up like a beacon with lights in the Emergency Room windows, shining in a crisp, glittery wonderland of sparkling, white snow. With a newfound surge of energy, she ran ahead, with Scootaloo, wide-eyed, clamping her fore legs around her idol's neck.

Nurse Redheart jumped up in surprise, very nearly spilling her coffee, and dropping the book she had been reading to the ground, as the glass Emergency Room doors burst open. A swirl of snow blew into the room, drawn in by the suction of the rapidly-opening doors, and a quick blast of chilled air washed over her. Nurse Redheart shook herself looking up from her floor-bound book to come face to face with Rainbow Dash.

The pegasus's chest rose and fell rapidly as she drew in gulp after gulp of air, trying to catch her breath. Nurse Redheart blinked away her confusion before putting on her best smile. "Can I help you."

Rainbow Dash, still breathing hard, stammered in reply. "I… Scootaloo needs… help, doctors… she's hurt and… cold… storm… and wet… river… help." She turned around, exposing the shivering, half-conscious filly on her back and nodding her head at her for emphasis. Nurse Redheart nodded, pressing the button on her desk to ring for assistance. Within moments, wheeling a stretcher, two more nurses and a doctor rushed into the lobby. Rainbow Dash could only nod feebly as they gathered Scootaloo and rushed her off. She tried to run alongside her, but winced in pain as her legs protested any further movement. With a series of deep breaths, she staggered backwards and collapsed into a chair along the waiting room wall.


Applejack shivered as she walked. The night was cold, but at least the wind was no longer blowing. The snow, which had swirled about for hours, had finally settled, leaving Ponyville to be covered with a pure, glistening blanket of newly-fallen snow. Applejack breathed deeply, taking in the crisp, clean scent. Though she never mentioned it much, she always had liked winter. The world always seemed so peaceful after a heavy snowstorm. The houses and shops of Ponyville were all still dark. For the most part, it was long past bedtime for the citizens of the sleepy town. Applejack stifled a yawn herself. She had been awake for a good while now, but she knew she had to keep trotting. She could sleep later.

The snowdrifts had built up to waist-deep, and Applejack found it a struggle just to keep moving. She wasn't too bothered by it, though. She just kept glancing around the quiet town as she continued her slow trot. The clouds were already starting to thin, and she could see the moon faintly behind a wispy portion of one. Applejack shook her head in wonder. How such a violent storm could spring upon them so quickly, and be gone just as fast, would never cease to amaze her. She chuckled as she rounded a corner, the bright lights of the hospital illuminating the last leg of her journey. A trail of disturbed snow lay before her, leading right up to the big, double glass doors. Somepony had been here before, and Applejack thought she knew who.

The lobby was empty when Applejack pushed open the doors, but she could hear the muffled sound of voices from the corridor beyond. Confused as to why she couldn't see anypony, she pushed open another set of doors and strode out into the linoleum-tiled hallway. Following the sound, she passed several closed doors before spotting an open one up ahead. She made a beeline straight for it. She could hear snippets of the conversation coming from within.

"I'm sorry, Miss Dash. But I cannot allow you to see Scootaloo until I've made absolutely sure that you're suffering no ill effects."

Applejack's ears perked and a smile crossed her face as she heard the next voice. "I'm telling you, I'm fine. Let me see her. She's hurt bad, and I promised her I'd stay with her." Applejack ducked her head through the open doorway, glancing across the bland hospital room to see her wife, sitting upright on the hospital bed, her fore hooves crossed, and glaring at Nurse Redheart, who let out an exasperated sigh.

"Rainbow?" Applejack trotted into the room.

Rainbow Dash looked up as she saw her wife enter out of the corner of her eye. Her face lit up immediately. "AJ!" In one swift motion, she leapt off the bed, and brushed past Nurse Redheart, ignoring the mare's protest. She crossed the room, meeting Applejack in the center, and threw her fore legs around her neck. Applejack immediately leaned forward, catching Rainbow Dash in a quick kiss. Rainbow Dash quickly obliged, pressing back with equal intensity and letting their lips lock together. Their foreheads touched as they kissed, and for a moment, all the troubles and the pain weighing on Rainbow Dash's mind seemed to just melt away. In the loving embrace of her partner, she felt secure.

Finally, she broke the kiss. Applejack, still wrapped up in a hug, gave her a smile. Rainbow Dash chuckled. "You would not believe what I've been through today."

Applejack gave her a quick peck on the cheek before they broke apart, their fore hooves returning to the floor. "Ah believe ya. Where's Scootaloo?"

Nurse Redheart spoke up before Rainbow Dash could answer. "She's in Intensive Care. So far, we know she has a leg broken in several places, she's suffering from prolonged exposure, and she may be showing some signs of early onset hypothermia. There may also be some other complicating factors, so we've had to put her under for the time being. As of right now, she's in critical condition."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash glanced from Nurse Redheart back to each other. Their faces grim, they gazed into one another's eyes for a few seconds. Without saying a word, both knew what the other was thinking. Applejack turned back towards Nurse Redheart, and took a deep breath. "Take us in ta see her. Now."