• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 11,145 Views, 259 Comments

Applejoy - BronyNeumo

The lengthy sequel to my "Confessions and Considerations" series of stories.

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Chapter 19 - Finale

Chapter 19 - Finale

Watching Pinkie Pie bake was like watching an artisan spin an intricate clay pot from scratch, or a master virtuoso ply their craft on a stage in front of a crowd of thousands. Applejack could not help but smile and chuckle lightly, the pink pony reduced to a pink blur as she swept around the kitchen, grabbing at utensils and ingredients, whisking a bowl of brilliant white frosting at near hypersonic speeds, rushing for the oven at the sound of a sharp ‘ding’ and pulling several steaming hot tins from within. She was grinning.

“Alright, Applejack! Your double-fudge, triple-chocolate, quadruple-layer cake is almost ready!”

Applejack groaned. “Pinkie… Ah told ya Ah didn’t want no humongous, fancy cake! This is supposed to be a simple celebration.”

Pinkie Pie giggled, a quick burst of high-pitch static laughter that culminated in a snort. “Oh, Applejack, you silly pony. Even simple celebrations need quadruple-layer cakes!” Her grin threatened to snap her in two. She said it like it was the most logical thing in the world.

“Ah want a small party, Pinkie. Family and friends only. That’s too much cake.”

Pinkie’s laughter stopped. She stared long and hard at her fellow earth pony. Applejack glanced away, feeling the sudden urge to step backwards, out of the kitchen. Then Pinkie’s smile returned. “Applejack, you’re not making any sense. There’s no such thing as too much cake!”


“No buts!” The Pink baker held a wooden spoon high in the air, staring at the tip as if at an almighty sword. “Who’s Ponyville’s premiere party pony, the pragmatic, passionate purveyor of perfect parties?”

“Umm… Y’all are?”


Applejack sighed. Only sheer force of willpower kept her hooves firmly planted on the ground and away from smacking her face. “Fine… suit yerself.” Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle as she stepped from the kitchen, headed back towards the bakery’s front. Some things never did change. Pinkie was still the same Pinkie, and the farmer could still hardly handle more than a few minutes alone with her.

“Never interrupt an artist at her work, I suppose?”

Applejack nearly jumped. A flash of a cocky grin. Sparkling, carefree, happy, magenta eyes. It couldn’t be… “Rainbow!” The earth pony’s eyes locked with her wife’s. The cyan pegasus stood on the other side of the counter, grinning. Applejack bounded to reach her. They touched foreheads lightly, mindful of other ponies in the shop.

“Thought I might find you here.”

“And Ah thought Ah wouldn’t see you ‘til night, what with all them rain showers you’ve had scheduled since Winter Wrap-Up.”

“Hey, even the new Ponyville District Weather Manager needs a break or two every once in a while.”

Applejack shook her head fondly as the pair strode from the bakery into the lazy afternoon. A few clouds drifted across the sky and a few ponies drifted between shops. It looked to be a mostly boring day. They couldn’t be happier. “Won’t that just make the work pile up for ya?”

“Yeah, well, being my own boss has its advantages. Besides, I wanted to see you.”

“Mmm, Ah Can’t argue with that.”

“So, how’re preparations coming?”

“For the party? They’re comin’ along great. Pinkie’s about done with her cake, then she’ll put a few last touches on the barn. We’ll be all set by tonight.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Good to hear.”

“Ah’ll say. Ah guess Ah’m still a might bit worried, is all.”

“Please, AJ, it’s a party. No need to be so high-strung about everything all the time.”

“Ah ain’t high-strung, Ah just don’t want nothin’ bad ta happen.”

“Come on, AJ, when have we ever been disappointed by a Pinkie Pie party?”

“Ah guess, but ya shoulda seen her today, bakin’ up some double-triple-super chocolate cake or somethin’. Ah hardly think we’ll be able ta finish it!”

Rainbow smiled knowingly. “Pinkie will be Pinkie, and nopony ever said it was a bad thing to have leftover cake.”

“Ah suppose…”

“Look, AJ, what are you so worried about? This is Pinkie Pie, for crying out loud. If anypony knows her way around a cake, it’s her. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Ah don’t know, Sugar. Ah just want everytin’ ta be perfect.”

The cyan pegasus snickered. “I know who you sound like right now.”


“Oh, it’s nothing, just…” Rainbow Dash transitioned into her best, high-pitched, drawn-out voice, “Oh no, Darling. The crystal vase for the bouquet must go between the crystal punch bowl and the fourth ice sculpture. Honestly, must I do everything around here?”

“Come on, Dash. That’s not…” Applejack stumbled over her words, trying to hold back her laughter. “That’s not funny.”

Her partner nudged her teasingly. “You know it is. Miss ‘I want everything to be perfect’, you sound just like Rarity.”

“Ah do not. And besides, don’t tease her. She’s under a lot o’ stress.”

“I got it, I’m only joking.”

“It is her weddin’ day comin’ up, and she deserves it ta be absolutely perfect.”

Rainbow Dash’s smirk disappeared momentarily. “Yeah. If anypony deserves the wedding of their dreams, it’s Rarity. After everything she’s given all of us, she’s earned it.”

“Ah’m glad she and Fancy finally decided ta tie the knot. He’s a right gentlecolt, and Rarity deserves somepony as good as him.”

“Yeah, not every mare gets to land a totally awesome pony like that…” a flash of a grin returned to the pegasus’s face. “… well, except you, of course.”

“And just what is that supposed to mean?”

“Oh, nothing. Just saying you made a pretty good catch with me.”

Applejack shot a mock-glare back at the teasing pegasus. “Hardy har. Ah seem to recall ya were th’ one chasin’ me, right off a cliff, Ah might add.” Rainbow Dash merely laughed.

“Another marital quarrel, you two? What a shame, you seemed like such a happy couple.” Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked up in surprise to see a familiar mint-green unicorn, a wide half-grin spread across her face. Behind her, a cream-coated earth pony slapped a hoof to her own.

Rainbow Dash cracked an even wider smile upon seeing the other couple. “Hey Lyra, Bon-bon, what’s up?” She flew over to the unicorn, sharing a hoof-bump with her.

“It’s so good to see you two,” Bon-bon put on a cheery face and strode over to join the other three. “It’s been so long.”

“I’ll say.” Lyra chimed in. “We haven’t seen you since Hearths’ Warming Eve, Rainbow Dash. And Applejack… it feels like it’s been forever.”

“Well, it’s been a long winter. Ah guess we never really got out too much.” Applejack exchanged hugs with the other two ponies.

“How’s Applejoy?”

Both parents beamed at the mention of their daughter. “She’s doin’ mighty fine. Actually, it was just her third birthday th’ other day.”

“Really?” Lyra perked up, “Our youngest is turning three in a few weeks, too.”

“That’s right.” Applejack suddenly found herself awash with memory. “Ya were in the hospital about the same time as Ah was, Lyra.”

Lyra nodded. “I can remember. Time sure does fly huh?”

“You said it.” Rainbow Dash nodded as well.

Bon-bon cast a quick glance at Ponyville’s clock tower and a slight frown crossed her face. “Oh dear… Lyra, Honey, we have to go. Tootsie Flute’s recital is starting soon, and I promised we’d see her backstage beforehand.”

“Oh, that’s right,” Lyra glanced back towards her friends. “We really should be leaving.”

“That’s quite alright,” Applejack smiled. “Wouldn’t want ta keep ya from yer daughter’s performance.”

“We really should make some plans to see each other more often, a chat over drinks, maybe?” Bon-bon quipped. “There are so few other couples like us here in Ponyville, it would be nice to discuss things from time to time.”

“Well, there is Twilight an’ Cheerilee, but Ah doubt they’ll make that official anytime soon.” Applejack had a short chuckle at the thought of those two. “But Ah agree, that sounds right nice.”

“Well, I guess we’ll see you two later, then.” Lyra said as she and her wife turned away.

Rainbow Dash, who had fallen silent, suddenly spoke up, flapping into the air and calling after the pair before they got more than three paces away. “Hey guys, wait up.” Lyra and Bon-bon both checked back over their shoulders, perplexed. “I know it must seem last minute, but we’re having a party for Little AJ’s birthday down at the Acres tonight. Would you guys and your kids like to come?”

Both the other mares brightened at the idea. “Cool, we’ll be there.” Lyra grinned at her hovering friend.

Bon-bon happily agreed. “We’d love too. Thank you for inviting us. We won’t be able to come until after the recital ends at six, though.”

Rainbow Dash beamed. “Great, we’ll save some cake for ya!”

“Sounds wonderful.” Bon-bon smiled as she and her partner turned and hurried away, towards the schoolhouse and their daughter’s recital. Rainbow Dash and Applejack stood and watched them leave in silence for a moment before the earth pony turned back to look at her wife.

“That seems kinda sudden, comin’ from you, Sugarcube.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I know you didn’t want a whole lot of people invited over… it just seems like they deserve it.”

“Ah ain’t upset, Dashie, only curious. Why them? Why now?”

“Like Bon-bon said, we don’t see each other very much, and they’re one of the only other couples like us we even know. Besides, they’ve done a lot for us in the past.”

“Really? Like what?”

“Well… you remember I told you about that conversation Bon-bon and I had the day Little AJ was born, right?” Rainbow Dash queried as the two began walking along once more. Applejack nodded silently. “Not to mention, on Hearths’ Warming Eve, when Big Mac and I went out looking for donations, well… they were one of the biggest givers.”

“Really…” Applejack gave pause, her thoughts cast back to that fateful day. She felt herself shiver. “Ah… Ah didn’t know.”

Rainbow Dash noticed her wife’s sudden change in demeanor, and cast a furtive glace her way. “Everything Ok?”

“Wha? No… no. Ah’m fine, Sugarcube. Just… thinkin’, is all.”

They walked a good while in silence. Ponyville that morning was not particularly busy, with many residents out making the most of a rare sunny spring day. A few were out heading for the market, while some simply enjoyed an early stroll through town. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, however, took no heed of those few fellow Ponyvillians. Applejack seemed unable to keep her attention focused. Her gaze flitted from one direction to the next; her silence seemed uncomfortable, wanting of something, stifled, even. Rainbow Dash kept glancing over at her wife, her brows furled with a combination of confusion and concern. Overhead, some birds chirped. It was a perfectly lovely day, but in her mind, it might as well have been overcast grey. In an instant so short as to be perplexing to the normally self-assured pegasus, a pallor had settled over her partner, and she just had to figure out why.

“Me too.”

Applejack looked up in surprise, seemingly lost within the deep, wandering strains of her thoughts. “Hmm?”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Me too… I’ve been doing some thinking too…”

“Oh…” Applejack gave pause, unsure what to say or even where the conversation was headed. “Ok.”

“You know… what I was saying earlier…” Rainbow Dash walked ever closer to her. Applejack found it trying to hold her piercing gaze. “When Big Mac and I were out collecting donations. I thought… I thought I’d find you somewhere. But we never did. I didn’t see you until we came home. And later Fluttershy told me you’d only gotten back a few minutes before us…”

Applejack swallowed hard. She could tell where they were most likely headed. She finally averted her gaze, choosing instead to fix her eyes firmly on the ground, counting cobblestones as they passed beneath her hooves.

“So… like I said, I’ve been doing some thinking too.” Rainbow Dash fell quiet, studying Applejack’s face as they continued to walk along aimlessly, side-by-side. “And… I really don’t know what to think.” The pair descended into silence once more, Rainbow Dash waiting expectantly for her wife to speak.

Applejack kept her head bowed. Her mind screamed at her to say something – anything – to break the tension, but she held her tongue. She could feel Rainbow Dash’s concerned gaze burning into her, and grimaced. Desperate to look anywhere but at her companion, she glanced up from the ground. Their meandering had brought them into a park. Trees, budding with the clean, fresh greens of a new spring, stood all around them. Eager for the distraction, Applejack gazed around her, taking in the beauty of the park. Why, why did Dash want to talk about that night? Applejack had successfully avoided thinking about her sojourn for a good while, only to have it thrust back to the forefront of her thoughts. She wanted to cry out, to shatter the pervasive, tortuous silence, but she couldn’t. And her day had been going so well before, too.

“Applejack?” Rainbow Dash inched closer to her absent-minded partner. “Applejack!” She lightly nudged her, and the earth pony seemed to jump. “Applejack, please pay attention. This is important. I… I want to know.”

Her mouth was dry, but she felt helpless, a sensation of drowning. “Ya… want ta know what?”

“AJ, what happened? You weren’t like this a minute ago. What’s gotten into you?”

“Ah don’t…” Applejack gulped hard, willing herself to steady her trembling voice. “Ah guess Ah don’t rightly know, Dashie.”

“AJ, please tell me. What happened that night? What’s got you upset?”

“Ah don’t know.”

“Applejack. I can tell when something’s up. I want you to tell me. Was it something that happened that night?” She paused, waiting for an answer, but none was forthcoming. “Well, if it is, we can fix this, whatever it is, together. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? Help each other when we’re scared?”

“Ah ain’t scared.”

“Then tell me what’s bothering you.”

“Ah… ah can’t.”


“Ah can’t. Ah just can’t, Dashie, Ok?”

“Come on, AJ. You know you can trust me.”

“Ah… Ah know that, RD. Ah just… Ah just can’t right now. Ah can’t talk about it.” Applejack turned away. There were tears in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to continue, but her words died on her lips. She looked at Applejack. Slowly, she came alongside her and nuzzled her cheek gently with her own. She could feel moisture wick into her own fur. For a long while, neither said anything, simply relishing the comfort borne out of each other’s silent company. A light breeze whistled lazily through the fresh spring trees above them, blowing at their manes as it went. There was no disturbance, just the whispering of leaves high above them and the soft sigh of their own breathing. When Rainbow Dash finally spoke, she spoke slowly. “Ok.” She gave a heavy sigh, nodding almost imperceptibly. “Ok. Let’s just go home.”

There was a long, winding gravel path that led them through the park. The pair exchanged no further words as they traveled along it, instead remaining to stew in their own thoughts. The park was mostly empty, with only a few relaxed ponies enjoying the bright spring morning from the comfort of one of many benches. A few waved as Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked past. After all, after over three years of marriage, they were well regarded and well loved by their community as one of the happiest couples around. On this particular day, however, they did not return any greetings.

The path led them out of the park and eventually joined with the long road home. Gradually, the peaceful sounds of a calm, crisp morning gave way to the gentle rushing of the stream, engorged with melt water and running higher than usual. Before too long, the all-too-familiar bridge came into view. Rainbow Dash, keeping a keen eye on Applejack, watched her companion’s gaze shift suddenly to the rushing water. The river was indeed high; the rolling surface’s crests bare inches below the bridge deck. She saw the pony beside her gulp, but said nothing to her.

She was surprised when they stopped. Applejack stepped out onto the bridge warily, took a few steps, and then halted in the middle of the span, facing downstream. Perplexed, Rainbow Dash sidled up next to her. Applejack gazed down out over the rustling current. Flowers and grasses had sprouted up along its banks, taking advantage of the abundance of water and ample sunlight, ever since spring had seen the thaw of the riverbank. The water moved quickly, but the harshness of winter’s ice was gone. There was a smooth, almost gentle speed about it as it wove its course into Whitetail Wood and out of sight. Eyes wide, unblinking, Applejack stared shakily downward, petrified, as if she could see something everypony else could not.

Warily, Rainbow Dash snuck a hoof across Applejack’s shoulders and gripped her love, holding her close and breaking her concentration. Applejack blinked. She looked up from the comforting embrace. Her green eyes were damp.

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. “Applejack.” She spoke slowly, clearly, deliberately. “You shouldn’t be afraid to tell me anything.”

“Ah know, Sugarcube.”

“You should never be afraid. Not with me.”

“Ah know. Ah… Ah trust you.”

“Something’s bothering you, and I want to know what it is.”

Applejack was silent for a while. Then, she turned away, crossing the rest of the bridge. Rainbow Dash let her hoof fall. Her response was quiet, only barely discernible. “Ah don’t think ya’d understand.”

Rainbow Dash rushed to catch up, brushing warmly against her side as she fell into step alongside her. “I promise I will.” Applejack remained silent. “I promise. Whenever you’re ready.”

“Maybe later. Maybe…”

“Whenever you’re ready.”

“Ah’ll…” Applejack looked at her lover. The same old concern still filled her eyes. Applejack sighed. No matter what, Rainbow Dash deserved to know. One way or the other. “Ah’ll think about it.”


True to her word, Pinkie Pie had made the night a memorable one, and although her massive cake was more than enough to keep all the guests fed by itself, a veritable smorgasbord of treats had also been laid out. The party, as Pinkie Pie Parties are wont to do, ran well into the night, even after the guest of honor had been taken to bed. Finally, with the moon high overhead, the barn was starting to quiet down. Rainbow Dash breathed a deep, contented sigh. She had relished the chance to enjoy herself while surrounded by good friends, and she was glad to see Applejack had managed to unwind as well. And even after noticing Scootaloo and Apple Bloom sneak off during the festivities, she had done nothing about it.

Spike, draped over Twilight’s back, snored loudly as Rainbow Dash bade the unicorn good night. Cheerilee, silent but grinning from ear to ear, stood beside Twilight. The two glanced at each other, blushed, and looked away again. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Alright, have a good night you two, and thanks for coming!”

Twilight smiled. “Thank you for having us, Rainbow. And give Applejack our thanks as well.”

“I’ll be sure to.” Rainbow Dash affirmed as the pair strode away, side by side. She shook her head, bemused. Someday, those two would make it official. Hopefully someday soon, as if everyone in Ponyville didn’t know about them already.

She turned back around and sidled over to where Applejack and Rarity were busily chatting. A somewhat impatient-looking Sweetie Belle stood near them. “Oh, Darling, I can scarcely believe it’s been three years since she was born. It’s simply astounding!”

“Ah know what ya mean, Rares. Ah can’t believe how old mah little girl’s getting’ neither.”

“And I can hardly believe you’ve put up with me that whole time.” Rainbow Dash laughed as she joined them.

“Just barely, Sugarcube. Just barely.”

“Rarity, can we go now? I’m tired!”

“Sweetie Belle! Don’t be so rude!” Rarity gave pause, glancing around the now mostly-empty barn. Big Macintosh and Fluttershy had retired some time before, and Lyra and Bon-bon’s family had left earlier as well. Only Pinkie Pie remained, scarfing up a few remaining sweets from the refreshments table. “I suppose it is getting rather late… Applejack, Rainbow Dash, congratulations once again, though I daresay it’s time to depart.”

Applejack chuckled. “Sure thing, Rarity. Thanks fer stoppin’ by. Ah know how busy y’all’ve been lately, so it means a lot.”

“Oh, think nothing of it.” Rarity smiled as she strode towards the door; Sweetie Belle yawned as she followed in her elder sister’s wake. “And do tell the little dear good night for me.”

“Ah’ll be sure to give her a kiss from Aunt Rarity.”

“That’s the ticket.” Rarity waved as she exited the barn, heading out into the cool, crisp night and back towards town.

A repeated springing sound announced the departure of Pinkie Pie, who bounced happily towards Applejack and Rainbow Dash. “Hey, Pinks. Thanks for the great party.”

“No problem, Dashie! It’s the least I could do!” She quickly hugged both her friends, and with a final happy giggle, bounded away into the night. Applejack let out a deep sigh and leaned against her wife. Rainbow Dash nuzzled her cheek, grateful for her warmth resting against her.

“Alone at last, huh Sugarcube?”

“Yeah.” The pegasus smiled. Applejack’s cheek felt so good against her own… she felt a sudden twinge of guilt. The party had made her so happy, even after all the day’s events. “You know, AJ… I’ve been thinking. If you really don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to.”

“No, Dashie.” Applejack nuzzled her even more, closing her eyes and breathing deeply as she did so. “Ya deserve ta know.”

Rainbow Dash lifted a fore leg to give her wife a quick squeeze. “If you’re sure… maybe we should get comfortable first.”

Applejack smiled, and led her love over to a haystack. She settled down onto the soft pile, patting a space beside her and waiting for her companion to join her. Rainbow Dash snuggled up next to her, and for a moment the pair simply savored each other’s company. Applejack took another deep breath. Somehow, she had to begin. “Sugarcube. The first thing Ah want ta tell ya is… is that Ah love ya, and Ah always have, and nothin’s ever gon’ change that.”

A lazy smile spread across Rainbow Dash’s face. “I already know that, AJ. I’ve known it for years. You don’t have to worry.”

“Just… just promise me, no matter what happens here, that ya won’t forget it.”


“Ok, then… Ah’m ready.”

“AJ, what really did happen that night, after you left?”

“Well, like Ah said, Ah left to see Mayor Mare about securin’ a loan from th’ town. And… well, Ah guess… Ah guess that didn’t go too well.”

“What did she say?”

“She said that money was tight, and that she couldn’t just give out loans like that.”

“Well that doesn’t sound so bad.”

“It gets… it gets worse. She told me she would only give us a loan if the town got a majority stake in th’ farm.”

Rainbow Dash gently stroked her hoof through Applejack’s mane. “I know you’d never do that.”

Slowly, Applejack nodded. “So Ah left, and Ah ran, and Ah got ta that bridge, and it was so cold and icy, Ah slipped and fell.”

Rainbow Dash shuddered, remembering her own all-two recent experience in that same position. She lowered her voice, still caressing that beautiful, straw-colored mane. “This is starting to sound familiar.”

Applejack nodded weakly. A hollow, empty look filled her eyes. She sniffed loudly. “Ah… Ah felt awful. Ah felt sick. Ah wasn’t thinkin’ right.”

“It’s Ok, Honey. Tell me what happened next.”

Applejack clamped her eyes shut, shaking her head back and forth. Tears wicked out from beneath her eyelids. Rainbow resumed her gentle stroking. “Oh, sweet Celestia… Ah’m sorry. Ah’m so sorry, Dash.”

“Woah, woah, AJ, easy there. Easy. You don’t have to be sorry for anything.”

“No, Sugarcube… Ah’m sorry, but ya just, ya don’t understand.”

“Then help me understand.”

“Do ya remember that life insurance policy Ah bought?”

“Yeah, I…” Rainbow Dash trailed off, beginning to put two and two together in her mind. “AJ, no…”

“Ah’m sorry, RD. Ah thought it was the only way.”

“Oh, AJ. You don’t mean… surely you don’t…”

“Ah jumped.”

“You what?”

“Ah jumped. Into the river.”

“Oh, AJ.” Rainbow Dash hugged her tight around her neck. She could feel tears streak onto her chest as Applejack buried herself in it. “What were you thinking?”

“Ah’m sorry. Ah’m sorry. Ah don’t know. Ah just don’t know. It seemed like the only way.”

“The only way to what?”

“To save the farm. To keep you and Applejoy in a house an’ off the streets. To save mah family.”

“Oh, Celestia, AJ.” She held her even tighter then; crying as well. “I’d never want to lose you like that.”

“Ya should be mad at me.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head furiously. "No, Applejack, no. I’m not mad. I’m just… confused. I don’t understand.”

“Well ya should be.”


“Ya should be!” Applejack struggled against her partner’s embrace. Surprised, Rainbow Dash fell backwards, sinking slightly into the soft pile of straw. Applejack stood up, shaking herself off and rounding on the perplexed pegasus. “Ya should be!” Her shout reverberated through the barn.


“Ya should be mad at me. Ya should be furious. Ah coulda died. Ah coulda died ‘cause Ah was bein’ so stupid.” She was shaking, eyes closed, her voice loud and cracking with each heaving, dry sob; she couldn’t hold her focus together. Rainbow Dash cringed.

“Applejack, listen to me.”

“Ah was stupid, an’ selfish, an’ Ah coulda died. Dammit, Ah shoulda died. You should be furious at me. Don’t ya even care? Don’t ya even…. Oof.”

Applejack didn’t really know what she had been expecting, but whatever it had been, she certainly had not expected Rainbow Dash to leap up and tackle her. She fell onto her back and grabbed at her partner. They scuffled for but a few moments before she fell limp, suddenly exhausted. Rainbow Dash held both her fore legs at her side, pinned against the ground. She caught Applejack’s gaze and held it firm with her bright, shimmering, rose-hued eyes. Her lip was cut, with a bead of blood beginning to form at its apex.

“Dashie, Ah…”

“No, Applejack.” Tears twinkled in her eyes. Her gaze was like fire, holding her in place through sheer force of captivation. Applejack couldn’t look away if she wanted to. Even with a strong pair of hooves holding her pinned, she didn’t even think to struggle. “No. You listen to me now, got it?” Silently, the farmpony nodded. “I’m not mad, AJ. I could never be mad at you. You don’t deserve that. I… I really don’t know what to think right now. I’m confused. I can hardly even believe you’d do something like that, but I’m not mad.” She leaned down and placed a little kiss on Applejack’s forehead. “You’re too important to me, AJ. You know what? Even if Big Mac and I hadn’t gotten any donations, and even if we had lost the farm. I’d still rather have you. Maybe we’d have to live somewhere else, maybe the library, or somewhere. I don’t know. But you know what? It wouldn’t matter, because I’d have you, and I’d have our daughter, and that’d be enough. I never even want to think about losing you, Ok?”

Applejack, her eyes still locked onto those of her wife, seemed stunned into silence, so Rainbow Dash continued. “D’you remember what you said to me in the hospital, the night I brought Scootaloo there? Well, I do. You showed me how to believe in myself again. That’s not a hard lesson to learn. I want you to remember that right now. AJ, this whole silly mess has been eating at you for a while now. I can tell. I may not be the best at comforting anypony, but I want you to tell me everything from now on, Ok? I want to help, Applejack, just like you’ve helped me so much. We’re in this together, and… oh, come here!”

Suddenly, without warning or hesitation, Rainbow Dash scooped Applejack’s head up in her hooves and pulled her muzzle close. They were both crying, tears falling unabated. Their kiss was wet, sloppy, and long, but it felt electric. Both ponies felt as if their every hair stood on end, heat building in their faces and bodies as they let their worries slip away in a flurry of little pecks, deep, gentle ministrations, and a salty mix of tears and a little blood. Finally, they broke apart. Exhausted, Rainbow Dash collapsed onto her back beside her wife. She clutched Applejack’s hoof with one of her own, grinning sheepishly and blushing, the both of them.

For a long time, they stared at the ceiling. Neither moved; dumb grins playing across their faces. Wind whistled in the barn through the open windows. It chilled their faces. Applejack’s grin subsided. Rainbow Dash’s remained, and still she held Applejack’s hoof tight to her chest, as if afraid to let go. “What’re we doin’ here, Dashie?”

Rainbow Dash knew her answer without even giving it much thought. “Raising a family.”

“But we’re so young. We’re barely a few years older than Scootaloo, an’ yet we still call her our daughter, now.”

“Isn’t she, though? I thought we agreed that would be what she needed.”

“Ah know, Sugar… it’s just… isn’t it strange? We’ve got th’ oddest, craziest, most convoluted family… that Ah love.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Promise you won’t keep anything from me any longer, AJ? Especially something this important. I can help. That’s what I’m here for.”

“Ah’m just not so sure either of us is really ready ta be a parent, what if we’re both gonna have emotional breakdowns every few weeks like this.”

“Hey, you can’t blame us. It’s been a long, hard winter. That’s all that’s gotten us down, nothing more. We’re still great parents… well, at least you are.” Rainbow Dash smiled as Applejack finally let herself go. She laughed; a chest-shaking, quivering laugh that finally descended into a crescendo of giggles. They both rolled onto their sides, facing each other, engaged in a hapless staring contest. “You know something, AJ. Whatever it is we’re doing, no matter how weird our family is, and whether or not we’re really good parents, I’m glad I’m doing it with you.”

Applejack cracked a smile. “Me too, Dashie. Me too.”


Princess Celestia could not help but smile as she levitated the scroll down to her bedside table. She laid it down beside a series of three framed photographs. She contemplated each one as her gaze passed across them. There was one of her beloved apprentice Twilight Sparkle at the castle, during some important stage of her magical training, although, which one, Celestia could not quite recollect. The second stood out prominently, from several years past, it showed Twilight standing with her five best friends, then newly met. This had been the first photograph she had received from her student, so many years ago when she had just settled in Ponyville. A third one showed the same group of six, along with Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, from the latters’ wedding reception. Celestia shook her head and suppressed a slight shudder as she remembered that day.

The pictures spread onto the wall of her royal chamber, just above the small table. There were others showing Twilight as a filly, and more showed the group of friends engaged in various activities, always laughing, always happy. There were more weddings; first Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s, then Fluttershy’s. Her newest pictures rested just above the headboard of her bed. One showed Twilight standing next to a purple pony with a cutie mark of three smiling daisies, a pony whose name Celestia had only recently learned was Cheerilee. There was a small heart, drawn with a quick flourish of a quill in black ink, between the two ponies. Celestia grinned at that one, remembering the letter it had arrived with. She also felt a slight welling of pride. It did seem fitting for her to be the first one her student came out to, after all.

The Princess was suddenly distracted form her reverie as the sound of her chamber door opening echoed across the room. She moved to glare at whomever dared interrupt her time of peace, but her face softened as she saw her sister approaching the bed. “Ah, Luna. Done raising the moon tonight, I see?”

“Indeed, sister. I suppose I should wish you a good night.” Luna gave a small smile. Glancing down at the nightstand, she spotted the scroll. “Another note from Miss Sparkle?”

“Not quite. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, this time.”

“Really, and what does it say?”

Celestia levitated the scroll over to her sister, who caught it with her own magic and read, her eyes quickly scanning across the parchment. She began to read aloud when she reached the final few sentences. “Hmm… ‘Marriage is a lot like friendship, only more so. We have to learn to face some pretty big obstacles together. And sometimes, just carrying on can seem near downright impossible, but in the end, we can always be assured to know that we’ll fall asleep next to the pony we love.’ Not a bad lesson to have learned.”

“Seems a little clichéd, don’t you think?”

Luna giggled slightly, and set the scroll back down in its place. “I suppose so. Good night, sister.”

“Good night, Luna.”

The last picture hung on the wall just above Celestia’s bed, almost directly over her pillow. A grassy clearing and a few trees set the scene. On the left, a butter-yellow pegasus by the name of Fluttershy lay on her side, a soft, content smile spread on her face. Big Macintosh, tall and proud, stood behind her, watching over her and his young family. Their children had curled up against their mother’s side, warm and cozy. Their attention was held captive by Pinkie Pie, who stood before them with a silly face and what looked to be an even sillier dance. Rarity and Sweetie Belle stood a little ways away, a golden ring distinct upon the fashionista’s horn. Twilight Sparkle and Spike were near them, on the right of the frame. Sweetie Belle seemed immersed in conversation with both Applebloom and Scootaloo, who stood quite close together, their tails intertwined. Applejack stood behind the two fillies, and Rainbow Dash beside her. Their heads were bowed, their foreheads touching. Applejack carried their daughter upon her shoulders. Bubbly and carefree as ever, smiling as always, there could be no mistaking Applejoy.

Before sending the picture to the princess, Twilight had taken a moment to quickly scrawl a simple, two word caption across the bottom:

‘Our Family.’


Comments ( 42 )

A very sweet story...

But I do have problem....Applejoy is not in this chapter. You call the fic Applejoy but she seems more of a background character than anything else.

Well, she is only three years old. Not a whole lot much I can really do with her.

The end...wow. I find it almost impossible that it arrived...

I loved this story a lot, and it's easily my favourite AppleDash story. I kind of wish this wasn't the end, but ah well. :twilightsheepish:

I hope to see more stories from you in the future! :pinkiehappy:

This has been by far my favorite Appledash :ajsmug: It's sad to see it complete however I'm glad to see such a happy ending. :scootangel:

Aww no more to this story either?

Why do I feel like this isn't the end? Maybe that's just me hoping for more because this is the best AppleDash story ever, period. But, I dunno, I was sad when I saw that this was ending, but I will eagerly await more from you :twilightsmile:

It can't be over :fluttercry:. I've been reading this on DA since July and now its over. This was the first AppleDash story I ever read and it is still my favorite. Thank you for writing such a good story


The story "Applejoy" is over, but the saga of Applejoy herself continues! (Once I finish 'Shattered', or once summer comes. Whichever comes first.)


OH? Theres goign to be more with her? Yay!

1746329 tis wondrous news indeed

'Our Family' and then a tear came to my eye. Such a great story BronyNeumo, glad I got to be here for it. I may have to fan art that picture once I finally get caught up with my backlog.:trixieshiftright:

It seems that everypony is a lesbian in your story. man oh man, it must be hard to get a filly in Ponyville. Big mac got lucky:eeyup:

It's over?:applecry:

This is one of the best stories I have ever got the chance to read. :heart::heart:

Why it's finished :'( ?

NEEDS MOAR:flutterrage: The ending made me laugh but it was too sudden. I hope you will add another part to the series. This is by far the best Fanfictions i have ever read and it makes me cry to know that this is the end:fluttercry::raritycry::applecry:

the concept of Applejoy (her name, her story, her description, and her character) belong to me. She is the intellectual property of Thomas W. Neumiller, aka BronyNeumo

LOL, good luck with that. :rainbowlaugh:

It's worked well so far, so I can fairly well negate your cynicism.

The Feels :heart: :heart:! This was an amazing story, honestly I didn't read Confessions and Considerations yet. But I have a question is To Fix You a part of this series? I love this story if I could I'd give it a hundred thumbs up.

No, To Fix You and What If are a different series all their own.

Man, This story was one of the best that i have ever read!. This is my favorite besides My Little Dashie :rainbowkiss:

I'm sorry to say I won't be reading this. I really do want to but I don't like sad fis and since you feel the previous fics must be read to understand this one I'm bowing out.

Heres a video giving people the chance to audition for voice acting in my Narration/Radio Play of this story. Please consider auditioning.


Hey, this is gonna be way cool! I'll try to spread the word!

3863225 Thanks man I really like you're fanfics, seeing as though I narrated the 1st one I thought why not the sequel, I currently have a bunch of people auditioning but you're help would be very helpful.

That. Was. Amazing. This is the first fic to give Confessions and Considerations a run for its money in terms of best fan fic I've ever read. Having my feels killed multiple times in a very slow fashion combined with absolutely adorable moments and plenty of times I both loved you and hated you as an author for events that happened over the course of the story coupled together for an amazing reading experience. This is defiantly worth reading more than once and should be know a lot more than it currently. I give this a 10/5 stars.

The Auditions for the mlp Radio-Play of this are closed the roles have been chosen, here's the video showing the winners.

4149994 Wow.

Seriously, wow. I can't believe how much interest (and amazing auditions) this project got! I'm completely, seriously excited about this!

If there's anything I can do, anything you need from the author to get this show underway, I'd be more than happy to assist! I'm really looking forward to this!

Newest update of the AppleJoy Radio-Play

4151201 Something that could be useful is a collection of fanart of the fanfic to use as some images for the video, so there's at least something.

4151201 Something else that could be useful is a list of characters that I may have missed and arent listed on the front page on the site, for instance Luna.

Don't worry guys the radioplay of this is still in production, prologue shouldnt be too long

The prologue is coming very soon

Expect the radio play of the prologue to be leased on the 24th of this month in Australian Time, it's finished just want to release it on that date.

Ladies and Gentleman, I bring you the long awaited Radio-Play prologue chapter of this fanfic, hopefully other chapter won't take anywhere near this long.

This was a great story. I don't usually see shipping like this done so well.:pinkiehappy:

That said, I do have ONE problem with the story. The title, and the description. They are very misleading. The description you have for this story suggests that it will be about Applejoy's life as she grows up over the years, or something to that effect. Instead, not only is this story nothing like what the description suggests, Applejoy is hardly even relevant throughout much of the story.:facehoof:

Again, I love the story as a whole. It is very well written, and is just overall great. However, I strongly suggest that you change the title and description to better match the content of the actual story. :twilightsheepish:

5084309 Would that be considered Insest?

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