• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 2,637 Views, 126 Comments

The Wacky and Wonderful Misadventures of Buggy the Clown - Hoppa_21

A Displaced Buggy breaks free from his prison and is out for treasure!

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Reminiscing 2 ...Royal Butts of course get to have some nice breakfast while I'm being hauled to them

POV: Luna

It was late. Well, it was late for us, considering the night just passed as we lowered the moon. But we weren’t tired in the least. No. We were giddy.

We were hopping with a spring in our step, as modern ponies like to say. An excited grin no doubt on our features as we hopped along down the hallway to break our fast with Tia.

Just the thought of Buggy roaming this world again, it was exhilarating in a way we can’t describe.

Buggy was something familiar. He was something fun. And now, after a thousand years he got us really nostalgic. Tis a feeling we crave, considering how strange modern times art for us. He is the single constant in our life.

…Well, if one didn’t count Discord. Oh, how Tia is still having troubles to sleep at night because of our…

We do not want to dare think of it. Tia is still hurting from it, as well as us. Discord is a mystery of our past. A mystery we cannot hope to unravel. He is never serious enough to answer the questions we seek. But Buggy certainly would be more enjoyable to talk about our past. He does hold secrets and we know it. So we will certainly seek him out…after cutting him down a few times. A mare doth have to play around after all.

Just as we imagined of how we would cut his body next, we reached the hall of fast breaking. Guards saluted and pulled the door open, revealing a rather disheveled Tia not much to my surprise. She had rings under her eyes, and her crown was askew. Truly an abhorrent sight, considering her unkempt mane. Who would have thought that a simple clown would have such an effect on her?

“Greetings sister!” we greeted her jovially in our Royal Canterlot Voice booming towards her and trying to lift her mood. She jumped up in fright, funnily enough and then gave us a cross look as she groaned.

“No RCV inside the castle, Luna!” she chided us, making us huff.

“We were only trying to lift thine mood sister! Though it baffles us how a single pirate can make thou loose thine royal composure!” we chided right back, making her growl in annoyance.

“It’s not just him! Or did you already forgot about our other problem!”

I nodded in understanding, “We see. So it is Discord too?”

“It is. This is just a bit too much. I mean, first Discord escapes after Twilight was ready to send him back to stone, then a bug queen is exiled, but will surely be back, only to be followed by Buggy! Buggy! Though Chrysalis is the one which troubles me much less than the others. I mean, you know how Buggy and Discord are! These two… And Discord already claimed his title of one of the Four Emperors back! What comes next?! Does White Ear suddenly break out to claim his title back too?!”

At this moment our sister started to hyperventilate and we immediately flew over the table and to her side to embrace her and soothe her. It took a moment before she seemed to calm down. But it certainly showed us how frayed her nerves were. And I had to agree. Threats are surfacing one after another. And not everything is going according to plan. Discord’s escape one of the major points. After all he was roaming the lands as we speak. And none of us could imagine what heinous plans he might enact just now.

Our sister meanwhile broke the embrace and gave us a thankful smile.

“Thank you Luna. I’m sorry that you have to do this. It was just a bit much.”

“We understand. Buggy’s escape certainly was a flashy one.”

Tia instantly groaned at the mention of his name...and maybe also because of our pun, heh.

“Please, don’t remind me.”

“Do you still remember how we first met him?” we asked teasingly with a giggle, making our sister frown.

“Don’t remind me…” she simply said with an far off look in her eyes as she reminisced the moment, just as I did on this truly fateful day.

Tis was a glorious day. And we couldn’t help but beam as the cake we ordered was coming just in time. Tia was ecstatic as she saw the surprise cake I prepared for her. Truly a picture of the purest joy. And a picture that was needed after what has happened with our dear mother…

But no! Today was to celebrate and not to mourn! Tia agreed as small tears of joy were starting to form on her eyes.

“Oh Luna, this is the best present you could have made me for my birthday! This is the best day ever!” she exclaimed in her teenage vigor. And I nodded happily.

“Yes. Tis an most fortunate date. Tis cake is very special since it is a triple layered and several times stacked black forest cake, prepared by the best confectioners of Minos. So Happy 16th Birthday sister.”

“Oh how did I ever deserve such a sweet little sister like you!” Tia said happily as she wrapped us up in a big warm embrace.

“We know,” we cockily said as we stuck our muzzle up in the air smugly.

It truly was a perfect day. And we were sure that absolutely nothing, and we mean nothing could ruin it!


But then there was this faint noise. Almost barely audible at first but then slowly gaining in volume.

“Do you hear this?” we asked our sister in worry as she started to look around for the source of the noise.

“What could this be? Are we being attacked by the pirates?” she asked, before frowning, “Today?”

And we couldn’t blame her. This wasn’t something anyone should hath to deal with on their day of birth.


And the noise got louder. But then, all too suddenly a portal opened on the throne room ceiling. And out of it fell a stallion. Seemingly hairless and without a tail. We both exclaimed our surprise in loud shouts as the stallion plummeted down.

…Directly into the cake.

Our eye twitched in anger and frustration. Tis cake did take quite a while to get here! And it wasn’t easy to even get it on time because of the absurdly high demand of it! It was prepared by the most famous confectioners and now it was ruined!

Whoever this being was, we were sure to at least let it rot in the dungeon for a good year because of this insolence if he doesn’t have a good excuse for his invasion. Not to mention a most humble and sincere apology.

The stallion quickly enough broke the surface and wiped his eyes as he tried to control his frantic breathing. We noticed the clown nose placed on his strangely small muzzle and wondered if this funny looking stallion was hired by one of the nobles as a poor surprise. Or if this clown sneaked into the castle hoping to impress us with its humor. Suffice to say that if this was the case we were clearly everything other than impressed with the destruction of our birthday gift for our sister.

The stallion or clown if one prefers that title looked around, seemingly confused, before his eyes saw us, showing more confusion. It clearly seemed my theory of him seeking us out being wrong, but it did not explain his being here. Was it an accident? But how doth one accidentally fall through a portal and directly onto the birthday cake? We also noted that he was just a teenage colt. Probably about our age. Not that it soothed any of the anger I felt from our sister for this destruction of this expensive black forest cake.

The colt then groaned as he felt the stickiness of the cake in his clothes, his flat muzzle showing disgust.

“Ugh. God dammit,” he said, before eying the both of us, though what came next was something not even our mother could ever have predicted.

“Fat horses?” he simply stated in confusion.

He insulted us. US! The rulers of this fair land! The insolence! The irreverence! All thoughts of a benevolent punishment were being thrown out of the, like commoners like to say, thrown out the window as our rage consumed us. We felt this dark presence that guided our hand as we summoned our battle axe with a deep scowl gracing our beautiful features. Which was of course quite a pity for our graceful muzzle to displaying such an ugly emotion. But I couldn’t help it!

The teenage clown didn’t make it any easier for us as he simply scoffed at us. Scoffed!

“Really?” he asked, “I have seen better magic tricks from on a fair.”

We gritted our healthy teeth on reflex before our hand reeled back with the axe behind us, ready for the devastating throw.

“OFF WITH THE HEAD!” we screamed hoping to exterminate this insect.

We couldn’t help but feel amused. Back then we were so wild and unbridled. Always trying to go with our head through a wall as ponies like to say. Tia however seemed less amused as she reminisced it.

“We have to catch him quick! Who knows what abhorrent crimes he will commit while we are sitting here at this very table!”

We simply rolled our eyes. Sister truly behaves like a foal when it comes to Buggy. We found him quite useful for stress relief. And we certainly wouldn’t want him to go to Tartarus or be imprisoned in stone like our sister wishes.

“Maybe thou art worrying too much,” we suggested, hoping to stir our sister away from breaking our toy. Not that our sister listened to us of course.

She turned to us, looking deeply into our eyes with determination.

“You might be saying that, but it’s not like his head will be presented to us on a silver platter.”

At that exact moment we could hear some loud noises from outside. A male all too familiar voice was screaming, while a female voice seemed to try to curse at him to keep his trap shut. Not that the male voice was interested in her talk.

Only a second later the doors flew open as a mare walked into the room, with an in a sack bound and wildly struggling Buggy over her shoulder. Only his head was looking out from the sack. A head that suddenly came straight flying at us…

…and into the cake.

Cake batte and frosting flew in all directions, but mostly directly into Tia’s face and her torso.

…We will admit that our cheeks bulged out in barely restrained laughter.

Tia was already fuming and heating up, making the cake on her melt. Buggy meanwhile shook his head, not yet sensing the danger he was in.

“Damn is it hot in here!” he complained, before he started sweating as realization hit him, “Please don’t tell me I landed in her cake again,” he said all too fearfully as my sister simply glared down at the head that was served on her silver platter.

We couldn’t restrain the cocky grin that graced our muzzle, as we elbowed our sister.

She simply turned around to us with a questioning look.

We, as the modern ponies say, shit you not, as we had what was called, we believe, a shit-eating grin pointed at her, before pointing to the head on the platter.

“You were saying?”

Author's Note:

My, my! Buggy is before them once again! But only as a mobile head since his body is bound!

Some might wonder now what sense it makes for Buggy to escape, only to get captured a second later. Don't worry my dear little readers! It does have a reason. Well, the reason is pretty obvious I think. If not, you will find out soon enough. Then again that is only one reason and the other is to set up the setting so that Buggy can meet his first crew member!

Also as a side note, it is hard to write Luna. The hole I and me things that I'm not allowed to write make it difficult since I'm so used to it and have to write differently. But then again, I want Luna to have her unique speech pattern.

In any case I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :pinkiesmile: