• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 7,672 Views, 342 Comments

A Little Monster - Shadowmane PX-41

When Twilight unleashed the magic, she turned into a magical demon baby. Guess how screwed Sunset and her friends are...

  • ...

Leaving Camp Everfree

Sunset Shimmer was in her tent, packing up all of her things while Twilight sat on the bed, wiggling her tiny legs. Their time had run out for the Camp Everfree trip and a pang of guilt welled up in Sunset's heart. She wanted to have saved the camp had she known that it was in danger, but in between being taken to Equestria, seeing Gloriosa turn into a baby with magical powers, and when Filthy Rich got assaulted, she knew that there was no hope for saving the camp now.

"Oh, Timber..." Sunset folded her clothes and stacked them up in her suitcase, flattening them down so that she had enough room for the rest of the supplies she had brought with her. "I only wish that I could've done more to help."

Twilight cocked a brow at Sunset and babbled, crawling forward as she reached out and tugged at Sunset's sleeve.

"Hmm? What is it, Twilight?" Sunset was pulled from her packing as she picked Twilight up.

Twilight tried her best to speak, but it still came out as baby talk that was almost impossible to understand. She pointed towards the exit of the tent and at Gloriosa especially.

"You wanna play with Gloriosa?" Sunset took a brief look out of the tent and saw Gloriosa quietly sucking on her thumb as Timber walked by the tents. "Just give me a minute, Twilight. I've gotta get everything packed away." And she put Twilight on the ground.

Twilight decided to crawl off out of the tent while Sunset continued to pack her clothes, supplies, sunscreen, and other items away. She pushed through the threshold and out into the sunlight, where she started to chase after Gloriosa and Timber, flapping her wings in order to gain speed.

Gloriosa hung in Timber's arms, looking out at the world as she sucked on her tiny thumb. As she looked around, she cooed gently and reached out for it all with her free hand. She didn't even notice Twilight fly towards her as she closed her eyes and groggily continued to suckle.

Twilight dive-bombed down onto Timber's shoulders, causing him to jump and fall onto his back. Once he was on his rear end, Twilight crawled over his body and hobbled over to Gloriosa, giggling as she crawled over to her in return.

"Twilight?" Timber's eyes widened as she watched her playing patty-cake with Gloriosa. "What're you doing here? Isn't Sunset supposed to be looking after you?"

Twilight didn't respond, as she was too busy playing her game with Gloriosa, clapping her hands together with her as they tried their hardest to follow a rhythm, but which ended with them laughing even more.

"Aww... Look at the little Twily and Glori." Pinkie Pie picked up both babies and slung them in her arms, blowing raspberries into both of their bellies. "Aren't they just the cutesie-ootsie-wootiest pair of little monsters?"

"Oh, hi, Pinkie." Timber stood up again and rubbed the back of his head. "Look, again, I'm sorry that your time at Camp Everfree had to end like this. If there's anything that I can do to make it up to you and your school, I'll do it.

"Oh, don't worry about that, Timber." Pinkie nuzzled the two babies and gave them both gentle kisses. "We've dealt with stuff like this before back at Canterlot High, so it doesn't surprise us anymore. Plus, these two little sweethearts are the cutest thing to ever come out of it." She smiled and almost knocked Twilight and Gloriosa's heads together as she brought them close to her chest. "Igga ga baa boo, Twilly and Glori? Igga ga baa boo?"

Both of the babies nodded and grabbed onto Pinkie's nose and cheeks, wobbling towards her and planting kisses on her face.

"See? They agree with me." Pinkie handed Gloriosa back to Timber while she continued to cuddle Twilight in her grip. "Twilight especially."

"Twilight? You out here?" Sunset Shimmer came out of her tent with her backpack and suitcases packed. "C'mon, girl. It's time to go!"

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Sunset! Over here!" Pinkie Pie ran over towards Sunset but tripped on a branch and threw Twilight over towards her. "Head's up! Flying baby!"

Without any time to think, Sunset dropped her cases and was about to grab Twilight, but was met with a wingbeat of black feathers that sent her onto her backside, causing Twilight to fall onto her stomach. Sunset couldn't help but let a small laugh slip too as she picked Twilight up and held her gently.

"Hey there, ya little scamp." Sunset tousled Twilight's mane and gave her a little kiss. "Where've you been off to?"

"No, silly." Pinkie Pie jumped back onto her feet and slid up next to Twilight and Sunset. "You've gotta speak baby. It's the only language she understands at the moment."

"Pinkie Pie, I don't even know half of the stuff that comes out of your mouth sometimes." Sunset cocked a brow at Pinkie. "How am I supposed to speak to Twilight if I end up speaking like a baby?"

"Oh, it's simple, really. You've just gotta spend a few months or so babysitting with me. It's a cinch to pick up the language." Pinkie nodded. "I'll give you an easy one to start off." She took a deep breath and turned Twilight towards her. "Ga baa bi wa wa goo, Twilight?"

Twilight chuckled again and replied with some more baby talk, putting her little hands on Pinkie's arms.

"Alright. To translate what we've just said: How are you doing, Twilight? I'm doing fine, Auntie Pinkie. I made friends with cute little girl over there. Thanks for asking." Pinkie made a squee as she gave Twilight back to Sunset.

"I still don't know how you're able to do that." Sunset slipped a carrier onto her chest and slipped Twilight into it, before squatting down to pick her suitcases up. "You're gonna have to give us all a proper lesson in baby talk one day, Pinkie."

"Oh, I will. It's a great resource to have when you're caring for uber-cute, super adorable, and really tiny babies like Twily here." Pinkie started to walk off. "I'll see you on the bus, Sunset. I've gotta help Rarity and Fluttershy get their stuff on the bus. And believe me, if you thought that I was weird, you should've seen how many dresses were in Rarity's cases..."

"Alright. I'll see you there, Pinkie." Sunset waved her off and watched Gloriosa bounce in Timber's hold. "You need any help with her, Timber?"

"No. I'm pretty good with handling kids." Timber Spruce shook his head and watched Gloriosa stick her finger back into her mouth. "I've had to spend some semesters as a clown to entertain the elementary school kids." He sighed as he brought Gloriosa close to his chest. "Still, I just hope that you're right in saying that you'll help me in the courtroom case."

"Timber. You NEED to stop being so worried about that." Sunset Shimmer walked towards him. "We've battled monsters worse than this. Beings from another dimension. We're not going to have any trouble with a courtroom case."

"And if we do, then we'll just use the Magic of Friendship to set everything right." Rainbow Dash approached from the distance. "Hey, you two. Did I miss anything?"

"No. Not really," said Sunset. "Are you almost done packing, Rainbow Dash?"

"Already done. The stuff's on the bus. I always get my bag on first so that it's got the coolest place to chill." She put her hands to her hips.

"But doesn't that mean it'll also be the last one off of the bus?" Sunset tilted her head.

Rainbow froze up. "Uh... I'll be right back..." And without another word, she darted off towards the bus, leaving nothing but dust behind her.

"Well. That happened." Timber took a small breath of air. "Anyways, I can't express just how sorry I am that your time here at Camp Everfree was ruined by me and Gloriosa. We didn't mean for Filthy Rich to get hurt like that."

"I'm also sorry that Twilight had to take us to Equestria as well." Sunset patted Twilight's hair down and rocked her back and forth. "Her magic can get a little coo-coo crazy now and again. I didn't want to go back there so soon, but she wanted to play with her magic and we didn't have any time to jump out of the way in time. One thing led to another and I just couldn't keep up. I should've just left her home with her parents." Sunset sat down. "I'm such an idiot. I tried to get away from Equestrian Magic for one week, but I brought Twilight with me to Camp Everfree. Now because of her, Gloriosa's a magic baby, Filthy Rich is injured, and Camp Everfree's right in his crosshairs. Some friend I am, huh?"

"Sunset. It's not your fault. It's mine." Timber Spruce leaned down and put his hand on her shoulders. "I should've shown Gloriosa that there were better ways to save the camp, but she was so stubborn and adamant in her own ways that we ended up arguing. We should've been working together and closed the camp down until we had enough money to pay off the debt, but now we're both suffering because of it. I'm gonna be in court, and she's gone back to being in diapers!"

"No. You're not the one who made the big oopsie. I did." Sunset stood back up and hung her head. "I brought magic to Camp Everfree. I turned Gloriosa into a baby. I'm the one responsible for her using her powers to hurt Filthy Rich. If anyone should stand in court for this, it should be me. Not you or Gloriosa."


"No. Don't try to talk me down, Timber. I know what I did." She started to walk away. "I'll leave you and Gloriosa alone now. You both seem like you need some time together."

"Sunset, wait!" Timber began to walk along with her. "Don't be like this! You're not the one to blame for this! I know this because you and your friends are such kind-hearted people!" He watched her toss her suitcases and backpack onto the bus, along with the carrier around her chest. "Look. Before you go, I just want you to know that both of us never meant for this to happen. That's the one thing that we can agree on." He grabbed onto her hand as she started to climb the stairs. "If we can't save Camp Everfree, can we at least become friends? I don't want to face the rest of my life alone. I've lost my mom and dad, I've lost my sister to magic, and now I'm about to lose Camp Everfree too. Please, Sunset." His voice became desperate as he put his hand on his chest. "Just give me something to fall back on. I've already lost too much already..."

It took Sunset a few moments to let everything Timber said sink into her mind. After everything that had happened, she still felt guilty for everything. She was the one who brought Twilight with her, yet he was going to break the fall. She thought that he must have been insane, risking himself for her. But the more that she looked into his eyes, the more that she could believe that his intentions were pure and that he genuinely felt sorry for her. Finally, she reached out her hand and gave Timber a small smile.

"Timber. I accept your apology." Sunset let a small tear slip from her eyes. "If you ever want to find me, just come to Canterlot High. I'll be there with all of my friends."

"Alright. I'll be sure to check it out." Timber put his hand on Sunset's chest and slid his finger down Twilight's chest. "But in the mean time, you shouldn't get yourself down. We're both equally to blame for everything that's happened. But you shouldn't beat yourself up over any of this."

"And you shouldn't be too worried about the court case either." Sunset walked up the steps. "No matter what happens, we'll all be fighting your corner and trying our hardest to get you a not-guilty verdict." She heard the bus's horn honk loudly, signalling that they were about to depart. "See you there, Timber."

"You too, Sunset." He watched Sunset take her seat on the bus and saw as the vehicle drove away from the camp, crunching the rocks beneath it as it went through the gates, leaving Timber and Gloriosa behind. "You too."

Sunset pressed her hand against the window and watched as they broke through the trees of the forest and returned to the road. She sighed again and held Twilight as she took a peak herself and squealed at all of the sights.

"Sunset, dear. What's wrong?" Rarity asked, leaning in closer to her.

"I just. I wanted to help him out somehow, but... I couldn't." Sunset turned towards Rarity. "I wanted to do something. Anything. But I just felt too defeated to raise my hand to help. I couldn't help out with Gloriosa, to stop Filthy Rich from leaving like that, or just to save the camp in general."

"Sunset. Stop being such a downer." Applejack put her hand on Sunset's chair. "None of us knew that Gloriosa was gonna turn into a magic baby; or that she'd get cranky and hurt Filthy Rich like that."

"Yeah! None of us could've guessed that she'd go psycho and hit him like that." Rainbow Dash leaned over from her side of the bus.

"But we still could've prevented it all." Sunset looked down at Twilight, who babbled some more. "And it's all because I brought Twilight with us. None of this would've happened if I'd just left her with her parents."

"Sunset. Don't blame Twilight for even a second." Fluttershy peaked over her chair and gave Sunset a gentle rub on the forehead. "Twilight's just a baby. She can't control herself. Babies do what they want, when they want, and with whatever they want. If she wanted to use her magic, then she wanted to use her magic. And it's all because a baby's mind is so active, that it's almost impossible for them to think—even for a second."

"Yeah! And if she wanted to take you to Equestria for a little mini-adventure on the side, that wasn't because she wanted to go, but rather because she was just doing what her little baby mind wanted to do." Pinkie nodded. "It's just like when Pound and Pumpkin play together in their room. I don't know what they're gonna do, but I know that they do it because their little minds want to do it because they think that it'll be fun for them."

"And if Gloriosa wanted to use her vines to hurt Mr. Rich, then that was only because she's a baby. She can't control what she does." Applejack crossed her arms. "Heck, when Applebloom was still in diapers, she did some of the most wacky things I'd ever seen. And every time I asked Granny Smith about it, she said that she was just a baby and that she was having fun."

"Look, I know that you're all trying your hardest to be supportive, but it doesn't change the facts." Sunset Shimmer shook her head and sank back into her seat. "Now, when I get back home, I'm going to spend all of my time with Twilight. I'm not gonna answer any of your texts, e-mails, or Mystable requests. I need some time alone, so that I can recover from this little trip."

"Alright, Sunset. We respect your decision." Rarity nodded and patted Sunset's shoulders. "I respect your decision, Sunset."

"It's for the best, anyway. We have been through an awful lot together." Fluttershy put her head back against her own seat. "It's good to have some time off every now and again."

"You sure that's the right thing to do, sugarcube?" Applejack lifted one of her eyebrows.

"I'm CERTAIN that it's the right thing." Sunset glared into Applejack's eyes. "I NEED some time off from you all. I need some time off from all of this. My life isn't all about Equestrian Magic, you five, or anything that we get up to at Canterlot High. We have our own houses, we have our families, so we should all just respect each others' opinions and move on.

"Alright. I'm just asking." Applejack shrugged and slipped back into her seat.

The other Rainbooms all returned their eyes to the windows as Sunset Shimmer quietly closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep. After what she had to endure at Camp Everfree, she just wanted to go away from everything. She wanted somewhere safe to be. Somewhere far away from everything where she and Twilight could play together in peace. And as she entered the world of her dreams, she began to visualise the perfect place.

Author's Note:

And with that—much to the delight of a lot of viewers—the Camp Everfree Arc is OVER!

The next chapter will involve Sunset and Twilight playing together at the house, with the Crystal Prep Shadow Five dropping around for a visit so that they can see how their favorite Littlebolt is getting on. And, just for clarification, Lemon Zest came up with the title of Littlebolt.

See you all then.