• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 2,637 Views, 126 Comments

The Wacky and Wonderful Misadventures of Buggy the Clown - Hoppa_21

A Displaced Buggy breaks free from his prison and is out for treasure!

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Making a Flashy Escape ...Or not - Part 2

POV: Celestia

I simply stared, not believing what just happened. Buggy the Clown, Infamous Pirate, and Bane of all things Cake just fell off the edge of Canterlot. He is just… gone. Such an integral part of my life, gone. I will never see him and his red nose again. Never hear his loud and boisterous laughter or be interrupted while gorging myself on cake. Just how do I feel about this?

Good riddance!

I couldn’t help the dopey grin that formed on my face. Neither could I help the few dumb giggles that escaped me, “He he he he he,” which might have sounded the tiniest bit creepy to the nearest standing guards, while my sister looked at me oddly.

But what did I care! No more fear of cake assaults! No more obnoxious laughter! I was finally free!

“Well that takes care of that problem,” I simply stated, trying to sound as calm and indifferent as I could, but it still didn’t stop the cheerful tone that definitely broke through at this greatest day of my life. I mean, this was even better than when we found him as a gold statue!

I turned around to one of my loyal guards, “Be sure to secure the Elements from what is left of this pirate. There is no need to retrieve the corpse…just make sure you actually find the corpse to confirm that he really died,” I said the last part with a slight frown.

I honestly still expected him to somehow survive a fall off the side of a mountain.

I shook my head in amusement.

This is so silly of me. Of course he is gone.

With a content sigh I grinned again as I turned back to the cliff. Maybe I should make a cake memorial here to celebrate the end of this cake abuser. Maybe even a cake festival? That would be fun. I let my eyes drift over the cliff determining one thing with certainty:

Yup, it is most definitely and with absolute certainty the end of Buggy the Clo-

Just in that moment an airship started to hover into my line of sight. On it stood a slightly confused, but then smugly grinning all too familiar pirate captain…

My eye twitched.


Well, I probably should have seen that coming. Infamous Pirate Luck and all, but for me to actually land on an airship? How high were the chances! And the ponies that were on it were already leaving the ship in clear fear and awe of my presence! Life was good.

Also the face Cake Butt was making! Priceless!

“You shouldn’t scrunch your face like that or you get ugly wrinkles!” I joked slash taunted, making her frown in clear annoyance. I then noticed Loony, as well as my other pursuers who seemed to have arrived after my fall looking off the edge and down to me, all not seeming happy with my escape (well if you discount the pink maniac who was still smiling and even waving happily at me). Not that I cared. This actually even gave me the opportunity for a flashy line I always wanted to say. I was rather giddy at the thought!

I coughed into my fist, making sure all the attention was on me.

“Royal Butts,” I mock-bowed with a flourish, making Cake’s eye twitch, “You will always remember this as the day you almost caught the great Captain Buggy, wahahahahahaha-”


“Wait, what are these noises?” I wondered out loud.



Sounds of stuff breaking reached my ears, making me a tad nervous as I looked around the ship.

It was then that I noticed the gaping hole that went through the balloon as well as through the deck below. I saw a very specific axe shimmering in said hole. An axe which I remembered was sailing off the cliff before I fell down said cliff.

I also noticed the ponies using the small mini-airships to evacuate themselves and leaving the sinking ship. And they were using all the airships. Not that I was baffled by this, seeing how these ponies looked like some arrogant noble folk. I probably disturbed their little get together. Seriously, guys like that should stay on the ground. Though I had more pressing matters. Namely the one of a seemingly strongly damaged airship.

I put my hand at my chin.

“Well, it’s sinking slowly so maybe I can make a crash landing that will leave me unharmed.”


Just as if Murphy was getting off at seeing me struggle I could hear and see the ship visibly straining as from the hole in the ground the deck seemed to be cracking.




More cracks followed and those were moving further along, even as far as slowly cracking up the outer shell! The whole thing was cracking and moaning under the power of this devastating blow. It was quite clear to me what just happens right now.

The damn ship was breaking apart with me still on it!

It gave one last crack, before it was split in the middle and I started to hold on for dear life as the back half on which I was fell back from the front and started to fall down.

“DAMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-“ I screamed as the airship, or a part of it, swiftly descended downwards and directly in the direction of an eerily looking forest. I could only hope it would soften the fall, but with my luck I honestly doubt that. My Infamous Pirate Luck only protects me from crippling and death after all. And right now I wasn’t sure if I liked the sound of that.

POV: Celestia

We all stared after Buggy as his ship crashed down into the Everfree Forest.

The situation seemed so incomprehensible and ridiculous. Just as I thought I was rid of him he was saved by his rotten luck, only to then fall to his death again! Only this time I highly doubted it would happen.

Nope, not getting my hopes up again. I know better than that!

I took solace in the fact that everypony around me seemed equally stunned by what had transpired. It actually took a minute before the silence was broken.

“…Well, that happened,” Twilight offered in a neutral tone.

“Tis did,” my sister agreed.

“…So, what happens now?” asked the timid Element of Kindness, her eyes flitting to and fro in uncertainty.

“Now we go on the hunt,” I stated as I turned to the guard on my left.

“Leaf Shield?”

“Yes your majesty?”

“I want a bounty placed this very moment on Buggy’s head! 30,000 bits! Alive! Give information to all nearby bounty hunters.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Good. Hammerhead,” I turned my head to the guard on my right, “I want you to ready a squad of guards roaming the Everfree for him. We can’t allow any mistakes! We need to apprehend him immediately!”

“Didst thou not say that we were going on the hunt?” my sister asked perplexed.

“Luna, by all what is holy, screw duties. I need a bucking drink right now.”

Luna actually giggled cockily at me.

“Well, we could give him a day headstart. Otherwise it wouldn’t be fair for our dear Captain, no?”

POV: ???

My ears swiveled in interest at what I had just heard. Sure, I wasn’t invited to the wedding, and only came here because of the grub, but the information that I got instead was worth gold.

“30,000 bits, huh?” I mused as a cocky grin spread across my muzzle.

It sounded like easily earned money. I mean, seriously? A clown? I was a well-known bounty hunter. I was dealing with worse stuff on a daily basis.

I stretched my arms and wings a bit as I moved away from the now hectic party as guards were running around, fulfilling their orders. It seems this headstart of mine wouldn’t hold for long. Kind of a pity since I wanted to relax, but no rest for the wicked.

With that I decided to not lose any more time and spread my wings and took to the air, determined to find him and cash the money before the guards or any rookie bounty hunter could.

The hunt had begun.

Author's Note:

That pretty much concludes the Canterlot chapters. :pinkiesmile: