• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 7,672 Views, 342 Comments

A Little Monster - Shadowmane PX-41

When Twilight unleashed the magic, she turned into a magical demon baby. Guess how screwed Sunset and her friends are...

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The Sparkle family car drove up the path and stopped outside the garage doors. The engines cut off as the car came to a scraping halt at the end of the line. The doors opened on all sides and Twilight Velvet, Night Light, and Sunset all climbed out, making sure to take Twilight with them before they shut the doors and locked the vehicle.

The house itself was a wide two-story detatched building with white brick walls and five windows on the front. There was a normal wooden door with a golden knocker perfectly placed in a simple square arch. The pathway leading up to the door was made out of cream-coloured tiles with a vibrant garden stretching out to the left. Flowers of all different shapes and sizes grew around the walls of the front yard, and a plain doghouse for Spike sat daintly at the corner.

"Twilight? I'm not sure if you remember this place, but you're home." Sunset gently poked Twilight's nose and heard her giggle as she walked up the path towards the door. "No-one's ever going to hurt or push you ever again. You're with your family now and they're going to take good care of you."

Twilight could only babble baby talk as she looked at the house and garden. Her hands drifted off towards each direction and she constantly tried to reach out and grab whatever she could lay her eyes on. At times, she would also struggle and shake around in Sunset's hold to break free and crawl over to each object of interest, but Sunset made extra sure to keep a tight hold on her so that she didn't wander off or get hurt.

The family all walked in and Sunset carried Twilight through the door and shut the door behind her with the tips of her shoes. She saw a small kitchen to her left and a large lounge with a widescreen TV on the right. Trophies, photos, and other keepsakes could be seen in a nearby glass display while books and coasters were neatly laid out on a small black coffee table.

"So, where's her room?" Sunset turned to Night Light and Twilight Velvet as she held their daughter gently in her arms. After the events of the Friendship Games, she wanted Twilight to get some rest and relaxation as soon as possible.

"Go upstairs, first door on the right." Night Light pointed towards the staircase. "Just take a look at that room when you get up there, because once we've got everything sorted out, it's going to be completely re-decorated."

"Alright. Thanks." Sunset gave Night Light a small nod and slowly walked up the stairs, balancing Twilight in her arms. Her short trip up to the next floor ended with her opening the door by pushing the handle down with her arm.

Sunset walked into Twilight's room and was met with a sight that she should have seen coming from the first time she had met her. Scientific formulas and equations were scribbled down on paper sprawled all across the desk. She had a bright window which poured in sunlight onto her bed and the middle of the room. There was a large mirror at the side of the wall and a computer at the far end. As for the bed itself, it was a simple shade of white with blue bed sheets and a plain pillow.

"I know it's not really your style now, Twilight, but you used to love this stuff when you were all grown up." Sunset brushed Twilight's hair as she laid the baby down on the ground. "Don't worry, though. Your mom and dad are gonna fix this place up as quickly as they can."

Twilight's eyes darted around the room, shooting across from the desk, to the bed, and the computer. She let more infantile gibberish spill from her mouth as she put her hand to it. Then, she giggled and lit up her hands and the tip of her horn, glowing as her wings flapped and lifted her into the air.

"Uh oh. This isn't good." Sunset watched Twilight conjure her magic and fly into the air. She was already backing up to the door in case the baby unleashed a lethal and destructive spell. "I just hope it's not too bad..."

With a loud squeal, Twilight clapped her hands, causing a massive flash to consume the room and leave Sunset blinded by the magic's radiance.

When the light began to fade, Twilight's room had undergone a drastic change. Everything that used to be in it had been completely removed from existence and replaced with stuff to cater to Twilight's new form. There were baby toys littered across the pink-padded floor, bright and colourful cartoon animals on the walls, a changing table where the computer used to be, and a pink crib in place of the massive bed. A large chest could be seen where the mirror used to hang and even more vibrant toys could be seen inside.

"What the...?" Sunset rubbed her eyes and almost popped them out when she saw the new room. She knew that Twilight was now a magical baby, but she still had no idea of the lengths of her power. "How did you do that, Twilight?" She ran over to her and knelt down to her tiny head.

Twilight merely crawled off towards a nearby stuffed animal in the shape of a ragged blue horse with button eyes and blue polka-dot pants. She brought the plush to her face and gave it a cuddle, wiggling around on her butt as she did so.

Sunset could only crack a smile smile as she watched the infant Twilight playing with the doll. The more and more she looked at her former opponent, the more her guard was let down. Despite the fact that Twilight's body was now home to all of the stolen magic at the Games, she had rarely seen her do anything destructive with it since she came home with her family.

Her thoughts then shifted to what Twilight could actually do with the magic if she had more control over it. She initially dreaded to think of what would happen if that magic found it's way into the former Crystal Prep student's teenage body and overwhelm her, but the idea of the Magic of Friendship being inside a baby's body instead of a teenage or adult body now piqued her curiosity.

"Sunset? Are you alright?" Night Light opened the door. "We heard a loud noise coming from upstairs. Is Twilight al—" He barely even had the time to finish his sentence as he saw Twilight's newly-transformed nursery "—right?"

"Mr. Night Light!" Sunset jumped when she saw him standing in the door. "I can explain everything!"

"Well, I don't really think that there's a need for that now, is there?" Twilight Velvet looked around at the room. "I mean, I'm still eager to know what happened to suddenly turn Twilight's room into this, but there's still no harm in it, right? We needed a nursery to house the little one, so there's no point in questioning things that help our situation."

"I'd like an explanation too, if that's alright with you." Night Light walked towards Sunset and looked her in the eyes. "Do you know what happened to Twily's room?"

"Well, I suppose I could explain everything to you and the family, but it's a bit of a long story..." Sunset rubbed the back of her head and began to blush lightly as she brought her right hand to her chin. "You may not even understand most of it. Just thought I'd let you know right now."

Before anyone else could say anything, Shining Armor bolted up the stairs and put his hand on the door as he leaned down and wheezed for breath. "I'm home!" He barely mustered up a shout with what little air he had in his lungs. "Now, what happened to Twily?"

"Shiny, you shouldn't run up the stairs like that." Dean Cadence followed Shining up the stairs and stood by his side. She was still wearing the clothes she had on since the Friendship Games. "It's not good for you to strain yourself—even if you're Canterlot PD's best officer."

"Sorry. I just heard that something terrible happened to Twilight, but I was busy taking Cinch in that I barely had time to check my messages." He got back up and brushed himself down, taking off his jacket. He folded it up and walked into the room, looking around at all of the new colours and designs. "Alright. First of all, what happened to her room? We're not due for another child, are we, Cadence?"

Cadence could only let a tiny chuckle slip. "You never know, Shining. Love's a complicated thing."

Shining Armor raised a brow at Cadence before he looked around the room. It didn't take him long to find Twilight sitting by the blocks, proceeding to place them around herself to spell out a word. "Twily?" He reached out his hand towards the infant and gently tapped her shoulder.

"Mr. Armor, this is probably going to sound confusing to you, but—"

"I know. I know." Shining's voice deepened as he took a look back at Sunset. "Something horrible's happened to my little sister." He turned back to the baby and picked her up, turning towards him. When he looked into her glowing eyes, he knew just who he was holding.

"T-T-Twilight?!" Shining almost dropped his sister in surprise when he saw her wings, mask, and horn. The coos that Twilight spewed didn't give him as much of a shock as the rest of her body did. "What in the name of God happened to you?!"

"I suppose I should start from the beginning." Sunset took Twilight from Shining Armor's hands and showed her off to the family. "The Friendship Games were going as planned. The students were getting rallied up to compete in the events and everyone was getting ready for another year of heavy competition," she paused as Twilight gave off a high-pitched giggle. "But Twilight Sparkle had some weird locket in her possession on the day of the games, and one by one, she sucked the magic out of me and my friends as we Pony-Up'd."

"Pony-Up?" Cadence raised her left hand. "What does that mean?"

Sunset let a groan slip. "Like I said, it would be confusing and you probably wouldn't understand it. But basically, after what happened at the Fall Formal and Battle of the Bands at Canterlot High, me and my friends discovered that we could grow pony ears, wings, and tails by using something called the Magic of Friendship."

"I think you're going to need to simplify this a bit, Sunset." Shining Armor put his hand on Sunset's shoulder. "You lost me after you mentioned Canterlot High."

"I'm afraid that I can't really simplify it for you anymore, Mr. Armor." Sunset shook her head and held onto Twilight as she began to get restless. "I'm not even from this world. I'm from a pony-filled world named Equestria."

"Wait, wait, wait." Twilight Velvet pushed her hand out towards the ground. "You're telling me that you're some kind of weird alien?"

"I suppose." Sunset shrugged at Velvet.

"So, what? Does this mean you're going to probe us and cut us open now?" Night Light meekly lifted his finger.

"What?! No!" Sunset stumbled backwards. "Where in the world did you get that idea from? I'm not an alien from outer space! I'm an alien pony who walked into the human world with a magical mirror that stands outside Canterlot High!"

"What?" Shining Armor was still unable to grasp anything that Sunset had said.

"You know what, just forget it. We have magic, Twilight stole it from us, that's all that matters." Sunset let out an exasperated huff and put Twilight down, watching her crawl away towards another part of the room before continuing. "The Games were tied, and Cinch and the other Crystal Prep students heard about what Twilight did to us. They took the opportunity to push Twilight against the wall and force her to cough it up," she said. "They were probably afraid of losing and wanted to use it as a last resort, but I can't help but think that there's something else that Cinch never mentioned..."

"Well, Twilight did mention she had plans to move on to the Everton Independent Study Program when I saw her in Crystal Prep." Cadence nodded and walked up towards Sunset. "It's a place where students were devoid of classes, and were able to teach themselves any subject on the most advanced degree possible. But at the same time, I was concerned that Twilight would be all alone in taking that next step, as technically, there aren't any rooms or social places for her to make any friends."

"Well, whatever the case, I don't think she's gonna be able to go there anymore." Shining looked down at his baby sister, who now poked her head into the toy chest and scraped her horn against the wood as she did so. "At least, not at her current age."

"Maybe Twilight took part in the Games because she was forced into it." Sunset put her hand to her head and looked down at the ground. "It all makes sense. She didn't have the physique to take part in any of the events, and she struggled a lot in the relay event. Perhaps Cinch abused her power as principal and threatened to blacklist Twilight from going to Everton."

"The charges do say that she's in prison for blackmail, so it's entirely possible." Shining Armor looked back at Sunset and tipped his hand. "And to think, I used to be on good terms with her. She's not the Abacus Cinch I remembered from my days at CPA."

"Hold on a sec. You used to go to Crystal Prep?" Sunset jabbed a finger at Shining Armor and raised one of her brows.

"And graduated valedictorian." He puffed out his chest and gave a smug grin. "Crystal Prep can make anyone's dreams come true, just so long as you pay your dues and respect the gift you're given."

"Alright, alright. Let's not get carried away here, Shiny." Cadence massaged Shining Armor's shoulders and pushed his chest back in. "We've still got to hear about how Twilight got turned into a baby and just how strong her supposed magic is."

"Thank you, Cadence." Sunset nodded and took a few steps back to the corner of the room. "When Twilight fell to Crystal Prep's peer pressure, we all tried to swoop in and stop her. But it was too late. The locket was opened, and magic took Twilight over. She was consumed, and turned into what she is now." Sunset pointed to the baby Twilight, who now poked her head out of a puddle of toys and blankets. "Crystal Prep had to concede defeat, and Cinch was absolutely furious about it. Then you came along to arrest her, didn't you, Mr. Armor?"

"Please, Sunset. When I'm off-duty, just Shining Armor is fine." He waved his hand in front of his badge. "But I still don't get how a baby like Twilight has magic inside of herself."

As if to answer his question, Twilight fluttered her wings and lit up her horn, grabbing the toy animal she had been playing with earlier. She reached out for the plush and a pink and blue aura appeared around it. She magically lifted it up to her chest and gave it another cuddle as she floated back to the ground.

"Whoa..." Shining was in awe at his little sister's minute accomplishment. He had seen many things in his job as a police officer, but he had never seen a winged baby pick up a doll with magic and play with it like that. "How did she do that?"

"Simple." Sunset sat down by Twilight and petted her head as she found a pacifier laying by her legs. She picked it up and popped it into Twilight's mouth, seeing her suck on it rhythmically. "Twilight has all of me and my friends' magic inside. It's raw and uncontrolled, so I'm not entirely sure what she could do with it if it gets stronger." She gave the baby a gentle pat on the back. "That's why I chose to be your caretaker. I'm going to try my best and keep Twilight's magic in check so that it doesn't get too out of hand."

As Twilight continued to suck on the amber nipple of the pacifier, a small, yet audible hissing noise could be heard from her crotch. Her dress became warm as a dark patch appeared on her pants. She looked down and poked at it, feeling the moisture on her little fingers.

"Did she just pee herself?" Sunset examined the damp patch and picked Twilight up off the ground. She saw that the patch had spread to the floor as well. "Oh, boy. Do any of you know how to handle a baby Twilight that peed herself?"

"I believe I do." Twilight Velvet took Twilight Sparkle out of Sunset's hands and carried her over to the changing table. She laid the baby down on the aqua-coloured padding and slipped the shoes and pants off, revealing her tiny legs and toes. "Whenever she pees or poops like that, make sure that you change her as soon as possible." Velvet retrieved a diaper and baby powder from the drawers and proceeded to apply both of them to Twilight's bottom. "I'll do it this time, since you don't have any experience with children."

Sunset watched on as Twilight Velvet powdered her daughter's bottom with the baby powder and slid the diaper underneath her. She took all three ends and stuck them all together, tightening the waistband around the side and applying an adhesive strap so that the diaper wouldn't come undone. She then took a tiny safety pin and slid it into the fabric so that Twilight wouldn't be able to tug on the padded undergarment and pull it off.

"There we go." Velvet picked Twilight up and lifted her into the air, hearing another chuckle fall from her lips. "And that, Sunset Shimmer, is how you change a baby."

"Good to know." Sunset watched Velvet put Twilight down onto the floor.

"We'll give her one more hour of playtime." Velvet looked out at the sunset and placed both of her hands behind her back. "After that, she's got to go straight to sleep."

"OK, well how do I do that?" Sunset asked, showing a feint bit of eagerness as her gaze drifted back to the baby Twilight.

"I'll give you a helping hand with putting Twilight to sleep," Cadence's voice was as soft as butter as she addressed Sunset. "I've been handling babies and kids for many years. I'm sure that we can put to sleep when the time comes."

"Well, we'll leave her with you now, Sunset." Velvet walked through the door and down the stairs. "Come on, honey," she said as she passed by Night Light. "We've still got a lot of things to do before we go to bed."

"Coming, dear." He walked out the door and turned back to Sunset, Shining Armor, and Cadence. "There's gonna be so many subscription cancellations tonight. I don't think I can keep up with it all..."

Shining Armor and Cadence walked out of the room as well, taking one last look at Twilight and Sunset. They both held hands and looked each other in the eyes, mentally asking each other about the future of both themselves and their daughter. They closed the door and walked down the stairs, leaving Sunset alone with Twilight.

"Well, Twilight. Guess you're with me now, huh?" Sunset sat down and put the baby on her lap. She felt the diaper pressing against her as she sat Twilight up. "What do you want to do now? Auntie Sunset's here to make sure you're alright."

Twilight sucked on the pacifier for a few more seconds before she took it out and dropped it. She crawled over to Sunset, put her hands on her face, and climbed up to her ear. Babbling peacefully, she leaned in and whispered a single word, "Mama."